« Ô Dieu ! Je ne demande pas que les autres me supportent ou me traitent bien ni qu’ils me comprennent ou m’approuvent. Je demande seulement de pouvoir T’aimer dans mon cœur, d’être à l’aise dans mon cœur et d’avoir la conscience claire. Je ne demande pas que les autres me louent ou me tiennent en haute estime ; je ne cherche qu’à Te satisfaire dans mon cœur ; je joue mon rôle en faisant tout ce que je peux, et même si je suis sot, stupide, de mauvais calibre et aveugle, je sais que Tu es aimable, et je suis prêt à Te consacrer tout ce que j’ai. » 

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Bonjour mes biens aimés élus frères et sœurs en Dieu Tout Puissant 🙋.
Vous avez passé une excellente nuit sous la protection de notre pourvoyeur j'espère 🤷.

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💖🌍✍️📖Paroles quotidiennes de Dieu Tout-Puissant
         💎💎💎 Dieu Tout-Puissant 💎💎💎

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Paroles quotidiennes de Dieu Tout-Puissant
         💎💎💎 Dieu Tout-Puissant 💎💎💎

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“I am righteous, I am trustworthy, and I am the God who examines the innermost heart of man! I will reveal at once who is true and who is false. Do not be alarmed; all things work according to My time. Who wants Mesincerely, and who does not—I will tell you, one by one. You just take care to eat up, drink up, and draw up close to Me when you come into My presence, and I will do My work Myself. Do not be too anxious for quick results; My work is not something that can be accomplished all at once. Within it there are My steps and My wisdom, and that is why My wisdom can be revealed. I will let you see what is done by My hands—the punishing of evil and the rewarding of good. I most certainly do not favor anyone. You who sincerely love Me, I will sincerely love you, and as for those who do not sincerely love Me, My wrath will ever be with them, so that they may remember through eternity that I am the true God, the God who examines the innermost heart of man. Do not act one way to others’ faces but another way behind their backs; I see clearly everything you do, and though you may fool others, you cannot fool Me. I see it all clearly. It is not possible for you to conceal anything; all lies within My hands. Do not think yourself so very clever for making your petty little calculations come out to your advantage. I tell you: However many plans man may hatch, be they thousands or tens of thousands, in the end they cannot escape from the palm of My hand. All things and all objects are controlled by My hands, never mind a single person! Do not try to evade Me or hide, do not try to wheedle or conceal. Can it be that you still do not see that My glorious countenance, My wrath and My judgment, have been publicly revealed? Whosoever does not want Me sincerely, I will judge them immediately and without mercy. My pity has come to its end; there is no more left. Do not be hypocrites any longer, and put a stop to your wild and reckless ways."

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Les dix décrets administratifs qui doivent être respectés par les élus de Dieu à l’ère du Règne🌿📖✍️🌧️
1. L’homme ne doit pas se magnifier ni s’exalter. Il doit adorer et exalter Dieu.

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Setelah kerusakan selama beberapa ribu tahun, manusia menjadi mati rasa dan dungu; manusia telah menjadi setan yang menentang Tuhan, sampai ke taraf pemberontakan manusia terhadap Tuhan telah didokumentasikan dalam buku-buku sejarah, dan bahkan manusia itu sendiri tidak mampu menceritakan dengan lengkap tentang perilakunya yang suka memberontak—karena manusia telah begitu dalam dirusak oleh Iblis, dan telah disesatkan oleh Iblis sampai sedemikian rupa hingga dia tidak tahu ke mana harus berpaling. 

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Hakikat kepercayaan kebanyakan orang kepada Tuhan adalah keyakinan agamawi: mereka tidak mampu mengasihi Tuhan, dan hanya bisa mengikuti Tuhan bagaikan robot, tidak mampu sungguh-sungguh merindukan Tuhan atau memuja-Nya. Mereka hanya mengikuti Dia dalam hati.

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Paroles quotidiennes de Dieu Tout-Puissant
         💎💎💎 Dieu Tout-Puissant 💎💎💎

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