
Yo soy justo, soy digno de confianza y soy el Dios que examina lo más íntimo del corazón del hombre! Yo revelaré inmediatamente quién es verdadero y quién es falso. No os alarméis; todas las cosas obran de acuerdo con Mis tiempos. Quién me quiere sinceramente y quién no, yo os lo diré, uno por uno. Solo procurad comer y beber, y acercaros a Mí cuando vengáis a Mi presencia; y Yo mismo haré Mi obra. No estéis demasiado ansiosos por obtener resultados rápidos; Mi obra no es algo que pueda hacerse de golpe. En ella están Mis pasos y Mi sabiduría, y es por eso que Mi sabiduría puede revelarse. Yo os permitiré ver lo que hacen Mis manos: el castigo del mal y la recompensa del bien. Ciertamente, Yo no favorezco a nadie. A ti, que me amas sinceramente, Yo te amaré sinceramente, y en cuanto a aquellos que no me aman sinceramente, Mi ira estará siempre con ellos, de forma que puedan recordar por toda la eternidad que Yo soy el Dios verdadero, el Dios que examina lo más íntimo del corazón del hombre. No actúes de una manera frente a los demás, pero de otra a sus espaldas; Yo veo con claridad todo lo que haces y, aunque puedas engañar a los demás, no puedes engañarme a Mí. Lo veo todo claramente. No es posible que ocultes nada; todo está en Mis manos. No te creas tan inteligente por hacer que tus pequeños cálculos sean para tu beneficio. Yo te digo: no importa cuántos planes pueda incubar el hombre, aunque sean miles o decenas de miles, al final, no pueden escapar de la palma de Mi mano. Mis manos controlan todas las cosas y objetos, ¡y, ni hablar de una persona! No intentes evadirme u ocultarte; no trates de engatusarme o de esconderte. ¿Puede ser que aún no veas que Mi glorioso rostro, Mi ira y Mi juicio se han revelado públicamente? A aquel que no me quiera sinceramente, Yo lo juzgaré de inmediato y sin misericordia. Mi piedad ha llegado a su fin; ya no queda más. Ya no sean hipócritas y detengan sus comportamientos salvajes e imprudentes.
Hijo mío, ten cuidado; pasa más tiempo en Mi presencia, y Yo me haré cargo de ti. No temas, trae Mi aguda espada de doble filo, y, de acuerdo con Mi voluntad, lucha contra Satanás hasta el amargo final. Yo te protegeré; no te preocupes. Todas las cosas ocultas serán abiertas y serán reveladas. Yo soy el Sol que produce luz e ilumina despiadadamente toda la oscuridad. Mi juicio ha descendido por completo y la iglesia es un campo de batalla. Todos deberíais prepararos y dedicar todo tu ser hasta la batalla decisiva y final; sin duda Yo te protegeré para que puedas luchar por Mí la buena batalla victoriosa.
de “Palabras diarias de Dios”

📖Seal of the Book of Disobedie

📖Seal of the Book of Disobedience📖
The rebellious Sons of Man: The most foolish believers in the world are the ones who have no ability to receive My Word who will never advance and change their behavior and life in their faith, that when they are told that they have narrowed their brains on the world they are ready to be killedand wrestle with My heart and truth, aren't they really narrow-minded, since when has God stayed with the old and since when has he acted submissively to corrupt people so that he can continue to bring truths to the stubborn , when I tell youthat you are stubborn are you ready to accept this for your discipline if it is not certain that a person is not ready to be disciplined by the truth or to receive the chastisement of the truth you are indeed a rebel, why am I telling the truth that this person is stubborn heads andtoo self-satisfied that God will not create different truths from outside religious people, from outside the church, from human grasps of the Book, God and God and these religious people will narrow their heads, and forever unchangeable,God shows his identity in his own way so that people can see that he really exists in the world and that he really travels the earth that he really does his own work for people, when corrupt people are judged by God and they are told thosedisobedient, they do not understand this because they blindly associate with God in his will and rush to their bed to eat, the human mind is a mind that does not know what God is doing, God only continues in his Word and does while the disobedient are continuearguing without knowing that God is acting in front of them showing their various transgressions, when God acts and speaks that he is starting his ministry the Devil will act to denounce God and prevent the growth ofhuman life the human mind is dirty and controlled fear from the Devil, what does it mean to be dirty it is not dirty as people think it is malicious but the person is thinking dirty it is their mind that is the core of the nature of the Devil act to protect himself ofno longer disciplining, aren't they truly disobedient Sons of man not listening to the truth, God is making the world think that it is unclean, they cannot accept God's Judgment with the Word and they cannot accept the works and existence ofGod from outside of what they believe means in the Spanish of these rebels that it doesn't matter to them whether God is real or not outside of these religious people that God exists they disrespectfully believe corpses the Spirit and blind in their worshipin God they are looking for the truth in the past and traces of God but they have no feeling and care if God is working now on earth instead the faith of these rebels is the faith corpses in the past life of histories, how are theyGod will not call them disobedient and how will they be in accordance with the will of God how will they be people blessed by God they are truly disobedient they only accept the past spoken by the Holy Spirit they themselves cannot accept the current up to date truthbecause God is true, he makes his own work and decisions, if people are told to be numb and rebellious, narrow-minded, you must accept it and do not say that obeying God is first being able to recognize him with your little ability and learned from previous onesuttering any moment can reveal the ugly face of any person who thinks they already know God after they act in front of God without discipline their true forms will show there, the form of defiled youths who have no parents for a long time howwill they be able to know God openly on earth, who has been separated from them for a long time, what he is like in man and has been separated for a long time through the truth and voice of his words, when he returns, the true ugly faces of people will be revealed after God reveals them in frontthey are his identity


(115) 全能说:“多少人想真心爱我,但因着人的“心”并不属自己,所以人都身不由己;多少人在我所给试炼之中真心爱我,但人总摸不着我的确实存在,人只是在空虚之中爱我,并不能因着我的确实存在而爱我;多少人将心摆在我前不去理睬,因而被撒但随机而夺走,之后人便离我而去;多少人在我话供应其时来真心爱我,但并不把我话珍惜在灵中,而是当作公物一样随便使用,随时又扔在原处。人都在痛苦之中寻求我,在试炼之中仰望我,在平安之时享受我,在险境之中否认我,在忙碌之时忘记我,在空闲之余来应付我,但不曾有一人在一生之中来爱我。我愿意让人在我前都求真,我并不要求人给我什么,只是让所有的人都能把我当作一回事,不是欺哄我,而是让我把人的真诚换来。在所有的人中间,贯穿着我的开启、光照,贯穿着我的心血代价,但在所有的人中间,又贯穿着人的所作所为的“真相”,贯穿人对我的欺骗。似乎人从母腹之中就带来了“欺骗的成分”,似乎人生来就有独特的“骗术”,而且从来不露马脚,不曾有人识破“骗术”的根源到底在哪儿。因此,人都活在不自觉的欺骗之中,似乎人都原谅自己,并不是自己愿意欺骗我,而是“神的安排”。这不正是人欺骗我的根源吗?这不正是人的诡计吗?我不曾因人的花言巧语而蒙头转向,因人的本质我早就测透,在人的血液里,不知含有多少不洁的成分,在人的骨髓里不知含有多少撒但的毒素,日积月累,人都习以为常,并不觉撒但的苦害,因此人都无心去打听“健康生存之术”。
      ——《话・卷一 神的显现与作工・神向全宇的说话・第二十一篇》
   (116) 全能神说: “人都是没有自知之明的东西,不能认识自己,但对别人却了如指掌,似乎别人做的、说的都在他面前经受了他的“检阅”,似乎首先经受了他的同意才做出来,因此,似乎就连别人的心理动态他都全然测透。人都是这样,虽说今天进入国度时代,但本性仍不改变,仍是在我前作我所作,而在我后却又开始做自己的独特的“生意”,但在这之后,来我面前时,却又如另一个人一样,似乎是坦然无惧,面不改色,心不跳,这不正是人的丑态吗?多少人在我前、在我后是判若两人;多少人在我前犹如刚生的绵羊,在我后却是猛虎一般,又犹如山中的小鸟一样“活蹦乱跳”;多少人在我前立下心志;多少人在我前寻求、渴慕我话,在我后却厌烦、放弃我话,似乎我话是他的累赘。我曾多少次看着被“仇敌”败坏的人类而放弃对其的希望;多少次看着人来在我前痛哭流泪以求得我的赦免,但我因着人的不自尊,因着人的屡教不改,所以我带着怒气闭目不理人的所做,即使人的心是真诚的、人的意是恳切的;多少次我看着人能够有信心与我配合,在我前犹如在我的怀中一样,体尝着我怀中的温暖;多少次看着选民的活泼、天真、可爱之态,我心何尝不是以此为享受呢?人不会享受在我手中命定之福,因人不认识到底什么是“福”,什么是“苦”,所以,人对我的追求并不是真实,若不是有明天的存在,你们之中谁能在我前是洁白如雪、纯洁如玉呢?难道对我的爱是可口的饭食可以换取的吗?是华丽高档的服饰吗?是高官、是厚禄吗?或是别人对你的爱可以换取的吗?难道因着试炼就促使人对我的爱放弃了吗?难道是苦难、是患难就可以使人对我的安排而生发怨言吗?人没有一个曾真实领略我口中利剑的,只是知道其外面之意,却并没有真实明白内里之意。若是人真能看见利剑之锋利,那么人都会犹如老鼠一样钻进地洞的,因着人的麻木,并不明白我话的真意,所以并不知道我话的厉害,不知我话中到底揭示其本性多少,审判其败坏有多少,所以多数人因着对我话一知半解,因而采取不冷不热的态度。”
     ——《话・卷一 神的显现与作工・神向全宇的说话・第十五管》

📖Seal of the Book of Disobedie


209 神所道成的肉身雖然與他的身份、地位大不相同,與他的實際身價在人看似乎是格格不入,但就這一不帶有神原有形像、没有神原有身份的肉身就能作出神的靈并不能直接作到的工作,這就是神道成肉身的原有意義與價值了,而這意義與價值也正是人所不能領受與承認的。儘管人都對神的靈采用仰視的態度,對神的肉身采取俯視的態度,不管人如何看,如何認為,肉身的實際意義與實際價值遠遠超過了靈的實際意義與實際價值,當然這只是對于敗壞的人類而言的。對于每一個尋求真理渴慕神顯現的人來説,靈的作工只能給人以感動或默示,只能給人以奇妙莫測、難以想象的神奇感,給人以偉大、超凡、人皆仰慕但又是人皆非達到、皆非够得着的感覺。人與神的靈只能是遥遥相望,似乎相隔很遠很遠,而且永遠不能相同,似乎人與神有一種看不見的隔閡,事實上這只是靈給人的錯覺,這錯覺只是由于靈與人不是同類,靈與人永遠不能同在一個世界之中的緣故,也由于靈并不具備任何一點人所具備的東西,因而靈對人來説并不是人的需要,因為靈并不能直接作人最需要的工作。肉身的作工給人實際的追求目標,給人明確的話語,給人實際、正常的感覺,給人以卑微、平凡的感覺,人雖感覺害怕但在多數人來看還是相當好接觸的,人可看見他的面,可聽見他的音,勿須遥遥相望,這一肉身給人的感覺是相近的,并不是遥遠的,不是難測的,而是可以看得見、可以接觸得到的,因為這一肉身與人是在同一個世界中的。

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・敗壞的人類更需要道成「肉身」的神的拯救》

210 人現在看見道成肉身的神所作的工作確實不一般,有許多是人所達不到的,是奥秘也是奇事,因此,許多人便順服了下來。有的人生下來就未服過任何一個人,但他看見今天神的説話,不知不覺就徹底服了下來,也不敢研究了,也不説什麽話了,人都在話中倒下了,都在這話的審判下仆倒了。若是神的靈直接向人説話,人就都順服在「聲音」之前了,不用説話揭示人就都仆倒了,就如保羅在大馬色的路上仆倒在光中一樣,若神仍那樣作,人永遠不能藉着話語的審判來認識自己的敗壞達到被拯救的目的。只有道成肉身才能將話語親自送到每個人的耳中,使那些有耳朵的人都聽見他的説話,都能接受他話語的審判工作,這樣才是話語達到的果效,不是靈的顯現來將人「嚇倒」。藉着這樣實際而又超凡的工作才能够將人深處那些隱藏了多少年的舊性情完全揭露出來,達到讓人都認識到,能够有變化。這些都是道成肉身的實際的工作,是實實際際地説,實實際際地審判,而後達到話語審判人的果效,這才是道成肉身的權柄,是道成肉身的意義。就是為了顯明道成肉身的權柄,顯明話語帶來的工作果效,顯明是靈來在了肉身,藉着説話審判人的方式來顯明他的權柄。肉身雖然是普通正常人性的外殻,但就藉着話語達到的果效來讓人看見他滿有權柄,看見他是神的自己,看見他的説話就是神自己的發表,以此來讓所有的人看見他是神的自己,而且是道成肉身的神自己,誰也不可觸犯,無人能勝過他的話語的審判,没有一樣黑暗勢力能勝過他的權柄。人順服他都是因着他「道」成的肉身,都是因着他的權柄,因着他話語的審判。道成的肉身帶來的工作也就是他所擁有的權柄。之所以道成肉身,就是因為肉身也能帶有權柄,而且能實實際際地作工在人中間,讓人看得見、摸得着,這樣的作工比起擁有所有權柄的神的靈的直接作工實際多了,而且作工果效也明顯。這就是因為道成的肉身能實際地説話、實際地作工,肉身的外殻還不帶有權柄,人都可靠近,他的實質却帶有權柄,但人誰也看不着他的權柄,當他説話、作工時人也發現不了他的權柄的存在,這更有利于他的實際作工。他這些實際的作工都能達到果效,儘管人都不知道他帶有權柄,人也看不見他的不可觸犯與他的烈怒,就藉着隱秘的權柄、隱秘的烈怒、公開的話語來達到他説話的果效。這就是以説話的口氣、説話的嚴厲、話語的所有智慧來讓人心服口服。這樣,人都順服在似乎没有權柄的道成肉身的神的話語之下了,這就達到了神拯救人的目的。這也是道成肉身的另一方面意義:是為了更實際地説話,也是為了讓他話語的實際在人身上達到果效,看見神話語的威力。所以説,這工作若不是藉着道成肉身根本没法達到果效,不能將罪惡的人完全拯救出來。因為神若不道成肉身就是人看不着而又不可接觸的靈,而人都是屬肉體的受造之物,人與神是在兩個不同的世界,而且具有不同性質,神的靈與屬肉體的人格格不入,根本没法「建交」,而人又不能成為靈,這樣,只有神的靈成為一個受造之物來作他原有的工作,因為神能升到至高處也能降卑為一個受造的人,作工在人中間,與人同生活,但人却不能升為至高成為靈,更不能降到至低處,所以,非得神道成肉身作工作。就如第一次的道成肉身,只有神道成的肉身能釘十字架來救贖人,而神的靈根本没法釘十字架來作人的贖罪祭。神能直接成為肉身來作人的贖罪祭,但人不能直接上天去拿神給人預備的贖罪祭。這樣,只有「讓神天上、天下多跑幾個來回」,也不能讓人上天去取這救恩,因為人墮落了,而且人根本上不了天,更拿不着贖罪祭,所以,還得耶穌來在人中間親自作那些人根本達不到的工作。每次的道成肉身都是太有必要了,若是其中有一步神的靈能直接達到,他也不會忍怨受辱而道成肉身的。

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・道成肉身的奥秘 四》

📖Seal of the Book of Disobedie

♦ 情形
进入真理实际得需要合适的环境,需要身边有对的人,需要合适的使你的生命能长大的人事物,这样,你所明白的这些真理也好、道理也好,才能得到证实,让你得到体验。如果一粒有生命的种子落在好的土壤里,但是缺乏阳光照射,缺乏雨水滋润,发出的芽是不是会枯萎?(是。)所以说,当你听了很多道,听了很多真理、很多神的话,你已经看准这条道是对的,是人生正道,这个时候你需要什么?需要求神给你摆设一个对你的生命有造就、有帮助,使你的生命能够长大的合适的环境。这个环境可能没有那么安逸,人的肉体就得受苦,人得撇弃很多,得放下很多东西。这些你们现在都经历到了。比如,受迫害回不了家,见不到儿女、丈夫(妻子),联系不上他们,不能跟亲戚朋友见面,也得不到他们的消息,在夜深人静的时候,你就开始琢磨家里的事了,“我爸怎么样了?他老了,我也孝敬不了了。我妈身体也不太好,也不知道现在怎么样了。”是不是总惦记这些事?如果心里总受这些事辖制,对尽本分会带来什么后果?那些肉体世俗的事少掺和、少管,这对人的生命长进来说有益处。你的惦记、操劳什么作用也不起,这些事都在神的手中,他们是什么命你也改变不了。你必须得明白,你信神的第一要务是应该体贴神的心意,尽上人的本分,得着真实的信心,进入神话实际,让自己的生命长大,得着真理,这才是最要紧的。从外表上看是人主动撇下世界、家庭的,其实是怎么回事呢?(是神主宰、神摆布的。)这是神摆布的,神让你见不到他们了,说得再贴切点儿,神给你剥夺了。这话是不是最实际的?(是。)人总说神主宰、神安排,那神在这事上是怎么主宰的?神把你从家里带出来,不让他们成为你的累赘拖累你,那神要把你往哪儿带?神要把你带到一个没有肉体缠累、看不到亲人的环境。你牵挂他们,你想为他们出点力也出不了了,想献点孝心也献不上了,他们缠累不了你了。神把他们摆布开了,剥夺了你的这一切缠累,否则你还会孝敬他们,为他们效力,为他们卖命。这些外面的缠累神都给你摆布开了,这是好事还是坏事?(好事。)这是好事,没必要后悔。既然是好事,人应该怎么做?人应该感谢神,说“神太爱我了!”凭着自己就没法胜过这情感的束缚,因为人的心都受情感辖制,都愿意一家人团团圆圆,一家老小都围在跟前,平平安安、健健康康、高高兴兴,每天就这么过着,永远不分开。但是这有一样不好,你一辈子的精力、心血,你的青春,你的美好时光,你一辈子最好的东西都献给他们了,为肉体、为家庭、为亲人、为工作、为名利、为各种复杂的关系,你把你这一辈子都搭进去了,你就把自己彻底毁了。所以说,神怎么爱人呢?神说:“你可别毁在泥坑里,你两脚陷进去,就凭你自己累死也拔不出来。你没那个身量,也没那个勇气,更没有那个信心,我把你带出来。”神就这么作,还不跟你商量。---摘自《话・卷三 末世基督座谈纪要》

📖Seal of the Book of Disobedie

🙇🙇Ang mga nagagawang tumayo nang matatag sa panahon ng gawain ng paghatol at pagkastigo ng Diyos sa mga huling araw—sa panahon ng huling gawain ng paglilinis—ang siyang makakapasok sa pangwakas na pahinga sa tabi ng Diyos. Samakatuwid, nakatakas na sa impluwensya ni Satanas ang lahat ng mga pumasok sa pahinga at nakuha na sila ng Diyos pagkatapos sumailalim sa Kanyang huling gawain ng paglilinis. Ang mga taong ito, na sa wakas ay natamo na ng Diyos, ay papasok sa huling pahinga. Ang mahalagang layunin ng gawain ng pagkastigo at paghatol ng Diyos ay upang linisin ang sangkatauhan at upang ihanda sila para sa kanilang huling pahinga. Kung walang ganitong paglilinis, wala sa sangkatauhan ang maaaring maiuri sa magkakaibang mga kategorya ayon sa uri, o pumasok sa pahinga. Ang gawaing ito ay ang tanging landas ng sangkatauhan upang pumasok sa pahinga. Tanging ang paglilinis ng Diyos ang magtatanggal ng kawalan ng katuwiran ng mga tao, at tanging ang gawain Niya ng pagkastigo at paghatol ang magdadala sa liwanag sa mga masuwaying bahagi ng sangkatauhan, naghihiwalay sa mga maaaring maligtas mula sa mga hindi maaari, at ang mga mananatili mula sa mga hindi. Kapag natapos ang gawaing ito, ang lahat ng mga taong pinayagang manatili ay lilinisin at papasok sa isang mas mataas na kalagayan ng sangkatauhan kung saan magtatamasa sila ng isang mas kamangha-manghang ikalawang buhay sa lupa; sa madaling salita, uumpisahan nila ang kanilang araw ng pahinga, at mabuhay kasama ang Diyos. Matapos makastigo at mahatulan ang mga hindi pinapayagang manatili, ang kanilang tunay na mga kulay ay ganap na maihahayag, pagkatapos nito ay wawasakin silang lahat at, kagaya ni Satanas, hindi na pahihintulutang mabuhay sa lupa. Ang sangkatauhan sa hinaharap ay hindi na magsasama ng alinman sa ganitong uri ng mga tao. Hindi angkop na pumasok sa lupain ng huling pahinga ang ganitong mga tao, at hindi sila angkop na sumali sa araw ng pahingang pagsasaluhan ng Diyos at ng sangkatauhan, dahil sila ang puntirya ng kaparusahan at mga makasalanan, hindi matuwid na mga tao. Tinubos sila nang minsan, at hinatulan at kinastigo na rin sila. Minsan din silang nagbigay ng paglilingkod sa Diyos. Subalit, pagdating ng huling araw, aalisin at wawasakin pa rin sila dahil sa kasamaan nila at bilang bunga ng kanilang pagsuway at kawalang kakayahang matubos. Hindi sila kailanman muling iiral sa mundo ng hinaharap, at hindi na mamumuhay kasama ang lahi ng tao sa hinaharap. Maging mga espiritu man sila ng mga patay o mga taong nabubuhay pa rin sa laman, wawasakin ang lahat ng mga masama at lahat ng mga hindi pa naililigtas sa sandaling ang banal na nasa sangkatauhan ay pumasok na sa pahinga. Para naman sa mga masasamang espiritu at tao na ito, o ang espiritu ng matuwid na mga tao at mga gumagawa ng katuwiran, anuman ang kinabibilangan nilang kapanahunan, sa huli, ang lahat ng mga gumagawa ng kasamaan ay mawawasak, at ang lahat ng mga matuwid ay makaliligtas. Kung makatatanggap ng kaligtasan ang isang tao o espiritu ay hindi ganap na pinagpapasyahan sa batayan ng gawain ng huling kapanahunan. Sa halip, tinutukoy ito sa pamamagitan ng kung sila man ay lumaban o hindi o kaya ay naging masuwayin tungo sa Diyos. Ang mga tao sa nakaraang panahon na gumawa ng masama at hindi nakapagtamo ng kaligtasan, walang alinlangan, ay mapagtutuunan ng kaparusahan, at ang mga nasa kasalukuyang panahon na gumagawa ng masama at hindi maaaring mailigtas ay tiyak na mapagtutuunan din ng kaparusahan. Ang mga tao ay nauuri ayon sa kabutihan o kasamaan, at hindi sa pamamagitan ng kung anong kapanahunan sila nabuhay. Kapag naayos na batay sa uri, hindi sila agarang parurusahan o gagantimpalaan. Sa halip, isasakatuparan lamang ng Diyos ang gawain Niya na pagpaparusa sa masama at pagbibigay ng gantimpala sa mabuti makaraan Niyang matapos ang pagsasakatuparan ng gawain Niya ng panlulupig sa mga huling araw. Sa katunayan, pinaghihiwalay na Niya ang mga mabubuti at masasamang tao mula pa nang simulan Niyang gawin ang gawain Niya sa kalagitnaan nila. Iyon nga lamang, gagantimpalaan Niya ang matuwid at parurusahan ang masasama sa oras lamang na matapos Niya ang Kanyang gawain. Hindi sa paghihiwalayin Niya sila ayon sa uri pagkatapos ng Kanyang Gawain at pagkatapos ay agarang mag-uumpisa na atupagin ang pagpaparusa sa masama at pagbibigay ng gantimpala sa mabuti. Ang buong layunin sa likod ng huling gawain ng Diyos na pagpaparusa sa masama at pagbibigay ng gantimpala sa mabuti ay upang lubusang maging dalisay ang lahat ng mga tao upang maaari Siyang magdala ng isang ganap na banal na sangkatauhan sa walang hanggang pahinga. Ang yugtong ito sa gawain Niya ang pinakamahalaga. Ito ang huling yugto ng kabuuan ng Kanyang pamamahala.
—Ang Salita, Vol. I. Ang Pagpapakita at Gawain ng Diyos. Papasok sa Pahinga ang Diyos at ang Tao Nang Magkasama
mula sa Mahahalagang Salita Mula sa Makapangyarihang Diyos, ang Cristo ng mga Huling Araw

📖Seal of the Book of Disobedie

📖Seal of the Book of Disobedie

🌹🌿 We are here so that we can continue what we are studying and to learn from the WORDS of Almighty God. The Lord God said, I am the WAY, and the TRUTH, and the LIFE.
My SHEEP hears my VOICE, and I know them, and they  follow me. Amen 🙏
“To completely resolve the problem of your corrupt disposition, you must seek the truth to resolve it when it first arises. You must solve the corrupt disposition in its budding state, thereby ensuring that you will not do anything wrong and preventing future troubles. If a corrupt disposition takes root and becomes a person’s thoughts or viewpoint, it will be able to direct a person to do evil. Therefore, self-reflection and self-knowledge is mainly about discovering one’s corrupt dispositions, and quickly seeking the truth to resolve them. You must know what things are in your nature, what you like, what you pursue, and what you want to obtain. You must analyze these things according to God’s words to see if they are in line with God’s will, and in what way they are erroneous. Once you understand these things, you must resolve the problem of your abnormal reason, which is to say, the problem of your unreasonable and relentless vexatiousness. This is not only the problem of your corrupt disposition, it also touches on your lack of reason. Especially in matters where their interests are concerned, people who get carried away by self-interest do not possess normal reason. This is a psychological problem, and this is also people’s Achilles’ heel. …"
📖—Truth Realities That Believers in God Must Enter Into.

📖Seal of the Book of Disobedie

Todo se logra por la palabra de Dios
Dios todopoderoso dice; Dios pronuncia Sus palabras y realiza Su obra según las distintas eras, y en diferentes eras profiere palabras diferentes. Dios no se ajusta a normas ni repite la misma obra ni siente nostalgia por las cosas del pasado; Él es un Dios siempre nuevo, nunca viejo, y habla palabras nuevas cada día. Tú deberías acatar lo que hay que acatar hoy; esta es la responsabilidad y el deber del hombre. Es fundamental que la práctica se centre en la luz y las palabras actuales de Dios. Él no se ajusta a normas y es capaz de hablar desde muchas perspectivas diferentes para hacer evidente Su sabiduría y Su omnipotencia.

📖Seal of the Book of Disobedie

Dunia yang gelap dan jahat serta kehidupan yang sulit membuat manusia hidup dalam dosa dan bergumul dengan susah payah dalam penderitaan. Orang yang dengan tulus percaya kepada Tuhan semuanya berseru dalam hatinya agar Tuhan Yesus segera datang kembali untuk menyelamatkan manusia dari dosa dan penderitaan, sehingga manusia dapat hidup dalam terang Tuhan dan hidup bersama Tuhan.
Jika Anda masih berseru seperti ini, kami ingin menyampaikan sebuah kabar baik yang luar biasa kepada Anda: Tuhan Yesus, yang telah kita nantikan selama bertahun-tahun, telah datang kembali dan telah mengungkapkan banyak kebenaran dan membawakan manusia terang sejati, memungkinkan mereka yang merindukan kedatangan-Nya kembali untuk memiliki kesempatan untuk hidup dalam terang-Nya. 
Jika Anda ingin mengetahui fakta tentang kedatangan Tuhan kembali dan menyambut Tuhan yang kembali secepatnya. Kami akan belajar firman Tuhan bersama Anda untuk memastikan fakta tentang kedatangan Tuhan kembali, yang membuat Anda memiliki kesempatan untuk menyambut kedatangan Tuhan kembali.
Berbagi satu bagian firman Tuhan, Tuhan berfirman: “Aku memberikan kemuliaan-Ku kepada Israel lalu mengambilnya kembali, dengan demikian membawa orang Israel ke Timur, dan semua manusia ke Timur. Aku membawa mereka semua kepada terang supaya mereka dapat dipersatukan kembali dengan terang itu, dan menjadi terhubung dengannya, dan tidak perlu lagi mencari-carinya. Aku akan membuat semua orang yang mencari melihat terang lagi dan melihat kemuliaan yang dahulu Kumiliki di Israel; Aku akan membuat mereka melihat bahwa Aku sudah lama datang di atas awan putih ke tengah-tengah umat manusia, membuat mereka melihat awan putih yang tak terhitung jumlahnya dan buah dalam gugusan-gugusan yang melimpah, dan terlebih lagi, membuat mereka melihat Yahweh, Tuhan Israel. Aku akan membuat mereka memandang kepada Guru atas kaum Yahudi, Mesias yang dirindukan, dan penampakan-Ku sepenuhnya, yaitu Aku yang telah dianiaya oleh raja-raja di sepanjang masa. Aku akan bekerja atas seluruh alam semesta dan Aku akan melakukan pekerjaan yang hebat, menyatakan seluruh kemuliaan-Ku dan semua perbuatan-Ku kepada manusia di akhir zaman. Aku akan memperlihatkan wajah kemuliaan-Ku dalam kepenuhannya kepada orang-orang yang telah menantikan Aku bertahun-tahun lamanya, kepada orang-orang yang telah merindukan kedatangan-Ku di atas awan putih, kepada Israel yang telah merindukan penampakan-Ku sekali lagi, dan kepada seluruh umat manusia yang menganiaya Aku, supaya semua orang tahu bahwa sudah lama Aku mengambil kemuliaan-Ku dan membawanya ke Timur dan kemuliaan-Ku bukan lagi berada di Yudea. Sebab akhir zaman telah tiba!"

📖Seal of the Book of Disobedie

Almighty God Says   🌷6. What’s the principle when it comes to doing things for yourself? It is doing whatever you feel like without consulting others, and without praying to or seeking God; it is acting according to your own whims and without regard for consequence as long as it benefits you. Is this principle acceptable for performing your duty in God’s house? (No.) Some people say: “I don’t even take my own affairs as seriously or put in as much effort. I treat my duty as if it’s my own business, and this principle is surely appropriate.” Is this the correct way to accept duty? Definitely not. What should one’s attitude toward duty be then? (Accept it from God.) “Accept it from God.” These four words are easy to say, but how to actually put the truth contained within them into practice depends on how you treat your duty. Just now, we defined what duty is. Duty comes from God, it is a commission entrusted by God, it is related to the work of His management plan and man’s salvation. From this point of view, does duty have anything to do with your personal principles of conduct? Does it have anything to do with your personal preferences, your life habits, or your life routines? Not in the slightest. So what is duty related to then? It is related to the truth. Some people say: “Since this duty is assigned to me, then it is my own affair. And I have the highest principle for performing duty, which none of you have. God demands people fulfill their duty with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. But, in addition to this, I have an even higher principle, which is to treat my duty like it’s my own major concern, and to do it diligently and strive for the best result.” Is this principle correct? (No.) Why is it wrong? If you accept your duty from God and in your heart you are clear He entrusts it to you, how should you treat this commission? This relates to the principles of performing duty.

📖Seal of the Book of Disobedie

Sabi ng Makapangyarihang 
“Halimbawa, ayon sa kinakailangan, ang bawat baguhan ay dapat dumalo sa dalawang pagtitipon kada linggo, na tumatagal ng tatlong oras kada pagtitipon, ngunit ang ilang mga baguhan ay nakakagugol lamang ng kalahating oras sa mga pagtitipon. Sa kasong ito, maaari mong sabihin, ‘Kahit kalahating oras ka lang sa mga pagtitipon, ito ay nagpapatunay na ikaw ay tunay na naniniwala sa Diyos at ito ay katanggap-tanggap sa Kanya, dahil isinisingit mo ang kalahating oras na ito mula sa buhay at trabaho mo para sa mga pagtitipon. Kung hindi ka naniniwala sa Diyos, maaari nagpapakasaya ka sa labas o nagtatamasa ng pisikal na kaginhawahan sa panahong ito. Ngayon na naibibigay mo ang kalahating oras na ito sa Diyos, at nakakaharap sa Kanya, ang panahong ito ay hindi nagugol sa walang kabuluhan; ito ay ginugunita ng Diyos, at ito ay isang mabuting gawa. Sa katunayan, dumadalo tayo sa mga pagtitipon para maunawaan ang katotohanan.’ … ‘Bagaman hindi tayo makakapaggugol ng tatlong oras sa mga pagtitipon ayon sa kinakailangan at makakagugol lamang ng kalahating oras, kung hindi pa rin natin ibibigay ang kalahating oras na ito sa Diyos o gugugulin ito kasama ng Diyos dahil lang hindi natin kayang maglaan ng tatlong oras at bigyang-kasiyahan ang Diyos, hindi ito katanggap-tanggap.’”
—Ang Salita, Vol. VI. Ukol sa Paghahangad sa Katotohanan. Paano Sikaping Matamo ang Katotohanan (20)

📖Seal of the Book of Disobedie

📢👉Ang SELYADONG AKLAT ay Ang salita mismo Ng Diyos sa mga huling araw upang ito ay lalaganap Ng napaka bilis na parang kidlat⚡⚡⚡ sa buong sansinukob Bago Ang wakas😇
 “Ngunit ikaw, O Daniel, ilihim mo ang mga salita, at tatakan mo
ang aklat hanggang sa panahon ng wakas.”
📕Daniel 12:4
“Sinabi niya, ‘Humayo ka sa iyong lakad, Daniel; sapagkat
ang mga salita ay mananatiling lihim at natatakan hanggang sa panahon ng
wakas. Marami ang dadalisayin, lilinisin, at papuputiin’…
📕Daniel 12:9-10 
"At ipangangaral ang evangeliong ito ng kaharian sa buong sanglibutan sa pagpapatotoo sa lahat ng mga bansa; at kung magkagayo'y darating ang wakas."
📕(Mateo 24:14)
"At nakakita ako ng isang balumbon sa kanang kamay ng nakaupo
 sa trono na may sulat sa loob at sa likod nito,
 tinatakan ito ng pitong selyo."
📕(Pahayag 5:1)
🌾📖" Sinumang hindi pumapansin sa Aking mga salita ay ituturing na tuwirang lumalaban sa Akin; sinumang hindi kumakain ng Aking mga salita, o hindi naghahangad na malaman ang mga iyon, ay ituturing na hindi nakikinig na mabuti sa Akin, at tuwirang palalabasin sa pintuan ng Aking bahay. Ito ay dahil, tulad ng sinabi Ko na noong araw, ang nais Ko ay hindi ang maraming tao, kundi ang kahusayan. Sa isandaang tao, kung iisa lamang ang nakakakilala sa Akin sa pamamagitan ng Aking mga salita, handa Akong itapon ang lahat ng iba pa upang liwanagan at paliwanagin ang iisang ito.
🌾mula sa Ang Salita ay Nagpapakita sa Katawang-tao🌾

📖Seal of the Book of Disobedie

📖Seal of the Book of Disobedie





📖Seal of the Book of Disobedie


📖Seal of the Book of Disobedie

🔥⚡習政權感到威脅了!美女博主震撼獨家爆料;中共悄悄送大禮!官媒噤聲 粉紅聞聲心碎;用完了就扔!中共突然封禁大量反日賬號;波音內部整頓 國防航太部門執行長遭到開除【阿波羅網CY】

📖Seal of the Book of Disobedie

【謝田時間】1.中共制裁九家美軍火商只為面子做樣子? 2. 美反艦武器戰略讓中共萬艦齊發失效? 3. 報復台灣水產、農產品後效應? 4.北京限制金屬銻出口顯反效應、直擊中共七吋?

📖Seal of the Book of Disobedie

🔥🔥巨大隕石掉落北京 習命數已盡❗作好大災準備 921災日台灣突發地震❗

📖Seal of the Book of Disobedie

這能扭轉戰局!普京心知再打要完 急忙耍花招 拜登會否上當?【兩岸要聞】

📖Seal of the Book of Disobedie

🚨🏃‍♂️中共最高層家族搬離中南海大院!超諷:他們都跑去美國生活;關閘!多國對中國留學生下逐客令?最擔心的來了;受夠犯罪、移民問題 紐約州部分選民轉向支持川普【阿波羅網CA】

📖Seal of the Book of Disobedie



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📖Seal of the Book of Disobedie



📖Seal of the Book of Disobedie



📖Seal of the Book of Disobedie


中國人正被喚醒大中華民國夢?共產黨是盜版貨 中華民國才是正版中國?

📖Seal of the Book of Disobedie


📖Seal of the Book of Disobedie

📖Seal of the Book of Disobedie

📖Seal of the Book of Disobedie

📖Seal of the Book of Disobedie












































































    創作者 人間過客 的頭像


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