【Morning Praise & Worship】Best Christian Worship Song "He Is Our God"
No one apart from Him
can know our every thought,
can have such a grasp
of our nature and substance,
can judge the rebellion,
corruption of mankind,
work and speak among us
on behalf of God in heaven.
This ordinary, insignificant One
rejected by us,
is He not the Lord Jesus
ever in our thoughts,
whom we long for night and day?
It is He! Our God!
The truth, the way and the life!
No one but Him has the authority,
the wisdom, and the dignity of God.
God's disposition, what God has and is,
are issued forth from Him.
This ordinary, insignificant One
rejected by us,
is He not the Lord Jesus
ever in our thoughts,
whom we long for night and day?
It is He! Our God!
The truth, the way and the life!
None but Him can bring us light
and show the way,
reveal the mysteries
that God has not shown 'till today.
No one apart from Him
can save us from bondage,
our corrupt disposition from Satan.
He represents God,
utters the voice of God's heart,
His exhortations and
judgment of mankind.
This ordinary, insignificant One
rejected by us,
is He not the Lord Jesus
ever in our thoughts,
whom we long for night and day?
It is He! Our God!
The truth, the way and the life!
He has brought a new age,
a new heaven and earth.
He brings new work and hope for us,
ending lives we led in obscurity,
letting us behold the path of salvation.
He has conquered our being
and gained our hearts.
Now our minds become conscious
and our spirits revived.
This ordinary, insignificant One
rejected by us,
is He not the Lord Jesus
ever in our thoughts,
whom we long for night and day?
It is He! Our God!
The truth, the way and the life!
from "Beholding the Appearance of God in His Judgment and Chastisement"
𝗪𝗶𝗲 𝗸𝗮𝗻𝗻 𝗺𝗮𝗻 𝗶𝗻 𝗱𝗶𝗲 𝗔𝗿𝗰𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗹𝗲𝘁𝘇𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝗧𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝗲𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗻
📣📣❤️Liebe Brüder und Schwestern, seid in Frieden mit dem Herrn! Diese Versammlung teilen wir mit euch "Wie kann man in die Arche der letzten Tage eintreten". In der Bibel steht: “euch, die ihr aus Gottes Macht durch den Glauben bewahrt werdet zur Seligkeit, die bereitet ist, daß sie offenbar werde zu der letzten Zeit.” (I Petrus 1:5) Es sind bereits die letzten Tage, die Prophezeiungen der Wiederkehr des Herrn haben bereit erfüllt, wie begrüßen wir den Herrn Jesus, um die Arche einzutreten, die Gott uns vorbereitet hat? Bitte Sie an unsere Versammlung teilnehmen, der internationale Prediger führt Sie dazu, aus Gottes Wort die Antwort zu suchen. Wenn Sie davon profitieren, werden wir weiterhin internationalen Prediger einladen, für uns zu predigen!
⏰Datum:08.03.2019 Zeit: 19:00-21:00 Uhr (Freitag)
⏰Datum:09.03.2019 Zeit: 19:00-21:00 Uhr (Samstag)
1 神的憐憫、神的寬容是確確實實存在的,但同時神的聖潔、神的公義在神發怒氣的時候也讓人看見了神不可觸犯的一面。也讓人看見了神不可觸犯不可觸犯的一面。當人完全能夠聽從神的吩咐按神的要求去做的時候,神對人是廣施憐憫神對人是廣施憐憫;當人滿了滿了敗壞,對神滿了仇視,對神滿了敵對的時候,神會深發怒氣,這個怒氣發到什麼程度呢?一直到他的抵擋、他的惡行不再讓神看得見,不再存在神的眼前,這個怒氣發到什麼程度呢?一直到他的抵擋、他的惡行不再讓神看得見,不再存在神的眼前,這個時候神的怒氣才會消失。
2 無論任何一個人,如果他的心已經遠離神了,已經背離神了,不可挽回了,無論他的身體或者他的思想在外表來看、在主觀意願上多麼想敬拜神、想跟隨神、想順服神,但是他的心一旦背離了神,神的怒氣會不斷地發出來,甚至於當神深發怒氣的時候,當神給了人足夠機會的時候,神的怒氣會一發不可收拾,而且永遠不會永遠不會再施給這樣的人憐憫、寬容!這就是神的性情不可觸犯的一面。他對於善的、美的、好的東西是寬容的,是憐憫的;對於惡的、屬罪的東西、邪惡的東西他會深發怒氣,以至於怒氣不斷以至於怒氣不斷。這是關於神性情最主要也是最突出更是神從始到終一直在流露的主要兩個方面:廣施憐憫,深發怒氣。
摘自《話在肉身顯現·神的作工、神的性情與神自己 二》