
📕📗Almighty God says,⋯/ Danse c

📕📗Almighty God says,
"What is a winner? The good soldiers of Christ must be brave and depend on me to be strong spiritually; they must fight to be warriors and fight the devil till death. You should always stay awake, and that's why I ask you to actively cooperate with me every moment and learn to come closer to me. If you listen to my lecture and stay calm before me at all times and in all circumstances while paying attention to my words and actions, you will not be distracted and stand in your place. Whatever you get from within me can be practiced. My every word is directed to your condition and it pierces your heart. Even if you deny them with your mouth, you can't deny them with your heart. Not just that, if you investigate my words, you will be judged. That is, my words are the truth, the life and the way; they are a sharp, two-edged sword, and they can overcome the devil. Blessed are those who understand my words and have the way to bring them into practice, and those who do not practice them will surely be judged; it's very practical. Nowadays, the scope of those I judge has increased: before me not only those who know me, but those who do not believe in me and those who attempt and disrupt the work of the Holy Spirit. Yes, they will be justice too. Those who follow in my footsteps shall see that God is an enormous fire! God is the King! He is doing his justice and giving them death penalty. Those in the Church who do not focus on following the work of the Holy Spirit, who obstruct the work, who show false glory, whose intentions and goals are wrong, who do not attempt to eat and drink the word of God, who are confused or doubtful. Those who investigate the work of the Holy Spirit—the promises of justice will reach them at any time. All the works of the people will be revealed. The Holy Spirit examines the inner self of the people, therefore do not be foolish; be alert and alert. Don't act with your eyes closed. If your actions do not go according to my words, you will be judged. Copying, pretending, or not actually understanding won't work; you should often come in front of me and communicate with me. "
Excerpted from 《Words are revealed in the body・Chapter 12》

📕📗Almighty God says,⋯/ Danse c

As you breathe in the fresh air today, don’t forget to say, “Thank You for loving me, my God!”
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God says, “First, God created air so that man may breathe. Air is a substance with which humans can make daily contact and it is a thing on which humans rely from moment to moment, even as they sleep. The air that God created is monumentally important for humankind: It is essential to their every breath and to life itself. This substance, which can only be felt but not seen, was God’s first gift to all the things of His creation. But after creating air, did God stop, considering His work finished? Or did He consider how dense air would be? Did He consider what air would contain? What was God thinking when He made air? Why did God make air, and what was His reasoning? Humans need air—they need to breathe. Firstly, the density of air should be fit for human lungs. Does anyone know the density of air? In truth, there is no particular need for people to know the answer to this question in terms of numbers or data, and indeed, it is quite unnecessary to know the answer—it is perfectly adequate to have only a general idea. God made air with a density that would be most suitable for human lungs to breathe. That is, He made air so that it may readily enter human bodies through their breath, and so that it will not do harm to the body as it breathes. These were God’s considerations when He made air. Next, we will talk about what air contains. Its contents are not poisonous to humans and will not damage the lungs or any part of the body. God had to consider all of this. God had to consider that the air humans breathe should enter and exit the body smoothly, and that, after being inhaled, the nature and quantity of the substances within air should be such that the blood, as well as the waste air in the lungs and the body as a whole, would be properly metabolized. Moreover, He had to consider that the air should not contain any poisonous substances. My aim in telling you about these two standards for air is not to feed you any particular knowledge, but to show you that God created every single thing within His creation in accordance with His own considerations, and everything He created is the best it could be. Furthermore, as for the amount of dust in the air; and the amount of dust, sand and dirt upon the earth; as well as the amount of dust that drifts down to the earth from the sky—God has His ways for managing these things, too, ways of clearing them away or causing them to disintegrate. While there is a certain quantity of dust, God made it so that dust would not harm man’s body or endanger man’s breathing, and He made the dust particles of a size that would not be harmful to the body. Was God’s creation of the air not a mystery? Was it a simple thing, like blowing a breath of air from His mouth? (No.) Even in His creation of the simplest things, God’s mystery, the workings of His mind, His way of thinking, and His wisdom are all apparent. Is God not practical? (Yes, He is.) What this means is that even in creating simple things, God was thinking of humanity. Firstly, the air humans breathe is clean, and its contents are suitable for humans to breathe, not poisonous and causing no harm to humans; in the same way, the density of air is suited for human breathing. This air, which humans constantly inhale and exhale, is essential to the human body, the human flesh. This is why humans may breathe freely, without constraint or worry. They can thus breathe normally. Air is that which God created in the beginning, and that which is indispensable for human breathing.”
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📕📗Almighty God says,⋯/ Danse c

5. Why Is It Said That Knowing the Three Stages of God’s Work Is the Path to Knowing God?
Knowing the Three Stages of God’s Work Is the Path to Knowing God
(A Selected Chapter of God’s Word)
💕Almighty God says:
The work of God Himself is the vision that man must know, for the work of God cannot be achieved by man, and is not possessed by man. The three stages of work are the entirety of God’s management, and there is no greater vision that should be known by man. If man does not know this mighty vision, then it is not easy to know God, it is not easy to understand God’s will, and, furthermore, the path that man walks upon will become increasingly arduous. Without visions, man would not have been able to come this far. It is the visions that have safeguarded man until today, and which have provided the greatest protection to man. In the future, your knowledge must deepen, and you must come to know the entirety of His will and the essence of His wise work within the three stages of work. Only this is your true stature.        ❓(to be continued)
—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God.
Dear brothers and sisters, if you like to study more of God’s words, please click on the link below:
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📕📗Almighty God says,⋯/ Danse c
Danse chrétienne « C'est magnifique ! Dieu Tout-Puissant est venu » Chant de louange

📕📗Almighty God says,⋯/ Danse c



1 神的「喜」是因為有正義的存在與誕生,是因著有光明的存在與誕生,是因為黑暗與邪惡的毀滅;他的「喜」是因著他為人類帶來了光明,是因為他給人類帶來了美好的生活;他的「喜」是正義的,是一切正面事物存在的象徵,更是吉祥的象徵。
2 神的「怒」是因為非正義事物的存在與攪擾在侵害著他的人類,是因為邪惡與黑暗的存在,是因為有驅逐真理的事情存在,更是因有抵觸美善事物的存在;他的「怒」是反面事物不復存在的象徵,更是他本聖潔的象徵。
3 他的「哀」是因為他所期盼的人類落入黑暗之中,是因為他在人身上作的工作並不能達到他的心意,是因為他所愛的人類並不能盡都活在光明之中;他是為了無辜的人類哀愁,是為了誠實而愚昧的人哀愁,是為了善良而沒主見的人哀愁;他的「哀」是他善良的象徵,是他憐憫的象徵,是美的象徵,是仁慈的象徵。
4 他的「樂」當然是為打敗仇敵與獲得人的誠心而樂,更是驅逐與消滅一切敵勢力而有的,也是因著人類得著美好安寧的生活而有的;他的「樂」並不是人一樣的喜悅,而是比喜悅更高的獲得美果的滋味;他的「樂」是人類從此不受苦難的象徵,是人類進入光明世界的象徵。
5 而人類的喜怒哀樂則都是為了自身的利益而有的,不是為了正義,不是為了光明,不是為了美的事物,更不是為了上天的恩賜。人類的喜怒哀樂是自私的,是在黑暗的世界中所有的,不是為了神的旨意,更不是為了神的計劃,所以人與神永遠也不能划為一談。
——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・瞭解神的性情很重要》


全能神經典話語 《神末世審判工作的話語》 選段144
144 你們的忠心在嘴皮外邊,你們的認識在思維觀念中間,你們的勞碌是為着天堂的福氣,你們的信心又會是如何呢?到如今你們面對這句句真理仍是采取置之不理的態度。你們不知道什麽是神,不知道什麽是基督,你們不知道如何敬畏耶和華,不知道如何進入聖靈的作工之中,你們不知道如何分辨神自己的作工與人的迷惑,只知道定罪于任何一句神口中所發表的不合你意的真理。你的謙卑在哪裏?你的順服在哪裏?你的忠心在哪裏?你尋求真理的態度在哪裏?你敬畏神的心在哪裏?我告訴你們,那些因着神迹而信神的定規是滅亡的種類,那些因着不能領受重返肉身的耶穌所説之話的定規是地獄的子孫,定規是天使長的後裔,定規是永遠滅亡的種類。或許有許多人并不在意我所説的話,但我還是要告訴每一位跟隨耶穌的所謂的聖徒,當你們的肉眼親自看見耶穌駕着白雲從天而降的時候已是公義的日頭公開出現的時候。那時或許你的心情激動萬分,但你可曾知道,當你看見耶穌從天而降的時候也正是你下到地獄接受懲罰的時候,那時已是神經營計劃宣告結束的時候,是神賞善罰惡的時候。因為神的審判已在人未曾看見神迹只有真理發表的時候結束了。那些接受真理不求神迹而被潔净的人歸在了神的寶座前,投入了造物主的懷中,只有那些堅持一個信念「不是駕着白雲的耶穌就是假基督」的人將會受到永久的懲罰,因為他們只相信會顯神迹的耶穌,却不承認發表嚴厲審判、釋放生命真道的耶穌,這樣就只好讓耶穌公開駕着白雲重歸時來解决他們了。他們太固執、太自信、太狂妄了,這樣的敗類怎麽能得着耶穌的賞賜呢?耶穌的再來對于能接受真理的人是一個極大的拯救,對于不能接受真理的人就是被定罪的記號。你們當選擇自己的路,不要做褻瀆聖靈弃絶真理的事,不要做無知狂妄的人,當做順服聖靈引導、渴慕尋求真理的人,這樣對你們才有益處。我勸你們當小心謹慎地走信神的路,不要隨意下斷案,更不要隨隨便便、馬馬虎虎地信神,你們當知道信神的人最起碼具備的是謙和的心與敬畏神的心。那些聽了真理以鼻嗤之的人都是愚昧無知的人,那些聽了真理却隨便下斷案或定罪的人都是狂妄之輩。作為每一個信耶穌的人都没有資格咒詛定罪别人,你們都應該做有理智的接受真理的人。或許你聽了真理的道、看了生命的言語之後,認為這些話僅僅有萬分之一合乎你的意思、合乎聖經,那你就在這萬分之一的言語中繼續尋求,我還要勸你做謙和的人,不要太自信,不要太自高。在你僅有的一點敬畏神的心之中將獲得更大的亮光,你仔細考察反覆揣摩,你就會明白這一句句言語到底是不是真理,是不是生命。或許有的人没有看幾句話就盲目定罪了,或者説「這無非是一些聖靈開啓罷了」,或者説「這是假基督來迷惑人來了」,能説出這樣話的人簡直是太無知了!你對神的作工、對神的智慧了解得太少了,我勸你還是重新開始吧!你們不要因着末世要有假基督出現而盲目地定罪于神所發表的言語,不要因着怕受迷惑而做褻瀆聖靈的人,這樣豈不太可惜了嗎?若你再三考察之後仍舊認為這些話不是真理、不是道路、不是神的發表,那你就是最終遭受懲罰之人,就是無福之人。

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・當你看見耶穌靈體的時候已是神重新更换天地的時候了》

📕📗Almighty God says,⋯/ Danse c












♦ 情形


V. Questions and Answers on the Bible
3. Based on the words of Paul, who said that “All scripture is given by inspiration of God” (2Ti 3:16), the pastors and elders of the religious world believe that the words of the Bible are the words of God. Yet you say that not all the words in the Bible are the words of God. What do you mean by this?
Relevant Words of God:
Not everything in the Bible is a record of the words personally spoken by God. The Bible simply documents the previous two stages of God’s work, of which one part is a record of the foretelling of the prophets, and one part is the experiences and knowledge written by people used by God throughout the ages. Human experiences are tainted with human opinions and knowledge, and this is something which is unavoidable. In many of the books of the Bible are human notions, human biases, and humans’ absurd comprehension. Of course, most of the words are the result of the enlightenment and illumination of the Holy Spirit, and they are correct understandings—yet it still cannot be said that they are entirely accurate expressions of the truth. Their views on certain things are nothing more than knowledge derived from personal experience, or the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit. The foretelling of the prophets was personally instructed by God: The prophecies of the like of Isaiah, Daniel, Ezra, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel came from the direct instruction of the Holy Spirit; these people were seers, they had received the Spirit of prophecy, and they were all prophets of the Old Testament. During the Age of Law, these people, who had received the inspirations of Jehovah, spoke many prophecies, which were directly instructed by Jehovah.
—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Concerning the Bible (3)
Sermon and Fellowship Excerpts for Reference:
How was the Bible formed, and when did it come into being? During the Age of Law, the Jews only referred to the Old Testament as the Scriptures. Later, the Lord Jesus performed the work of redemption, and more than three hundred years after that, some church leaders held a council and decided to collate all the epistles written by the disciples and apostles of the Lord Jesus. Finally, after much consideration, they selected 27 of them as the New Testament Canon, which they combined with the Old Testament to make the entire content of the Bible. These are the facts of the origins of the New and Old Testament, and this is the inside story of the Bible. Many people believe that the Bible came from God; in Paul’s Second Epistle to Timothy, in particular, it is said, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God.” In fact, when Paul spoke these words, the New Testament had yet to be made into a book; in this context, the Scriptures that Paul was referring to were the Old Testament, not the New Testament. This is a fact. Yet the people of the last days take the Scriptures that Paul spoke of as the entire Bible—as the New and Old Testament. This is at odds with the facts. It is a misinterpretation, a fallacy. What is more, is it tenable to claim that the Old Testament was all given by inspiration of God? The work of the Age of Law was carried out by God using Moses. The first five books of the Old Testament were also written by Moses. It is fair to say that no one understood God’s work of the Age of Law better than him. So, in the Five Books of Moses, did Moses say the words he wrote were all given by inspiration of God? Firstly, he did not say this. Secondly, none of the prophets used by God in the Age of Law—prophets such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and so on—none of them said this, either. Only Paul said that the Scriptures were inspired by God. If Paul alone said this, such words can hardly be called valid. So we must not base anything off these words.
In addition, what did the brothers and sisters in the churches think of the epistles written by Peter, Paul and others when they were sent to the churches? They would have said, “This is the letter of Brother Peter,” “This is the letter of Brother Paul,” “This is the letter of Matthew.” … Would anyone have treated these apostles’ letters as the word of God at that time? Absolutely not, because Peter, Matthew and others never said that they were God or that they were the incarnation; they said that they believed in the Lord Jesus and were disciples of the Lord Jesus, so the brothers and sisters of the churches treated them as brothers, and their letters and their words as the fellowship and testimony of brothers. This is entirely accurate and in line with historical facts. But today, people of all denominations treat these apostles’ words as inspired by God. They treat them as God’s words and put them on a par with God’s words. Is this not at odds with historical facts? They do not feel there is even anything wrong with treating these words of men as the words of God. When people point out their error, they hold up the words of Paul in the Bible to defend themselves—but is there any basis to the words of Paul? In the letters of the apostles, Peter said that the letters of Paul contained the revelations and work of the Holy Spirit. But Peter never said that the words of Paul were inspired by the Holy Spirit, and that they must be treated as the words of God, nor did Paul dare say that his words were inspired by God. Neither Paul nor Peter testified that their words were the words of God, so how can the believers of the last days treat their words as the words of God? What mistake are they making? Are the interpretations of these exponents correct? They do not realize what a ridiculous error this is, they cannot see it, which shows that they are without the truth. Yet people still blindly worship and believe; whatever they say, that is what people believe. In this, are people not incredibly lacking in discernment? People of religion have blind faith in the Bible, they worship the Bible, they regard it as higher than God, they believe the Bible represents God, and they base everything on the Bible. Is it not ridiculous for them to worship and have blind faith in the Bible to such an extent? And what form does their blind faith in the Bible take? They are incapable of approaching it according to historical fact, and they do not pursue the truth and seek the enlightenment and illumination of the Holy Spirit. Instead, they blindly worship well-known personages, trusting, accepting, and rigidly applying whatever any one of them says. Could it be that the words of men are never wrong? Could it be that everything Paul said is right? Paul was a man—and as a man, how could he not be tainted? Therefore, for people to place the letters of the apostles on a par with the words of God is a serious mistake. In the Bible, the words of God are the words of God, and the words of men are the words of men. The two cannot be treated as equal. So which are the words of God in the Bible? All of the words personally spoken by Jehovah God, what Jehovah God instructed the prophets to pass on, and the words personally spoken by the Lord Jesus—only these are the words of God. And what, do you think, is peculiar to all of the words spoken by the prophets in the Bible? They all said, “This is what Jehovah says” and “So said Jehovah.” They did not say, “I, Daniel (or Isaiah) tell you this.” This makes it clear to people that the prophets were passing on the original words of God. Therefore, only the original words of God passed on by the prophets are the words of God, only the words personally spoken by Jehovah God are the words of God, and only the words personally spoken by the Lord Jesus are the words of God. Nothing in the Bible apart from these are the words of God; the words spoken by the apostles and the events recorded by the servants of God are merely the testimonies of men.
—The Fellowship From the Above
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📕📗Almighty God says,⋯/ Danse c

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📕📗Almighty God says,⋯/ Danse c

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📕📗Almighty God says,⋯/ Danse c


📕📗Almighty God says,⋯/ Danse c

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📕📗Almighty God says,⋯/ Danse c

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📕📗Almighty God says,⋯/ Danse c


📕📗Almighty God says,⋯/ Danse c

📕📗Almighty God says,⋯/ Danse c

📕📗Almighty God says,⋯/ Danse c

📕📗Almighty God says,⋯/ Danse c

📕📗Almighty God says,⋯/ Danse c



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