🌅 Frères et sœurs 👫 réjouissons nous 🌧️
DIEU dit : Pendant l’ère du Règne, Dieu incarné prononce des paroles pour conquérir tous ceux qui croient en Lui. C’est « la Parole apparaissant dans la chair » ; Dieu est venu au cours des derniers jours pour faire cette œuvre, c’est-à-dire qu’Il est venu pour accomplir la signification réelle de la Parole apparaissant dans la chair. Il prononce uniquement des paroles, et des faits sont rarement produits. Telle est l’essence même de la Parole apparaissant dans la chair et, quand Dieu incarné prononce Ses paroles, c’est l’apparition de la Parole dans la chair, c’est la Parole venue dans la chair. « Au commencement était la Parole, et la Parole était avec Dieu, et la Parole était Dieu, et la Parole a été faite chair. » L’œuvre de l’apparition de la Parole dans la chair, c’est l’œuvre que Dieu accomplira dans les derniers jours, et c’est le dernier chapitre de tout Son plan de gestion, et donc Dieu doit venir sur la terre et manifester Ses paroles dans la chair. Ce qui est fait aujourd’hui, ce qui sera fait dans l’avenir, ce qui sera accompli par Dieu, la destination finale de l’homme, ceux qui seront sauvés, ceux qui seront détruits, et ainsi de suite, toute cette œuvre qui devrait être achevée à la fin a été clairement indiquée et vise l’accomplissement de la signification réelle de la Parole apparaissant dans la chair.
Extrait de « Paroles essentielles de Dieu Tout-Puissant, Christ des derniers jours »
102 每一個人在每一天所作所為、所思所想的都是在那一位的眼目之中,同時也都在為自己的明天而預備,這是所有活着的人所必經的路,是我為每個人所預定好的,没有人能逃脱得掉,也没有一個人能破了這個例。我的話語説了不知有多少,我的工作更是作了不計其數,我天天都在看着每個人都在按着其原有的本性、按着其本性的發展而順其自然地進行着他們所要做的事,不知不覺中,許多人都已經走上了「正軌」,這個正軌就是我為顯明各類人而設置的。我早已將各類人都擺設在不同的環境之中,他們都在各自的位置上表演着自己原有的屬性,没有人捆綁他們,没有人引誘他們,他們的一切都是自由的,他們的流露都是很自然的,唯獨不能使他們得釋放的,那就是我的話語。所以,一部分人很勉强地讀讀我的話語,從來就不去實行,只是為了混得「不死」這樣的結局;而有一部分人則是很難忍受没有我話語引導、供應的日子,便很自然地時時捧着我的話語,日久天長,便發現了人生的秘密,發現了人類的歸宿,發現了做人的價值所在。人類在我的話語面前只不過就此情形而已,而我只是讓一切都順其自然,不作任何迫使人以我的話語為生存根基的工作。所以,那些從來就没有良心、没有生存價值的人都在静觀其變之後大膽地丢掉我的話語而另行其事,他們開始厭煩真理,厭煩從我來的一切,更厭煩呆在我的家裏,這些人為了歸宿、為了逃避懲罰暫時栖身在我的家裏,哪怕是效力,但他們的存心從來就没有改變,他們的行為也没有改變,這更助長了他們得福的欲望,助長了他們只想一次而永久地進入國度,甚至進入永久的天堂的欲望。他們越是這樣地盼望我的日子盡早地到來,他們就越覺得真理成為他們的攔路虎、絆脚石,他們恨不得一脚踏入國度而永久地享受天國的福氣,不用追求真理,不用接受審判、刑罰,更不用這樣低三下四地栖身在我的家中任我使唤。這些人進入我的家中并不是為了滿足尋求真理的心,也不是為了配合我的經營,他們的目的僅僅就是為了做下一個時代不被毁滅的一員,所以,他們的心中從來就不知道什麽是真理,該如何接受真理,這就是這些人從來就不實行真理、從來就不覺得自己敗壞至深而從始至終栖身在我家中做「奴僕」的原因所在。他們「耐心」地等待着我日的到來,又很不厭其煩地被我的作工方式甩來甩去。他們無論下多大功夫,付什麽樣的代價,没有人會看到他們曾經為真理而受苦,曾經為我而付出,他們的心裏都在迫不及待地想看到我廢掉舊時代的那一天,更急不可待地想知道我的能力與權柄到底有多大,他們從來就不急着做的事情就是改變自己、追求真理。他們喜愛我所厭煩的,厭煩我所喜愛的,盼望我所恨惡的,同時又害怕失去我所厭憎的。他們生存在這個邪惡的世界之中,從來就不恨惡,而且又深怕我滅掉。在他們矛盾的存心之中,喜歡我所厭憎的這個世界,同時又「盼望」我盡快滅掉這個世界,好在他們還未離開真道之前幸免被毁滅這一劫難,摇身一變又成了下一個時代的主人。這些都是他們不喜愛真理、厭煩從我來的一切的緣故。或許他們為了不失去福分而暫時做一回「順民」,但他們得福的急切心理與他們害怕被毁滅進入火湖裏的存心是從來都掩飾不住的。我的日子越是逼近,他們的欲望越是强烈,而且灾難越大,越使得他們手足無措,不知從何處開始做起才能博得我的歡欣,才能不失去盼望已久的福分。一旦我的手開始作事,這些人便蠢蠢欲動,充當急先鋒,他們只想衝在隊伍的最前列,深怕不被我看到,做他們認為是對的事情,説他們認為是對的話語,但他們從來就不知道,他們所作所為從來都是與真理無關的,他們的行為都是在破壞、攪擾着我的計劃。儘管他們很賣力氣,儘管他們吃苦的心志與存心很真實,但他們所做的一切都是與我無關的,因為我根本就没有看到他們的行為是善意的,更没有看到他們在我的祭壇上擺放什麽。這就是他們這麽多年來所行在我面前的。
——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・你們當思想自己的所作所為》
🕊”When the salute to the kingdom rings out—which is also when the seven thunders peal—this sound convulses heaven and earth, shaking up the empyrean and causing the heartstrings of every human being to vibrate. The anthem to the kingdom ceremoniously rises up in the land of the great red dragon, proving that I have destroyed that nation and established My kingdom. Even more importantly, My kingdom is established upon the earth. At this moment, I begin sending My angels out to every one of the world’s nations so that they may shepherd My sons, My people; this is also to meet the requirements of the next step of My work. However, I personally come to the place where the great red dragon lies coiled, and compete with it. Once all of humanity comes to know Me in the flesh and is able to see My deeds in the flesh, the great red dragon’s lair will turn to ashes and vanish without a trace. As the people of My kingdom, since you hate the great red dragon to the bone, you must satisfy My heart with your actions, and in this way bring shame upon the dragon. Do you genuinely sense that the great red dragon is hateful? Do you truly feel that it is the enemy of the kingdom’s King? Do you really have faith that you can bear wonderful testimony for Me? Are you actually confident that you can defeat the great red dragon? This is what I ask of you; all I need is for you to be able to reach this step. Will you be able to do this? Do you have faith that you can achieve this? What exactly are humans capable of doing? Is it not rather that I do it Myself? Why do I say that I personally descend upon the location in which the battle is joined? What I want is your faith, not your deeds. Human beings are all incapable of accepting My words in a straightforward manner, and instead just give a sideways glance at them. Has this helped you to achieve your goals? Have you come to know Me in this way?”
—from The Word Appears In The Flesh
“In everything you do, you must examine whether your intentions are correct. If you are able to act according to the requirements of God, then your relationship with God is normal. This is the minimum standard. Look into your intentions, and if you find that incorrect intentions have arisen, be able to turn your back on them and act according to the words of God; thus will you become someone who is right before God, which in turn demonstrates that your relationship with God is normal, and that all that you do is for God’s sake, not your own. In all you do and all you say, be able to set your heart right and be righteous in your actions, and do not be led by your emotions, nor act according to your own will. These are principles by which believers in God must conduct themselves."
📖—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. How Is Your Relationship With God?
📖—Truth Realities That Believers in God Must Enter Into.
Un beau Film Chrétien en français à regarder en HD
{Titre « Un périlleux parcours d'évangélisation »}
Cliquez sur le lien bleu YouTube en bas pour le visionner merci que Dieu vous bénisse🙏🏾
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Xu Songen est un ancien dans une église de maison. Après avoir accepté l'œuvre de Dieu Tout-Puissant des derniers jours, il prêche l'Évangile avec enthousiasme à son pasteur et à ses collaborateurs. Cependant, à sa grande surprise, ces derniers le condamnent et le rejettent. Xu Songen voit que le pasteur et les anciens ont une nature-essence qui déteste la vérité et qui en a assez de la vérité, et il se détache résolument de la religion. Après quoi, il prêche activement l'Évangile et rend témoignage à Dieu, et en six mois, il amène devant Dieu plus de 10.000 croyants qui se trouvaient sous sa direction. Pour cette raison, il fait face à l'hostilité du pasteur religieux, et il est signalé à la police et arrêté. En purgeant sa peine, il rencontre le dirigeant religieux Li Muguang, et les deux hommes s'entendent immédiatement très bien. Ils se soutiennent souvent et échangent ensemble en prison. Xu Songen veut vraiment rendre témoignage de l'œuvre de Dieu des derniers jours à Li Muguang, mais ils sont trop étroitement surveillés en prison, et Li Muguang est également sur le point de finir de purger sa peine et d'être libéré. Après y avoir mûrement réfléchi, Xu Songen prend une décision risquée : il décide de s'échapper de prison pour prêcher l'Évangile à Li Muguang. Parviendra-t-il à s'évader ? Pourra-t-il continuer à prêcher l'Évangile de Dieu des derniers jours et à en témoigner ? Pour le découvrir, regardez le film [Un périlleux parcours d’évangélisation].
“In everything you do, you must examine whether your intentions are correct. If you are able to act according to the requirements of God, then your relationship with God is normal. This is the minimum standard. Look into your intentions, and if you find that incorrect intentions have arisen, be able to turn your back on them and act according to the words of God; thus will you become someone who is right before God, which in turn demonstrates that your relationship with God is normal, and that all that you do is for God’s sake, not your own. In all you do and all you say, be able to set your heart right and be righteous in your actions, and do not be led by your emotions, nor act according to your own will. These are principles by which believers in God must conduct themselves."
📖—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. How Is Your Relationship With God?
📖—Truth Realities That Believers in God Must Enter Into.
English Christian Song | "Man Can Better Understand God Through God Incarnate"
——《话・卷一 神的显现与作工・作工异象 三》
——《话・卷一 神的显现与作工・将神定规在“观念”中的人怎能获得神的“启示”呢?》
——《话・卷一 神的显现与作工・“救主”早已驾着“白云”重归》
——《话・卷一 神的显现与作工・写在前面的话》
——《话・卷一 神的显现与作工・当你看见耶稣灵体的时候已是神重新更换天地的时候了》
——《听神声音看见神显现·1 主耶稣亲口预言神末世要道成肉身成为人子显现作工》
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#神 #耶穌 #上帝#聖經#主 #基督教 #基督 #禱告 #幫助 #信心 #智慧 #倚靠 #恩典 #天父 #全能神 #主耶穌 #救世主 #水深之處每日祝福 #福音單張 #末後基督
✨⭐🌼𝗦𝗮𝗯𝗶 𝗻𝗴 𝗠𝗮𝗸𝗮𝗽𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘆𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴 𝗗𝗶𝘆𝗼𝘀,
❄💙💎“Kung palagi Akong tinatawag ng tao na Jesucristo, ngunit hindi alam na nasimulan Ko na ang isang bagong kapanahunan sa mga huling araw at nagsimula na Ako sa bagong gawain, at kung patuloy na lagi nang maghihintay ang tao sa pagdating ni Jesus na Tagapagligtas, tatawagin Ko ang mga tao tulad nito na mga taong hindi naniniwala sa Akin; sila ay mga taong hindi Ako kilala, at hindi totoong naniniwala sa Akin. Masasaksihan kaya ng gayong mga tao ang pagdating ni Jesus na Tagapagligtas mula sa langit? Ang kanilang hinihintay ay hindi ang Aking pagdating, kundi ang pagdating ng Hari ng mga Judio. Hindi nila pinananabikan ang Aking paglipol sa maruming lumang mundong ito, kundi sa halip ay nananabik sila sa ikalawang pagparito ni Jesus, kung kailan sila ay matutubos. Inaasam nila na minsan pang tutubusin ni Jesus ang buong sangkatauhan mula sa marungis at masamang lupaing ito. Paano maaaring maging mga taong kumukumpleto ng Aking gawain sa mga huling araw ang gayong mga tao? Ang mga hangarin ng tao ay walang kakayahang tuparin ang Aking mga naisin o isakatuparan ang Aking gawain, sapagkat hinahangaan o pinahahalagahan lamang ng tao ang gawaing nagawa Ko dati, at wala silang ideya na Ako ang Diyos Mismo na palaging bago at hindi naging luma kailanman. Alam lamang ng tao na Ako si Jehova, at Jesus, at wala silang ideya na Ako Siya ng mga huling araw na magdadala sa sangkatauhan sa kanilang wakas. Ang pinananabikan at alam lamang ng tao ay nagmumula sa kanilang sariling mga kuru-kuro, at yaon lamang nakikita ng kanilang sariling mga mata. Hindi iyon naaayon sa gawaing ginagawa Ko, kundi taliwas iyon dito.”
—📚✨mula sa “Nakabalik na ang Tagapagligtas Sakay ng Isang ‘Puting Ulap’” sa Ang Salita ay Nagpapakita sa Katawang-tao
Dieu incarné des derniers jours est surtout venu pour accomplir les paroles suivantes : « la Parole se fait chair, la Parole vient dans la chair et la Parole apparaît dans la chair », et si tu n’en as pas une connaissance approfondie, alors tu seras incapable de tenir ferme.
Extrait de « Paroles essentielles de Dieu Tout-Puissant, Christ des derniers jours »
💕🌼🎋🧚♂️ Alam mo ba kung paano debosyon ng mas mabisa?
📒📕📗SABI NG DIYOS ,"Ang isang normal na buhay espiritwal ay hindi limitado sa panalangin, awit, buhay iglesia, pagkain at pag-inom ng mga salita ng Diyos, at iba pang gayong mga pagsasagawa, nguni’t ito ay nangangahulugan na isabuhay ang isang buhay espiritwal na sariwa at masigla. Ito ay hindi tungkol sa pamamaraan, bagkus sa resulta. Iniisip ng karamihan sa mga tao na upang magkaroon ng isang normal na buhay espiritwal ang isa ay dapat manalangin, umawit, kumain at uminom ng mga salita ng Diyos, o subukang unawain ang mga salita ng Diyos. Hindi alintana magkaroon man ng anumang resulta, o magkaroon man ng isang tunay na pagkaunawa, ang mga taong ito ay basta na lamang nagpopokus sa paggalaw sa labas—at hindi nagpopokus sa resulta—sila ang mga tao na nabubuhay sa loob ng mga ritwal ng relihiyon, at hindi mga taong nabubuhay sa loob ng iglesia, at lalong hindi sila mga tao ng kaharian. Ang ganitong uri ng mga panalangin at pagkanta ng tao, at pagkain at pag-inom ng mga salita ng Diyos ay pagsunod lahat sa mga patakaran, sila ay inuudyukan na gawin ang mga ito, at ang mga ito ay ginagawa upang makisabay sa kalakaran; hindi sila ginagawa nang kusa o ginagawa mula sa puso. Hindi alintana gaano man ang idalangin o awitin ng mga taong ito, hindi magkakaroon ng anumang resulta, sapagka’t lahat ng kanilang isinasagawa ay mga relihiyosong patakaran at mga ritwal, at hindi nila isinasagawa ang salita ng Diyos. Sa pagpokus lamang sa pamamaraan, at pagturing sa mga salita ng Diyos bilang mga patakaran na susundin, ang ganitong uri ng tao ay hindi isinasagawa ang salita ng Diyos, nguni’t pinalulugod ang laman, at gumagawa ng mga bagay upang purihin ng iba. Ang ganitong uri ng relihiyosong ritwal at patakaran ay nagmumula sa tao, hindi mula sa Diyos. Ang Diyos ay hindi nagpapanatili ng mga patakaran, hindi sumusunod sa anumang mga kautusan; gumagawa Siya ng mga bagong bagay araw-araw at gumagawa Siya ng praktikal na gawain. … Kung ang mga tao ay nabubuhay sa loob ng mga patakaran, na ang kanilang mga puso ay buhos sa pagsasagawa, kung gayon ang Banal na Espiritu ay walang paraang gumawa ng gawain, sapagka’t ang puso ng mga tao ay abala sa mga patakaran, abala sa mga pagkaintindi ng mga tao; kung gayon ang Diyos ay walang paraan upang gumawa ng gawain; ang mga tao ay palagi na lamang mabubuhay sa ilalim ng pagkontrol ng kautusan, at ang ganitong uri ng tao ay hindi kailanman matatanggap ang papuri ng Diyos” (“May Kinalaman sa Isang Normal na Buhay Espiritwal”).
DIEU TOUT PUISSANT dit : Pendant les derniers jours, le Dieu incarné est venu principalement pour prononcer Ses paroles. Il parle du point de vue de l’Esprit, du point de vue de l’homme et du point de vue d’une troisième personne ; Il parle de différentes façons, utilisant une façon pour une période de temps, et Il utilise la méthode orale pour changer les notions de l’homme et supprimer du cœur de l’homme l’image du Dieu vague.
Extrait de « Paroles essentielles de Dieu Tout-Puissant, Christ des derniers jours »
♦ 情形
💎💎Muy BuenasNo🌌ches Para Todos💎💎
💎💎Leamos Palabras Nuevas De Dios💎💎
Palabras Diarias De Dios Todopoderoso
💎💎💎 Dios Todopoderoso 💎💎💎
💎💎 Cristo De Los Últimos Días Dice: 💎💎
👉🏾📕📖 A partir de ahora, la situación global se volverá más tensa y varios países comenzarán a colapsar desde dentro. No habrá más días felices en China. Esto significa que los trabajadores se rebelarán, los estudiantes abandonarán sus clases, los empresarios cerrarán y todas las fábricas cerrarán y nunca se recuperarán.
👉🏾📕📖 Los cuadros empezarán a preparar fondos para escapar
👉🏾📕📖 (esto servirá como mi plan de gestión), y los líderes del gobierno central en todos los niveles estarán muy ocupados enfocándose en algunas cosas y dejando otras a un lado mientras hacen todos los preparativos (esto servirá como el siguiente paso).
👉🏾📕📖 ¡Compruébalo con atención! Es algo que involucra a todo el universo, no sólo a China, porque mi trabajo se centra en el mundo entero. Sin embargo, también sirve para hacer reyes al grupo de personas que son los hijos primogénitos.
¿Lo ves claro❔ ¡Date prisa y descúbrelo! No os trataré injustamente; Te dejaré disfrutar tanto como tu corazón desee.
👉🏾📕📖 De "La Palabra manifestada en carne"
Christian Dance 2024 | "Now That We Have You, Almighty God" | Praise Song
📒📒XV. Questions and Answers on How to Identify Religious Antichrists
🤝🤝4. The religious world frantically resists and condemns Almighty God. It has committed evil act after evil act, becoming a staunch bastion of antichrists. But what will the religious world’s outcome and end be for believing in God but opposing God’s work of the last days?
🌼🌼Bible Verses for Reference:
🌱“All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven to men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit shall not be forgiven to men. And whoever speaks a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come” (Mat 12:31–32).
🌱“And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies” (Rev 18:2–3).
🌱“Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is your judgment come” (Rev 18:10).
💞💞Relevant Words of God:
So long as the old world continues to exist, I will hurl forth My rage upon its nations, openly promulgate My administrative decrees throughout the universe, and visit chastisement upon whosoever violates them:
As I turn My face to the universe to speak, all mankind hears My voice, and thereupon sees all the works I have wrought throughout the universe. Those who set themselves against My will, that is to say, who oppose Me with the deeds of man, will fall under My chastisement. I will take the multitudinous stars in the heavens and make them anew and, thanks to Me, the sun and the moon will be renewed—the skies will no longer be as they were and the myriad things on the earth will be renewed. All will become complete through My words. The many nations within the universe will be partitioned afresh and replaced by My kingdom, so that the nations upon the earth will disappear forever and all will become a kingdom that worships Me; all the nations of the earth will be destroyed and cease to exist. Of the human beings within the universe, all those belonging to the devil will be exterminated, and all who worship Satan will be laid low by My burning fire—that is, except for those now within the stream, all will be turned to ashes. When I chastise the many peoples, those in the religious world will, to varying extents, return to My kingdom, conquered by My works, because they will have seen the advent of the Holy One riding on a white cloud. All people will be separated according to their own kind, and will receive chastisements commensurate with their actions. All those who have stood against Me will perish; as for those whose deeds on earth have not involved Me, they will, because of how they have acquitted themselves, continue to exist on the earth under the governance of My sons and My people. I will reveal Myself to the myriad peoples and the myriad nations, and with My own voice, I will sound forth upon the earth, proclaiming the completion of My great work for all mankind to see with their own eyes.
—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. God’s Words to the Entire Universe, Chapter 26
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