📖𝐒𝐚𝐛𝐢 𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐲𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐢𝐲𝐨𝐬:
Lahat ng mga tanda at kababalaghang hindi pa nakikita kailanman ng tao ay nagmumula sa Akin, lumilitaw nang sunod-sunod sa lahat ng tao (ibig sabihin, lahat ng tao ng Aking kaharian). Ngunit isang bagay itong mangyayari sa malapit na hinaharap. Huwag mag-alala. Itong pagpasok sa kaharian na pinatungkulan ng lahat—ano ang kalagayan sa pagpasok sa kaharian? At ano ang kaharian? Ito ba ay isang pisikal na lungsod? Mali ang inyong pagkaunawa. Wala sa daigdig ang kaharian, ni sa pisikal na himpapawid, kundi sa espirituwal na daigdig na hindi makikita o mahihipo ng tao. Tanging iyong mga nagawa Kong ganap sa kabuuan at nagtatamasa ng Aking mga pagpapala pagkatapos tanggapin ang Aking pangalan ang makakapasok dito. Ang espirituwal na daigdig na madalas na nababanggit noon ay ang ibabaw ng kaharian. Subalit ang tunay na makapasok sa kaharian ay hindi madaling bagay. Iyong mga pumapasok dito ay dapat makamtan ang Aking pangako at dapat mga taong naitakda at napili Ko mismo. Samakatuwid, ang espirituwal na daigdig ay hindi isang lugar kung saan maaaring pumunta at umalis ng mga tao ayon sa kanilang kagustuhan. Ang pagkakaunawa dito noon ng mga tao ay napakababaw, at binubuo lamang ng mga kuru-kuro ng tao. Iyong mga makapapasok sa kaharian lamang ang makatatamasa ng mga pagpapala, kaya hindi lang sa hindi matatamasa ng tao ang mga pagpapalang ito, ngunit higit pa roon, hindi niya makikita ang mga ito. Ito ang pinakahuli Kong atas administratibo.
mula sa Ang Salita ay Nagpapakita sa Katawang-tao, Volume I
📖𝐀𝐥𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐲𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝐬𝐚𝐲𝐬:
All the signs and wonders that man has never seen before come from Me, appearing one after the other to all people (ie, all people of My kingdom). But this is something that will happen in the near future. Don't worry. This entry into the kingdom that everyone is tasked with—what is the condition of entering the kingdom? And what is the kingdom? Is it a physical city? Your understanding is wrong. The kingdom is not in the world, nor in the physical air, but in the spiritual world that cannot be seen or touched by man. Only those whom I have made completely and enjoy My blessings after accepting My name can enter here. The spiritual world that is often mentioned before is the surface of the kingdom. But truly entering the kingdom is not an easy thing. Those who enter here must obtain My promise and must be people whom I have determined and chosen myself. Therefore, the spiritual world is not a place where people can come and go as they please. People's understanding of this before was very superficial, and consisted only of human opinions. Only those who enter the kingdom will enjoy the blessings, so not only will man not be able to enjoy these blessings, but more than that, he will not see them. This is my last administrative assignment.
from The Word Appears in the Flesh, Volume I
281 當你真正能體會到神對人類的心思與態度的時候,真正能理解神對每個受造之物的「情感」與顧念的時候,你就能理解造物的主在每一個他所造的受造人類身上所傾注的心血與所付出的愛,這個時候你就會用兩個詞來形容神的愛,哪兩個詞呢?有的人説無私,有的人説博愛。這兩個詞中「博愛」是最不適合用來形容神愛的詞,這個詞是人用來形容一個人寬廣的胸襟與情懷。我很厭憎這個詞,因為它有不分原則與不分對象地胡亂施捨的意思,是愚昧人、渾人的情感泛濫的表現,如果用這樣的詞來形容神的愛,不免有褻瀆神之意。我有兩個更貼切的詞來形容神的愛,哪兩個詞呢?第一個詞是碩大無比。這個詞是不是很有意境?第二個詞是浩瀚。我用這兩個詞來形容神的愛有實際的意義在其中。「碩大無比」這個詞在字面上來看是形容一個實物的體積或容量,但不管這個實物有多大,它是可以讓人觸摸得到、讓人能看得到的,因為它是存在的,它不是抽象的東西,它能給人相對準確、實際的概念。無論從平面的角度還是從立體的角度上來看,都不需要假想它的存在,因為它是真正存在的東西。用「碩大無比」來形容神的愛雖然讓人感覺這個詞將神的愛量化,但它同時也讓人感覺神的愛是難以量化的。説神的愛可以量化是因為神的愛不是虚無,不是傳説中産生的,而是在神主宰之下的萬物所共享的,也是每個受造之物都不同程度、在不同的角度上都享受到的,它雖然讓人看不見、摸不着,但却讓萬物滋養、生息,萬物的生息在彰顯着神愛的點點滴滴,也在數算着、見證着每時每刻享受到的神的愛;説到難以量化是因為神供應、滋養着萬物的奥秘是人類難以測度的,也是因為神對待萬物尤其是神對待人類的心思是人難以測度的,也就是説,造物的主究竟在人類身上傾注了多少的心血,無人能知道,造物的主究竟對他親手造的人類的愛有多深,這份情究竟有多重,無人能理解,也無人能明白。用「碩大無比」來形容神的愛目的是為了人能體會、理解神愛的寬廣與實際存在,也是為了人能更深刻地領會「造物的主」這幾個字的實際含義,也能更深刻地明白「受造之物」這個稱呼的真正意義。「浩瀚」這個詞通常來形容什麽呢?它通常用來形容大海、宇宙,例如浩瀚的宇宙,浩瀚的大海。對人來説,宇宙的寬闊與深謐是無人能及的,人對它充滿了想象與敬仰,人對它的奥秘與深邃是可望而不可及的。一想到大海,你會想到大海的寬廣,它讓你看不到它的邊際,也讓你感到它的神秘與它的包容。所以我用「浩瀚」來形容神的愛,目的是讓人感受到神愛的可貴、神愛的深邃之美,感受到神愛的能量是無限的、是寬廣的,也感受到神愛的神聖與在神的愛中所流露出來的神的尊嚴與不可觸犯。
——《話・卷二 關于認識神・神的作工、神的性情與神自己 三》
💎💎💎 Dios Todopoderoso Dice: 💎💎💎
El Reino Crece En Este Mundo, Se Forma Entre Los Hombres, Se Erige Entre Los Hombres, No Hay Fuerza Que Destruya El Reino De Dios El Camina Entre Su Pueblo Y Vive Con Su Pueblo Todos Los Que Aman A Dios, ¿Que Benditos Son🤩?
Pregúntate Si Has Aceptado Sus Bendiciones O Buscado Las Promesas Que El Dio, Con Su Luz Guiandote Te Librarás De La Oscuridad Y Te Salvarás, En El Mundo Sumido En La Oscuridad No Perderás La Luz Que Te Guía, Serás Un Amo De Toda La Creación Un Vencedor Ante Satanás.
Cuando Caiga El Gran Dragón Tu Estarás De Pie Y Darás Testimonio De La Victoria De Dios, En La Tierra De Sinim, Tu Estás Firme De Pie Herederas Las Bendiciones De Dios Por Tus SUFRIMIENTOS, El Universo En Ti Vera La Gran Gloria De Dios Amén 🙏🏾👏🏾🙌🏾🤲🏾💎🤩😍
Vũ đạo hội thánh Cơ Đốc | Thật may phước khi được dự tiệc của vương quốc thiên đàng
🕊📖🕊“Him that overcomes will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my God: and I will write on him my new name” (Rev 3:12).
💦🕊💦God has obtained a group of those who are of the same heart and mind as Him, and this shows that His kingdom has already come to earth, and it indicates that He has already fully triumphed over all of Satan’s evil forces, Christ’s kingdom has already appeared on earth, and God’s will has been fully carried out within Christ’s kingdom, just as in heaven. In the kingdom of Christ, the people of God are currently undergoing all kinds of trials, and all those who can stand and bear witness are the people of the kingdom of heaven, and all of the evil ones, the evil spirits, the cowards, and the licentious ones have been revealed and eliminated. This shows that the kingdom of Christ has already appeared, and God’s great work has been accomplished! None of Satan’s forces can disrupt or destroy the reality of what God has achieved.
#Almighty God #God #Heavenly Kingdom #Word of God #Prayer #Worship God #God Has Come #Praise #Jesus# Wise Virgins
♦ 情形
❓️💫❓️Question 5: Almighty God has now become flesh and has come down to the earth. In the Lord’s prayer, it says: “Your kingdom come, Your will be done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Mat 6:10). Aren’t these words fulfilled in the work of Almighty God? Is the prophecy of “the tabernacle of God is with men” from the Book of Revelation related to Almighty God coming among mankind? What is the deeper meaning behind God becoming flesh in the last days?
💦🕊💦Answer: These questions you’re bringing up are the main concerns for most people. Since God has already come, all of His promises will be fulfilled. The coming of Almighty God began the Age of Kingdom and entirely ended the old age. Almighty God came in secret to do His work of judgment and chastisement, and has already made a group of overcomers before the catastrophe. His great work has been accomplished, and soon He will send down the great catastrophe and openly appear to all nations and all peoples. This proves that Almighty God has gained His kingdom and has come down to earth.
🐣🐥🐣The Lord Jesus taught people in the Lord’s Prayer: “After this manner therefore pray you: Our Father which are in heaven, Hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For your is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen” (Mat 6:9-13).
These words have already begun to be fulfilled, allowing people to see that God’s tabernacle is on earth. The group of overcomers that God has made are those who will rule as kings alongside God in the Millennial Kingdom, and they will be the pillars in the kingdom.
🪶🐦🪶This fulfills this prophecy from the Book of Revelation: “Him that overcomes will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my God: and I will write on him my new name” (Rev 3:12).
God has obtained a group of those who are of the same heart and mind as Him, and this shows that His kingdom has already come to earth, and it indicates that He has already fully triumphed over all of Satan’s evil forces, Christ’s kingdom has already appeared on earth, and God’s will has been fully carried out within Christ’s kingdom, just as in heaven. In the kingdom of Christ, the people of God are currently undergoing all kinds of trials, and all those who can stand and bear witness are the people of the kingdom of heaven, and all of the evil ones, the evil spirits, the cowards, and the licentious ones have been revealed and eliminated. This shows that the kingdom of Christ has already appeared, and God’s great work has been accomplished! None of Satan’s forces can disrupt or destroy the reality of what God has achieved.
🍒🍒🍒Let’s take a look at a couple of passages from Almighty God’s words.
💦🕊💦Almighty God says, “The kingdom is expanding in humanity’s midst, it is forming in humanity’s midst, and it is standing up in humanity’s midst; there is no force that can destroy My kingdom. … I am now walking abroad amongst My people and I live in their midst. Today, those who bear genuine love for Me—such people are blessed. Blessed are those who submit to Me, they will surely stay in My kingdom. Blessed are those who know Me, they will surely wield power in My kingdom. Blessed are those who seek after Me, they will surely escape from Satan’s bonds and enjoy My blessings. Blessed are those who are able to forsake themselves, they will surely enter into My possession and inherit My kingdom’s bounty. Those who run around for Me I will remember, those who make expenditures for Me I will joyfully embrace, and to those who make offerings to Me I will grant enjoyments. Those who find enjoyment in My words I will bless; they will surely be the pillars that hold up the ridgepole in My kingdom, they will surely have matchless abundance in My house, and no one can compare with them. Have you ever accepted the blessings that you were given? Have you ever sought the promises that were made for you? You will surely, under the guidance of My light, break through the stranglehold of the forces of darkness. You will surely not, in the midst of darkness, lose the light guiding you. You will surely be the master of all creation. You will surely be an overcomer before Satan. You will surely, at the downfall of the kingdom of the great red dragon, stand up amid the myriad throngs to bear witness to My victory. You will surely stand firm and unwavering in the land of Sinim. Through the sufferings you endure, you will inherit My blessings, and will surely radiate My glory throughout the entire universe” (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. God’s Words to the Entire Universe, Chapter 19).
💦📖💦“When the nations and the peoples of the world all return before My throne, I will then take all the bounty of heaven and confer it upon the human world, so that, thanks to Me, that world will brim with matchless bounty. But so long as the old world continues to exist, I will hurl forth My rage upon its nations, openly promulgate My administrative decrees throughout the universe, and visit chastisement upon whosoever violates them:
“As I turn My face to the universe to speak, all mankind hears My voice, and thereupon sees all the works I have wrought throughout the universe. Those who set themselves against My will, that is to say, who oppose Me with the deeds of man, will fall under My chastisement. I will take the multitudinous stars in the heavens and make them anew and, thanks to Me, the sun and the moon will be renewed—the skies will no longer be as they were and the myriad things on the earth will be renewed. All will become complete through My words. The many nations within the universe will be partitioned afresh and replaced by My kingdom, so that the nations upon the earth will disappear forever and all will become a kingdom that worships Me; all the nations of the earth will be destroyed and cease to exist. Of the human beings within the universe, all those belonging to the devil will be exterminated, and all who worship Satan will be laid low by My burning fire—that is, except for those now within the stream, all will be turned to ashes. When I chastise the many peoples, those in the religious world will, to varying extents, return to My kingdom, conquered by My works, because they will have seen the advent of the Holy One riding on a white cloud. All people will be separated according to their own kind, and will receive chastisements commensurate with their actions. All those who have stood against Me will perish; as for those whose deeds on earth have not involved Me, they will, because of how they have acquitted themselves, continue to exist on the earth under the governance of My sons and My people. I will reveal Myself to the myriad peoples and the myriad nations, and with My own voice, I will sound forth upon the earth, proclaiming the completion of My great work for all mankind to see with their own eyes” (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. God’s Words to the Entire Universe, Chapter 26).
The fact of God gaining the kingdom and coming down to earth has been laid out in front of us. Almighty God’s words accomplish everything, and they have revealed His authority and power. That we are able to understand the voice of God and see His appearance is His particular grace. God becoming flesh and working among people is not only to save mankind, but it has even more profound significance.
📖🕊📖A prophecy in the Book of Revelation states: “And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away” (Rev 21:3-4). The tabernacle of God is with men, that is, God incarnate is among mankind, and He lives alongside and dwells with men. He utters words to purify and save mankind, and people have all seen God face-to-face through the words expressed by God in the flesh. They have seen His inherent disposition, what He has and is, and His holy essence. They have enjoyed His mercy and love and have tasted His righteous, majestic disposition that does not tolerate mankind’s offenses. Through knowing God, people have been thoroughly purified and have become those who obey and worship God. This is the more profound significance of God becoming flesh and doing the work of judgment in the last days. God has obtained a group of people who understand Him, obey Him, and are of the same heart and mind as Him. The people in this group are able to understand His words, be His companions, and be those most intimate with Him. They will always be at God’s side, and this is the realization of God’s initial wishes for creating mankind. God will personally appear among His people, and lead the survivors of mankind to live on earth, He will live alongside them, dwell with them, and rejoice with them. Mankind will also enjoy a beautiful and happy life of being with God. This is what God incarnate will achieve in the last days, and it is the greatest promise and blessing that God gives to man.
—The movie script of The Mystery Of Godliness
三 关于末世审判工作的问答
问9 以色列人世世代代信耶和华,信主耶稣的人更是遍布全球,既然耶和华、主耶稣和全能神是一位神,你们为什么说不管是信耶和华还是信耶稣,只要不接受全能神的末世审判工作都会被淘汰呢?😌
答 相关神话语 🌅🌈末世基督全能神说:
人既信神就得步步紧跟神的脚踪,应做到“羔羊无论走到哪里我们都跟上去”,这才是真寻求真道的人,才是认识圣灵作工的人。死守字句道理的人都是被圣灵的作工淘汰的人。神在每一个时期都要开展新的工作,在每一个时期都在人中间有新的开端,人若只守住“耶和华是神”或“耶稣是基督”这些仅在一个时代适应的真理,那人永远都不会跟上圣灵的作工,永远不会得到圣灵的作工。无论神怎么作工人都毫不疑惑地跟上去,而且紧追不舍,这样,人又怎么能被圣灵淘汰呢?无论神如何作,只要人看准是圣灵的作工,都一无挂虑地去配合圣灵的作工,去达到神的要求,这样,人又怎么能受到惩罚呢?神的工作一直不停止,他的脚步从来也不停止,他在未完成经营工作以先总是在忙碌着,从不止步。而人就不同了:得着一点点圣灵的作工就作为是永恒不变的;得着一点点认识就不向前“追踪”神更新的作工了;看到一点神的作工就急忙把神定规成一个特定的木头人,认为神永远就是他所看到的这个形像,以往是这样以后也永远是这样;得着一点点浅薄的认识就得意忘形,开始大肆宣扬并不存在的神的性情、神的所是;认准一步圣灵的作工以后,无论什么样的人再宣传神新的作工他都不会接受。这些人都是不能接受圣灵新工作的人,都是太守旧的、不能接受新事物的人,这些人都是信神而又弃绝神的人。人都认为“以色列人只相信耶和华而不相信耶稣”这是错误的,但绝大多数的人又都充当着“只信耶和华却弃绝耶稣”的这个角色,充当着“盼望弥赛亚归来却抵挡称为耶稣的弥赛亚”的这个角色,难怪人都在接受一步圣灵作工之后仍旧活在撒但的权下,仍旧得不到神的祝福,这不都是人的悖逆而造成的吗?在世界各地落后于今天新工作的基督教的人,都抱着侥幸的心理认为神会成全他们各自的心愿,但他们并没有绝对的把握说透神提取他们上三层天的理由,他们也并没有绝对的把握说透耶稣到底是如何驾着白云来接取他们,更没有绝对的把握定准耶稣到底是否真是驾着白云在他们想象的那个日子来到。他们各自都惶恐不安,各自都不知所措,究竟神能否提取他们这些五花八门的各个宗族的一个一个的“一小撮人”,这些连他们自己也不清楚。究竟现在神正在作什么工作,究竟现在是什么时代,神的心意如何,这些他们都不能说清楚,他们只是扳着手指头度日。跟随着羔羊的脚踪到最终的人才能得着最终的祝福,那些未能跟随到路终却认为自己已得着全部的“聪明人”都不能看见神的显现,他们都认为自己是世界上最聪明的人,他们把继续发展的神的作工无缘无故地中断,而且还似乎有百分之百的把握认为神要提取他们这些“对神忠心无二的跟随神持守神话的人”。尽管他们对神所说的话“忠心无二”,但对于他们的言行仍是感觉实在太令人恶心,因他们都是抵挡圣灵作工的人,都是在行诡诈、作恶的人。不能跟随到路终、不能跟上圣灵作工的仅持守旧工作的人,不仅没有做到对神忠心反而成了抵挡神的人,成了被新时代弃绝的人,成了被惩罚的人,这些人不是最可怜的人吗?许多人还认为凡是弃绝旧的律法而接受新的作工的人都是没有良心的人,这些只讲“良心”却不认识圣灵作工的人在最终将自己的前途断送在自己的良心之中。神作工尚且不守规条,尽管是他自己的作工他还不留恋,该否的则否,该淘汰的淘汰,而人却持守住经营工作中的一小部分来与神敌对,这不是人的谬妄吗?不是人的无知吗?越是害怕自己得不着福气而谨小慎微的人越不能得着更多的祝福,得不着最终的福气。那些死守律法的人都对律法忠心无二,他们越是这样对律法忠心越是抵挡神的悖逆者,因为现在是国度时代不是律法时代,现在的工作不能与以往的工作相提并论,以往的工作不能与今天的工作相对比,神的工作变了,人的实行也改变了,不是持守律法也不是背十字架,所以人对律法与十字架的忠心并不能获得神的称许了。 ——摘自《话在肉身显现·神的作工与人的实行》
2 耶稣在耶和华的作工以后道成肉身作工在人中间,他的工作是在耶和华作工的基础上,不是独立成一体的,是神在结束了律法时代以后所作的新时代的工作。同样,在耶稣的工作结束以后神仍在继续着他下一个时代的工作,因为神的整个经营是一直向前发展的,旧的时代过去就要有新的时代来取代,旧的工作结束就要有新的工作来接续神的经营。此次道成肉身是继耶稣的作工之后神的第二次道成肉身,当然,此次道成肉身也不是独立成一体的,而是继律法时代、恩典时代以后的第三步作工。神每开展一步新的工作总要有新的起头,总要带来新的时代,而且神的性情、神的作工方式、神的作工地点、神的名都要有相应的变化,这也难怪人都不容易接受神在新时代的作工。但不管人如何抵挡,神总是在作着他的工作,总是在带领全人类不断地向前。耶稣来在人间带来了恩典时代结束了律法时代,在末世,神又道成了肉身,这次道成肉身结束了恩典时代带来了国度时代,凡是能接受第二次道成肉身的人就被带入国度时代之中,而且能亲自接受神的带领。耶稣来在人中间作了许多工作,但他只完成了救赎全人类的工作,只是作了人的赎罪祭,并未将人的败坏性情都脱去。要将人从撒但的权势之下完全拯救出来,不仅需要耶稣作赎罪祭来担当人的罪,而且还得需要神作更大的工作将人被撒但败坏的性情完全脱去。所以,在人的罪得着了赦免之后,神又重返肉身带领人进入新的时代,开始了刑罚审判的工作,这工作将人类带入了更高的境界。凡是顺服在他权下的人将享受更高的真理,得着更大的祝福,真正活在了光中,得着了真理、道路、生命。 人若只停留在恩典时代就永不能脱离败坏性情,更不能认识神的原有性情。若总是活在丰富的恩典之中却没有认识神、满足神的生命之道,那人信神就不能真正得着神,这样的信仰太可怜了。当你看完了此书以后,当你经历了道成肉身的神在国度时代的步步作工以后,你就会感觉到多年的愿望终于实现了,感觉到了如今才真正地面对面地看见了神,看见了神的面,听见了神的亲口发声,领略了神的作工智慧,真正感受到了神是如此实际,神又是如此全能。你会感觉到自己得着了很多前人未看见、未得着的东西,这时你会清楚地知道到底什么是信神,什么是合神心意。当然,你若是持守你以往的观点拒绝、不接受神第二次道成肉身的事实,那你只能是两手空空、一无所获,最终落得个抵挡神的罪名。 ——摘自《话在肉身显现·写在前面的话》
3 在整个工作中人若一直在守耶和华的律法,那神的工作也就不能进展,更不能结束整个时代,人若一直在守着十字架忍耐、谦卑,那神的工作也不能继续发展。六千年的经营根本不会在只守律法或只守十字架忍耐、谦卑的人身上结束的,而是在认识神被神从撒但手中夺回、完全脱离撒但权势的末了的一代人身上结束整个经营工作,这才是工作的必然趋势。为什么说在教堂里的那些人实行得老旧了呢?就是因着他们所实行的跟现在的工作脱节,在恩典时代他们实行得也对,但随着时代的转移、工作的变迁,他们的实行也逐步老旧,被新的工作、新的亮光甩在后面,圣灵的工作在原有的基础上又进深了好几步,而他们仍然停留在原有的地步原封未动,仍持守旧的作法、旧的亮光。神的工作在三年或五年之内都会有很大的变化,更何况两千年的时间,不更有大的变化吗?人没有新的亮光,没有新的实行,那是人没跟上圣灵的作工,是人的失误,并不能因着原来有圣灵作工的人现在仍持守老旧的作法而否认新工作的存在。圣灵的工作总是在向前发展,凡在圣灵流中的人也应有逐步的进深与变化,不应只停止在一个地步,只有那些不认识圣灵工作的人才会停止在原有的工作中而不接受圣灵新的作工,只有那些悖逆的人才不能得到圣灵的作工。人的实行若跟不上圣灵新的作工,那人的实行必定是与现时的工作脱节的实行,这些实行也必定是与现时的工作相打岔的。诸如这样老旧的人根本不能成就神的旨意,更不能成为最后站住神见证的人,而且整个经营工作也不能结束在这样一班人身上。那些曾经守住耶和华律法的人、曾经为十字架而受苦的人,若不能接受末了这一步工作,那他们所做的一切都是徒劳,都是无用的。圣灵的作工最明显的表现就是现实不守旧,跟不上今天作工的、与今天的实行脱节的就都是抵挡不接受圣灵作工的,这样的人都是抵挡神现时作工的人。他们虽持守以往的亮光,但不能因此而否认他们是并不认识圣灵作工的人。为什么从始到终总谈实行的变化、以往的实行与现在的实行的区别,谈以前那个时代怎么实行的,现在这个时代又是怎么实行的呢?总谈这些实行的划分,就是因为圣灵的工作在不断地向前发展,这样就要求人的实行也不断地变化。人如果停止在一个地步上证明人没能够上神新的工作与新的亮光,并不能证明神的经营计划不变。在圣灵流以外的那些人总认为他们的对,其实神在他们身上的工作早已停止了,他们身上根本没有圣灵工作,神的工作早已转到另外一班人身上了,他要在这些人身上成全他新的工作。因为那些在宗教里的人不能接受他的新工作,只是持守以往的旧工作,所以神就将这些人弃绝,将他新的作工作在那些接受他新工作的人身上,这些人是配合他新的工作的人,只有这样才能成就他的经营。神的经营一直在向前,人的实行也不断提高,神总是在作工而人也总有需求,以至于两者都达到顶峰,神与人能完全结合,这就是大功告成的一个表现,是整个经营最终的结果。 ——摘自《话在肉身显现·神的作工与人的实行》
4 末世的基督带来的是生命,带来的是长久的永远的真理之道,这真理就是人得着生命的途径,是人认识神被神称许的唯一途径。你若不寻求末世的基督供应的生命之道,那你就永远不可能得着耶稣的称许,永远没资格踏入天国的大门,因为你是历史的傀儡,是历史的囚犯。被规条、被字句、被历史的枷锁控制的人永不能得着生命,永不能得着永久的生命之道,因为他们得着的只是持守了几千年的污浊之水,而不是从宝座之上流出的生命之水。没有生命之水供应的人永远是死尸,永远是撒但的玩物,永远是地狱之子,这样,还能见到神吗?你只求能守住历史,只求能原地踏步保持原状,却不求改变现状淘汰历史,那你不就是永远与神为敌的人吗?神作工的步伐浩浩荡荡,如汹涌的浪涛,如翻腾的响雷,而你却坐以待毙,守株待兔,这样怎么能算是跟随羔羊脚踪的人呢?怎么能说明你守住的神是常新不旧的神呢?而你那些已经发了黄的书中的字字句句又怎能带你跨越时代呢?又怎能带你寻找神作工的步伐呢?又怎能带你上天堂呢?你手中把握的只是暂时能使你得安慰的字句,不是能使你得生命的真理,你念的字句经文只是让你充实你舌头的经文,不是使你认识人生的哲理,更不是使你得成全的路,这样的差别难道就不能使你反省吗?就不能使你领悟出其中的奥秘吗?你能自己将自己送到天上去见神吗?没有神的来到你能将自己带入天堂与神同享天伦之乐吗?现在你还在做梦吗?那我劝你,你这梦该停止了,你该看看现在是谁在作工,现在是谁在作末世拯救人的工作,否则你就永远不能得着真理,永远不能得着生命了。 ——摘自《话在肉身显现·只有末后的基督才能赐给人永生的道》
5 不凭着基督口中的真理而想得着生命的人是世上最荒谬的人,不接受基督所带来的生命之道的人是异想天开的人,所以我说,不接纳末世基督的人永远是神厌憎的对象。基督是末世人进入国度的大门,任何人都不能逾越,任何人都不可能不通过基督而被神成全的。你是信神的人就得接受神的话,就得顺服神的道,不要只想着得福却不能领受真理,不能接受生命的供应。基督末世来到是要向所有凡是真心相信他的人来供应生命的,这工作是为了结束旧时代进入新时代而有的工作,是所有进入新时代的人的必经之路,你不能承认而且还定罪或亵渎或加以逼迫,那你定规就是永世都被焚烧的对象,是永远不能进入神国中的人。因为这基督本是圣灵的发表,是神的发表,是神在地之工作的托付者,所以我说,你若不能接受末世基督所作的一切,那你就是亵渎圣灵的人,亵渎圣灵的人该有的报应那是每一个人都不言而喻的。我还要告诉你,你若是抵挡了末世的基督,弃绝了末世的基督,那你的后果是无人能替你承担的,而且从此以后你就再也没有机会获得神的称许了,甚至你想挽回时也不能使你再见到神的面,因为你抵挡的不是一个人,你弃绝的不是一个小小的人,而是基督,这样的后果你知道吗?你做的事不是犯了一个小错误,而是犯了弥天大罪。所以,我劝每一个人都不要在真理面前张牙舞爪,信口雌黄,因为只有真理才能将生命带给你,除此以外没有什么能使你得以复生再见神面的。 ——摘自《话在肉身显现·只有末后的基督才能赐给人永生的道》
6 什么是审判,什么是真理,你都明白了吗?若你明白了,我劝你还是服服帖帖地受审判,否则你永远没有机会得到神的称许,永远没有机会被神带入神的国中。那些只接受审判却总不能被洁净的人,也就是在审判的工作中逃走的人将永远被神厌弃,他们的罪状比那些法利赛人的更重、更多,因为他们背叛了神,他们是神的叛逆者,这些连效力都不配的人将受到更重的惩罚,而且是永久的惩罚。神不会放过任何一个曾口头对他忠心却背叛他的叛徒,这样的人将受到灵、魂、体都受惩罚的报应,这不正是神公义性情的流露吗?这不正是神审判人、显明人的目的吗?神将在审判期间作恶多端的人放在了邪灵群居之地让其任意毁坏其肉体,他们的肉体散发着死尸的味道,这是他们应有的报应;神将那些并不忠心的假信徒、假使徒、假工人的各种罪状一一列在他们的记事册上,在合适的时候将他们扔在污鬼之中,让污鬼任意玷污他们的全身,使他们永远不得超生,使他们永远不能再见到光明;神将那些曾经一度时期效力却并未忠心到最终的假冒为善的人列在了恶人中间,让其与恶人同流合污成为乌合之众,最终将其灭掉;神将那些从未对基督忠心或从未献出一点力量的人扔在一边从不搭理,更换时代时将他们统统灭掉,他们便不再存活在地上,更谈不上进入神的国中了;神将那些从未对神真心而是被逼无奈应付神的人列在了为子民效力的人中间,他们这些人仅能存活一小部分,大部分的人将同那些连效力都不合格的人一同被毁灭;最终,神将所有与神同心合意的人,神的子民、众子以及神所预定做祭司的人带入神的国度之中,这些都是神作工中得着的结晶。而那些并不能归于神所划分类别中的人则都被列在外邦人的行列之中,他们的结局是什么你们是可想而知的。我该说的都对你们说过了,该选择怎样的路那都是由你们自己的选择而决定的。你们应明白这样一句话:神的作工从来就不等待任何一个跟不上他步伐的人,神的公义性情对任何一个人都是无情的。 ——摘自《话在肉身显现·基督用真理来作审判的工作》
#天父 #基督徒 #主耶穌 #教會歌曲 #認識神 #亞伯拉罕#挪亚 #仰望神 #祷告 #福音 #基督徒 #全能神教會 #教會歌曲 #基督徒生活 #讚美詩 #約伯
Vũ đạo hội thánh Cơ Đốc | Chúng con thật có phước khi được đi theo Đấng Christ của thời kỳ sau rốt
📖𝐒𝐚𝐛𝐢 𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐲𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐢𝐲𝐨𝐬:
Dinurog Ko nang pira-piraso ang malaking pulang dragon. Ang ibig sabihin, nilisan ng Aking Espiritu ang lahat ng tao, maliban sa mga panganay Kong anak (at mas madali na ngayong maibunyag kung sino ang mga supling ng malaking pulang dragon). Tapos nang maglingkod sa Akin ang mga taong ito, at pababalikin Ko sila sa walang hanggang hukay. (Nangangahulugan itong wala Akong gagamitin sa kanila. Simula ngayon, ganap na mabubunyag ang mga panganay Kong anak, at iyong mga nasa tabi Ko at siyang angkop na kasangkapanin Ko ang magiging mga panganay Kong anak.) Mga panganay Kong anak, opisyal ninyong natatamasa ang mga pagpapalang ipinagkakaloob Ko sa inyo (dahil nagpakita na ng totoo nilang kulay ang lahat ng Aking kinasusuklaman), at magmula ngayon ay walang sinuman sa inyo ang susuway sa Akin. Kayo ay taos at isandaang porsiyentong nakatitiyak sa Akin.
mula sa Ang Salita ay Nagpapakita sa Katawang-tao, Volume I
——《話在肉身顯現 第一卷·你知道嗎?神在人中間作了很大的事》
😇Ang Mga Mangkok Ng Poot Ng Diyos😇
❗️Revelation 1:21
Sabi ng Makapangyarihang Diyos 📖📕📚
“Ako ay gumugugol ng napakaraming lakas at pagsisikap, ngunit kailan ba kayo nakinig sa sinasabi Ko sa inyo nang malinaw? Saan kayo yumukod sa Akin, ang Makapangyarihan sa lahat? Bakit ninyo Ako tinatrato nang ganito? Napabagsak Ko ba kayo kahit minsan? Bakit wala kayong ginagawa kundi gawin Akong nalulungkot at nababalisa? Nasaan ang inyong integridad? Ang inyong pagkatao ay naging kahayupan! Ang inyong mga puso ay matagal nang naging bato. Hindi ba ninyo alam na kung kailan dumarating ang araw ng Aking poot ay kung kailan Ko hinahatulan ang masasamang ginawa ninyo sa Akin, ang Makapangyarihan sa lahat, ngayon? Akala ba ninyo na sa pagtatapon ninyo ng Aking mga salita sa putikan, makakatakas kayo sa Aking napopoot na titig? Hindi kayo tumatawag sa Akin para sa kapakanan ng inyong pagkamakatuwiran, bagkus iniipon ang Aking poot dahil sa inyong di-pagkamakatuwiran” 🥺🥺🥺
Palabras Diarias De Dios Todopoderoso:
👉🗣️📖📖✍️“Yo Jehová te he llamado en justicia, y te sostendré de la mano, y te guardaré, y te pondré por pacto del pueblo, por luz de las naciones, para que abras los ojos de los ciegos, para que saques de la cárcel a los presos, y de casas de prisión a los que moran en tinieblas.” Isaías 42:6-7💚🌼
📖📖En este versículo, el Señor le está hablando al Mesías, profetizando acerca del papel y la misión que cumpliría Jesucristo. El pasaje enfatiza el llamado y el propósito divino del Mesías, así como la manera en que traerá redención, restauración y salvación para todas las personas.
📖📖El tema de la justicia es un aspecto destacado de este pasaje. El Señor declara que ha llamado al Mesías en justicia, lo que indica que la misión del Mesías se basa en la justicia, la santidad y la fidelidad a la voluntad de Dios. Este tema refuerza la idea de que la obra del Mesías está de acuerdo con el plan divino de Dios y se caracteriza por la integridad y la rectitud moral.
📖📖La imagen del Señor sosteniendo la mano del Mesías y cuidándolo transmite una sensación de protección, guía y apoyo. Sugiere que el Mesías está confiado al cuidado del Señor, quien garantizará su seguridad y éxito en el cumplimiento de su misión. Esta imagen también refleja la relación íntima entre el Mesías y Dios, destacando su profunda conexión y confianza mutua.
📚📚Además, el versículo habla del Mesías que se da como un pacto del pueblo y una luz para los gentiles. Esto indica que el papel del Mesías no se limita a un grupo en particular, sino que se extiende a toda la humanidad. Él es designado para establecer un nuevo pacto –un acuerdo o promesa vinculante– con el pueblo, ofreciéndoles la reconciliación con Dios y la esperanza de salvación. Además, se describe al Mesías como una luz para los gentiles, lo que simboliza su papel de iluminar el camino hacia Dios y llevar iluminación espiritual a quienes no profesan la fe judía.
📚📚El pasaje continúa describiendo la obra transformadora del Mesías, utilizando imágenes poderosas y evocadoras. Se representa al Mesías abriendo los ojos de los ciegos, sacando a los prisioneros de su confinamiento y guiando a los que están sentados en la oscuridad fuera de la prisión. Estas metáforas transmiten la capacidad del Mesías para provocar el despertar espiritual, la liberación de la esclavitud y la liberación de la ignorancia y la desesperación que caracterizan la condición humana. Estas imágenes subrayan la naturaleza redentora y transformadora de la misión del Mesías, enfatizando su poder para producir un cambio profundo y positivo en las vidas de las personas y la sociedad en su conjunto.
📚📚En el contexto del libro de Isaías, este pasaje es parte de una compilación más amplia de profecías que anticipan la llegada del Mesías y el establecimiento del reino de Dios en la tierra. Isaías, a menudo llamado el "quinto evangelio", contiene numerosas profecías acerca del Salvador prometido y la redención futura del pueblo de Dios. En este pasaje en particular, Isaías enfatiza el alcance universal de la misión del Mesías, dirigiéndose no solo al pueblo judío sino también a los gentiles, y destacando el profundo impacto de su obra redentora.
En general, Isaías 42:6-7 de la versión King James (KJV) es una declaración poderosa y profunda del llamado divino, la misión y el impacto transformador del Mesías. Transmite temas de justicia, protección divina, salvación universal y la capacidad del Mesías para provocar el despertar y la liberación espirituales. Como tal, este versículo sirve como testimonio del poder redentor y transformador de Jesucristo, ofreciendo esperanza e inspiración a los creyentes de todas las generaciones.💞😇🙏
Ma famille examinons nous profondément et posons nous les bonnes questions. Au regard de tous ces grandes catastrophes, doutez vous encore du second retour de Dieu en tant que le fils de l'homme? Et à quel moment l'Eglise sera t'elle enlevée et pourquoi jusque là il n'y a aucun son de trompette? Mais plutôt le son des catastrophes(inondations, guerres....)? Peux tu comprendre de toi même les prophéties du Seigneur si Dieu ne soit venu personnellement les expliquer? A quelle étape de l'œuvre de Dieu sommes nous? Au début de la création ? Ou à la fin des temps? Que signifie exactement la fin des temps ? Pour avoir droits à ses réponses? Vas tu prendre les prophéties de l'apocalypse comme étant l'accomplissement de l'œuvre de salut de Dieu? Pour résoudre définitivement toutes tes questions, nous te prions de rechercher présentement ou se trouve les pas de Dieu. Là où il y a ses pas, il y a ses expressions et ses nouvelles paroles.
Pour en savoir davantage ou trouver les pas de Dieu, nous te prions de te joindre aux conférences internationales que nous organisons via Telegram ou Facebook messenger chaque soir à partir de 20h30 de France ou 21h 30 selon le changement horaire. Contacte nous vite en privé ou nous arrangerons ta participation gratuite à la conférence de 8 jous non stop.
Que Dieu te bénisse
आइए वचनों का एक अंश पढ़ें:
“तुम सिर्फ यह जानते हो कि यीशु अंत के दिनों में उतरेगा, परन्तु वास्तव में वह कैसे उतरेगा? तुम लोगों जैसा पापी, जिसे परमेश्वर के द्वारा अभी-अभी छुड़ाया गया है, और जो परिवर्तित नहीं किया गया है, या पूर्ण नहीं बनाया गया है, क्या तुम परमेश्वर के हृदय के अनुसार हो सकते हो? तुम्हारे लिए, तुम जो कि अभी भी पुराने अहम् वाले हो, यह सत्य है कि तुम्हें यीशु के द्वारा बचाया गया था, और कि परमेश्वर द्वारा उद्धार की वजह से तुम्हें एक पापी के रूप में नहीं गिना जाता है, परन्तु इससे यह साबित नहीं होता है कि तुम पापपूर्ण नहीं हो, और अशुद्ध नहीं हो। यदि तुम्हें बदला नहीं गया तो तुम संत जैसे कैसे हो सकते हो? भीतर से, तुम अशुद्धता से घिरे हुए हो, स्वार्थी और कुटिल हो, मगर तब भी तुम यीशु के साथ अवतरण चाहते हो—क्या तुम इतने भाग्यशाली हो सकते हो? तुम परमेश्वर पर अपने विश्वास में एक कदम चूक गए हो : तुम्हें मात्र छुटकारा दिया गया है, परन्तु परिवर्तित नहीं किया गया है। तुम्हें परमेश्वर के हृदय के अनुसार होने के लिए, परमेश्वर को व्यक्तिगत रूप से तुम्हें परिवर्तित और शुद्ध करने का कार्य करना होगा; यदि तुम्हें सिर्फ छुटकारा दिया जाता है, तो तुम पवित्रता को प्राप्त करने में असमर्थ होंगे। इस तरह से तुम परमेश्वर के आशीषों में साझेदारी के अयोग्य होंगे, क्योंकि तुमने मनुष्य का प्रबंधन करने के परमेश्वर के कार्य के एक कदम का सुअवसर खो दिया है, जो कि परिवर्तित करने और सिद्ध बनाने का मुख्य कदम है। और इसलिए तुम, एक पापी जिसे अभी-अभी छुटकारा दिया गया है, परमेश्वर की विरासत को सीधे तौर पर उत्तराधिकार के रूप में पाने में असमर्थ हो”
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