« Quand on n’a pas Dieu, quand on ne peut pas Le voir, quand on ne peut pas reconnaître clairement la souveraineté de Dieu, chaque jour est vide de sens, sans valeur, misérable. Partout où l’on est, quel que soit son travail, ses moyens de subsistance et la poursuite de ses objectifs n’apportent qu’un chagrin sans fin et une souffrance affligeante, au point que l’on ne peut pas supporter de regarder en arrière et de voir son passé. Ce n’est qu’en acceptant la souveraineté du Créateur, en se soumettant à Ses orchestrations et à Ses arrangements et en cherchant la vraie vie humaine que l’on commencera à se libérer progressivement de toute peine et de toute souffrance et à se débarrasser de tout le néant de la vie. »
« Comme Son essence est sainte, il n’y a que par Dieu que, dans la vie, tu peux emprunter le chemin lumineux et droit. Il n’y a que par Dieu que tu peux connaître le sens de la vie. Il n’y a que par Dieu que tu peux vivre une véritable humanité, détenir la vérité et la connaître. Il n’y a que par Dieu que tu peux obtenir la vie à partir de la vérité. Seul Dieu Lui-même peut t’aider à t’éloigner du mal et te délivrer de la méchanceté et du contrôle de Satan. Rien ni personne à part Dieu ne peut te sauver de l’océan de souffrances pour que tu ne souffres plus. Cela est déterminé par l’essence de Dieu. Seul Dieu Lui-même te sauve aussi généreusement, seul Dieu est finalement garant de ton avenir, de ton destin et de ta vie, et organise toutes choses pour toi. C’est quelque chose que rien de créé ou de non créé ne peut réaliser. Parce que rien de créé ou de non créé ne possède une essence comme celle de Dieu, aucune personne ni chose n’a la capacité de te sauver ou de te diriger. C’est l’importance de l’essence de Dieu pour l’homme. »
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« Quand on n’a pas Dieu, quand



« Quand on n’a pas Dieu, quand

🦋🦋🦋Question 4: The Lord Jesus spoke the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven to the disciples, and as the return of the Lord Jesus, has Almighty God also revealed many mysteries? Could you fellowship with us about some of the mysteries revealed by Almighty God? It would be a great help to us in identifying the voice of God.
🌱🌱🌱Answer: Each time God becomes flesh, He reveals many truths and mysteries to us. This is without doubt. God becomes flesh in order to save mankind, and so, He naturally expresses many truths, and reveals many mysteries. In the Age of Grace, the Lord Jesus, God incarnate revealed many mysteries whilst preaching and doing His work, such as, “Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Mat 4:17). “Not every one that said to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father which is in heaven” (Mat 7:21). The Lord Jesus also revealed many other mysteries in addition to this, which I won’t go into now. 
⛪️🎋🌸In the last days, Almighty God has come, and carried out the work of judgment beginning from the house of God, and has expressed all truths for the purification and salvation of mankind. Almighty God has not only accomplished all of the prophecies of the Lord Jesus, but has also laid bare to us the great mysteries of the past, the present, and the future, which relate to God's management plan.                                                                            📖🕊📖Let us read two passages of the words of Almighty God. “It is only during the last days that the work I have been managing for thousands of years is entirely revealed to man. It is only now that I have disclosed the full mystery of My management to man, and man has learned the purpose of My work and, moreover, has come to understand all My mysteries. I have already told man everything of the destination about which he is concerned. I have already uncovered for man all of My mysteries, mysteries that were hidden for over 5,900 years” (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. The Work of Spreading the Gospel Is Also the Work of Saving Man). “This stage of work will elucidate for you the law of Jehovah and the redemption of Jesus, and is principally so that you may understand the entire work of God’s six-thousand-year management plan, and appreciate all the significance and essence of this six-thousand-year management plan, and understand the purpose of all the work done by Jesus and the words He spoke, and even your blind credence in and adoration of the Bible. All this it will allow you to understand thoroughly. You will come to understand both the work done by Jesus, and the work of God today; you will understand and behold all of the truth, the life, and the way. … In the end, this current stage will bring God’s work to a complete end, and will provide its conclusion. All will come to understand and know of God’s management plan. The notions within man, his intentions, his erroneous understanding, his notions about the work of Jehovah and Jesus, his views about the Gentiles, and his other deviations and errors will be corrected. And man will understand all the right paths of life, and all the work done by God, and the entire truth. When that happens, this stage of work will come to an end” (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. The Vision of God’s Work (2)).
🌿🌸🌿Almighty God has revealed to us all the mysteries of His 6,000-year management plan for the salvation of mankind. And Almighty God has told us God's aim in managing mankind. He has shown us why God has carried out three stages of the work to save mankind, how these three stages of work have progressed step by step, and what the connections and differences between them are. Almighty God has also told us of the significance of the names of God, how God does the work of judgment during the last days, and what the significance of the work of judgment is. He has revealed to us the mysteries of the incarnation, and the inside story of the Bible. Almighty God has disclosed that God is the source of the life of all things, and that how God rules over all things. Almighty God has told us of God's unique authority, God's righteous disposition, God's holiness, and God's almightiness and wisdom. What’s more, Almighty God has also revealed to us how all mankind has developed up until today, and how Satan has corrupted mankind, and has told us the truth of mankind’s corruption by Satan, the source of corrupt mankind’s opposition to God and betrayal of God, how God works to save mankind, how Satan has carried out cunning schemes to interrupt and disturb God’s work, and how God defeats Satan and ends Satan’s fate. Almighty God has shown us the meaning of a real life, how people should live in order to be truly happy, as well as the ends of different types of people, the true destination of mankind, and, in the end, how God will bring this age to an end, and how the Christ’s kingdom shall come about, and so on. These mysteries have all been revealed to us by Almighty God. From the truths and mysteries revealed by the Lord Jesus and Almighty God, we can see that these mysteries all relate to God, and to the kingdom of heaven, as well as to what God will accomplish in the future. These mysteries are all connected to God's management plan and to the destination of mankind. There is profound meaning of God's revelation of these mysteries. From the truths and mysteries revealed by the Lord Jesus and Almighty God, we can ascertain that all of these words are the voice of God. For none but God could know these mysteries. Only God Himself knows. The angels do not know, much less does mankind know. And so, the truths and mysteries revealed by the Lord Jesus and Almighty God are the expression of one Spirit, and the work of one God. The work of judgment of the last days done by Almighty God continues on from the work done by the Lord Jesus. It fulfills the words of the Lord Jesus: “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come” (Jhn 16:12-13). These facts prove that Almighty God is the return of the Lord Jesus, that Almighty God is the appearance of the one true God!#God #Jesus

« Quand on n’a pas Dieu, quand

摘自《话在肉身显现?道成肉身的神的职分与  人的本分的区别》
摘自《话在肉身显现?两次的道成肉身完全了  道成肉身的意义》🌻🌿🌻🌿🌻🌿🌻🌿🌻🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿朋友能信仰中最大的盼望是什么What is the greatest hope for a friend in faith?

« Quand on n’a pas Dieu, quand


150 在聖經舊約裏没有什麽聖父、聖子、聖靈之説,只是耶和華獨一真神作工在以色列。因着時代不同而稱為不同的名,但這并不能證明一個名就是一個位格,這樣神不就有無數個位格了嗎?舊約所記載的就是耶和華的作工,是神自己在律法時代的一步開始的作工,是説有就有命立就立的神的作工。耶和華在什麽時候也没説他是聖父來作工,也没預言要有聖子來救贖人類,到耶穌那時只説神道成肉身來了救贖全人類,并没説是聖子來了。因着時代的不同,神自己要作的工作不同,也就需要在不同的境界裏作工,這樣,所代表的身份也就不一樣了。人認為耶和華是耶穌的父親,耶穌却不承認,他説:「我們原本没有父子之分,我與天上的父原為一,父在我裏面,我在父裏面,人看見了子就是看見了在天上的父。」説來説去,不管是父是子都是一位靈,没有位格的劃分。人一説就複雜化了,又是位格的不同,又是父、子、靈的關係,人一説位格不就把神給物質化了嗎?還分老大老二老三,這都是人的想象,没有一點參考價值,不是現實!你若問他神有幾位,他就説神是聖父、聖子、聖靈三位一體的獨一真神。你再問他聖父是誰,他説聖父是天上那位神的靈,是掌管一切的,是天上的總管。「那耶和華是不是靈?」他説:是!你再問聖子是誰,他就會説聖子當然是耶穌。「耶穌是怎麽回事?他是從哪兒來的?」他説耶穌是馬利亞生的,是聖靈感孕。那他的實質不也是靈嗎?他作的工作不也是代表聖靈嗎?耶和華是靈,耶穌的實質也是靈,到末世這步更不用説還是靈,他們還有什麽位格不同?不就是神的靈站在不同的角度上作靈的工作嗎?這樣,就没有位格的劃分了。耶穌那時是聖靈感孕,無疑耶穌的工作也就是聖靈的工作。第一步耶和華作的工作,他没道成肉身,也没向人顯現,人没看見他長得什麽樣,不管他多高多大,但他是靈,是起初造人的神自己,就是神的靈。他在雲裏向人説話,只是一位靈,誰也没看見他長得什麽樣,只有在恩典時代神的靈來在了肉身中,道成肉身在猶太,人才第一次看見他道成肉身的形像是猶太人的形像,看不出有耶和華的味道。但他是聖靈感孕,也就是耶和華的靈親自感孕,降生的耶穌仍是神靈的化身。當初人看見的是聖靈彷佛鴿子一樣降在了耶穌的身上,不是耶穌自己專用的靈,而是聖靈,那耶穌的靈還能與聖靈分開嗎?若耶穌是耶穌、是聖子,聖靈是聖靈,那怎麽能是一呢?這樣工作就没法作了。耶穌裏面的靈、天上的靈與耶和華的靈都是一,叫聖靈,也叫神的靈,也叫七倍加强的靈,也是包羅萬有的靈。就神的靈能作許許多多的工作,他能創世,能用洪水滅世,也能救贖全人類,更能征服全人類、毁滅全人類,這工作都是神自己作的工作,不是任何一個位格的神可以代替的。他的靈能叫耶和華、叫耶穌,也能叫全能者,是主、是基督,也能成為人子,他在天也在地,在衆宇之上,也在萬人之中,是天上、地上唯一的掌管者!從創世到如今,這工作就是神的靈自己作的,無論在天上的工作,還是肉身中的工作,都是他原有的靈作的,無論天上、地上的受造之物都在他全能的手中掌握,都是神自己的工作,誰也代替不了。在天上是靈,他也是神自己,在人中間他是肉身,仍是神自己,儘管他的名有千千萬,但總歸是他自己,都是他靈的直接發表。上十字架救贖全人類是他靈的直接作工,末世曉諭各國各方,也是他靈的直接作工,無論何時,神只能稱為全能的獨一真神,包羅萬有的神自己,根本不存在位格,更不存在聖父、聖子、聖靈的説法。天上、地上只有一位神!

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・三位一體的神存在嗎?》

« Quand on n’a pas Dieu, quand

❓️Question 2:Are all the Apostolic Epistles in the Bible the Word of God?
✍️Continuing from the previous post✍️
🍒Answer:💦Almighty God says, “In fact, the truth is the most real of life’s aphorisms, and the highest of such aphorisms among all mankind. Because it is the requirement that God makes of man, and is the work personally done by God, thus it is called ‘life’s aphorism.’ It is not an aphorism summed up from something, nor is it a famous quote from a great figure. Instead, it is the utterance to mankind from the Master of the heavens and earth and all things; it is not some words summed up by man, but the inherent life of God. And so it is called ‘the highest of all life’s aphorisms’” (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Only Those Who Know God and His Work Can Satisfy God).
🕊“That which is directly expressed by God is truth. Anything that arises from the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit merely conforms to the truth, for the Holy Spirit enlightens people based on their stature and cannot express the truth directly to man. This is something you must understand. And when, based upon the words of the truth, people gain insights, and knowledge from experiencing, do such insights and knowledge count as the truth? At most, this is a little knowledge of the truth. Words enlightened by the Holy Spirit do not represent the words of God, they do not represent the truth, they do not belong to the truth; they are merely a little knowledge of the truth, a little of the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit. … Everyone experiences the truth, but each does so under different circumstances, and everyone gains something different. Yet even if their knowledge were combined, they would still be incapable of fully articulating a single truth. That is how profound the truth is! Why is it said that the things you have gained and your knowledge cannot stand for the truth? You fellowship your knowledge with others, and it only takes two or three days of contemplation before they have fully experienced it. But people can spend a whole lifetime and still not fully experience the truth; even if what each person experienced were combined, the truth would still not be fully experienced. It can therefore be seen that the truth is extraordinarily profound. The truth cannot be fully articulated with words. In the language of man, the truth is the true essence of mankind. Man will never be able to fully experience the truth. Man should live by the truth. One truth can sustain the whole of mankind’s existence for several thousand years.
The truth is the life of God Himself; it represents His disposition, His essence, and everything in Him. If you say that having a bit of experience means possessing the truth, then can you represent God’s disposition? You may have some experience or light regarding a certain aspect or side of a truth, but you cannot supply others with it forever, so this light you have gained is not truth; it is merely a certain point that people can reach. It is simply the proper experience and the proper understanding a person should possess: some actual experience and knowledge of the truth. This light, enlightenment, and experiential understanding can never substitute for the truth; even if all people had completely experienced this truth, and pooled together all of their experiential understanding, it still would not be able to take the place of that one truth. … What do I mean by this? I mean that the life of man will always be the life of man, and no matter how much your understanding might accord with the truth, God’s intentions, and His requirements, it will never be able to be a substitute for the truth. To say that people have gained the truth means that they possess some reality, that they have gained some understanding of the truth, that they have attained some real entry to God’s words, that they have had some real experience with them, and that they are on the right track in their faith in God. Just one statement from God is enough for a person to experience for an entire lifetime; even if people were to experience it for several lifetimes or even several millennia, they still would not be able to completely and thoroughly experience a single truth” (The Word, Vol. 3. The Discourses of Christ of the Last Days. Do You Know What the Truth Really Is?).
🌻As far as getting to the bottom of the differences between man’s words that accord with the truth and God’s word, the words of Almighty God provide a very clear explanation in this regard: Truth comes from God, it is expressed through Christ, and it is also the direct expression of the Holy Spirit, and everything God says is the truth. Truth is the very life of God Himself, it is an expression of God’s righteous disposition, it is a revelation of all that God has and is, it is the reality of positive things, and it represents the substance of God’s own life. However, people used by God and people who have the Holy Spirit’s work can speak words that accord with the truth. This comes from the enlightenment and illumination of the Holy Spirit and also from man’s experience with and understanding of the truth in God’s word. These words that accord with the truth represent man’s experience and understanding, it is the reality of the truth that man has entered, and it is a result of God’s work. It does not matter how deep or shallow man’s understanding of truth is, or how well they know God, everything man says reveals the substance of their human lives. But because the words that man says that accord with the truth are so far from the profound standard of the substance of truth, it is so, so far from the substance of truth, therefore what man says cannot be called the truth; there are inherent and substantial differences between words that accord with the truth and the actual truth. God’s word is truth, it is the substance of God’s life, so God’s word is everlasting and unchanging. It is just as the Lord Jesus said: “Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away” (Luk 21:33). Almighty God also says, “My words are the forever unchanging truth” (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. You Ought to Consider Your Deeds). It is very much like the Ten Commandments promulgated by God in the Age of Law: Although thousands of years have passed, they are nonetheless still adhered to by mankind today. This is because God’s word is truth, it is the reality of positive things, it is able to withstand the test of time, and it shall stand through all eternity. However, because man’s words are not the truth, they will not last forever. We can see from the progression of human history, whether it be in the area of scientific research or scientific law, or even sociological theories, in a matter of time they are overturned or abandoned and they even become outdated in the blink of an eye. Even if the words that man says accord with the truth they can only be helpful to us, supply us, and support us on a temporary basis; they cannot be our life. Why is it said that man’s words cannot be man’s life? Because while man’s word may accord with the truth, it is merely man’s experience with and understanding of God’s word and it is very far from the substance of truth and in no way can it represent truth, nor can it have the effect of being man’s life that truth does; it can only temporarily help us, provide edification and support, so that’s why man’s word that accords with the truth is not the truth, and it cannot be man’s life. So how is it that only God’s words can be man’s life? It is because God’s word is truth and is the reality of positive things, we humans can never fully experience it, and each truth is inexhaustible in regard to us humans. Even if we were to experience eternity we still could not dare say that we possessed truth or had fully gained the truth; this is a fact. Furthermore, the truth can cleanse mankind, save mankind, and perfect mankind; by relying on the truth to live, we can live out the likeness of a real man, live out the image of truth, and thereby can come to know God, submit to God, worship God, be compatible with God, which was God’s intention when He first created mankind. It is just like the Bible says, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” (Gen 1:26). God’s intent in making mankind wasn’t just to provide mankind with a physical body, but primarily was to bestow mankind with new life and this new life is God’s word, which is truth. When truth becomes our life, when it becomes the reality of our life, when we will have lived in the image of truth, and lived out the likeness of a real man, then we will have fulfilled God’s intention in creating mankind. Therefore it is said that only God’s word and only the truth can be man’s everlasting life. Even though people used by God may have some experience with and understanding of God’s word, and they may be able to say some things that accord with the truth, this is an effect of the Holy Spirit’s work. It is God’s salvation and God’s perfecting of man. The words of people used by God that accord with the truth or their true understanding of God does not represent that they possess the substance of truth, nor does it represent possessing the life of God. Instead, it merely shows that they have gained truth and truth has become the reality of their lives. This is because man is not the truth and would not dare say that they truly possess the truth. Therefore, regardless of how much man’s words accord with the truth, or how much they can edify us, they cannot be said to be the truth and furthermore it is not the word of God. These are some of our thoughts on the differences between words that accord with the truth and God’s word.
—The movie script of Waiting
The prophecies of the Lord's return have been fulfilled, do you want to welcome the Lord and have the opportunity to enter the Kingdom of Heaven? We invite you who are thirsty for the Lord's appearances to join our online meetings to help you find your way, please click the link to contact us!
Almighty God #God #Heavenly Kingdom #Word of God #Prayer #Worship God #God Has Come #Praise #Jesus# Wise Virgins

« Quand on n’a pas Dieu, quand


 像陀螺一样的生活,痛苦; 爭吵不斷的婚姻,痛苦; 複雜的人際關係,痛苦; 疾病的折磨,痛苦;
——《話・卷三 末世基督座談紀要・神體嘗人間痛苦的意義》 
#神 #耶穌 # 上帝 # 聖經 #主 # 基督教 #基督 #禱告 #幫助 #信心 #智慧 #倚靠 #恩典 #天父  #全能神 #主耶穌 #救世主 #  经典神話  # 每日祝福 #福音#未後基督

« Quand on n’a pas Dieu, quand

Hello my dear brothers and sisters good afternoon have a blessed and good day ahead na my dear brothers and sisters 🤗💖 
Lemme share with you all a passage of Almighty God's, let's eat and drink Almighty God's words together na my dear brothers and sisters 🥰💖
✨🥀 𝗔𝗹𝗺𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘆 𝗚𝗼𝗱 𝘀𝗮𝘆𝘀,
❝Knowing God must be achieved through reading and understanding God’s words. Some say: “I haven’t seen God incarnate, so how could I know God?” In fact, God’s words are an expression of His disposition. From God’s words, you can see His love and salvation for humans, as well as His method for saving them…. This is because His words are expressed by God Himself, not written by humans. They have been personally expressed by God; God Himself is expressing His own words and His inner voice. Why are they called words from the heart? It is because they are issued from deep down, and express His disposition, His will, His thoughts, His love for mankind, His salvation of mankind, and His expectations of mankind…. God’s utterances include harsh words, and gentle and considerate words, as well as some revelatory words that are not in line with human wishes. If you look only at the revelatory words, you might feel that God is rather stern. If you look only at the gentle words, you might feel that God is not very authoritative. You therefore should not take them out of context; rather, look at them from every angle. Sometimes God speaks from a gentle and compassionate perspective, and then people see His love for mankind; sometimes He speaks from a very strict perspective, and then people see the disposition of His that will tolerate no offense. Man is deplorably filthy, and is not worthy of seeing God’s face or of coming before Him. That people are now allowed to come before Him is purely by His grace. God’s wisdom can be seen from the way He works and in the significance of His work. People can still see these things in God’s words, even without any direct contact from Him.❞
📖-Excerpted from “How to Know God Incarnate” in Records of Christ’s Talks.

« Quand on n’a pas Dieu, quand

☘️☘️𝗦𝗮𝗯𝗶 𝗻𝗴 𝗠𝗮𝗸𝗮𝗽𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘆𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴 𝗗𝗶𝘆𝗼𝘀, 
        “Habang naglalakad ka sa landas ng ngayon, ano ang pinakaangkop na klase ng pagsisikap? Sa iyong pagsisikap, anong klase ng tao ang dapat mong makita sa sarili mo? Dapat mong malaman kung paano mo dapat harapin ang lahat ng sumasapit sa iyo ngayon, mga pagsubok man ito o paghihirap, o walang awang pagkastigo at pagsumpa. Habang nahaharap sa lahat ng bagay na ito, dapat mong bigyan ang mga ito ng maingat na pagsasaalang-alang sa lahat ng pagkakataon. Bakit Ko sinasabi ito? Sinasabi Ko ito dahil ang mga bagay na sumasapit sa iyo ngayon, sa kabila ng lahat, ay maiikling pagsubok na paulit-ulit na nangyayari; marahil para sa iyo, hindi mo itinuturing na partikular na mabigat ang mga ito sa espiritu, kaya hinahayaan mo na lang na likas na magdaan at lumipas ang mga bagay na ito, at hindi mo itinuturing ang mga ito na napakahalagang yaman sa pagsisikap na sumulong. Masyado kang walang pagpapahalaga! Sobrang walang pagpapahalaga na ipinapalagay mo na isang ulap ito na nakalutang sa harap ng iyong mga mata; at hindi mo pinahahalagahan ang malulupit na hagupit na bumubuhos paminsan-minsan—mga hagupit na maiikli, at para sa iyo, tila hindi mabigat—kundi basta minamasdan mo ang mga ito nang walang pagpapahalaga, nang walang kaseryosohan, na itinuturing lamang ang mga ito na paminsan-minsang paghagupit lamang.”
—📚✨mula sa Araw-araw na mga Salita ng Diyos

« Quand on n’a pas Dieu, quand

12. Sabi ng Makapangyarihang Diyos, “Gayunpaman, kung hindi mo minamahal at hinahangad ang katotohanan, hindi mo mapipigilan ang iyong sarili, at hindi ka makapagpupursige nang matagal. Sa gayong pagkakataon at sa gayong kapaligiran, kung hindi ang katotohanan ang buhay ng mga tao, kung wala silang kaunting determinasyon, kung wala silang tunay na kabatiran, madalas silang mag-uurong-sulong at manghihina. Pagkatapos magpursige sa loob ng ilang panahon, manlulumo pa nga sila at iisiping, ‘Kailan ba matatapos ang mga araw na ito? Kung hindi darating ang araw ng Diyos, hanggang kailan pa ba ako mananatiling utusan sa kompanya? Ang iba ay kumikita nang mas malaki kaysa sa akin. Bakit pagkain at tirahan lang ang napapanatili ko? Hindi sinasabi sa akin ng Diyos na kumita ng mas malaking pera.’ Sino ang pumipigil sa iyong kumita ng mas malaking pera? Kung may abilidad ka, puwede kang kumita nang mas malaki. Kung pipiliin mong kumita ng mas maraming pera, magkaroon ng mayamang pamumuhay, at magtamasa ng pamumuhay nang marangya, ayos lang iyon; walang pumipigil sa iyo. Gayunpaman, kailangan mong maging responsable sa sarili mong mga pagpapasya. Sa huli, kung hindi mo matatamo ang katotohanan, kung ang mga salita ng Diyos ay hindi naging buhay sa loob mo, ikaw lang ang magsisisi dahil dito. Kailangan mong maging responsable para sa sarili mong mga kilos at pagpapasya. Walang sinumang magbabayad ng halaga o mananagot para sa iyo. Yamang pinili mong sumampalataya sa Diyos, tumahak sa landas ng kaligtasan, at maghangad sa katotohanan, huwag mo itong pagsisihan. Yamang ito ang pinili mo, hindi mo ito dapat tingnan bilang isang panuntunan o kautusang dapat sundin; bagkus, dapat mong maunawaang may kabuluhan at halaga ang iyong pagpupursige at mga pagpapasya. Sa huli, ang matatamo mo ay ang katotohanan at buhay, hindi lamang isang panuntunan. Kung ang iyong pagpupursige at mga pagpapasya ay magdudulot sa iyong labis na mahiya, maasiwa, o hindi makaharap sa mga tao sa paligid mo, huwag mo nang ipagpatuloy ang pagpupursige. Bakit mo pahihirapan ang sarili mo? Anuman ang nais mo sa iyong puso, anuman ang gusto mo, hangarin mo ang bagay na iyon—walang pumipigil sa iyo. Sa ngayon, ang pagbabahaginan natin nang ganito ay nagbibigay lamang sa iyo ng prinsipyo.”
—Ang Salita, Vol. VI. Ukol sa Paghahangad sa Katotohanan. Paano Sikaping Matamo ang Katotohanan (20)

« Quand on n’a pas Dieu, quand


♦ 情形

« Quand on n’a pas Dieu, quand

“One can come to know God by believing in Him: This is the final goal, and the goal of man’s pursuit. You must put effort into living out the words of God so that they may come to fruition in your practice. If you have only doctrinal knowledge, then your faith in God will come to naught. Only if you then also practice and live out His word can your faith be considered complete and in accord with God’s will. On this road, many people can speak of much knowledge, but at their time of death, their eyes brim with tears, and they hate themselves for having wasted a lifetime and lived to a ripe old age for naught. They merely understand doctrines, but cannot put the truth into practice or bear witness to God; instead, they simply run hither and thither, busy as a bee, and only on the brink of death do they finally see that they lack true testimony, that they do not know God at all. And is this not too late? Why do you not seize the day and pursue the truth that you love? Why wait until tomorrow? If in life you do not suffer for the truth or seek to gain it, can it be that you wish to feel regret in your dying hour? If so, then why believe in God? In truth, there are many matters in which people, if they put in just the slightest exertion, can put the truth into practice and thereby satisfy God. It is only because people’s hearts are ever possessed by demons that they cannot act for the sake of God, and constantly rush about for the sake of their flesh, with nothing to show for it in the end. For this reason, people are constantly afflicted by troubles and difficulties. Are these not the torments of Satan? Is this not the corruption of the flesh? You should not try to fool God by flapping your lips. Rather, you must take tangible action. Do not deceive yourself—what would be the point of that? What can you gain by living for the sake of your flesh and struggling for profit and fame?"
📖—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. You Ought to Live for the Truth Since You Believe in God
📖—Essential Words From Almighty God, Christ of the Last Days.

« Quand on n’a pas Dieu, quand
찬양 댄스 <하나님을 믿음에 있어서 가장 큰 복>

« Quand on n’a pas Dieu, quand

Chỉ bằng cách hiểu lẽ thật thì mới có thể nhận thức những việc làm của Đức Chúa Trời (Phần 2)

« Quand on n’a pas Dieu, quand


« Quand on n’a pas Dieu, quand

三中決定出台內幕,政治老人拍桌子?被批專權德不配位?習遭30連擊;人口嚴重負增長,中共狠招促生育;登記不用戶口本,多少問題被隱藏?珍貴的歷史記憶,我的老照片【新聞看點 李沐陽8.16】

« Quand on n’a pas Dieu, quand


« Quand on n’a pas Dieu, quand

中國多地房產跌成白菜價!95個城市已「鶴崗化」;年輕人湧入定居躺平! #看大陸

« Quand on n’a pas Dieu, quand


« Quand on n’a pas Dieu, quand

« Quand on n’a pas Dieu, quand

« Quand on n’a pas Dieu, quand























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