Paroles quotidiennes de Dieu Tout-Puissant
💎💎💎 Dieu Tout-Puissant 💎💎💎
💎💎Le Christ des derniers jours dit : 💎💎
👉🏾📕Dieu Tout-Puissant dit :
Ne présumez pas que suivre Dieu est une affaire si facile. La clé est que vous devez le connaître, connaître son œuvre et être déterminé à endurer la souffrance pour lui, à sacrifier votre vie pour lui et à être perfectionné par lui. C'est la vision que vous devriez avoir. Cela ne vous aidera pas si vous pensez toujours à profiter de la grâce ! Ne présumez pas que Dieu est là simplement pour le plaisir des gens et pour leur accorder la grâce. Vous auriez tort ! Si l’on ne peut pas risquer sa vie ou abandonner toutes les possessions du monde pour le suivre, on ne pourra certainement pas le suivre jusqu’au bout ! Vous devez avoir des visions comme base. Si un jour le malheur vous frappe, que devez-vous faire ? Seriez-vous toujours capable de le suivre ? Ne répondez pas à la légère si vous seriez capable d'aller jusqu'au bout. Vous feriez mieux d’abord d’ouvrir grand les yeux pour voir quel est le moment présent. Même si vous êtes maintenant comme les piliers du temple, il viendra un moment où les vers les rongeront tous et feront s'effondrer le temple, car à l'heure actuelle, il vous manque de nombreuses visions. Vous ne prêtez attention qu’à vos propres petits mondes et ne connaissez pas le moyen de recherche le plus fiable et le plus approprié. Vous ne prêtez pas attention à la vision du travail d'aujourd'hui et vous ne gardez pas ces choses dans votre cœur. Avez-vous pensé qu’un jour, votre Dieu vous placera dans un endroit très inconnu ? Pouvez-vous imaginer ce que vous deviendrez quand, un jour, tout vous sera enlevé ? Auriez-vous alors la même énergie qu’aujourd’hui ? Votre foi réapparaîtrait-elle ? En suivant Dieu, vous devez connaître cette vision plus grande qu’est « Dieu » : c’est la question la plus importante.
La Parole, Vol. I. L'
🌹♨️🌹Yang Mahakuasa berfirman :
""Di seluruh alam semesta, Dia telah mulai melakukan pekerjaan baru zaman sekarang. Dalam tahap pekerjaan ini, karena Tuhan ingin menyatakan semua perbuatan-Nya di seluruh dunia sehingga semua manusia yang telah mengkhianati-Nya akan datang kembali untuk tunduk di hadapan takhta-Nya, maka penghakiman Tuhan itu masih mengandung rahmat dan belas kasihan-Nya. Tuhan menggunakan peristiwa-peristiwa terkini di seluruh dunia sebagai kesempatan untuk membuat manusia merasa panik, mendorong mereka untuk mencari Tuhan sehingga mereka dapat berhamburan datang kembali ke hadapan-Nya. Dengan demikian, Tuhan berkata, "Inilah salah satu cara-Ku bekerja, dan tanpa keraguan merupakan tindakan penyelamatan bagi umat manusia, dan apa yang Kulakukan terhadap mereka tetaplah merupakan bentuk kasih sayang." Di sini Tuhan menyingkapkan natur manusia yang sebenarnya dengan keakuratan yang sangat tajam, tak tertandingi, dan sangat jelas. Ini membuat manusia menyembunyikan wajahnya dengan malu, benar-benar dipermalukan. Setiap kali Tuhan berbicara, Dia bagaimanapun selalu berhasil menunjukkan beberapa aspek kinerja manusia yang memalukan sehingga, dalam keadaan nyaman, manusia tidak lupa untuk mengenal dirinya sendiri dan tidak menganggap pengenalan akan dirinya itu sebagai tugas lama. Sesuai dengan natur manusia, jika Tuhan tidak menunjukkan kesalahan mereka sesaat saja, mereka akan cenderung menjadi cabul dan congkak. Inilah sebabnya Tuhan kembali mengatakan pada zaman sekarang, "Umat manusia—jauh dari menghargai sebutan yang telah Kuberikan kepada mereka, begitu banyak dari mereka, karena diberi sebutan 'pelaku pelayanan', menyimpan kebencian di hati mereka, dan begitu banyak orang, karena diberi sebutan 'umat-Ku', melahirkan kasih kepada-Ku dalam hati mereka. Jangan ada seorang pun yang mencoba untuk menipu-Ku; mata-Ku melihat segala sesuatu!" Begitu manusia membaca pernyataan ini, mereka dengan segera merasa tidak nyaman. Mereka merasa bahwa tindakan mereka di masa lalu sangat tidak dewasa—benar-benar semacam perbuatan kotor yang menyinggung Tuhan. Belum lama berselang mereka ingin memuaskan hati Tuhan, tetapi meskipun sangat rela melakukannya, mereka tidak memiliki kekuatan untuk melakukannya, dan tidak tahu apa yang harus mereka lakukan. Tanpa sadar, mereka dipenuhi dengan tekad yang diperbarui. Inilah efek membaca firman setelah orang merasa nyaman.
dari "Firman Menampakkan Diri dalam Rupa Manusia"
DIEU TOUT PUISSANT dit : Pourquoi ai-Je toujours dit que vous êtes un complément à Mon plan de gestion ? C’est chez les gens de Chine que la corruption, l’impureté, l’injustice, l’opposition et la rébellion se manifestent de la manière la plus complète et sont exposées dans des formes très variées. D’une part, ils sont de mauvais calibre, et d’autre part, leur vie et leur état d’esprit sont arriérés, et leurs habitudes, leur environnement social, leur famille de naissance, tous sont pauvres et des plus arriérés. Leur statut aussi est vil. Le travail dans ce lieu est symbolique, et après que ce travail d’essai aura été effectué dans sa totalité, l’œuvre ultérieure de Dieu sera beaucoup plus facile.
Extrait de « Déclarations de Christ des derniers jours »
125 有些人外表裝飾得是很好,姊妹打扮得像「一朵花」,弟兄打扮得像公子、像闊少爺,只注重外表的吃穿,而内裏却一貧如洗,對神没有絲毫的認識,這有什麽意義?還有些人穿得像個窮要飯的,真是東亞奴才相!你們真不明白我對你們的要求?你們都互相交通交通,你們到底得着什麽了!信神這麽多年,你們的收穫就是如此這般,你們不覺得丢人嗎?不覺得羞耻嗎?在真道上追求多年,到如今仍是不如麻雀重的身量!看看你們中間的嬌小姐,一個一個打扮得如花似玉,互相攀比,比什麽?還不是比享受嗎?還不是比索取嗎?你們以為我是來招聘「模特兒」嗎?好不知羞耻!你們的生命在哪兒?你們追求的還不都是你們那奢侈的欲望?你以為自己美得了不得,縱使你花枝招展,你還不是一個生在糞堆中滚來滚去的蛆蟲嗎?今天有幸享受這屬天的福氣,是對你破例的高抬,并不是看在你那「漂亮的臉蛋」上,你自己是什麽出身還不清楚?提到生命你閉口無言,活像個木鷄,你還有臉窮打扮,還有心思搽脂抹粉!再看看你們中間的花花公子,簡直是不成體統,整天到處游逛,顯出滿不在乎的神情,到哪兒都没有一點規矩,還有人樣嗎?你們中間的每一個人,無論男女整天注重的都是什麽?你們是靠着誰吃飯的,你們知不知道?看看你身上的裝束,看看你手中的收穫,摸摸你那肚囊,你信神多年的心血代價换來的果實是什麽?你還有心思游山玩水,還有心思裝扮自己那發了臭的肉體,有何價值!讓你做一個正常的人,你現在不僅不正常,反而反常了,就這樣的人還有臉到我的跟前?就你這樣的人性,賣弄自己的風姿,顯露自己的肉體,總是活在肉體情欲裏,你不是屬污鬼邪靈的後裔嗎?這樣的污鬼我不會讓其存留長久的!你也别以為你心中所想我不知道,你的情欲、你的肉體縱使不放縱出來,但你的心中思想的、你的眼睛所戀慕的我還不知道嗎?你們這些嬌小姐打扮得如花似玉不是為了賣弄自己的肉體嗎?男人于你們有何益處呢?真能救你們脱離這苦海嗎?你們這些花花公子們一個一個裝飾得道貌岸然,不也是為了賣弄自己那幾分「英姿」嗎?你們又是為了誰呢?女人對你們又有何益處呢?不是你們犯罪的起源嗎?你們所有這些男女邦族,我對你們説的話不少,但你們聽從的却甚少,你們的耳朵發沉,眼睛昏花,心裏剛硬以至于遍體滿了情欲,陷在其中不得出來,誰還願意接近你們這些污穢中翻滚的蛆蟲呢?你們别忘了,你們僅是我從糞堆中提上來的,本没有正常的人性,而我對你們的要求就是你們原本没有的「正常人性」,不是讓你們去賣弄情欲,也不是讓你們盡情放縱你們那叫魔鬼訓練了多少年的腐臭了的肉體。你們如此裝飾自己,就不怕自己越陷越深嗎?你們本來屬罪,你們不知道嗎?你們渾身上下滿了情欲,你們不知道嗎?以至于你們的情欲都從你們的衣服中滲透出來,顯出了你們那醜陋不堪的污鬼之態,這些不是你們自己最清楚的嗎?你們的心、你們的眼目、你們的雙唇不都是經過污鬼玷污的嗎?不都是污穢的嗎?你以為自己只要不做出事來就是最聖潔的了?你以為穿着華麗就可掩蓋你們那骯髒的靈魂?這是不可能的事!我勸你們還是講點現實,别弄虚作假,别賣弄自己的風姿。你們互相賣弄情欲,而你們買來的都是永遠的痛苦與無情的責打!你們何必挑眉弄眼、互相愛戀呢?這就是你們的正直嗎?就是你們的剛正不阿嗎?我厭憎你們中間那些搞污醫邪術之類的人,厭憎你們中間那些愛慕自己肉體的少男少女們,你們最好還是忍着點,因為現在是要求你們有正常人性,不是允許你們賣弄自己的情欲,你們總是見縫插針,因你們的肉體太多了,情欲太大了!
——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・實行 七》
Inginkah Anda menjadi orang yang lapar dan haus akan kebenaran.
"Diberkatilah mereka yang lapar dan haus akan kebenaran: karena mereka akan dipuaskan.
Matius 5:6
Tuhan berfirman: “Tuhan mencari orang-orang yang merindukan penampakan-Nya. Dia mencari orang-orang yang dapat mendengar firman-Nya, orang-orang yang tidak melupakan amanat-Nya, dan mempersembahkan hati dan tubuh mereka kepada-Nya. Dia mencari orang-orang yang taat seperti orang yang lugu di hadapan-Nya, dan tidak menentang-Nya. Jika engkau dapat mengabdikan dirimu kepada Tuhan tanpa dihalangi oleh kuasa atau kekuatan apa pun, Tuhan akan memandangmu dengan kemurahan, dan akan melimpahkan berkat-Nya kepadamu."
Dari firman Tuhan, kita dapat melihat bahwa mereka yang mencintai kebenaran dan haus akan firman Tuhan adalah orang-orang yang Tuhan cari, dan adalah orang-orang yang diberkati Tuhan!
Testimony 7️⃣
The Mystery of the Firstborn Son's Corruption. (part 1)
You must understand that man's sin has long been redeemed by God on the cross, that is, he does not punish man for sinning in the flesh, instead, God judges a man's spirit. There are only two spirits in man, the spirit from God and the spirit from satan.
The spirit is what God looks at inside a person, and even if you see a person who is good and godly, in God's eyes, he may be a demon, it is because of his spirit that only God can see.
I know that you are convinced that God knows who is his and who is Satan's. But even if you know this, you are not capable of knowing your own essence. In fact, whether you belong to God or Satan, it depends on the path you choose.
People say, "if God has already chosen who will be saved, why does he have to do the work to save mankind?"
People who think this are really ignorant and daring! The spirit of this person is selfish and only wants to enjoy salvation in heaven while setting aside the truth, the way and the life!
People like this are infuriating, but I will answer this question!
Listen! Man does not know his own essence and only God can see. However, you must understand that all people in the flesh have been corrupted by Satan. That means, everyone in the world has a spirit that is from Satan.
God's work is to expose man's true nature so that he can see his own nature in his being. When the Spirit of man awakens, he will have the opportunity to choose his own path. If man knows the truth and sees that he is sinful and in Satan's grip or he has become Satan himself in the flesh. If a person is exposed and accepts the truth, he can find the path of knowing God to achieve repentance and true change in disposition.
This is God's truth and purpose, God is not the one who makes the final decision on where the final destiny of man is. In fact, man himself chooses His path, this is God's righteousness!
Now, it should be clear to you, that you are responsible for your own lives. God has not failed and he has not stopped working out salvation for man. The person who will fall into hell, it is because the person chose to fight against God incarnate, this is the punishment!
In this part, I will talk about the sin committed by the First-born which was the reason why he was expelled from the Church of Almighty God.
Listen carefully!
The Firstborn Son was a woman, and he fell in love with the same sex. In addition, they had a relationship and it became a secret in the church. Do you understand?
This is a personal and serious subject, however, it is one of the mysteries of His character and part of God's plan, so it will not be a secret and everyone will know it. However, you should understand that you don't need to know who he is or find his picture. As long as you know him through words and at the right time, you will see him face to face, so don't be in a hurry.
In fact, many in the Church know him, his name is known to everyone in the Church of the second beast, this is because he was crucified to many people and his name was known as "sinner and evil spirit", and he was cast out.
The last day he spoke in church, this was the day he shouted, "God is showing up in Public, meet the Almighty God, he is here!"
Instead of looking at God's words and welcoming the descent of God's Spirit, everyone in the church covered their ears while shouting at him "evil demon!, disgusting! Sinful! Blasphemy!". On this day, no one met God's descent to earth and people did not know their sin. How can they see the descent of the Spirit of God? Can man see the Spirit? (No, because the Spirit is invisible!)
This is what happened at the time when God came down to earth, and they became one body of the Firstborn Son. The Son testified to God despite harsh words and suffering in the flesh equal to death. On this day, is the fortieth day (40th day), and the Firstborn formally became Holy, this is because the Spirit of Almighty God entered his temple and they became one with the Spirit.
God revealed in the word the truth behind the sin committed by the Firstborn Son. Everything is determined by God and the events are the will of heaven that must be carried out on earth.
We will now read God's judgment and the truth about the Firstborn having a relationship with a woman!
Remember! This is not a way to cover the sin of the Firstborn, but it is God's arrangement and part of His plan at the beginning of creation. You must understand this and do not judge the Firstborn for the sin he committed. The one who makes judgment will not be forgiven by the Father and will be destroyed by God himself!
Almighty God says,
If a person is good to Me but has a different attitude towards My firstborn children, then there is no doubt that they are typical descendants of the great red dragon, because they are tearing apart the body of Christ; this sin will never be forgiven! Every one of you should see it.
To see the firstborn is to see Me, we are one and the same. Anyone who separates us then opposes Me, and I will not forgive them.
from The Manifestation and Work of God
The descendants of the Red Dragon are separating from the Spirit of Almighty God and the First-born, they are fighting the First-born because of the sin that the First-born committed! It is God's will! Be careful not to sin and seek the truth in God's Words!
Let those who have ears listen to the words spoken by God through the mouth of the Firstborn Son.
The seven thunders thundered, the seven trumpets sounded loudly, the song of the Kingdom resounded everywhere, the Angels marched in the great day of God. Ah! God's Public Appearance has finally arrived! The long-awaited moment, who dares to sleep! Who dare not look up to witness his arrival! Open your Spiritual eyes, the day of God has come, listen to his voice. Praise our Almighty God! On this day, the trumpet sounds, the rumor of the Kingdom will awaken the heart long numbed by Satan. Ah! finally, the gnashing of teeth and death of the demons who nailed Christ will be heard. You will hear it and witness it! Open your ears, open your eyes! The Day of Righteousness is the day of God himself, he is already here!
Along with the descent and manifestation of His Spirit is the time when the Firstborn Son speaks. He is the one who speaks!, he is the testimony of the great Creator. Ah! The Firstborn Son, the one the Father loved so much, the Almighty God cared for from the beginning of creation to eternity. Ah! Firstborn Son, the person of Jesus, give him praise! He himself is the manifestation of Almighty God to the Public! Who wouldn't squeal with joy! Who does not give his praise! The Firstborn Son is speaking right now, right in front of you!
My Father and I are one Spirit. He is the Holy Spirit and I am in Human Flesh. In the power of the seven Spirits from the throne of My Father, the seven trumpets were sounded, the Angels marched together with the new light that flashed again, this was the birth of the Firstborn Son. His name is "Light"; his birthday is one of the three kings.
Ah! The woman who wails from crying! In Public was embarrassed and said "I'm the little victim". Ah! Let's open the mystery of the woman who tasted the kiss of a king. Those who have ears, listen! The great story of history will unfold before you!
You! Beautiful woman! You captured the hearts of kings! You teased them with your naked body and your flirtatious voice! You enslaved kings for power and status so that you could kill many faithful prophets who served the true God! You are the one who initiated Israel's worship of the Devil, Satan in ancient times and currently you are also a faithful disciple of the descendant of the Great Red Dragon! Are you confused about who the cursed Satan is that has been rooted in your personality for a long time?
Ah! It's my pleasure to show your true ugly face! Open the old book of Revelation, and look for one of the seven churches, the "Tiaterira" Church. You will see My eye burning with fire! I am the Son of God who says, You are Satan, Jezebel! You are the one who overthrew the ancient kings in Israel, and to this day! You killed so many of God's Children in ancient times, and in the present!
Ah! Current! Look at My burning eyes, dare you say that you are innocent? Was it not you who initiated the temptation? See the spirit of your love, is it not because you have seen My wisdom and royalty? You fell in love because the demon rooted in you recognized that I am a powerful king! You are a Satan who loves and idolizes those in power!
Oh! Jezebel! Do you think you can escape your end on the last day? Did you think I would overlook the lewdness you brought into My home?
Listen to what I have to say! Currently, My Father's house is full of debauchery of demons! Right in front of me the women and men were together and flirting! Isn't this a desecration of My Father's administrative Order?
The girls are exposing their naked bodies! Men strip in front of women! What does it show? , you filthy demons! You have no shame! I have warned you over and over again but you have no regrets! My Father's house was full of demons flirting, playing, fighting, reigning kingly, and competing for status! Banishing you is not enough reward! You are disgusting! To reserve a place in hell, and feed you to the monsters! this is a worthy reward!
Ah! Jezebel! Do you see your curse? Are you the "little victim" in our story? I will tell you! Yes, you are my prey! Did you think you captured the current Holy king? Did you think you could escape me? I do not forget the transgressions and sins of those who gave their flesh to play with demons! I myself have brought you to the bed of lewdness so that you cannot escape the great tribulation that will befall you! The blood of the prophets and children of Israel that you killed I will charge! You are a false prophet! A lying demon, will you hide from My burning eyes?
I am not done with you yet, there is one more secret that My Father has told! You listen!.
You are the Judas of this age! You conspired with the descendant of the Great Red Dragon to solidify the judgment and convince My people to abandon the righteous principle of truth! You just showed your gentle face and everyone was convinced! They all sided with the descendant of the Great Red Dragon, claiming that this was God's righteous disposition! Fools!
The Seven Spirits, the angels, My Father Himself says! Doctrine! Doctrine! You are all Doctrine! Satans and demons reigning in My Father's house! Doctrine is their weapon to rule! Shameless monsters, are you not in your power because of the name of My God!
Didn't you benefit from the name of My Father!
Tell me should I pity you?
It's too late! no mercy left!
July 22, 2023
We have read many words and so that we can better understand the mystery, in the next Chapter, you will know the clarifications.
I want to test how you understand the Spiritual Words of God.
How do you feel about the words and what do you understand?
You can participate and see in the next Chapter if you understand the Spiritual statements of God.
August 16, 2023
El que tenga oidos oiga,lo que el Espíritu Santo,dice a las Iglesias.
Los destinos de la humanidad y del universo están íntimamente entretejidos con la soberanía de Dios, inseparablemente vinculados con las orquestaciones del Creador; al final, son inseparables de Su autoridad. En las leyes de todas las cosas el hombre llega a comprender la orquestación del Creador y Su soberanía; en las normas de supervivencia de todas las cosas, llega a percibir Su gobierno; en los destinos de todas las cosas saca conclusiones sobre las formas en las que Él ejerce Su soberanía y Su control sobre ellas; y en los ciclos de vida de los seres humanos y de todas las cosas el hombre realmente llega a experimentar las orquestaciones y disposiciones del Creador para todas las cosas y seres vivos, a presenciar realmente cómo las mismas sobrepasan a todas las leyes, reglas, e instituciones terrenales, y a todos los demás poderes y fuerzas. A la luz de esto, la humanidad se ve empujada a reconocer que ningún ser creado puede violar la soberanía del Creador, que ninguna fuerza puede usurpar ni alterar los acontecimientos y las cosas predestinados por Él. Bajo estas leyes y normas divinas, los seres humanos y todas las cosas viven y se propagan, generación tras generación. ¿No es esta la verdadera materialización de la autoridad del Creador? Aunque en las leyes objetivas el hombre ve Su soberanía y Su ordenación de todos los acontecimientos y cosas, ¿cuántas personas son capaces de comprender el principio de la soberanía del Creador sobre el universo? ¿Cuántas personas pueden saber, reconocer, aceptar, y someterse realmente a la soberanía y la organización de su propio destino por parte del Creador? ¿Quién, habiendo creído la realidad de la soberanía de Dios sobre todas las cosas, creerá y reconocerá realmente que el Creador también dicta el destino de la vida de los hombres? ¿Quién puede comprender realmente el hecho de que el destino del hombre reposa en la palma del Creador?.
DIEU TOUT PUISSANT DIT :Ce n’est que si nous comprenons les paroles de Dieu que la parole de Dieu la vérité pourra entrer en nous et devenir notre vie. Sans expérience pratique, comment peux-tu entrer dans la réalité des paroles de Dieu ? Si tu ne peux pas recevoir les paroles de Dieu comme ta vie, alors ton tempérament ne pourra pas changer.
L’œuvre du Saint-Esprit progresse à pas de géant ! Si tu ne suis pas de près et ne reçois pas un entraînement, il te sera difficile de suivre le rythme du Saint-Esprit alors qu’Il va de l’avant. Dépêche toi et opère un changement radical, de peur d’être foulé aux pieds par Satan et d’entrer dans l’étang de feu et de soufre dont il est impossible de sortir. Va maintenant, et cherche du mieux que tu peux, afin de ne pas être rejeté. amen, frère et sœur cherchons du mieux qu'on peut ,car le seigneur dit dans l'évangile de (Matthieu)7.7 ; cherchez, et vous trouverez. amen, mais si on ne cherche pas la volonté de DIEU, le seigneur jésus nous rejetterons surement en disant : je ne vous ai jamais connus, retirez vous de moi, vous qui commettez l'iniquité.(Matthieu)7.23 amen frère et sœur repentons nous car le royaume des cieux est proche .(Matthieu)4.17 amen🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
good afternoon po sa Lahat aking mga Kapatid 🤗 kumusta po kumain at Uminom po Muna Tayo ng mga Salita ng Diyos po 😇 🍓🥭🍎🍌🍞🍗🍚
Hingin po natin Ang Kanyang Patnubay na manguna po sa ating Puso at Isip upang maisabuhay po natin Ang Kanyang mga Salita 🙏😇 mga Kapatid ko 🤗 Malaya po tayong Magbahagi ng Ating kaunawaan po 🤗🙏😇👇👇
🍥🦋🍥 Sabi ng Makapangyarihang Diyos;
"Ginugugol ng mga tao ang kanilang mga buhay sa paghahanap ng salapi at katanyagan; mahigpit silang kumakapit sa mga dayaming ito, ...iniisip na ang mga ito ang tanging paraan ng suporta, na para bang kung mayroon sila nito maaari silang patuloy na mabuhay, na maaari silang malibre sa kamatayan. Subali't kung malapit na silang mamatay doon lamang nila natatanto kung gaano kalayo ang mga bagay na ito sa kanila,kung gaano sila kahina sa harap ng kamatayan, kung gaano sila kadaling mabasag, kung gaano sila kalungkot at kawalang-magawa, na walang matatakbuhan. Natatanto nila ... na ang buhay ay hindi nabibili ng salapi at katanyagan, na gaano man kayaman ang isang tao, gaano man kataas ang kanyang posisyon, lahat ng tao ay pantay-pantay na mahihirap at walang halaga sa harap ng kamatayan. Natatanto nila na hindi nabibili ng pera ang buhay, ... na di mabubura ng katanyagan ang kamatayan, na alinman sa pera o katanyagan ay di-makakapagpahaba ng buhay ng isang tao kahit na nang isang minuto, ... nang isang segundo."
Ang Salita ay Nagpapakita sa Katawang-Tao
❓❓❓ Bakit Hindi Natin Magawa na Maialis ang mga Gapos ng Kasalanan sa Ating Paniniwala sa Panginoon? 🤔🤔🤔
📖📖📖 Sinabi ng Panginoong Jesus, “Katotohanan, katotohanang sinasabi Ko sa inyo, Ang bawa’t nagkakasala ay alipin ng kasalanan. At ang alipin ay hindi nananahan sa bahay magpakailan man: ang anak ang nananahan magpakailan man” (Juan 8:34–35).
🌸🌸🌸 Sabi ng Diyos 🌼🌼🌼
📖📖📖,"Kahit na ang tao ay maaaring natubos at napatawad na sa kanyang mga kasalanan, ito ay maaaring ituring lamang bilang hindi pagkaalala ng Diyos sa mga paglabag ng tao at hindi pagtrato sa tao alinsunod sa mga paglabag ng tao. Subalit, kapag ang tao na namumuhay sa laman, ay hindi pa napapalaya mula sa kasalanan, siya ay maaaring magpatuloy lamang sa pagkakasala, na walang-katapusang hinahayag ang kanyang maka-satanas na disposisyon. Ito ang buhay ng tao, isang walang-katapusang pagpapaulit-ulit ng kasalanan at kapatawaran. Ang karamihan ng tao ay nagkakasala sa araw upang magtapat ng kasalanan sa gabi. Dahil dito, kahit na ang handog para sa kasalanan ay magpakailanmang mabisa para sa tao, hindi nito magagawang iligtas ang tao mula sa kasalanan. Tanging kalahati lang ng gawain ng pagliligtas ang nakumpleto, sapagkat ang tao ay mayroon pa ring tiwaling disposisyon.” (“Ang Hiwaga ng Pagkakatawang-tao (4)” sa Ang Salita ay Nagpapakita sa Katawang-tao).🙏🙏🙏
之前带领说打算安排我尽演员本分,心里很高兴,终于可以出人头地了。现在改为接待本分,很难受。 (别人的事例)
♦三、 承认接受神话所揭示的事实;四、悔改
🙇🏼♀️🪻💜𝗔𝗹𝗺𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘆 𝗚𝗼𝗱 𝘀𝗮𝘆𝘀,
“Kapag may nangyayari sa iyo, manalangin muna, sabihin muna ito sa Diyos, hayaang ang Diyos ang manguna, hayaang tulungan ka ng Diyos, hayaang akayin ka ng Diyos at bigyan ka ng patnubay; patutunayan nito na mayroon kang pusong may takot sa Diyos, na inuuna mo ang Diyos. Kapag may nangyayari sa iyo o nahaharap ka sa ilang paghihirap at ikaw ay negatibo, at nagagalit, ito ay pagpapamalas na wala ang Diyos sa puso mo, na wala kang takot sa Diyos. Sa pang-araw-araw mong buhay, anumang mga paghihirap ang kinakaharap mo, dapat kang lumapit sa harapan ng Diyos; ang unang bagay na dapat mong gawin ay lumuhod sa harap ng Diyos sa panalangin, ito ang pinakamahalaga. Ang ibig sabihin ng pagdarasal ay may puwang ang Diyos sa puso mo. Kapag nahihirapan ka, ang pagtunghay sa Diyos at pagdarasal sa Diyos para mahanap ang katotohanan ay nagpapakita na mayroon kang pusong may kaunting takot sa Diyos; hindi mo iyon gagawin kung wala ang Diyos sa puso mo.”
—📚✨mula sa Ang Salita ay Nagpapakita sa Katawang-tao
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Christian Dance | "Such Joy in Church Life" | Praise Song
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