Percaya kepada Tuhan bukan fokus pada penampilan tetapi Firman Tuhan.
1 Samuel 16:7 (TB) Tetapi berfirmanlah TUHAN kepada Samuel: "Janganlah pandang parasnya atau perawakan yang tinggi, sebab Aku telah menolaknya. Bukan yang dilihat manusia yang dilihat Allah; manusia melihat apa yang di depan mata, tetapi TUHAN melihat hati."
Tuhan menasihati kita agar tidak memandang dan menilai dari hal-hal lahiriah (penampilan luar)
Itu adalah kehendak Tuhan bagi kita. Saat Tuhan menjadi daging, oleh karena Esensi Tuhan ada rendah hati, Tuhan memakai daging yang biasa di akhir zaman untuk melakukan pekerjaanNya. Tak peduli apa gender atau daging yang dipakai oleh Tuhan, esensi dan watak Tuhan tidak akan berubah, sebab Tuhan tetap Tuhan sendiri.
Bahkan Tuhan adalah Maha kuasa dan Maha mampu, tidak bisakah Tuhan memakai daging yang paling megah di alam semesta saat Ia datang ke dunia ? Pasti bisa dan itu senang sekali ! Tapi karena Esensi Tuhan ada Kerendahan hati, Tuhan memilih memakai daging yang biasa. Sama seperti di 2000 tahun lalu, Tuhan Yesus memakai daging yang biasa dan dilahirkan di palungan. Esensi Tuhan terlalu INDAH !
Dalam catatan Samuel juga sudah memberitahu kita dengan jelas, “TUHAN melihat hati”. Jika kita adalah PELAKU FIRMAN, mengapa kita menghambat diri kita pada “Penampilan” ? Mengapa tidak fokus melakukan firman Tuhan di 1 Samuel 16:7 ?
Oleh sebab daging yang dipakai Tuhan saat ini tidak sesuai dengan gagasan dan imaginasi agamawi kita, maka kita menolak semua firman Tuhan yang begitu berharga, bukankah ini sikap memberontak dan perkara ini menyingkapi orang yang menentang Tuhan seperti ahlii farisi ?
Apa Petrus dan murid lainnya mengikuti Yesus karena penampilannya?
Apa kita mengikuti Yesus karena penampilan ? Kita tak pernah melihat Yesus, mengapa bisa mengikuti Nya sampai hari ini ? Nah..bukankah ini hal yang benar terjadi sekarang ?
Di akhir zaman, Tuhan telah kembali dan memakai daging untuk melakukan pekerjaanNya. Ada beberapa tidak setuju dan amarah karena kali ini daging yang dipakai berlainan gender. Apa kita layak untuk menuntut Tuhan melakukan ini dan itu sesuai kehendak kita ? Manusia sekecil semut bagaimana mungkin layak/berani menuntut Sang Pencipta untuk melakukan ini dan itu ?
Yesaya 55:8-9 (TB) Sebab rancangan-Ku bukanlah rancanganmu, dan jalanmu bukanlah jalan-Ku, demikianlah firman TUHAN. Seperti tingginya langit dari bumi, demikianlah tingginya jalan-Ku dari jalanmu dan rancangan-Ku dari rancanganmu.
Tuhan berinkarnasi dalam daging telah menyingkapkan banyak ‘orang percaya’ adalah hamba jahat dan kambing karena mereka mengutuk, menentang dan menghujat daging Inkarnasi Tuhan di akhir zaman seperti Farisi yang hanya fokus penampilan luaran. Terpujilah Hikmat Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa. Domba dan kambing dipisahkan dengan penuh Hikmat.
Mari kita meneladani iman Ayub.
Firman Tuhan : “Ayub belum pernah melihat wajah Tuhan, atau mendengar firman yang diucapkan oleh Tuhan, apalagi secara langsung mengalami pekerjaan Tuhan, namun sikapnya yang takut akan Tuhan dan kesaksiannya selama ujiannya disaksikan oleh semua orang, dan dicintai, disenangi, dan dipuji oleh Tuhan, dan orang-orang iri dan mendambakannya, dan terlebih lagi, melantunkan pujian mereka.”
Ayub memiliki sikap takut akan Tuhan meskipun tidak pernah melihat wajah Tuhan atau mendengar firman Tuhan. Tapi di saat ini, ada beberapa telah berdepan dengan firman Tuhan dan bahkan makan dan minum firman Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa, tapi pada akhirnya mereka tewas pada ‘penampilan/wajah’ dan mulai mengutuk dan menyebarkan negatif tentang pekerjaan Tuhan di akhir zaman. Orang-orang ini percaya Tuhan karena wajah. Bukankah ini ciri-ciri dan kepercayaan ahli Farisi ?
Petrus, wanita Samaria, Nathanel menyambut Yesus karena FirmanNya.
Ramai orang percaya dari berbagai denominasi menyambut kedatangan Yesus kedua kali juga karena FirmanNya.
Domba Tuhan mendengar suara Tuhan.
Amin Puji Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa.

Percaya kepada Tuhan bukan fok

226 在肉身中作工的最長之處就是能給跟隨他的人留下準確的説話,留下準確的囑咐,留下他對人類準確的心意,之後跟隨他的人才能更準確、更實際地將他在肉身中的全部工作與他對全人類的心意傳給每一個接受此道的人。在肉身中的神作工在人中間才真正實現了神與人同在、同生活的事實,實現了人都看見神的面、看見神的作工、聽見神的親口説話這個願望。道成肉身的神結束了「只有耶和華的背影向人類顯現」的時代,也結束了人類信仰渺茫神的時代,尤其是最後一次道成肉身的神的作工把全人類都帶入了一個更現實、更實際、更美好的時代,不僅結束了律法、規條的時代,更重要的是,將實際的正常的神,將公義的聖潔的神,將打開經營計劃工作的、展示人類奥秘與歸宿的神,將創造人類的、結束經營工作的神,將隱秘了幾千年的神向人類公開,徹底結束了渺茫的時代,結束了全人類欲尋求神面却不能的時代,結束了全人類事奉撒但的時代,將全人類完全帶入了一個嶄新的時代,這些工作都是肉身中的神取代神的靈作工的成果。神在肉身中作工,跟隨他的人才不再尋求摸索那些似有又似無有的東西,才不再猜測渺茫神的心意了。當神擴展在肉身中作的工作時,那些跟隨他的人就會將他在肉身中作過的工作都傳于各宗、各派,將他的全部説話都傳于全人類的耳中,凡得到他福音的人所聽到的都會是他作工的事實,是人親眼目睹、親耳聆聽的,是事實不是傳聞。這些事實都是他擴展工作的證據,也是他擴展工作的工具,若没有事實的存在他的福音是不會傳遍各方各國的,没有事實只是人的想象那就永遠不能作征服全宇的工作。靈是人不可觸摸的,也是人不可看見的,靈的作工不能給人留下更多的證據與作工的事實,人永遠不會看見神的真面目,永遠信仰渺茫的不存在的神,永遠也不會見到神的面目,不會聽見神的親口説話。人想象的總歸是空洞的,并不能代替神的本來面目,神的原有性情與他自己的作工是人扮演不出來的。只有神道成肉身來到人中間親自作工,才能將天上看不見的神與他的作工帶到地上,這是神向人顯現,是人看見神、認識神本來面目的最理想的方式,是非道成肉身的神不能達到的。工作作到現在這個地步已達到最好的果效了,作到這個地步已是事倍功就了。在肉身中的神他自己的工作已完成了他全部經營工作的百分之九十,這個肉身將他全部的工作都帶入了一個更好的開端,這個肉身將他全部的工作都作了總結,也都作了公布,而且作了最後一次徹底的補充。至此,再不會有道成肉身的神來作第四步工作了,再也不會有神第三次道成肉身這個奇妙的工作了。

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・敗壞的人類更需要道成「肉身」的神的拯救》

227 「肉身」雖然正常、實際,但并不是平凡的肉身,不是只有人性的肉身,而是有人性也有神性的肉身,這是他與人不同的地方,這是神的身份的標志。這樣的肉身才能作他要作的工作,才能盡到肉身的神的職分,才能將他在人中間的工作完成得徹底,否則的話,他在人中間的工作將永遠是一片空白,永遠是一個漏洞,即使神能與撒但的靈争戰而且得勝,但被敗壞的人的舊性永遠得不到解决,悖逆、抵擋他的人永遠不能真實地服在他的權下,也就是他永遠不能征服人類,永遠不能得着全人類。地上的工作得不到解决,他的經營就不能結束,全人類就不能進入安息;神與所有受造之物不能進入安息,這樣的經營工作將永遠没有結果,神的榮耀也就隨之消失了。雖然説他的肉身没有帶着權柄,但是他所作的工作達到果效了,這是他工作的必然趨勢,不管是帶有權柄還是不帶有權柄,只要是能作神自己工作的就是神自己,不管肉身多麽正常、普通都能作他該作的工作,因為這個肉身是神并不僅僅是一個人。這個肉身之所以能作到人作不到的工作,就是因為他的内裏實質并不同于任何一個人,他能拯救人是因為他的身份并不同于任何一個人。這個肉身之所以對人類太重要,是因為他是人,更是神,因為他能作一個平凡的肉身中的人作不了的工作,因為他能拯救與他一同生活在地上的敗壞的人。同樣是人,道成肉身的神對人類來説則比任何一個有價值的人更為重要,就是因為他能作神的靈作不了的工作,他比神的靈更能作神自己的見證,他比神的靈更能徹底得着人類,因此這個肉身雖普通正常,但説起他對人類的貢獻、對人類生存的意義那就寶貝多了,這個肉身的實際價值與意義是任何一個人都不可估量的。肉身雖然不能直接毁滅撒但,但他能以作工的方式來征服人類、打敗撒但,使撒但徹底服在他的權下。正因為神道成肉身,所以他能將撒但打敗,也能拯救人類。他不直接毁滅撒但,而是道成肉身來作工征服撒但敗壞的人類,這樣能更好地在受造之物中間作他自己的見證,也能更好地拯救被敗壞的人。神道成的肉身打敗撒但比神的靈直接毁滅撒但更有見證,更有説服力。肉身中的神更有利于人對造物主的認識,更能在受造之物中作他的見證。

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・敗壞的人類更需要道成「肉身」的神的拯救》

Percaya kepada Tuhan bukan fok

Question 4: Just then, you said that the most prophesied thing in the Bible is God’s judgment work in the last days. There are at least 200 places in the Bible mentioning that God will come to carry out His judgment. This is completely true. This was stated even more clearly in 1 Peter 4:17: “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God.” It seems God’s judgment work in the last days is a certainty. But what you witnessed is God of the last days coming into the flesh to do His judgment work. This is different to what we accept. We believe the Lord in the last days will appear to mankind and work in the form of Jesus’ spiritual body following the resurrection. This is also the view of the majority in religious circles. This concept of the returned Lord appearing to man and working in the flesh is something we still cannot see through, so please communicate some more with us.
Answer: It is good to see that you have affirmed that the Lord’s return is to judge and cleanse people. It’s just that you’re still unclear on the method of the Lord’s arrival. The majority of believers think that the Lord’s reappearance before mankind will be through the spiritual body of Jesus that rose to heaven after the resurrection, and that the Lord would not possibly be incarnated into the Son of man again. Then in what method does the returned Lord appear before mankind to carry out His judgment? As a spiritual body or God in the flesh? This has become a question of utmost concern to believers of God. Our testimony of God coming into the flesh in the last days to do His judgment work is something that has a clear prophecy in the Bible. The Lord Jesus said, “For the Father judges no man, but has committed all judgment to the Son.…” (Jhn 5:22). “And has given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man” (Jhn 5:27). The Lord Jesus directly prophesied that God of the last days will become flesh as the Son of man to carry out His judgment. All references to “Son” or “Son of man” are certainly references to Christ in the flesh. For instance, Jesus in the flesh was the Son of man. Born to a human being, with a normal humanity. Adopting an ordinary and normal person’s image to live among people. That’s why He’s called the Son of man, Christ. If He were a Spirit, He cannot be called the “Son of man.” Just as Jehovah God is a Spirit, so He cannot be called the “Son of man.” The spiritual body of the Lord Jesus after the resurrection is not the body of God incarnate, so He cannot be called the Son of man either. anyone that has man’s image but is a spiritual body cannot be called the Son of man. Just as the Lord Jesus has prophesied, “For as the lightning, that lightens out of the one part under heaven, shines to the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be in his day. But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation” (Luk 17:24-25). This is even more proof that the Lord’s return is through incarnation in the flesh as the Son of man. If it were through the spiritual body of the resurrected Lord, then He wouldn’t have to endure much suffering, and He certainly wouldn’t be rejected of this generation. A spiritual body is of course supernatural. Not only will He be able to perform miracles, anything He says will also immediately come true. If it’s like this, then mankind will surely follow Him. Believers, non-believers, even the devil Satan would follow. If that were the case, then how could the Lord’s return be rejected of this generation? Also, if it were a spiritual body that came to rapture the saints, then all believers would be even more unlikely to reject God. Is that not the truth? So in accordance with the Lord Jesus’ prophecy, we can be absolutely certain that the Lord Jesus must return in the flesh as the Son of Man to utter His voice and do the judgment work of the last days. It cannot possibly be the spiritual body of the resurrected Jesus—this is certainly undeniable.
In the last days God is incarnated as the Son of Man to do His judgment work, just like when the Lord Jesus came to earth to spread the gospel of the kingdom of heaven. Mankind saw the Lord Jesus as an ordinary Son of man, but His words and work had authority, power, and made people convinced. We can tell from the Lord Jesus’ words and work that everything expressed by the Lord Jesus is the truth, allowing everyone to be utterly convinced. Naturally, people would believe that the Lord Jesus was certainly sent by God, and that He was God Himself who did God’s work. Similarly, when the incarnate Almighty God appears in the last days to do His work, many people hear God’s voice, and can all see the truth manifested like light in the realm of man. It allows everyone to see the incarnate Son of man can express the truth and judge and cleanse corrupt mankind. And it allows people to see from the truth expressed by the incarnate Son of man God’s righteous disposition, so people can revere and obey God in their hearts, and be completely saved and gained by God. Almighty God speaks words and does His work of judgment beginning at the house of God, cleansing and saving all those who have come before God’s throne, and making a group of overcomers before the disaster. Now, the words of Almighty God and the overcoming testimonies of God’s chosen people about experiencing His judgment, cleansing and perfection have already been made public on the Internet, facing the entire world and openly testifying that Almighty God is the return of the Lord Jesus, that Almighty God is the appearance of the one true God who judges and saves mankind. Just as Almighty God says, “I will watch over the whole earth and, appearing in the East of the world with righteousness, majesty, wrath, and chastisement, I shall reveal Myself to the myriad hosts of humanity!” (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. God’s Words to the Entire Universe, Chapter 26).
—The movie script of Song of Victory
#Almighty God #God #Heavenly Kingdom #Word of God #Prayer #Worship God #God Has Come #Praise #Jesus# Wise Virgins

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