21 Best Bible Verses About God’s Love
The Bible says, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). To redeem mankind, God was incarnated amongst men and was crucified and served as mankind’s sin offering. God not only has loved us but also asks us to love each other. God’s love for mankind is so great and real. Do you want to know more about God’s love? The verses below about God’s love will help you find the answer.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
1 John 4:8
He that loves not knows not God; for God is love.
Romans 5:8
But God commends his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Revelation 3:19
As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
Proverbs 11:11-12
My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction: For whom the LORD loves he corrects; even as a father the son in whom he delights.
Hebrews 12:10
For they truly for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness.
Hebrews 12:5-6
And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as to children, My son, despise not you the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when you are rebuked of him: For whom the Lord loves he chastens, and whips every son whom he receives.
Job 5:17
Behold, happy is the man whom God corrects: therefore despise not you the chastening of the Almighty:
Psalm 86:15
But you, O Lord, are a God full of compassion, and gracious, long suffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth.
Psalm 136:26
O give thanks to the God of heaven: for his mercy endures for ever.
John 15:9-10
As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you: continue you in my love. If you keep my commandments, you shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love.
1 John 4:7-8
Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loves is born of God, and knows God. He that loves not knows not God; for God is love.
1 John 4:9-11
In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him. Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.
1 John 4:16
And we have known and believed the love that God has to us. God is love; and he that dwells in love dwells in God, and God in him.
Deuteronomy 7:9
Know therefore that the LORD your God, he is God, the faithful God, which keeps covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;
Proverbs 8:17
I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.





2019 English Christian Song | “The Incarnate Son of Man Is God Himself”
When God’s divinity was realized in flesh and blood,
His presence was no longer hazy.
Man could see and draw near to God.
They could try and comprehend God’s will, understand His divinity
through the words, work, and actions of the Son of man.
Through humanity, the Son of man expressed
God’s will and His divinity.
And through showing God’s will and disposition,
He revealed to people the God in the realm of the spirit,
who can’t be touched or seen.
They saw a God with flesh and image.
So the incarnate Son of man
made God’s identity, status, disposition and more,
human and tangible.
Whether it is His humanity or divinity,
we cannot deny He represents God’s status, identity.
God worked and spoke through the flesh
throughout this time.
With the identity of the Son of man, He stood before mankind,
letting them encounter God’s words and work among humanity,
know His divinity and greatness in the midst of humility.
Man gets a sense of God’s realness, a taste of His reality.
Man gains a grasp on what they mean.
Through humanity, the Son of man expressed
God’s will and His divinity.
And through showing God’s will and disposition,
He revealed to people the God in the realm of the spirit,
who can’t be touched or seen.
They saw a God with flesh and image.

Though the work, ways, and perspective of speaking
of the Lord Jesus were unlike
God’s real person in the realm of the spirit,
He truly represented God as never seen.
This cannot be denied.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs







חשיפת האמת שמאחורי מדיניות הממשל הקומוניסטי בסין בענייני דת מדיניות המוסווית מאחורי חוקת המדינה

The Constitution of the Chinese Communist government explicitly provides for freedom of religion and worship, yet on the sly there is unbridled suppression and attacks on religion and worship. Followers of Christ are made out to be major national criminals and revolutionary methods are adopted to suppress, detain, persecute and even cruelly kill them. The Chinese Communist government uses the Constitution to gain fame by deceiving the public yet what secrets behind the scenes are after all being concealed from public knowledge? Why does the Chinese Communist government insist on treating Christ's followers as enemies, why are they irreconcilable with the followers of Christ?





דברי חיים | הכרת אלוהים היא הדרך ליראת אלוהים ולהתרחקות מרע (מובאה)
האל הכול יכול אומר, "'יראת אלוהים וההסתלקות מרע' והכרה של אלוהים מחוברים ביניהם בעבותות חזקים באופן שאינו ניתן להפרדה והקשר ביניהם מובן מאליו. אם האדם מעוניין להגיע להסתלקות מרע, עליו ראשית לירוא את אלוהים. אם האדם מעוניין ביראה ממשית של אלוהים, עליו ראשית להכיר את אלוהים באמת. אם האדם מעוניין להכיר את אלוהים באמת, עליו ראשית לחוות את דברי האל ולהיווכח במציאות של דברי האל, לחוות את תוכחת אלוהים ואת משמעתו, את ייסוריו ושיפוטו. אם האדם מעוניין לחוות את דברי האל, עליו ראשית להתייצב פנים אל פנים מול דברי האל, לעמוד פנים אל פנים מול אלוהים, ולבקש מאלוהים שיזמן לו הזדמנויות לחוות את דבריו, בדמות סביבות שונות הכוללות אנשים, אירועים ועצמים. אם האדם מעוניין לעמוד פנים אל פנים מול אלוהים ומול דברי האל, עליו ראשית להיות בעל לב פשוט וישר, נכונות לקבל את האמת, רצון לשאת בסבל, נחישות ואומץ לסור מרע, והשאיפה להפוך ליציר בריאה אמיתי... כך, צעד אחד צעד, תתקרבו יותר מאי פעם לאלוהים, לבכם יהפוך אפילו לטהור משהיה, וחייכם וערכם וכן הכרתכם את אלוהים יהפכו למשמעותיים יותר, וזוהרם יתחזק."






ေဖာက္်ပႏၸ္ကၦီးသည့္ လူသားမ္ိဳးႏၾယ္သၫ္ လူ႔ဇာတိခံ ဘုရားသခင္၏ ကယၱယ္်ခင္းကို ပို၍လိုအပ္သၫ္ဟဳ အဘယ္ေၾကာင့္ဆိုသနၫ္း။
🌟🍀🌈Learn more: https://my.kingdomsalvation.org/…/mysteryofincarnation-one.…

“လူသား၏ ဇာတိခႏၶာကို စာတႏၼြ ဖ္ကၦီးခဲ့ၿပီး၊ အဆုံးျစႏၼ္ၾကၠယ္ေစခဲ့ကာ ႀကီးျစာဒုကၡေပးခဲ့သၫ္။ ဘုရားသခင္သၫ္ ဇာတိခႏၶာထဲ၌ ကိုယၱိဳငၠိဳယၠ္ အမႈလုပ္ေဆာငၡဲ့ရ်ခင္း၏ ေအ်ခခံအက္ဆုံး ေအၾကာင္းရင္းမြာ သူ၏ကယၱင္်ခင္းကို ခံရသၫ့္အရာသၫ္ ဇာတိခႏၶာရြိေသာ လူသား်ဖစ္ေသာေၾကာင့္ႏြင့္ စာတႏ္သၫႅၫ္း လူသား၏ဇာတိခႏၶာကို အသုံး်ပဳကာ ဘုရားသခင္၏ အမႈကို ေႏြာင့္ယြက္ေသာေၾကာင့္်ဖစ္သၫ္။ စာတႏ္ႏြင့္ တိုၾကၸဲသၫ္ အမြႏၥငၥစ္ လူသားကို သိမ္းပိုက္သည့္ အမႈ်ဖစ္ၿပီး၊ တစၡ္ိႏၲၫ္းၾတင္ လူသားသၫ္ ဘုရားသခင္၏ ကယၱင္်ခင္းကို ခံရသၫ့္အရာလၫ္း်ဖစ္သၫ္။ ဤနၫ္း်ဖင့္ လူ႔ဇာတိခံယူထားေသာ ဘုရားသခင္၏ အမႈသၫ္ မုခ္လိုအပ္ေသာ အရာ်ဖစ္သၫ္။ စာတႏ္သၫ္ လူသား၏ဇာတိခႏၶာကို ဖ္ကၦီးခဲ့သၫ္၊ ဤသို႔်ဖင့္ လူသားသၫ္ စာတႏ္၏ ်ပယုဂၲစၡဳ်ဖစႅာၿပီး ဘုရားသခငၠ အႏိုင္ယဴရမည့္ အရာတစၡဳ ်ဖစႅာသၫ္။ ဤနၫ္း်ဖင့္ စာတႏ္ႏြင့္ တိုၾကၸဲဝင္သည့္အမႈႏြင့္ လူသားမ္ိဳးႏၾယၠိဳ ကယၱင္်ခင္းအမႈသၫ္ ကမာၻႀကီးေပၚၾတင္ ်ဖျစၸားကာ စာတႏ္ႏြင့္ တိုၾကၸဲဝင္ရႏ္အၾတက္ ဘုရားသခင္သၫ္ လူသားတစ္ဦး ်ဖစႅာရ်ခင္း်ဖစ္သၫ္။ ဤသၫၼြာ အဆုံးျစႏ္ လက္ေၾတ႕က္မႈ၏ အမႈပငၲၫ္း။”

“ဘုရားသခင္သၫ္ ဇာတိခႏၶာ်ဖင့္ အလုပႅဳပ္ေနသၫ့္အခါ သူသၫ္ စာတႏ္ႏြင့္ ဇာတိခႏၶာအား်ဖင့္ အမြႏၲကယ္ တိုၾကၸဲဝင္ေန်ခင္း်ဖစ္သၫ္။ သူသၫ္ ဇာတိခႏၶာႏြင့္ အလုပႅဳပၥၪ္ၾတင္ သူသၫ္ ဝိညာၪ္ေရးရာနယၸယ္၌ သူ၏အမႈကို လုပ္ေန်ခင္း်ဖစ္ၿပီး၊ ဝိညာၪ္ေရးရာနယၸယၼြ သူ၏အမႈတစၡဳလုံးကို ကမာၻေပၚၾတင္ စစၼြႏႅာေစရႏ္ လုပ္ေဆာင္သၫ္။ သိမ္းပိုက္်ခင္းခံေရသာသူသၫ္ သူ႔ကိုမနာခံေသာ လူသား်ဖစ္ၿပီး၊ အႏိုင္ယဴ်ခင္းခံရမည့္သဴသၫ္ သူႏြင့္ ရႏၻက္်ဖစ္ေသာ စာတႏ္၏်ပယုဂ္ (ဤသၫၼြာလၫ္း လူသားပင္်ဖစ္၏) ်ဖစ္သၫ္၊ ထို႔်ပင္ ေနာကၦဳံး၌ ကယၱင္်ခင္းခံရမည့္သဴမြာလၫ္း လူသားပင္်ဖစ္သၫ္။ ဤနၫ္းအား်ဖင့္ ဖႏၧင္းခံတစ္ဦး၏ အ်ပငၸႏ္းသဏၭာႏ္ရြိသၫ့္ လူသားတစ္ဦး်ဖစႅာရႏ္ သူ႔အၾတက္ ပို၍ပင္ လိုအပႅာသၫ္၊ သို႔မြသာ ဘုရားသခင္သၫ္ စာတႏ္ႏြင့္ စစၼြႏ္ေသာတိုၾကၸဲကို ်ပဳႏိုငၠာ သူ႔ကို မနာခံေသာ၊ သူကဲ့သို႔ အ်ပငၸႏ္းသဏၭာႏၠိဳ ပိုငၧိဳငၴားေသာ လူသားကို သိမ္းပိုက္၍၊ သူ႔ကဲ့သို႔ အ်ပငၸႏ္းသဏၭာႏ္ရြိၿပီး စာတႏ္၏ အႏၲရာယ္်ပဳမႈကို ခံခဲ့ေရသာ လူသားတို႔ကို ကယၱင္ႏိုင္ေပမၫ္။ သူ၏ရႏ္သဴမြာ လူသား်ဖစ္သၫ္၊ သူသိမ္းပိုကၼည့္အရာမြာ လူသား်ဖစ္ၿပီး၊ သူ၏ကယၱင္်ခင္းကို ခံရမည့္အရာမြာ သူဖႏၧင္းခဲ့ေသာ လူသား်ဖစ္သၫ္။ ထို႔ေၾကာင့္ သူသၫ္ လူသား်ဖစႅာရမၫ္ ်ဖစ္ၿပီး ဤနၫ္းအား်ဖင့္ သူ၏အမႈသၫၸိဳ၍ ၾလယၠဴၾသားသၫ္။ သူသၫ္ စာတႏၠိဳ ေခ္မႈႏ္းကာ လူသားမ္ိဳးႏၾယၠိဳ သိမ္းပိုက္ႏိုင္သၫ္၊ ထို႔အ်ပင္ လူသားမ္ိဳးႏၾယၠိဳလၫ္း ကယၱင္ႏိုင္သၫ္။”




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