
¡Ha sonado el conmovedor himno del reino, que anuncia al universo entero la llegada de Dios entre los hombres! ¡El reino de Dios ha llegado! ¡Todos los pueblos se alegran, todas las cosas se regocijan! Cuanto hay de un extremo al otro de los cielos es un derroche de algarabía. ¿Qué cautivadoras escenas de júbilo son estas?
Entre los hombres, que viven en el dolor y han soportado milenios de corrupción satánica, ¿quién no ansía la llegada de Dios, quién no la anhela? ¿Cuántos creyentes y seguidores de Dios de todos los tiempos han soportado el sufrimiento y la adversidad, la persecución y la alienación por la influencia de Satanás? ¿Quién no espera la pronta venida del reino de Dios? Tras saborear las alegrías y tristezas de la humanidad, ¿qué ser humano no desea que la verdad y la justicia ostenten el poder entre los hombres?
Cuando venga el reino de Dios, ¡por fin llegará el día esperado con ansia por todos los pueblos y naciones! En ese momento, ¿qué escenas se darán entre todas las cosas del cielo y la tierra? ¿Cuán hermosa será la vida en el reino? Con “Himno del reino: El reino ha descendido al mundo”, ¡se harán realidad las oraciones de miles de años!

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神説:「我將榮耀給了以色列,又從以色列中挪走,從而把以色列民帶到了東方,也把所有的人都帶到了東方,都帶給了『光』,讓人都與光重逢,都與光相交,不再尋覓。我要讓所有的尋求之人都重見光,看見我在以色列的榮耀,看見我駕着白雲早已來在人中間,看見白雲朵朵,看見果實纍纍,更看見以色列的耶和華神,看見猶太人的『夫子』,看見人所盼望的彌賽亞,也看見歷代君王逼迫的我的全貌。我要作全宇的工作,我要大動工程,把我的所有榮耀都顯給末世的人,把我的全部作為都顯給末世的人,把我的全部榮臉都顯給等待我多少年的人,顯給盼望我駕着白雲來的人,顯給盼望我再次顯現的以色列,顯給逼迫我的全人類,讓人都知道,我早已將榮耀帶走,帶到了東方,不在猶太,因末世早已來到!」《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・七雷巨響——預言國度的福音將擴展全宇》

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Blessed Are Those Who Love the Word of God, Meditating on It Day and Night
God says, “God works in those who pursue and treasure His words. The more you treasure God's words, the more His Spirit will work in you. The more a person treasures God's words, the greater their chance of being perfected by God. God perfects those who truly love Him, and He perfects those whose hearts are at peace before Him. To treasure all of God's work, to treasure God's enlightenment, to treasure God's presence, to treasure God's care and protection, to treasure how God's words become your reality and provide for your life—all this accords best with God's heart. If you treasure God's work, that is, if you treasure all the work that He has done upon you, then He will bless you and cause all that is yours to multiply.

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226 在肉身中作工的最長之處就是能給跟隨他的人留下準確的説話,留下準確的囑咐,留下他對人類準確的心意,之後跟隨他的人才能更準確、更實際地將他在肉身中的全部工作與他對全人類的心意傳給每一個接受此道的人。在肉身中的神作工在人中間才真正實現了神與人同在、同生活的事實,實現了人都看見神的面、看見神的作工、聽見神的親口説話這個願望。道成肉身的神結束了「只有耶和華的背影向人類顯現」的時代,也結束了人類信仰渺茫神的時代,尤其是最後一次道成肉身的神的作工把全人類都帶入了一個更現實、更實際、更美好的時代,不僅結束了律法、規條的時代,更重要的是,將實際的正常的神,將公義的聖潔的神,將打開經營計劃工作的、展示人類奥秘與歸宿的神,將創造人類的、結束經營工作的神,將隱秘了幾千年的神向人類公開,徹底結束了渺茫的時代,結束了全人類欲尋求神面却不能的時代,結束了全人類事奉撒但的時代,將全人類完全帶入了一個嶄新的時代,這些工作都是肉身中的神取代神的靈作工的成果。神在肉身中作工,跟隨他的人才不再尋求摸索那些似有又似無有的東西,才不再猜測渺茫神的心意了。當神擴展在肉身中作的工作時,那些跟隨他的人就會將他在肉身中作過的工作都傳于各宗、各派,將他的全部説話都傳于全人類的耳中,凡得到他福音的人所聽到的都會是他作工的事實,是人親眼目睹、親耳聆聽的,是事實不是傳聞。這些事實都是他擴展工作的證據,也是他擴展工作的工具,若没有事實的存在他的福音是不會傳遍各方各國的,没有事實只是人的想象那就永遠不能作征服全宇的工作。靈是人不可觸摸的,也是人不可看見的,靈的作工不能給人留下更多的證據與作工的事實,人永遠不會看見神的真面目,永遠信仰渺茫的不存在的神,永遠也不會見到神的面目,不會聽見神的親口説話。人想象的總歸是空洞的,并不能代替神的本來面目,神的原有性情與他自己的作工是人扮演不出來的。只有神道成肉身來到人中間親自作工,才能將天上看不見的神與他的作工帶到地上,這是神向人顯現,是人看見神、認識神本來面目的最理想的方式,是非道成肉身的神不能達到的。工作作到現在這個地步已達到最好的果效了,作到這個地步已是事倍功就了。在肉身中的神他自己的工作已完成了他全部經營工作的百分之九十,這個肉身將他全部的工作都帶入了一個更好的開端,這個肉身將他全部的工作都作了總結,也都作了公布,而且作了最後一次徹底的補充。至此,再不會有道成肉身的神來作第四步工作了,再也不會有神第三次道成肉身這個奇妙的工作了。

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・敗壞的人類更需要道成「肉身」的神的拯救》

227 「肉身」雖然正常、實際,但并不是平凡的肉身,不是只有人性的肉身,而是有人性也有神性的肉身,這是他與人不同的地方,這是神的身份的標志。這樣的肉身才能作他要作的工作,才能盡到肉身的神的職分,才能將他在人中間的工作完成得徹底,否則的話,他在人中間的工作將永遠是一片空白,永遠是一個漏洞,即使神能與撒但的靈争戰而且得勝,但被敗壞的人的舊性永遠得不到解决,悖逆、抵擋他的人永遠不能真實地服在他的權下,也就是他永遠不能征服人類,永遠不能得着全人類。地上的工作得不到解决,他的經營就不能結束,全人類就不能進入安息;神與所有受造之物不能進入安息,這樣的經營工作將永遠没有結果,神的榮耀也就隨之消失了。雖然説他的肉身没有帶着權柄,但是他所作的工作達到果效了,這是他工作的必然趨勢,不管是帶有權柄還是不帶有權柄,只要是能作神自己工作的就是神自己,不管肉身多麽正常、普通都能作他該作的工作,因為這個肉身是神并不僅僅是一個人。這個肉身之所以能作到人作不到的工作,就是因為他的内裏實質并不同于任何一個人,他能拯救人是因為他的身份并不同于任何一個人。這個肉身之所以對人類太重要,是因為他是人,更是神,因為他能作一個平凡的肉身中的人作不了的工作,因為他能拯救與他一同生活在地上的敗壞的人。同樣是人,道成肉身的神對人類來説則比任何一個有價值的人更為重要,就是因為他能作神的靈作不了的工作,他比神的靈更能作神自己的見證,他比神的靈更能徹底得着人類,因此這個肉身雖普通正常,但説起他對人類的貢獻、對人類生存的意義那就寶貝多了,這個肉身的實際價值與意義是任何一個人都不可估量的。肉身雖然不能直接毁滅撒但,但他能以作工的方式來征服人類、打敗撒但,使撒但徹底服在他的權下。正因為神道成肉身,所以他能將撒但打敗,也能拯救人類。他不直接毁滅撒但,而是道成肉身來作工征服撒但敗壞的人類,這樣能更好地在受造之物中間作他自己的見證,也能更好地拯救被敗壞的人。神道成的肉身打敗撒但比神的靈直接毁滅撒但更有見證,更有説服力。肉身中的神更有利于人對造物主的認識,更能在受造之物中作他的見證。

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・敗壞的人類更需要道成「肉身」的神的拯救》










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Sebbene molte persone credano in Dio, poche capiscono cosa significhi avere #fede in Lui e cosa debbano fare per seguire il Suo cuore. ... #laparola #laChiesadiDioOnnipotente #laChiesa #Gesù ...Do you want details? Just click on the link below❤️

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Danza cristiana | Gracias y alabanzas a Dios Todopoderoso (Canción de alabanza)

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Danza cristiana | Nos reunimos con alegría para alabar a Dios (Canción de alabanza)

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🤔❓❓📚IX. Questions and Answers on the Way of Eternal Life
📚3. If we accept the work of the last days of Almighty God, just what should we pursue in order to gain the way of eternal life?
💞💞Relevant Words of God:
In pursuing life, you must pay attention to two things: first, understanding the truth within God’s words; second, understanding yourself within God’s words. These two things are most fundamental. There is no life or truth outside of God’s words. If you do not seek the truth within God’s words, where, then, can you go to seek it? Where is there truth in the world? All of the world’s books are compiled of the devil Satan’s theories, are they not? They do not contain even one iota of truth! The most important parts of understanding the truth in God’s words are understanding God within His words, understanding human life within His words, and understanding all aspects of the truth within His words, such as the true understanding of oneself and discovering the meaning of human existence within God’s words. All truth is within God’s words. You cannot enter into the truth unless it is done through the words of God. The main outcome you must attain is to know what it is to possess understanding and knowledge of God’s words. With a real understanding of God’s words, you can then understand the truth. This is the most fundamental thing.
—The Word, Vol. 3. The Discourses of Christ of the Last Days. Only by Pursuing the Truth Can One Achieve a Change in Disposition
💞💞Relevant Words of God:
The truth that man needs to possess is found in the word of God, and it is a truth that is the most beneficial and helpful to mankind. It is the tonic and sustenance that your body needs, something that helps man restore his normal humanity. It is a truth that man should be equipped with. The more you practice God’s word, the more quickly your life will blossom, and the clearer the truth will become. As you grow in stature, you will see things of the spiritual world more clearly, and the more strength you will have to triumph over Satan. Much of the truth that you do not understand will be made clear when you practice the word of God. Most people are satisfied to merely understand the text of God’s word and focus on equipping themselves with doctrines rather than on deepening their experience in practice, but is that not the way of the Pharisees? So how can the phrase, “The word of God is life” be real for them? A person’s life cannot grow simply by reading God’s word, but only when the word of God is put into practice. If it is your belief that to understand God’s word is all that is needed to have life and stature, then your understanding is warped. Truly understanding God’s word occurs when you practice the truth, and you must understand that “only by practicing the truth can it ever be understood.” Today, after reading the word of God, you can merely say that you know God’s word, but you cannot say that you understand it. Some say that the only way to practice the truth is to understand it first, but this is only partially correct, and is certainly not entirely accurate. Before you have knowledge of a truth, you have not experienced that truth. Feeling that you understand something you hear in a sermon is not truly understanding—this is just taking possession of the literal words of the truth, and it is not the same as understanding the true meaning therein. Just having a superficial knowledge of the truth does not mean that you actually understand it or have knowledge about it; the true meaning of the truth comes from having experienced it. Therefore, only when you experience the truth can you understand it, and only then can you grasp the hidden parts of it. Deepening your experience is the only way to grasp the connotations, and to understand the essence of the truth. Therefore, you can go everywhere with the truth, but if there is no truth in you, then do not think of trying to convince even your family members, much less religious people. Without the truth you are like fluttering snowflakes, but with the truth you can be happy and free, and none can attack you. No matter how strong a theory is, it cannot overcome the truth. With the truth, the world itself can be swayed and mountains and seas moved, whereas a lack of the truth can lead to strong city walls being reduced to rubble by maggots. This is an obvious fact.
—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Once You Understand the Truth, You Should Put It Into Practice 

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English Christian Song | "Humanity's Only Path to Enter Into Rest"

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♦ 情形

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“Lord, Sin Is Binding Me Like a Chain, Suffocating Me. I Implore You to Save Me.”
Contact us via WhatsApp:
Sin is something that binds people. When it takes hold of someone, it torments them, inflicts harm, and damages their friendships, marriages, and relationships with others. It destroys everything that is good, but most importantly, it disrupts our normal relationship with God. Every day, we pray to the Lord, confessing our sins, hoping to break free from the bondage of sin. However, we are unable to rid ourselves of sin. So, how can we truly resolve the issue of sin?
The Bible says, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me” (Hebrews 9:28).
The Lord Jesus said, “He that rejects Me, and receives not My words, has one that judges him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day” (John 12:48).
God says, “Though Jesus did much work among man, He only completed the redemption of all mankind and became man’s sin offering; He did not rid man of all his corrupt disposition. Fully saving man from the influence of Satan not only required Jesus to become the sin offering and bear the sins of man, but it also required God to do even greater work to rid man completely of his satanically corrupted disposition. And so, now that man has been forgiven of his sins, God has returned to the flesh to lead man into the new age, and begun the work of chastisement and judgment. This work has brought man into a higher realm. All those who submit under His dominion shall enjoy higher truth and receive greater blessings. They shall truly live in the light, and they shall gain the truth, the way, and the life.”
“God’s work in the present incarnation is to express His disposition primarily through chastisement and judgment. Building on this foundation, He brings more truth to man and points out to him more ways of practice, thereby achieving His objective of conquering man and saving him from his own corrupt disposition. This is what lies behind the work of God in the Age of Kingdom.”
From God’s word, we see that although our sins are forgiven, the sinful nature within us remains. Thus, when the Lord returns in the last days, He brings forth another stage of salvation; in other words, God personally incarnates to express the truth and carry out the work of judgment and chastisement. Through the judgment and revelation of His words, we recognize the root cause of sin and our corrupt essence, realizing how deeply corrupted we are by Satan, devoid of any semblance of humanity. This leads to genuine repentance from our hearts and a willingness to submit to God’s judgment and purification, forsaking ourselves and instead living by God’s word. This way, through the judgment by God’s word, our corrupt disposition will gradually undergo cleansing and transformation.
Do you desire to accept the salvation brought by the returned Lord and break free from the bondage of sin? Don’t hesitate to click the WhatsApp link to join our group and learn more.
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Go your way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand” (Daniel 12:9–10).
“Search the scriptures; for in them you think you have eternal life: and they are they which testify of Me. And you will not come to Me, that you might have life” (John 5:39–40).
“These are they which follow the Lamb wherever He goes” (Revelation 14:4).
—Truth Realities That Believers in God Must Enter Into

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Day 5 Sermon: God's Management Plan

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Daily Words of God  Excerpt 81
God does not duplicate the work in any age. Since the last days have arrived, He will do the work that He does in the last days and reveal the entire disposition that is His in the last days. In speaking of the last days, this refers to a separate age, one in which Jesus said you will surely encounter disaster, and encounter earthquakes, famines, and plagues, which will show that this is a new age, and is no longer the old Age of Grace. Supposing that, as people say, God is forever unchanging, His disposition is always compassionate and loving, that He loves man as Himself, and He offers every man salvation and never hates man, would His work ever be able to come to an end? When Jesus came and was nailed to the cross, sacrificing Himself for all sinners and offering Himself upon the altar, He had already completed the work of redemption and brought the Age of Grace to an end. So what would be the point of repeating the work of that age in the last days? Would doing the same thing not be a denial of the work of Jesus? If God did not do the work of crucifixion when He came in this stage, but remained loving and compassionate, then would He be able to bring the age to an end? Would a loving and compassionate God be able to bring the age to an end? In His final work of concluding the age, God’s disposition is one of chastisement and judgment, in which He reveals all that is unrighteous, in order to publicly judge all peoples, and to perfect those who love Him with a sincere heart. Only a disposition such as this can bring the age to an end. The last days have already arrived. All things in creation will be separated according to their kind, and divided into different categories based on their nature. This is the moment when God reveals humanity’s outcome and their destination. If people do not undergo chastisement and judgment, then there will be no way of exposing their disobedience and unrighteousness. Only through chastisement and judgment can the outcome of all creation be revealed. Man only shows his true colors when he is chastised and judged. Evil shall be put with evil, good with good, and all humanity shall be separated according to their kind. Through chastisement and judgment, the outcome of all creation will be revealed, so that the evil may be punished and the good rewarded, and all people become subject to the dominion of God. All this work must be achieved through righteous chastisement and judgment. Because man’s corruption has reached its peak and his disobedience become exceedingly severe, only God’s righteous disposition, one that is principally compounded of chastisement and judgment and is revealed during the last days, can fully transform and complete man. Only this disposition can expose evil and thus severely punish all the unrighteous. Therefore, a disposition such as this is imbued with the significance of the age, and the revelation and exhibition of His disposition is made manifest for the sake of the work of each new age. It is not that God reveals His disposition arbitrarily and without significance. Supposing that, in revealing the outcome of man during the last days, God were still to bestow upon man infinite compassion and love and continue to be loving toward him, not subjecting man to righteous judgment but rather showing him tolerance, patience, and forgiveness, and pardoning man no matter how grave his sins, without any jot of righteous judgment: when then would all of God’s management ever be brought to a close? When would a disposition such as this be able to lead people into mankind’s appropriate destination? Take, for example, a judge who is always loving, a judge with a kindly face and a gentle heart. He loves people irrespective of the crimes they may have committed, and he is loving to and forbearing with them whoever they may be. In that case, when will he ever be able to reach a just verdict? During the last days, only righteous judgment can separate man according to their kind and bring man into a new realm. In this way, the entire age is brought to an end through God’s righteous disposition of judgment and chastisement.
—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. The Vision of God’s Work (3)
—Daily Words of God

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English Christian Song | "God Hopes to Gain Man's True Faith and Love for Him"

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Dios pudo salvar a la familia de Noé en la destrucción del mundo con el diluvio, también puede salvarnos a nosotros y a nuestras familias en los desastres de los últimos días, ¿dirás Amén?
En la destrucción del mundo con el diluvio, Dios salvó a Noé y a sus familiares, y hoy, Dios también puede salvarnos a nosotros y a nuestras familiares en la gran tribulación de los últimos días. 
Contáctanos para conocer las maneras de conseguir la salvación de Dios. Compartimos dos pasajes de las palabras de Dios sobre a qué tipo de personas que Dios salva.
Dios dice: “Echa un vistazo a la época en que Noé construyó el arca: la humanidad era profundamente corrupta, las personas se habían desviado de la bendición de Dios, Él ya no cuidaba de ellos, y habían perdido Sus promesas. Vivían en las tinieblas, sin la luz de Dios. Entonces los hombres se volvieron licenciosos por naturaleza y se abandonaron a sí mismos a una depravación horrible. Tales personas ya no podían recibir la promesa de Dios; no eran dignos de ver Su rostro ni oír Su voz, porque lo habían abandonado, habían dejado de lado todo lo que Él les había concedido y habían olvidado Sus enseñanzas. Su corazón se apartaba más y más de Dios, y conforme lo hacía, se volvieron depravados más allá de toda razón y humanidad, y cada vez más malvados. Entonces caminaron cada vez más cerca de la muerte y cayeron bajo la ira y el castigo de Dios. Solo Noé adoró a Dios y se apartó del mal, y por eso fue capaz de oír Su voz y Sus instrucciones. Él construyó el arca siguiendo las instrucciones de la palabra de Dios y allí reunió a toda forma de criaturas vivientes. Y de esta manera, una vez que todo se había preparado, Dios desató Su destrucción sobre el mundo. Solo Noé y los otros siete miembros de su familia sobrevivieron a la destrucción, porque Noé adoró a Jehová y se apartó del mal”. 
“Ahora, mira la era presente: los hombres justos como Noé, que podían adorar a Dios y apartarse del mal, han dejado de existir. Aun así Dios sigue siendo misericordioso con esta humanidad y todavía la absuelve durante esta era final. Dios busca a aquellos que anhelan que Él aparezca. Busca a aquellos que son capaces de oír Sus palabras, los que no han olvidado Su comisión y le ofrecen su corazón y su cuerpo. Él busca a aquellos que son obedientes como bebés ante Él y que no se le resisten. Si te dedicas a Dios, sin impedimento de ningún poder o fuerza, entonces Dios te mirará con buenos ojos y te concederá Sus bendiciones”.

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Ang Matinding Init na Halos umaabot na sa 50°c na ating nararamdaman ngayon ay nangangahulugan na kaya ito na tayo ay nasa Ikatlong Bahagi na ng Apat na Mangangabayo na nakasaad sa Book of Apocalipsis? Ang Nangangabayong Kulay Itim, na ang dalang SALOT ay ang TAGGUTOM.
Zefanias 1:17-18
📖Sinabi ng Panginoon, ipaparanas ko ang paghihirap sa mga tao, at lalakad sila na parang bulag dahil nagkasala sila sa Akin. Dadaloy na parang tubig ang kanilang dugo, at mabubulok na parang dumi ang kanilang bangkay.
📖Hindi sila maililigtas ng kanilang pilak at ginto sa araw na ipapakita Ko ang Aking galit na parang apoy na tutupok sa buong mundo. Sapagka't bigla kong lilipulin ang lahat ng naninirahan sa lupa.
2 Timoteo 3:1-4 "Dapat mong malaman na sa mga huling araw ay magkakaroon ng mga kahirapan. Ang mga tao'y magiging makasarili, sakim sa salapi, palalo, mapagmataas, mapagsamantala, suwail sa magulang, walang utang na loob at lapastangan sa Diyos. Sila'y magiging malupit, walang habag, mapanirang-puri, marahas, mapusok at namumuhi sa mabuti. Sila'y magiging mga taksil, pabaya, mayabang, mahilig sa kalayawan at walang pag-ibig sa Diyos."
Noon, si Jesus ay nasa Bundok ng mga Olibo. Habang siya'y nakaupo roon, palihim siyang tinanong ng kanyang mga alagad, “Kailan po ba mangyayari ang mga sinabi ninyo? Ano po ang magiging palatandaan ng inyong muling pagparito at ng katapusan ng mundo?”
Mateo 24:3
at ng mga dakilang tanda mula sa langit. Magtitindig ang isang bansa laban sa bansa, at ang isang kaharian laban sa kaharian; At magkakaroon ng malalakas na lindol, at sa iba’t ibang dako ay magkakagutom at magkakasalot; at magkakaroon ng mga bagay na kakilakilabot"* (Lukas 21:10-11).
Mateo 24: 33-35 Gayundin naman kapag nakita ninyo ang lahat ng ito, malalaman ninyong malapit na siyang dumating, halos naririto na. Tandaan ninyo magaganap ang lahat ng ito bago maubos ang salinlahing ito. Lilipas ang langit at ang lupa ngunit ang aking sinasabi ay Tiyak na mananatili.
🌾Sabi ng Makapangyarihang Diyos,
📖Ito ay hindi na magtatagal ngayon, mayroon pang kaunting panahon na natitira. Magmadaling iwanan ang lahat ng bagay maliban sa Akin at halikayo sumunod sa Akin! Hindi Ko kayo tatratuhin nang masama. Napakaraming ulit na hindi ninyo naunawaan ang Aking mga pagkilos, nguni’t alam ba ninyo kung gaano Ko kayo kamahal? A, hindi ninyo lamang nauunawaan ang Aking puso. Kahit na gaano pa kayo nag-alinlangan o gaano pa ang utang ninyo sa Akin sa nakaraan, hindi Ko na ito aalalahanin. Gayunpaman ay pinili Ko kayo upang kayo ay makayayaon at kumilos ayon sa Aking kalooban.
📖“Sumapit na ang mga huling araw at nagkakagulo ang mga bansa sa buong mundo. May kaguluhan sa pulitika, may mga taggutom, salot, baha, at tagtuyot na naglilitawan sa lahat ng dako. May malaking sakuna sa mundo ng tao; nagpadala na rin ng kalamidad ang Langit. Ito ay mga palatandaan ng mga huling araw.” Sa mga nagdaang taon, sunud-sunod na nangyari ang mga lindol, bagyo, baha, pandemya at iba pang mga sakuna at ang mga kalamidad ay lumalaki ng lumalaki. Makikita mula rito na ang mga palatandaan ng wakas ng panahon ay lumitaw at ang Panginoon ay nagbalik."*

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Ang Kahalagahan ng Diyos na Naging Tao
Sabi ng makapangyarihang diyos 
🗣️Ang dahilan kaya nagagawang magbigay ng Diyos ng biyaya sa mga tao sa mga huling araw ay hindi dahil sila ay hindi gaanong tiwali kaysa sa mga tao sa panahon ni Noe, o dahil nagpakita sila ng pagsisisi sa Diyos, lalong hindi dahil napakaunlad na ng teknolohiya sa mga huling araw na hindi sila maatim wasakin ng Diyos Mismo. Sa halip, ito ay dahil may gawaing kailangang gawin ang Diyos sa isang pangkat ng mga tao sa mga huling araw, at na ang Diyos ang Mismong gagawa ng gawaing ito sa Kanyang pagkakatawang-tao. Higit pa rito, pipili ang Diyos ng isang bahagi ng pangkat na ito na magiging mga pakay ng Kanyang pagliligtas at bunga ng Kanyang plano ng pamamahala, at dadalhin ang mga taong ito sa susunod na kapanahunan. Samakatuwid, kahit na anupaman, ang halagang ito na binayaran ng Diyos ay ganap na para sa paghahanda para sa gawaing gagawin ng Kanyang pagkakatawang-tao sa mga huling araw. Ang katotohanang nakarating kayo sa kasalukuyan ay dahil sa katawang-taong ito. Dahil nabubuhay ang Diyos sa katawang-tao kaya kayo may pagkakataong mabuhay. Nakamit ang lahat ng magandang kapalarang ito dahil sa karaniwang taong ito. Hindi lamang ito, ngunit sa huli, sasamba ang bawat bansa sa karaniwang taong ito, magbibigay din ng pasasalamat at susunod sa hamak na taong ito, dahil ang katotohanan, buhay, at daan na dala Niya ang nagligtas sa buong sangkatauhan, nagpahupa sa hidwaan sa pagitan ng tao at Diyos, nagpaikli sa agwat sa pagitan nila, at nagbukas ng ugnayan sa pagitan ng mga saloobin ng Diyos at tao. Siya rin ang nakakuha ng higit pang kaluwalhatian para sa Diyos. Hindi ba karapat-dapat sa tiwala at pagsamba mo ang karaniwang taong gaya nito? Hindi ba nararapat na tawaging Cristo ang ganitong karaniwang katawang-tao? Maaari bang ang ganitong karaniwang tao ay hindi maging pagpapahayag ng Diyos sa gitna ng mga tao? Hindi ba karapat-dapat ang ganitong tao, na nagligtas sa sangkatauhan mula sa sakuna, sa pagmamahal at pagnanais ninyong kumapit sa Kanya? Kung tinatanggihan ninyo ang mga katotohanang ipinahayag mula sa Kanyang bibig at kinamumuhian ang Kanyang pag-iral kasama ninyo, ano ang mangyayari sa inyo sa huli?
Ginagawa sa pamamagitan ng karaniwang taong ito ang lahat ng gawain ng Diyos sa mga huling araw. Ipagkakaloob Niya ang lahat ng bagay sa iyo, at higit pa rito, magagawa Niyang pagpasyahan ang lahat ng bagay na may kaugnayan sa iyo. Maaari bang ang ganitong tao ay tulad ng pinaniniwalaan ninyong Siya: isang taong napakapayak na hindi karapat-dapat banggitin? Hindi ba sapat ang katotohanan Niya upang lubos kayong makumbinsi? Hindi ba sapat ang pagsaksi sa Kanyang mga gawa upang lubos kayong makumbinsi? O hindi ba karapat-dapat para sa inyo na tahakin ang landas na Kanyang dinadala? Kapag nasabi at nagawa na ang lahat, ano ang nagdudulot sa inyo na kasuklaman Siya at itaboy Siya at iwasan Siya? Ang taong ito ang nagpapahayag ng katotohanan, ang taong ito ang nagbibigay ng katotohanan, at ang taong ito ang nagbibigay sa inyo ng landas na susundan. Maaari kayang hindi pa rin ninyo nakikita ang mga bakas ng gawain ng Diyos sa loob ng mga katotohanang ito? Kung wala ang gawain ni Jesus, hindi makabababa ang sangkatauhan mula sa krus, ngunit kung wala ang pagkakatawang-tao ng kasalukuyan, hindi kailanman makakamit ng mga bumababa mula sa krus ang pagsang-ayon ng Diyos o makapapasok sa bagong kapanahunan. Kung wala ang pagparito ng karaniwang taong ito, hindi kayo kailanman magkakaroon ng pagkakataong makita ang tunay na mukha ng Diyos, ni magiging kuwalipikado, dahil lahat kayo ay mga bagay na matagal nang dapat winasak. Dahil sa pagparito ng ikalawang pagkakatawang-tao ng Diyos, napatawad kayo ng Diyos at pinakitaan kayo ng awa. Anupaman, ito pa rin ang mga salitang dapat Kong iwan sa inyo sa huli: Ang karaniwang taong ito, na Diyos na nagkatawang-tao, ay napakahalaga sa inyo. Ito ang dakilang bagay na ginawa na ng Diyos sa gitna ng mga tao.😇
—Ang Salita, Vol. I. Ang Pagpapakita at Gawain ng Diyos. Alam Mo Ba? Gumawa ang Diyos ng Dakilang Bagay sa Gitna ng mga Tao
mula sa Naririnig ng mga Tupa ng Diyos ang Tinig ng Diyos
#AlmightyGod #MakapangyarihangDiyos #Diyos #SalitangDiyos#SpreadTheWord #SpreadTheGospel

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English Christian Song | "God Silently Provides for Everyone"

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📍📌📍📌Ano ang Tunay na kahulugan ng "Mangagsisi kayo Sapagka’t Malapit  na ang Kaharian ng langit ..
📚📖⭐ Mangagsisi kayo; sapagka’t malapit na ang kaharian ng langit” (Mateo 4:17).
📚📖🌞 Kayo nga’y magpakabanal, sapagka’t ako’y banal” (Levitico 11:45). “
📕📒📔SABI NG MAKAPANGYARIHANG DIYOS  ," Bagama’t maraming gawaing ginawa si Jesus sa tao, kinumpleto lamang Niya ang pagtubos sa buong sangkatauhan at naging handog dahil sa kasalanan ng tao; hindi Niya inalis ang lahat ng tiwaling disposisyon ng tao. Ang lubos na pagliligtas sa tao mula sa impluwensya ni Satanas ay hindi lamang kinailangan ni Jesus na maging handog dahil sa kasalanan at pasanin ang mga kasalanan ng tao, kundi kinailangan din ng Diyos na gumawa ng mas malaki pang gawain upang ganap na alisin sa tao ang kanyang maka-Satanas na tiwaling disposisyon. Kaya nga, ngayong napatawad na ang tao sa kanyang mga kasalanan, nagbalik na ang Diyos sa katawang-tao upang akayin ang tao tungo sa bagong kapanahunan, at sinimulan ang gawain ng pagkastigo at paghatol. Ang gawaing ito ay naghatid sa tao sa isang mas mataas na dako. Lahat ng nagpapasakop sa Kanyang kapamahalaan ay magtatamasa ng mas mataas na katotohanan at tatanggap ng mas malalaking pagpapala. Tunay silang mabubuhay sa liwanag, at matatamo nila ang katotohanan, ang daan, at ang buhay.”

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ဘုရားသခင်၏ နှုတ်ကပတ်တော် - လူ့သဘာဝကို သိရှိရန် နည်းလမ်း (အပိုင်း နှစ်)

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Christian Testimony Video | "I Only Just Realized That I Lack the Truth Reality"
When we make some achievements or gain the approval of others in the performance of our duty, it is easy to live in an arrogant disposition and admire ourselves, and even use this as a form of capital to show off and testify to ourselves. What sort of dangers and consequences come from living in such a state? What corrupt disposition is hiding behind this?

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