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2019-02-08 人痛苦的根源是什麼?.....揭開聖經中「神在肉身顯現」的奧祕《敬虔的奧祕》..... 基督教會相聲《末世的法利賽人》是誰攔阻基督徒迎接主再來......神对人最大的保障..... (21) (0)
2019-02-08 將憂慮卸給神,真的好輕鬆 (89) (0)
2019-02-08 你真的認識基督嗎?......神對人真實的愛...... (37) (0)
2019-02-08 Pagbabasa ng mga Salita ng Diyos | "Tatlong Paalaala"......Canzone evangelica italiana - "Un'era diversa, una diversa opera divina"  Un'era diversa, una diversa opera divina.......精彩片段 神毀滅所多瑪、蛾摩拉 (0) (0)
2019-02-08 ❤️ 神在等待著你的歸來——A Heartwarming Music Video—All the Way in Your Company.......The Significance of God’s Name: If God’s Name Is Jehovah, Why Then Is He Called Jesus?.....Dear brothers and sisters, welcome! When it comes to the name of God, some people say, (4) (0)
2019-02-08 【微電影】 什麼是幸福?https://reurl.cc/10WoW (54) (0)
2019-02-08 📣📚Hallo liebe Brüder und Schwester ,das Geheimnis für eine harmonische und glückliche Familie, weißt du ?...... 😊迦瑪列的遺憾.....Der menschgewordene Gott wird Christus genannt und Christus ist das Fleisch, das durch Gottes Geist angezogen wird...... (0) (0)
2019-02-08 [❓] Do you know how to be the qualified vine branches?The Relationship Between Vine Branches and the Vine – Bible Devotions...... (2) (0)
2019-02-07 Dumalo Ka Na Ba sa Piging Kasama ng Panginoon?Jesus Is Come | Christian Movie Trailer "Yearning" | Have You Met the Return of Lord Jesus?בנוגע לנוהג התפילה האל הכול יכול אומר, ''תפילה היא אחת הדרכים שבה האדם משתף פעולה עם אלוהים. זהו אמצעי שהאדם משתמש בו (2) (0)
2019-02-07 Tagalog Christian Song | "Pinupuno ng Gawa ng Diyos ang Malawak na Kalawakan ng Sansinukob"..... Why is there suffering in human life? Many wrestle with this but never find the answer......Chinese Christian Zheng Yi and his sister have accepted God's gos (1) (0)
2019-02-07 【Christian Life】 A couple have different faiths, but they still make it together. God’s Word Is My Strength........ (0) (0)
2019-02-07 等候神為你預備的另一半(有聲讀物)https://reurl.cc/Wq72k (16) (0)
2019-02-07 神的愛從未離開.......基督徒分享-是誰偷走了她的時間?(有聲讀物)https://reurl.cc/VRlxb (0) (0)
2019-02-07 【每日靈修】學會安靜神前,有神帶領靈得平安 https://reurl.cc/bGAjE (13) (0)
2019-02-07 Wenn du auf Gott vertraust, wird Gott dich unvermeidbar führen💪❤️........基督教會電影《信神》揭開信神的奧秘........【信仰指南】掌握四條原則就能與人和睦相處(有聲讀物)........ (0) (0)
2019-02-06 悔改見證:走出小說陷阱,我的青春重煥光彩.........不要輕言放棄! 有主在,沒有什麼危險能讓我們懼怕; 有主在,沒有什麼重擔能把我們壓垮;  有主在,沒有什麼逆境能使我們退縮; 有主在,沒有什麼難關我們無法跨越。 (0) (0)
2019-02-06 הסרט הטוב ביותר 'ניעורה' | ברק ממזרח... באירוע המשמח הזה, ברגע זה של עליזות (דו בה דו בה), הצדק והקדושה של אלוהים עוברים במרחב התבל (בה בה בה...), וכל האנושות מהללת אותם בלי הפסק. (דו... בה... בה לה בה בה) ערי השמיים צוחק (0) (0)
2019-02-06 💑💑Nach wunderschöner Ehe hat jeder das sehnen, aber wird die Ehe wirklich von den Menschen gewählt?🤔🙂【每日靈修】神的愛遠遠不止這些.......靈修經文 「人子來,為要尋找,拯救失喪的人。」(路加福音 19:10) (1) (0)
2019-02-06 I Experienced God’s Wondrous Deeds While Looking for a Job.......基督起初的發表與見證・第三十九篇 說 話.......喜迎主耶穌重歸《迦南美地的快樂》【寶萊塢印度舞】 (3) (0)
2019-02-05 基督徒必須明白的問題 ——什麼是基督?我恢復了和神的正常關係(有聲讀物).........神的愛從未離開我們 (0) (0)
2019-02-05 【新年平安】你的代禱,帶給他人激勵 基督徒信仰無自由:中共警察的非法抓捕打破了我幸福的家 (0) (0)
2019-02-05 【如此溫暖】新年的祝福-精選贊美詩之1163首......Christian Testimony Movie "The Sun Never Sets on Integrity" Only the Honest Can Get the Blessing of God.... 【Worship Song】 The Purpose Behind God's Incarnation in the Last Days.....【Knowing God】 Jehovah God, ..... (1) (0)
2019-02-05 La parola dello Spirito Santo - L’essenza di Cristo è di obbedire alla volontà del Padre celeste........ The Main Purpose of God’s Work in the Flesh........ (0) (0)
2019-02-05 聖經預言 如何分辨假基督和假先知........ 為什麼全能神的教會越來越興旺而恩典時代的教會都那麼荒涼呢? (30) (0)
2019-02-05 春節來到,你最想說的一句話是什麼?神的說話《認識神現時作工的人才可事奉神》怎樣達到合神心意的事奉神.....Welcome friends! The subject for this program is “God will restore the former state of creation.”......“Saan ang aking tahanan" (Tagalog Song) Pinupulot ko'ng maliit kong brush  at nagpinta ng maliit (0) (0)
2019-02-04 EU Parliament: The Church of Almighty God Christians in worse position than Uyghur Muslims......【Welcoming the Lord's Appearance】......基督教會小品《警察拜年》.......God’s Disposition Is Righteousness and, Even More, Love...... (0) (0)
2019-02-04 基督教會音樂劇《何時歸》是誰拆散了基督徒家庭........ [Daily Bible Verse] O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as you will. - Matthew 26:39 Are you willing to be God’s intimates? (4) (0)
2019-02-04 好友們!新年好!今天是2018年除夕了!.....上帝的愛永遠與我們同在!......[Hymn] - Finally I Can Love God Brothers and sisters, do you want to love God? Do you want to know God's heart?......神的愛是我們得以存活的資本...... (0) (0)
2019-02-04 <모든 것을 주관하시는 그분> 미국 유수 영화제에서 상영, 인생의 비밀 생각하게 해......【神愛環繞我們心間】來自上帝的禮物......【社會萬象】中國單身年輕人的春節煩惱…… (0) (0)
2019-02-04 新的一年新的希望, 新的一天新的開始。........【社會萬象】中國單身年輕人的春節煩惱……神話詩歌《神的國度出現在地上》 (3) (0)
2019-02-04 得勝撒但試探的三大絕招(有聲讀物)在我們信神、跟隨神期間,常常伴隨著各種屬靈爭戰。比如:錢財的試探,地位名利的試探,男女的誘惑,還有外邦人的毀謗,親人的攔阻、逼迫,撒但政權的抓捕、迫害,有時還會臨到意想不到的災禍,等等。 (2) (0)
2019-02-04 Ano ang pagsunod sa kalooban ng Diyos?..........主耶穌來作工時,各處傳講天國的福音,轟轟烈烈,最終震動了宗教界,轟動了猶太國。今天主耶穌再來的作工也震撼了各宗各界,轟動了整個世界。你是否聽到主再來的動靜?是否迎接到主的再來? (5) (0)
2019-02-04 【Worship Song】 A Song of Love for God (Come back, come back, come back, come back.) You are my love......How does God's work of judgment in the last days purify and save man?...... Sa Pamilya ng Diyos Tayo ay Nagkikita....... (0) (0)
2019-02-04 Eine gute Ehe – das ist Schicksal Im Alter von 22 Jahren sehnte sich Jinxi nach einer wunderschönen Zukunft, sie hoffte einen Jungen zu treffen, der ihren Puls zum Rasen bringen könnte........ (0) (0)
2019-02-04 Who Got My Husband Back?......[Marriage Crisis] What is the most common thing to happen between couples in this evil world of debauchery? It's definitely betrayal. In this article, the writer faced the same problem. (0) (0)
2019-02-04 不是你信得好,不是你信得純,乃是我的工作奇妙!全數是我的憐憫!千萬不可有絲毫自私、驕傲的敗壞性情,否則,我就不作工。........ 你們在我面前實在缺少信心,常常靠著自己行事。「你們不可行事無我!」可你們這些敗壞的人總是把我的話當成耳旁風。........ (14) (0)
2019-02-03 The Lord God Almighty Has Appeared | Christian Song | "None Can Do God's Work in His Stead"........基督徒如何得以「重生」?(有聲讀物) https://reurl.cc/Z1E6V (0) (0)
2019-02-03 春節你「回家」嗎......"Anelito" La seconda venuta di Gesù Cristo - הסרט הטוב ביותר 'ניעורה' | ברק ממזרח שמה הוא צ'ן סי. מאז , il Signore Gesù promise ai suoi seguaci: "io vo a prepararvi un luogo;.... Christlicher Kurzfilm | “Der Segen von Gottes Schutz” | Das (0) (0)
2019-02-03 歌曲分享 當我們覺得只有我們最愛神的時候; 當我們覺得只有我們最忠心的時候……聽一下這首歌,讓我們重新審視自己,前途更光明。.........該如何對待聖經的預言才合神心意?【有聲讀物】.........基督教會詩歌《神要作成的事任何勢力無法攔阻》神的全能 伴唱:神要作成的事是任何一個國家、任何一種勢力都無法攔阻的。......... (0) (0)
2019-02-03 【 愛的傳遞 】別讓煙花「炸飛」過年的喜悅........【God's Message for You Today】 God says, “In every age, God bestows some words upon man when He works in the world,.......基督徒怎樣對待過年?....... (3) (0)
2019-02-03 末世基督的發表《被成全的人才能活出有意義的人生》實行真理的人蒙神稱許【粵語】.......Since the atheist Chinese Communist Party has come to power, it has continued to madly resist God and be an enemy to Him........【Christian Life】 When others ignore or look down upon you, or when their words (4) (0)
2019-02-02 Isang Bagong Buhay ang Isinisilang mula sa mga Plano ng ManlilikhaKung hindi dahil sa pagtatadhana ng Manlilikha at sa Kanyang paggabay,.......V. Questions and Answers on the Conditions for Entering the Kingdom of Heaven......... (3) (0)
2019-02-02 הרווחתם כל כך הרבה בגלל אמונתכם באלוהים אפילו תישפטו או תקוללו רבות בגלל המילה הזו, "אמונה", יש לכם אמונת אמת, ואתם מקבלים את הדבר האמיתי......基督教會詩歌《我已看見神的可愛》我的救主我的神【MV】.......主耶穌是憐憫慈愛的神,只要我們持守主耶穌的名,守住主的道,相信主耶穌再來時不會撇棄我們,會直接提我們進天國的。........ (0) (0)
2019-02-02 「煙花、鞭炮」給人帶來的是什麼? (1) (0)
2019-02-02 In China, house churches have directly suffered the consequences of the atheistic Chinese Communist government's frantic suppression and persecution.....The Word of God | "Three Admonitions" | How to Be a Loyal Servant of God...... "Ang Sugo ng Ebanghely (2) (0)
2019-02-02 教會生活電影《老好人的轉變》神的審判拯救了我.....回家回到永恆愛的家—讚美之泉敬拜讚美專輯.....你們在我面前實在缺少信心,常常靠著自己行事。......【小故事大啟發】大粗脖子與小細脖子的故事...... (12) (0)
2019-02-01 Are you willing to be the one who is satisfied and loved by God? "Since He began to manage,.........Christlicher Kurzfilm | “Der Segen von Gottes Schutz” | Das Wunder in einer Katastrophe..........【Worship Song】 Come to Zion With Praising Come to Zion (0) (0)
2019-02-01 【神的愛似海深】神是我的依靠........ Song About Jesus | "Emulate the Lord Jesus" | Jesus Christ Is My Beloved....... (3) (0)
2019-02-01 God says: “How many creatures are there living and reproducing in the vast expanse of the universe, following the law of life over and over,......【Religion and Human Rights】 Professor Massimo Introvigne, the founder and .....❤️最新推薦:即將上映最新電影《媽都是為你好》! (0) (0)
2019-02-01 合唱詩歌《國度禮歌 一 國度降臨在人間》讚美得勝的大君王 .....Have you ever done something before that you hope to get God's forgiveness? What we need to do straight away is to come before God and repent..... 《搭上末班車》精彩片段:神道成肉身作工達到的果效...... (0) (0)


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