📖 Almighty God says,
The church is the first step, but the kingdom is the goal of My governance plan. Everything will be shaped when people enter the kingdom, and there will be nothing to fear. At present, only My firstborn sons and Me have entered the kingdom and begun to rule all nations and peoples. That is, My kingdom is beginning to be organized, and all the future kings or My people have been announced to the public. Future events will be told to you step by step and step by step; don't worry or worry too much.
from The Word Appears in the Flesh.
“If I were to place some money in front of you right now and give you the freedom to choose—and if I did not condemn you for your choice—then most of you would choose the money and forsake the truth. The better among you would give up the money and choose the truth reluctantly, while those in-between would seize the money in one hand and the truth in the other. Would your true colors thus not become self-evident? When choosing between the truth and anything to which you are loyal, you would all make this choice, and your attitude would remain the same. Is that not so? Are there not many among you who have seesawed between right and wrong? In contests between positive and negative, black and white, you are surely aware of the choices that you have made between family and God, children and God, peace and disruption, riches and poverty, status and ordinariness, being supported and being cast aside, and so on. Between a peaceful family and a broken one, you chose the former, and you did so without any hesitation; between riches and duty, you again chose the former, even lacking the will to return to shore;[a] between luxury and poverty, you chose the former; when choosing between your sons, daughters, wives and husbands, and Me, you chose the former; and between notion and truth, you once again chose the former. Faced with all manner of your evil deeds, I have simply lost faith in you. It simply astounds Me that your hearts are so resistant to being softened. Many years of dedication and effort have apparently brought Me nothing more than your abandonment and despair, but My hopes for you grow with each passing day, for My day has been completely laid bare before everyone. Yet you persist in seeking dark and evil things, and refuse to loosen your grip on them. What, then, will be your outcome? Have you ever given careful consideration to this? If you were asked to choose again, what then would be your position? Would it still be the former? Would you still bring Me disappointment and wretched sorrow? Would your hearts still possess the sole modicum of warmth? Would you still be unaware of what to do to comfort My heart? At this moment, what do you choose? Will you submit to My words or be weary of them? My day has been laid out before your very eyes, and what you face is a new life and a new starting point. However, I must tell you that this starting point is not the beginning of past new work, but the conclusion of the old. That is, this is the final act. I think you can all understand what is unusual about this starting point. One day soon, however, you will understand the true meaning of this starting point, so let us move past it together and welcome the finale to come! However, what continues to worry Me about you is that, when faced with injustice and justice, you always choose the former. That, though, is all in your past. I, too, hope to forget everything of your past, though this is very difficult to do. Nevertheless, I have a very good way of doing it: Let the future replace the past, and allow the shadows of your past to be dispelled in exchange for your true self of today. Thus must I trouble you to make the choice once more: To whom exactly are you loyal?"
📖—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. To Whom Are You Loyal?
📖—Essential Words From Almighty God, Christ of the Last Days.
81 人抵擋神、悖逆神的根源都是因着人被撒但敗壞了,因着撒但的敗壞,人的良心麻木,道德敗壞,思想腐朽,精神面貌落後。未經撒但敗壞的人本是順服神的,本是聽見神話就順服的,本是理智、良心健全的,本是人性正常的。當人經撒但敗壞之後,人原有的理智、原有的良心、原有的人性都麻木了,都被撒但破壞了,這樣人對神的順服、對神的愛也都失去了。人的理智失常,人的性情都變成了畜生一樣的性情,對神的悖逆越來越多、越來越重,但人還不知道也不認識,只是在一味地抵擋、一味地悖逆。人性情的流露就是人的理智、見識、良心的發表,因着人的理智、見識都不健全,良心已麻木到了極處,因此人的性情也都是悖逆神的性情。不能改變人的理智、見識就談不上性情變化,也談不上合神心意。人的理智不健全就不能事奉神,理智不健全就不能合神使用。正常的理智是指對神有順服、有忠心,對神有渴慕,對神能絶對,對神有良心,是指對神一心一意而不故意抵擋。不正常的理智就不是這樣了,人經撒但敗壞之後就對神産生觀念,對神無忠心、不渴慕,更談不上良心,故意抵擋神、論斷神而且還背後謾駡神,明知是神還背後論斷,根本没有一點順服的意思,只是一味地向神索取、向神要求。這樣的理智不正常的人還不能認識自己的卑鄙行為,還不能懊悔自己的悖逆行為。若能認識自己的人還是理智稍稍恢復一點的人,越是悖逆神但還不能認識自己的人越是理智不健全的人。
——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・性情不變化就是與神為敵》
82 歷經幾千年的敗壞人都麻木痴呆,都成了抵擋神的惡魔,以至于人悖逆神的歷史都記載在了「史記」之中,甚至人的悖逆行為人自己也述説不完,因為人被撒但敗壞得太深了,被撒但引誘得已不知去向了。到了今天人仍在背叛着神,人看見了神背叛神,看不見神也背叛神,甚至有的人看見了神的咒詛、看見了神的烈怒之後還在背叛着神。因此我説,人的理智已失去原有的功能了,人的良心也已失去了原有的功能。在我眼中的人都是衣冠禽獸,都是毒蛇,不管人如何在我眼前裝出一副可憐相,我都不會向人發出憐憫之心,因為人根本不懂得黑與白的區别,人都不懂得真理與非真理的區别,人的理智如此麻木還想得福,人的人性如此卑鄙還想作王掌權,這樣的理智給誰去作王?這樣的人性怎麽能登寶座?實在是不知羞耻!都是不自量力的小人!我勸你們這些想得福的人先找個鏡子照照自己的醜相,你是作王的料嗎?你長了得福的五官了嗎?性情一點不變化、一點真理都行不出來還想着美好的明天,真是妄想!生在如此污穢之地的人嚴重地受到社會的傳染,受到封建禮教的薰陶,受到「高等學府」的教育,落後的思想,敗壞的道德,低劣的人生觀,卑鄙的處世哲學,毫無價值的生存,低賤的風俗與生活,這些東西都嚴重地侵擾着人的心,嚴重地破壞着人的良心,打擊着人的良心,因而人離神越來越遠,人越來越抵擋神。人的性情變得一天比一天毒辣,根本没有一個人能為神甘心捨弃,没有一個人能甘心順服神,更没有一個人能甘心尋求神的顯現,而是在撒但的權下盡情地尋歡作樂,在污泥之地盡情地敗壞着自己的肉體。活在黑暗之中的人即使聽到真理也無心思去實行,看見神已顯現也無心思去尋求,這樣一個墮落的人類哪有一點拯救的餘地呢?這樣一個腐朽的人類怎能活在光中呢?
——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・性情不變化就是與神為敵》
Dios Todopoderosos dice:
Al hombre le ha llevado hasta hoy entender que no solo carece de la provisión de vida espiritual y de la experiencia de conocer a Dios, sino, lo que es de mayor importancia vital, de los cambios en su carácter. Debido a que el hombre desconoce por completo la historia y la antigua cultura de su propia raza, el resultado es que el hombre no sabe nada acerca de la obra de Dios. Todos los hombres esperan poder estar apegados a Dios en lo profundo del corazón, pero como la carne del hombre es desmesuradamente corrupta, tanto insensible como torpe, esto ha hecho que no sepa nada en absoluto sobre Dios. Al venir en medio de los hombres hoy, el propósito de Dios no es otro que transformar sus pensamientos y espíritus, así como la imagen de Dios que han tenido en su corazón durante millones de años. Él aprovechará esta oportunidad para perfeccionar al hombre. Es decir, por medio del conocimiento humano, Él cambiará la forma en que la gente llega a conocerlo y su actitud hacia Él, permitiendo al hombre que tenga un nuevo comienzo triunfante al llegar a conocer a Dios y así se logre renovar y transformar el espíritu humano.
de “La Palabra manifestada en carne”
♦ 情形
“有的人光恨,恨恨就得了,过一段时间跟他合不来就远离他,躲着他,但是不影响自己的本分,不影响正常人际关系,不做什么事,因为心里有神。有“恨”这个思想、这个恶念,但是不做事。因为惧怕神,不愿意得罪神,害怕得罪神,有敬畏神的心,不做事,一句过格的话都不说,心里跟他合不来,对他有想法,有点看法,但是从来不做事,不在这事上得罪神。这是什么表现?为人处事有原则,公事公办,“我虽然跟他这个人性格合不来,但是在一起做事公事公办,不拿本分出气,不牺牲本分,不拿神家的利益出气。”虽然不喜欢他这个人,但是能按原则办事,这是什么表现?(有敬畏神之心。)哎,这就有基本的敬畏神的心了。再好一点呢,就能帮助他。看他有什么毛病,看他有什么弱点,虽然他得罪过你,他触犯过你,或者是他伤害过你的利益,但是你还能帮助他,这就更好了,这就是有人性、有真理实际的人,有敬畏神之心,这就更好了。如果现在你们的身量达不到,那你们能达到办事有原则,为人处事、待人有原则,这也算是有敬畏神的心了,这是最基本的。” ---(摘自《基督的座谈纪要·进入信神正轨具备的五方面情形》)
God says, "The return of Jesus is a great salvation for those who are capable of accepting the truth, but for those who are unable to accept the truth it is a sign of condemnation. You should choose your own path, and should not blaspheme against the Holy Spirit and reject the truth. You should not be an ignorant and arrogant person, but someone who obeys the guidance of the Holy Spirit and longs for and seeks the truth; only in this way will you benefit."
🌺Almighty God says;
"You cannot say that God rules only over the good and not the bad, as both are in God’s hands, orchestrated and controlled by Him, and His good will is behind everything. This is the truth, and if you can see this clearly then you understand the truth. It is incorrect for you to conclude that things are bad and look only through that lens, as it is easy to misunderstand and resist God. Everything God does has His good will. So, what is God’s good will? People only see the bad things that happen right before their eyes, and can never see what the consequences might be ten or twenty years after the fact. What will happen one or two thousand years later, what place it will have and what key role it will play in shaping the state of the world and in the whole of mankind—people cannot see this, but this is the sovereignty of God"
—The Word Appears in the Flesh
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