סרט חדש 'הימלטות ממאורת השטן' | God Guided Me to Escape From the CCP's Claws
שמה הוא ז'אנג הוי והיא משיחית המשתייכת לכנסיית האל הכול יכול. היות שהיא מאמינה באלוהים, הממשלה הקומוניסטית בסין עקבה אחריה בחשאיות ולבסוף עצרה אותה. המשטרה הכריחה אותה למסור מידע על כספי הכנסייה ולבגוד במנהיגיה. הם ניסו להשתמש בקשרי המשפחה שלה ככלי נשק, כדי לנהל נגדה מערכה רגשית. הם צרו עליה ולא הניחו לה לישון במשך חמישה עשר יום, כדי לשבור את רוחה. משטרת המפלגה הקומוניסטית הסינית ייסרה אותה ללא הפוגה, והיא היתה נתונה ללא הרף במצב מאוד מלחיץ ומפחיד. באותה סביבה מסוכנת, היא התפללה לאלוהים שוב ושוב וביקשה ממנו שיגן עליה, כדי שתוכל לעמוד איתן ולשאת עדות. בהנחייתו ובהנהגתו של האל הכול יכול, היא הבינה בדיוק את מזימותיה הערמומיות של המשטרה ועמדה בעינויים שוב ושוב. בסופו של דבר, בזכות ההגנה מהאל הכול יכול, היא הצליחה בדרך נס לחמוק ממאורתו של השטן! לאחר שעברה רדיפה מצד הממשלה הקומוניסטית בסין, היא ראתה בבירור כי מדובר בשדים מרושעים וכי הם שונאים את האמת. הם במהותם אויב ריאקציונרי ומרושע של אלוהים. היא נוכחה בצורה בלתי אמצעית בריבונותו של האל על הכול ובמעשים הפלאיים. היא חשה את דאגתו ואהבתו של אלוהים בכל צורה אפשרית. היא גמרה בדעתה להקדיש לאלוהים את כל חייה ולמלא את חובותיה כאחת מברואיו, כדי לגמול לאלוהים על חסדו!
הברק ממזרח, כנסיית האל הכול יכול נוסדה בעקבות הופעתו ועבודתו של האל הכול יכול, הביאה השנייה של ישוע אדוננו, המשיח של אחרית הימים. החברים בכנסייה הם אלה המקבלים את עבודתו של האל הכול יכול באחרית הימים, והנכבשים וניצלים באמצעות דבריו. האל הכול יכול ייסד את הכנסייה לבדו והוא שמנהיג אותה כרועה. היא במפורש לא נוסדה על ידי אדם. המשיח הוא האמת, הדרך והחיים. צאנו של אלוהים שומעות בקולו של אלוהים. כל עוד תקראו את דברי האל הכול יכול, תבינו שאלוהים אכן הופיע.
不要因為忙碌 使我們與神擦肩而過
直到有一天,承恩從朋友那裡得到一本書,書中有這樣一段話:「當約伯開口詛咒自己生日的時候,他的這一舉動驚呆了所有的屬靈人物,包括約伯的三個朋友。人是從神來的,人理當感謝神所賦予的生命、肉體,包括人的生日,而不應咒詛,這是常人能領會與想到的。對於任何一個跟隨神的人來說,這個領會是神聖不可侵犯的,是任何時候都不能更改的真理,而約伯卻『違反常規』——咒詛自己的生日,他的這一舉動在常人來看是闖入了禁區,不但不能得到人的諒解與同情,而且也不能得到神的饒恕。」(摘自《神的作工、神的性情與神自己 二》)看到這話,承恩的心一下被吸引了,這話說的不正是自己的想法嗎?人的一切都是從神而來的,當然包括我們的生日,作為一個被神評價是完全人的約伯,為什麼會咒詛自己的生日呢?他的這一行為為什麼不會被神定罪?https://reurl.cc/aR12D
承恩急不可待地往下看:「當撒但伸手傷害約伯的骨頭的時候,約伯置身在魔掌之中,他無法擺脫,無力反抗,他的身體、靈魂承受著超強的巨痛,這個『巨痛』讓他深深地感受到了活在肉體之中的人的渺小、無力與柔弱,同時他也深深地領會理解了神為什麼顧念與看顧人類的心情。在魔掌之中他體會到了肉體凡胎之人在此時竟然如此無助與軟弱,當他俯身下跪向神祈禱之時,他似乎感受到了神在掩面、在隱藏,因為神將他完全交在了撒但的手中,與此同時,神為他而流淚,更為他而痛心,神因著他的痛而痛,也因著他的傷而傷……約伯感受到了神的傷痛,也感受到了神的不忍……他再也不想讓神為他而傷痛了,再也不想讓神為他而流淚了,他更不想看到神為他而受痛苦。此時的約伯只想掙脫這肉體凡胎,不再忍受這肉體給他帶來的疼痛,因為這樣神就不再為他的疼痛而受痛苦了,但是他做不到,他不但要忍受肉體的疼痛,更要忍受『不想讓神擔憂』所帶來的痛苦。這雙重的疼痛,一份來自肉體,一份來自心靈,讓約伯承受撕心裂肺、肝腸寸斷的痛苦,也讓他感覺到了肉體凡胎之人的極限是那麼地讓人無奈與無助。在此情形之下,他渴慕神的心愈發強烈,恨惡撒但的心也隨之變得更加強烈,此時的約伯寧願自己沒有投胎人世,寧願自己不存在,也不願看到神為他而掉眼淚,為他而痛苦。他開始深惡自己的肉體,開始厭煩自己,厭煩自己出生的日子,甚至厭煩與自己有關的一切。他不願再提起他的生日與和他出生有關的一切,所以他便開口咒詛自己的生日:(伯3:3-4)願我生的那日和說懷了男胎的那夜都滅沒。願那日變為黑暗,願神不從上面尋找它,願亮光不照於其上。」(摘自《神的作工、神的性情與神自己 二》)https://reurl.cc/aR12D
湖北省 鄭沐
#禱告園地 #禱告 #神 #主 #詩歌 #基督徒
❓❓Question: Why Does God Want To Save Mankind?
Relevant Words of God:
In the beginning, God was resting. There were no humans or anything else upon the earth at that time, and God had not done any work whatsoever. God only began His management work once humanity existed and once humanity had been corrupted. From this point on, God no longer rested but instead began to busy Himself among humanity. It was because of humanity’s corruption that God was taken from His rest, and it was also because of the archangel’s rebellion that God was taken from His rest. If God does not defeat Satan and save humanity, which has been corrupted, God will never again be able to enter into rest. As man lacks rest, so does God. When God once again enters into rest, man will also enter into rest. The life in rest is one without war, without filth, without persisting unrighteousness. This is to say that it lacks Satan’s harassment (here “Satan” refers to hostile forces), Satan’s corruption, as well as the invasion of any force opposed to God. Everything follows its own kind and worships the Lord of creation. Heaven and earth are entirely tranquil. This is humanity’s restful life. When God enters into rest, no more unrighteousness will persist upon the earth, and there will be no more invasion of any hostile forces. Humanity will also enter a new realm; they will no longer be a humanity corrupted by Satan, but rather a humanity that has been saved after having been corrupted by Satan. Humanity’s day of rest is also God’s day of rest. God lost His rest due to humanity’s inability to enter into rest; it was not that He was originally unable to rest.
from “God and Man Will Enter Into Rest Together” in The Word Appears in the Flesh
These are the facts: When the earth did not yet exist, the archangel was the greatest of heaven’s angels. It had jurisdiction over all the angels in heaven; this was the authority that God granted it. With the exception of God, it was the greatest of heaven’s angels. When God later created humanity, the archangel carried out a greater betrayal toward God upon the earth. I say it betrayed God because it wanted to manage humanity and to surpass God’s authority. It was the archangel that tempted Eve into sin; it did so because it wished to establish its kingdom upon earth and to make humanity betray God and obey it instead. It saw that there were many things that obeyed it; the angels obeyed it, as did the people upon the earth. The birds and beasts, trees, forests, mountains, rivers and all things upon the earth were under the care of man—that is, Adam and Eve—while Adam and Eve obeyed it. The archangel thus desired to surpass God’s authority and to betray God. Later on it led many angels to betray God, which then became various unclean spirits. Has not humanity’s development to this day been caused by the archangel’s corruption? Humanity is only the way it is today because the archangel betrayed God and corrupted humanity. … Humanity and all things upon the earth are now under Satan’s domain and under the domain of the wicked. God wants to reveal His acts to all things so that people may know Him, and thereby defeat Satan and utterly vanquish His enemies. The entirety of this work is accomplished through revealing His acts. All of His creatures are under Satan’s domain, and so He wishes to reveal His almightiness to them, thereby defeating Satan. If there were no Satan, He would not need to reveal His acts. If not for Satan’s harassment, He would have created humanity and led them to live in the Garden of Eden. Why did He never reveal all His acts for the angels or the archangel before Satan’s betrayal? If the angels and archangel had known Him, and also obeyed Him in the beginning, then He would not have carried out those meaningless acts of work. Because of the existence of Satan and demons, people resist Him and are filled to the brim with rebellious disposition, and so God wishes to reveal His acts. Because He wishes to do war with Satan, He must use His own authority to defeat Satan and use all His acts to defeat Satan; this way, His work of salvation that He performs among humanity will let people see His wisdom and almightiness.
from “You Should Know How the Whole of Humanity Has Developed to the Present Day” in The Word Appears in the Flesh
Once the work of conquest has been completed, man will be brought into a beautiful world. This life will, of course, still be on earth, but it will be totally unlike man’s life today. It is the life that mankind will have after the whole of mankind has been conquered, it will be a new beginning for man on earth, and for mankind to have such a life will be proof that mankind has entered a new and beautiful realm. It will be the beginning of the life of man and God on earth. The premise of such a beautiful life must be that, after man has been purified and conquered, he submits before the Creator. And so, the work of conquest is the last stage of God’s work before mankind enters the wonderful destination. Such a life is man’s future life on earth, it is the most beautiful life on earth, the kind of life that man longs for, the kind that man has never before achieved in the history of the world. It is the final outcome of the 6,000 years of work of management, it is what mankind yearns for most, and it is also God’s promise to man. But this promise cannot come to pass immediately: Man will enter the future destination only once the work of the last days has been completed and he has been completely conquered, that is, once Satan has been utterly defeated. Man will be without a sinful nature after he has been refined, because God will have defeated Satan, which means that there will be no encroachment by hostile forces, and no hostile forces that can attack the flesh of man. And so man will be free, and holy—he will have entered eternity. Only if the hostile forces of darkness are bound will man be free wherever he goes, and without rebelliousness or opposition. Satan has but to be bound for man to be okay; today, he is not okay because Satan still stirs up trouble everywhere on earth, and because the entire work of God’s management has yet to reach its end. Once Satan has been defeated, man will be completely liberated; when man gains God and comes out from under the domain of Satan, he will behold the Sun of righteousness. … In this way, once there is no disturbance by Satan, God Himself will control mankind, and He will command and control the entire life of man; only this will count as the defeat of Satan. Man’s life today is mostly a life of filth, and still a life of suffering and affliction. This could not be called the defeat of Satan; man has yet to escape from the sea of affliction, has yet to escape from the hardship of the life of man, or the influence of Satan, and he still has but an infinitesimal knowledge of God. All of man’s hardship was created by Satan, it was Satan that brought the sufferings into the life of man, and only after Satan is bound will man be able to completely escape from the sea of affliction. Yet the bondage of Satan is achieved through the conquest and gain of the heart of man, by making man the spoils of the battle with Satan. … At that time, man will have gained a life illuminated by God, a life under the care and protection of God, and a life together with God. Mankind will lead a normal life on earth, and the whole of mankind will enter onto the right track. The 6,000-year management plan will have utterly defeated Satan, which means that God will have recovered the original image of man following his creation, and as such, the original intention of God will have been fulfilled.
from “Restoring the Normal Life of Man and Taking Him to a Wonderful Destination” in The Word Appears in the Flesh
全能神話語朗誦《獨一無二的神自己 三》(選段四)
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