
分享一段神的話。神説:「神作工熬煉人,人就受苦,人受的熬煉越大,愛神的心越大,神的大能在人身上顯明得越多;人受的熬煉越小,愛神的心越小,神的大能在人身上顯明得也小。受的熬煉越大,受的痛苦越大,受的折磨越多,對神的愛越深,對神越有真實的信心,對神的認識也越深。在經歷中你會看見,那些受熬煉痛苦大的、受對付管教多的人,對神的愛就深,對神的認識也越深,越透徹。没經過一次對付的,他所認識的就膚淺,他只能説『神真好,他給人恩典讓人享受他』,若經過對付、管教之後,就能談出對神真實的認識。所以説,神在人身上作的工越是奇妙就越有價值、越有意義,越是令你測不透,越不符合你的觀念,越能征服你、得着你、成全你。神作工的意義太大!如果不這樣熬煉人,不按着這個方式去作,神作工就没有果效、没有意義了。」《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・被成全的人都得經受熬煉》


The Path to the Kingdom of Heaven: Breaking Free From Sin and Achieving True Repentance The Lord Jesus said, "Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Matthew 4:17). The Scriptures state, “Holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord" (Hebrews 12:14). This reveals that only by breaking free from the bonds of sin and attaining purification can one truly repent and enter the kingdom of heaven. But how can we escape sin and achieve genuine repentance? The Lord Jesus said, “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth" (John 16:12-13). "Sanctify them through Your truth: Your word is truth" (John 17:17). "And if any man hear My words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. He that rejects Me, and receives not My words, has one that judges him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day" (John 12:47-48). Jesus' words tell us that in the last days, He will come back to express the truth and carry out the work of judging and purifying humanity, liberating them completely from the bondage of sin, enabling them to gain purification and achieve true repentance, and guiding them into the kingdom of heaven.
Just as God says, "Though Jesus did much work among man, He only completed the redemption of all mankind and became man's sin offering; He did not rid man of all his corrupt disposition. Fully saving man from the influence of Satan not only required Jesus to become the sin offering and bear the sins of man, but it also required God to do even greater work to rid man completely of his satanically corrupted disposition. And so, now that man has been forgiven of his sins, God has returned to the flesh to lead man into the new age, and begun the work of chastisement and judgment. This work has brought man into a higher realm. All those who submit under His dominion shall enjoy higher truth and receive greater blessings. They shall truly live in the light, and they shall gain the truth, the way, and the life." Clearly, accepting God's end-time work of judgment and purification is the sole path for us to break free from sin, achieve genuine repentance, and enter the kingdom of heaven. If you wish to gain a deeper understanding of God's end-time work of judgment and purification and achieve true repentance, please send us a Direct Message and participate in our Free Online Bible Study.@精选 @粉丝




223 在全宇之上、在全宇之下神最大,他用一個肉身的形像就能把他自己都説明嗎?神穿上這個肉身是為了來作一步工作,肉身的形像并没有什麽説法,與時代的變遷没有關係,不涉及神的性情。耶穌當時的形像,他怎麽没留下來呢?他為什麽不讓人把他的形像畫下來,好在以後流傳萬代呢?為什麽他没有讓人都承認他的形像就是神的形像呢?雖然人的形象是照着神的形像造出來的,但人的長相怎麽能代表神的高大的形像呢?神道成肉身只不過是神從天來在了一個特定的肉身中,是他的靈降在肉身中,在肉身中作他靈的工作,是靈在肉身中發表出來,是靈在肉身中作工,肉身作的工完全代表靈,肉身是為了工作,但并不是讓肉身的形像來取代神自己原有的形像,神道成肉身的目的、意義并不是這些。他道成肉身只是為了靈能找一個適合作工的居住之所,以便達到肉身的工作,達到讓人看見他的作為,了解他的性情,聽見他的言語,認識他的作工奇妙。他的名代表他的性情,他的工作代表他的身份,但他從未説他肉身的長相代表他的形像,這只是人的觀念。所以説,神道成肉身的關鍵點就是他的名、他的工作、他的性情、他的性别,以這些來代表他這個時代的經營。他道成肉身的長相與他的經營無關,只是為了他當時的工作,但神道成肉身又不能没有一個特定的長相,所以他就選擇合適的家庭來决定他的長相。若長相有代表意義,那凡是與他相仿的五官端正的都代表神,這不是大錯特錯嗎?耶穌的畫像是人給他畫的,以便人來敬拜,當時聖靈也没作特别指示,人就將人想象的畫像流傳到了今天,其實,按照神的原意不應該這樣做,只是人的熱心才致使耶穌的畫像留到今天。神是靈,人永遠概括不了他到底是什麽形像,只能用他的性情來代替他的形像。

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・作工异象 三》

224 神道成肉身并不是有意讓人認識他的肉身,也不是為了讓人分辨神道成的肉身與人的肉體有何區别,也不是為了操練人的善辨能力,更不是有意讓人來敬拜神所道成的肉身,而神從此大得榮耀,這些都不是神道成肉身的原意,神道成肉身也不是為了定人的罪或有意顯明人,或有意與人過不去,這都不是神的原意。他每次的道成肉身都是不可避免的工作,是為了他更大的工作、更大的經營他才這樣作,并不是像人想象的那樣。神來在地上都是工作的需要,都是必須的,并不是有意來到地上看看,而是來作他該作的工作,否則,他何必擔這麽重的擔子、冒這麽大的風險作這工作呢?神道成肉身都是迫不得已的,都是有特别意義的,若只是為了讓人看看、開開眼界,那他絶對不會輕易來在人間的。他來在地上是為了他的經營,為了他更大的工作,為了他能將人更多地得着,他來了是代表時代,是來打敗撒但,而且是穿上肉身來打敗撒但,更是為了帶領全人類的生活,這都關乎到他的經營,是關乎全宇的工作。若神道成肉身僅是為了讓人認識他的肉身,讓人開眼界,那他何不到各國去周游一番呢?這不是極容易的事嗎?但他却没有那樣作,而是選擇了合適的地方來落脚,開始了他該作的工作。就這一個肉身就相當有意義,他代表整個時代,他又開展了整個時代的工作,他是結束舊時代的也是開展新時代的,這些都是關乎到神的經營的大事,都是神來在地上所作的一步工作的意義。

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・道成肉身的奥秘 三》

225 基督來在地上雖能代表神自己作工,但他來在地上的目的并不是來讓人都看見他肉身的形像,他不是讓人都來見識他的,而是讓人能有他親自的帶領,從而進入新的時代。基督肉身的功能就是為了神自己的工作,也就是為了神在肉身中的工作,并不是為了讓人完全了解他肉身的實質。他無論怎麽作工都不超乎肉身能達到的範圍,他無論怎麽作工都是在有正常人性的肉身之中作,并不將神的本來面目全部顯給人看,而且肉身作的工作從來不按人想象的那樣超然或不可估量。儘管基督在肉身中代表神自己,而且親自作着神自己該作的工作,但他并不否認天上的神的存在,而且也不大肆宣揚自己的作為,而是卑微隱藏在肉身之中。在基督以外的假稱基督的人并没有基督的屬性,從假基督的狂妄與自我高舉的性情就可對比出到底什麽樣的肉身才是基督。越是假基督越能顯露自己,而且越能行神迹奇事來迷惑人。是假基督就没有神的屬性,是基督就不摻有一點假基督的成分。神道成肉身只是為了完成肉身的工作,并不是來讓人都看見他而已,他是讓他作的工作來證實他的身份,讓他的流露來證實他的實質。他的實質不是憑空而談,他的身份不是自己搶奪的,而是他作的工作與他的實質决定的。

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・基督的實質是順服天父的旨意》


Now, we see various disasters coming one after another, and the prophecy of the Lord's return is being fulfilled. At this most critical moment of welcoming the Lord's return, how we can be a wise virgin to welcome the Lord is a question that everyone who sincerely longs for the Lord's return should seek to understand. Then, we should understand "what is a wise virgin," let us first look at a passage of Scripture.
Matthew 25:1 -10
Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.
We can see from the Scriptures that only the wise virgins who have prepared the oil will be able to welcome the Lord and go to the feast with Him, while the virgins who have not prepared the oil are foolish virgins and will be rejected by the Lord. Some may say, "We have believed in the Lord for so many years, and we have often heard pastors and elders say that to be wise virgins, we must keep the name of the Lord, watch and pray, read the Bible often, meet together, keep the Sabbath, give alms, give up the pleasures of the flesh, toil and toil, be patient and loving to others, and so on, so that we will be able to receive the Lord and go to the feast with Him when He comes. When the Lord comes, we will be able to be wise virgins, brought into the presence of the Lord and go to feast with Him. We have also been pursuing what the pastors and elders have said, and when we are sick or unhappy, we try our best to restrain ourselves from following the flesh and complaining about the Lord. When some people look down on us or belittle us, we pray to the Lord, asking Him to give us a forgiving and patient heart, not to bear grudges against them, and sometimes to pray for them, which we consider to be being a wise virgin, preparing the oil for the Lord's coming so that we can be raptured into the kingdom of heaven. Is this view consistent with the Lord's words? How does the Lord ask us to be wise virgins?
Revelation 3:20. 
"I stand at the door and knock; and if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him, and I will eat with him, and he with me.
Matthew 25:6 
"And at midnight there was a cry, saying, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.
John 10:27 
"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.
The Word of the Lord clearly tells us that the wise virgins are those who seek to enquire when they hear the cry "The bridegroom cometh," i.e., when they hear the testimony of the Lord's return, and who concentrate on hearing the voice of God, and who, if they are convinced that it is the voice of God, will receive Him and obey Him.
And those who hear the testimony of the Lord's return, but do not pay attention to listening to the voice of the Lord's return, and even if they hear the voice of the Lord's return, they do not acknowledge that it is the voice of God, and even resist the Lord's return, these people have already lost the opportunity to welcome the Lord, and are foolish virgins, who can only be abandoned and eliminated by the Lord, and fall into disaster amidst weeping and gnashing of teeth.
For example, two thousand years ago, the Lord Jesus came to the world in the flesh, spoke many truths, preached the word of repentance, and did the work of saving all mankind. And those who follow the Lord are those who greet God because they have heard the voice of the Lord, such as Peter, who, after hearing the words of the Lord Jesus, was able to say, "Lord, thou hast the way of everlasting life, to whom shall we go?"
Nathanael, after hearing the words of the Lord Jesus, said, "Rabbi, you are the Son of God, you are the King of Israel!"(John 1:9)
When the Samaritan woman heard the words of the Lord Jesus, she said, "Come, behold, a man has told me all the things that I have done; is this not the Christ? " (Jn 4:29)
These followers of the Lord heard the voice of God from the Lord's words and were convinced that the Lord Jesus was the Messiah, so they followed Him and accepted His salvation, which belongs to the category of the wise virgins.
But those who hear the Lord Jesus speak, but do not hear the voice of God, and are bewitched by the Pharisees, and do not accept the work of the Lord Jesus, such are foolish virgins. Evidently, the oil of preparation for the wise virgins is not like what we think, such as keeping the name of the Lord, watching and praying, paying attention to meetings, reading the Bible, giving alms, and so on, but it depends on whether there is a longing and seeking heart, and whether there is a desire to listen to God's voice. If a person does not have a seeking heart and is not willing to listen to God's voice, even if he superficially reads the Bible, prays, gives alms, labours and works, this is not the oil that prepares the wise virgins. Having said that, we know that to be a wise virgin, the main thing is to listen to God's voice, and once you hear someone shouting, "The bridegroom is coming," you should seek and search quickly to hear if it is God's voice speaking, if it is God's manifestation, and only in this way will you be able to welcome the Lord's return.


Revelation‬19:6-7 KJV
And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.
Almighty God says,“Praise has come to Zion and God’s dwelling place has appeared. The glorious holy name, extolled by all peoples, spreads. Ah, Almighty God! The Head of the universe, Christ of the last days—He is the shining Sun that has risen upon Mount Zion, which towers in majesty and grandeur over all the universe …
Almighty God! We call out to You in jubilation; we dance and sing. You are truly our Redeemer, the great King of the universe! You have made a group of overcomers and fulfilled God’s management plan. All peoples shall flow to this mountain. All peoples shall kneel before the throne! You are the one and only true God and You deserve glory and honor. All glory, praise, and authority be to the throne! The spring of life flows out from the throne, watering and feeding the multitudes of God’s people. The life changes with each day; new light and revelations follow us, constantly affording new insights about God. Amidst experiences, we arrive at complete certainty about God. His words are constantly made manifest, made manifest within those who are right. We are indeed so blessed! Meeting God face to face each day, communicating with God in all things, and giving God sovereignty over everything. Carefully do we ponder God’s word, our hearts rest quiet in God, and thus do we come before God, where we receive His light. Every day, in our lives, actions, words, thoughts, and ideas, we live within God’s word, able to discriminate at all times. God’s word guides the thread through the needle; unexpectedly, the things hidden inside us come to light, one after another. Fellowship with God brooks no delay; our thoughts and ideas are laid bare by God. At every moment we are living before the seat of Christ where we undergo judgment. Every place within our bodies remains occupied by Satan. Today, in order to recover God’s sovereignty, His temple must be cleansed. To be completely possessed by God, we must engage in a life-and-death struggle. Only when our old selves have been crucified can the resurrected life of Christ reign supreme.
Now the Holy Spirit mounts a charge into our every corner to do battle for our reclamation! So long as we are ready to deny ourselves and to be willing to cooperate with God, God will surely illuminate and purify us from within at all times, and reclaim anew that which Satan has occupied, so that we may become completed by God as quickly as possible. Do not waste time—live every moment within God’s word. Be built up with the saints, be brought into the kingdom, and enter into glory together with God.”
—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Utterances of Christ in the Beginning, Chapter 1
If you'd like to hear more of what the Holy Spirit is saying to the churches, contact me 🤗
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