لو كان لديك أي أسئلة فنرجو التواصل معنا:https://bit.ly/2KqU9By

كلمات الله اليومية – استعادة الحياة الصحيحة للإنسان وأخذه إلى غاية رائعة (اقتباس 5) – إنجيل اليوم 
يقول الله القدير: " تنقسم الستة آلاف سنة من عمل تدبير الله إلى ثلاث مراحل: عصر الناموس وعصر النعمة وعصر الملكوت. هذه المراحل الثلاث من العمل هي كلها من أجل خلاص البشرية، أي أنها من أجل خلاص البشرية التي أفسدها الشيطان بشدةٍ. مع ذلك، فهي أيضًا في الوقت نفسه من أجل أن يخوض الله معركة مع الشيطان. وهكذا، كما ينقسم عمل الخلاص إلى ثلاث مراحل، تنقسم المعركة مع الشيطان أيضًا إلى ثلاث مراحل، ويُنفذ هذين الجانبين من عمل الله في وقت واحد. إن المعركة مع الشيطان هي في الواقع من أجل خلاص البشرية، ولأن عمل خلاص البشرية ليس شيئًا يمكن إنجازه بنجاح في مرحلة واحدة، تنقسم المعركة مع الشيطان أيضًا إلى مراحل وفترات، وتُشن الحرب على الشيطان وفقًا لاحتياجات الإنسان ومدى إفساد الشيطان له. ربما يعتقد الإنسان في خياله أن الله سيحمل السلاح في هذه المعركة ضد الشيطان، بنفس الطريقة التي قد يحارب بها جيشان بعضهما بعضًا. هذا ما يمكن لعقل الإنسان أن يتخيله، وهي فكرة غامضة وغير واقعية إلى حد بعيد، ولكن هذا ما يعتقده الإنسان. ولأنني أقول هنا إن وسائل خلاص الإنسان هي من خلال المعركة مع الشيطان، يتخيل الإنسان أن هذه هي الطريقة التي تجري بها المعركة. في عمل خلاص الإنسان، نُفذت ثلاث مراحل، أي أن المعركة مع الشيطان قد انقسمت إلى ثلاث مراحل قبل الهزيمة الكاملة للشيطان. ومع ذلك، فإن الحقيقة الكامنة وراء كل عمل المعركة مع الشيطان هي أن آثارها تتحقق من خلال منح النعمة للإنسان، والصيرورة ذبيحة خطية عن الإنسان، وغفران خطايا الإنسان، وإخضاع الإنسان، وتكميل الإنسان. في واقع الأمر، فإن المعركة مع الشيطان ليست حمل سلاح ضد الشيطان، ولكن خلاص الإنسان، والعمل على حياة الإنسان، وتغيير شخصية الإنسان حتى يقدم شهادة لله. هكذا يُهزم الشيطان. يُهزم الشيطان من خلال تغيير شخصية الإنسان الفاسدة. وحينما تتحقق هزيمة الشيطان، أي عندما يتحقق خلاص الإنسان تمامًا، عندئذٍ سيصبح الشيطان مقيدًا تمامًا، وبهذه الطريقة، سيكون قد نال الإنسان خلاصًا تامًا. وهكذا، فإن جوهر خلاص الإنسان هو المعركة مع الشيطان، والحرب مع الشيطان تنعكس في المقام الأول على خلاص الإنسان. مرحلة الأيام الأخيرة، التي سيُخضع فيها الإنسان، هي المرحلة الأخيرة في المعركة مع الشيطان، وهي أيضًا مرحلة عمل الخلاص الكامل للإنسان من مُلك الشيطان. المعنى الكامن وراء إخضاع الإنسان يكمن في عودة تجسيد الشيطان، أي الإنسان الذي أفسده الشيطان، إلى الخالق بعد إخضاعه، والذي من خلاله سيتخلى عن الشيطان ويعود إلى الله عودةً تامةً. وبهذه الطريقة، سوف يخلُص الإنسان تمامًا. وهكذا، فإن عمل الإخضاع هو آخر عمل في المعركة ضد الشيطان، والمرحلة الأخيرة في تدبير الله من أجل هزيمة الشيطان. بدون هذا العمل، سيكون الخلاص الكامل للإنسان مستحيلاً في نهاية الأمر، وستكون هزيمة الشيطان المطلقة مستحيلة أيضًا، ولن تتمكن البشرية أبدًا من دخول الغاية الرائعة، أو التحرر من تأثير الشيطان. ومن ثمَّ، لا يمكن إنهاء عمل خلاص الإنسان قبل انتهاء المعركة مع الشيطان، لأن جوهر عمل تدبير الله هو من أجل خلاص البشرية. كان الإنسان الأول محفوظًا في يد الله، ولكن بسبب إغواء الشيطان وإفساده، صار الإنسان أسيرًا للشيطان وسقط في يد الشرير. وهكذا، أصبح الشيطان هدفًا للهزيمة في عمل تدبير الله. ولأن الشيطان استولى على الإنسان، ولأن الإنسان هو الأصل في كل تدبير الله، فيُشترط لخلاص الإنسان أن يُنتزع من يديّ الشيطان، وهذا يعني أنه يجب استعادة الإنسان بعد أن بات أسيرًا للشيطان. يُهزَم الشيطان بإحداث تغييرات في الشخصية العتيقة للإنسان حتى يستعيد عقله الأصلي، وبهذه الطريقة، يمكن استعادة الإنسان الذي أُسر من يديّ الشيطان. إذا تحرَّر الإنسان من تأثير الشيطان وعبوديته، فسوف يخزى الشيطان، ويُسترد الإنسان في نهاية الأمر، ويُهزم الشيطان. ولأن الإنسان قد تحرَّر من التأثير المُظلم للشيطان، فسيصبح الإنسان هو المكسب من كل هذه المعركة، وسيوضع الشيطان موضع العقاب حالما تنتهي هذه المعركة، وبعدها سيكون قد اكتمل العمل الكامل لخلاص البشرية".


كلمات الله اليومية – استعادة الحياة الصحيحة للإنسان وأخذه إلى غاية رائعة (اقتباس 1) – إنجيل اليوم 
كلمة الله – الله والإنسان سيدخلان الراحة معًا(اقتباس 1) – إنجيل اليوم
كلمة الله - استعادة الحياة الطبيعية للإنسان وأخذه إلى غاية رائعة -  الجزء الأول - إنجيل اليوم
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Find a Church With the Holy Spirit's Work | "From the Throne Flows the Water of Life" | Gospel Movie
Tao Wei was a preacher from a house church. As her church grew more and more desolate day after day, her followers all became inactive and weak-spirited, and her own spirit grew dark. She could no longer feel the Lord's presence, and Tao Wei was confused, at a loss. How had the religious world lost the work of the Holy Spirit? Could it be that the Lord had already returned, and had appeared to do work elsewhere? … As Tao Wei urgently sought answers to these questions, she longed more and more to attain the supply of the living water of life from God. She and her brothers and sisters sought out God's work and appearance together, and finally came to The Church of Almighty God, where they began to communicate and debate with the preachers of The Church of Almighty God. … Will they be able to find the source of the living water of life at The Church of Almighty God? Will they be able to attain the water of life from the river that flows from the throne?






동영상을 시청해 주셔서 감사합니다. 궁금한 점이 있으시면 연락 주시기 바랍니다. 

CCM 찬양모음 연속듣기 - 마음을 울리는 찬양 연속듣기
1 사람에게 모든 희망 품으신 하나님 (0:00)
2 그분은 진리요 길이요 생명이시다 (3:13)
3 오직 성육신으로 사역하사 인류를 얻는 하나님 (9:33)
4 하나님 마음속에는 구원하시려는 인류가 가장 중요하다 (15:15)
5 하나님은 그의 현현 갈망하는 자 찾으신다 (20:53)
6 성령 역사에 순종해야 끝까지 따를 수 있네 (25:38)
7 하나님은 말씀 따르고 순종하는 자 아끼시네 (31:11)
8 사람을 공의로 대하시는 하나님 (34:10)
9 하나님이 모압 후손에게 역사하시는 의미 (39:59)
10 피조물의 생명은 하나님에게서 비롯되었네 (45:49)
11 말씀을 생명의 실제로 삼는 것이 하나님 믿는 관건 (50:01)
12 능동적으로 하나님을 사랑해야 한다 (53:36)
13 하나님 믿는 자들이 추구해야 하는 것 (58:44)
14 피조물은 하나님의 다스림에 맡겨야 한다 (1:04:53)
15 하나님은 사람을 새 시대로 데려가셨네 (1:08:41)


찬양 ccm 모음
하나님을 알아가는 길
생명의 말씀
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Христианский фильм | Бог открывает тайны Небесного Царства «ТОМИТЕЛЬНОЕ ОЖИДАНИЕ»

Две тысячи лет назад Господь Иисус пообещал Своим последователям: «Я иду приготовить место вам. И когда пойду и приготовлю вам место, приду опять и возьму вас к Себе, чтобы и вы были, где Я» (Ин. 14:2-3). Для многих поколений верующих это послужило основанием для неустанных молитв о скорейшем исполнении Господнего обещания, чтобы восхититься на небо в сретение Господу и войти в Царство Небесное, когда придет Господь. 

Это относится и к главному герою фильма, Чэнь Сянгуану. Он со рвением ищет, проповедует Евангелие и свидетельствует о Господе ради того, чтобы встретить грядущего Господа. Несмотря на увольнение с работы в школе и непонимание родных, он не отказывается от надежды в своем сердце. Однажды Чэнь Сянгуана арестовывают во время собрания. Коммунистические власти КНР приговаривают его к тюремному заключению. По Божьему чудесному благоволению и устроению он знакомится с Чжао Чжимином, христианином из Церкви Всемогущего Бога. Чжао Чжимин свидетельствует о явлении и работе Бога в последние дни и рассевает ошибочные представления и домыслы в основе томительного ожидания Господнего возвращения. Выйдя из тюрьмы, Чэнь Сянгуан воодушевляет братьев и сестер исследовать работу Bсемогущего Бога в последние дни. В результате они все узнают о том, что на самом деле означает восхищение в Царство Небесное, где находится Царство — на земле или на небе, и как людям следует встречать Господа по Его возвращении... 

Восточная Молния. Церковь Всемогущего Бога возникла в связи с трудом, совершаемым возвратившимся Господом Иисусом Христом эпохи Последних дней, Всемогущим Богом, в Китае. Данная церковь не учреждена никаким лицом. Христос – это истина, путь и жизнь. После прочтения Слова Божьего вы убедитесь в явлении  Бога.

Христианский фильм | Второе пришествие Иисуса «Город будет разрушен» Русская озвучка

Второе пришествие Иисуса Христа «От престола течет вода жизни» Христианский фильм
Христианское кино «НАРОД ЦАРСТВА НЕБЕСНОГО» Как христианам войти в Царство Божие? 
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「若有人聽見我的話不遵守,我不審判他。我來本不是要審判世界,乃是要拯救世界。棄絕我、不領受我話的人,有審判他的,就是我所講的道在末日要審判他。」(約 12:47-48)

全能神說:「末世基督是用諸多方面的真理來教訓人,來揭露人的本質,解剖人的言語行為,這些言語中都包含著諸多方面的真理……審判工作帶來的是人對神本來面目的了解,帶來的是人對悖逆真相的認識。審判工作使人對神的心意明白了許多,對神的工作宗旨明白了許多,對人所不能 明白的奧秘理解了許多,而且也使人認識了、知道了人的敗壞實質、敗壞根源,也使人發現了人的醜惡嘴臉。這些工作的果效都是審判工作帶來的,因為審判工作的實質其實就是神的真理、道路、生命向所有信他的人打開的工作。這工作就是神作的審判工作。」(摘自《基督用真理來作審判的工作》)從神的話中看到,神末世發表真理來審判人,借著神話語的審判、揭示,我們看清了自己被撒但敗壞的真相,也知道了神喜歡什麽人、祝福什麽人,恨惡什麽人、咒詛什麽人,認識了神聖潔、公義不容觸犯的性情,從而對自己的撒但本性産生真實的恨惡,能背叛肉體,按照神的要求去作,這樣就能逐漸擺脫罪的捆綁,達到罪得潔淨,成為合神心意的人,最終被神帶入神的國中。








لو كان لديك أي أسئلة فنرجو التواصل معنا:https://bit.ly/3bukfzg

كلمات الله اليومية – يجب عليك أن تعرف كيف تطوَّرت البشرية حتى يومنا هذا (اقتباس 2) – إنجيل اليوم 

يقول الله القدير: " بعد أن نفَّذ الله عمله الذي استغرق ستة آلاف عام حتى يومنا هذا، كشف الله بالفعل عن العديد من أفعاله، لهزيمة الشيطان وخلاص البشرية جمعاء في المقام الأول. وانتهز هذه الفرصة ليسمح لكل ما في السماء، وكل ما على الأرض، وكل ما في البحار، بالإضافة إلى كل كائن من خليقة الله على الأرض برؤية قدرة الله ورؤية كل أفعاله. إنه يغتنم فرصة إلحاق الهزيمة بالشيطان ليظهر كل أفعاله للبشرية ويتيح للناس القدرة على تسبيحه وتعظيم حكمته في هزيمة الشيطان. كل ما على الأرض وما في السماء وما في البحار يمجده ويسبح له على قدرته وعلى جميع أفعاله ويهتف باسمه القدوس. إن هذا دليل على إلحاقه الهزيمة بالشيطان؛ ودليل على إخضاعه للشيطان؛ والأهم من ذلك أن هذا دليل على خلاصه للبشرية. إن خليقة الله كلها تمجّده وتسبّحه على إلحاقه الهزيمة بعدوه وتسبّحه عند عودته منتصرًا كالملك المنتصر العظيم. إن هدفه ليس فقط هزيمة الشيطان، ولهذا استمر عمله لمدة ستة آلاف عام. إنه يستخدم هزيمة الشيطان ليخلِّص البشرية؛ وهو يستخدم هزيمة الشيطان ليظهر أفعاله ويعلن عن كل مجده. إنه سينال المجد، وسترى كل حشود الملائكة أيضًا مجده. سترى الرسل في السماء والبشر على الأرض وكل الخليقة على الأرض مجد الخالق. هذا هو العمل الذي يقوم به. سترى كل خليقته في السماء وعلى الأرض مجده، وسيعود منتصرًا بعد إلحاقه الهزيمة بالشيطان نهائيًا ويدع البشر يسبِّحونه. وبذلك سيحقق كل هذه الجوانب بنجاح. وفي النهاية ستخضع له البشرية جميعها، وسيتخلّص من كل مَنْ يقاوم أو يتمرد، وهذا يعني أن يتخلّص من كل أولئك الذين ينتمون إلى الشيطان".


كلمات الله اليومية – لا يمكن خلاص الإنسان إلا وسط تدبير الله (اقتباس 3) – إنجيل اليوم 
كلمة الله - لا يمكن خلاص الإنسان إلا وسط تدبير الله  (اقتباس) - إنجيل اليوم
كلمة الله - يجب عليك أن تعرف كيف تطوَّرت البشرية حتى يومنا هذا - الجزء الأول

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[기독교 영화] <경건의 비밀 (속편)> 예수 그리스도의 재림을 전하다 (한국어 더빙)
내용소개:린버언은 수십 년을 설교자로 살아왔습니다. 말세 그리스도 전능하신 하나님의 복음을 받아들인 뒤로 그는 교계의 적그리스도 세력인 목회자들의 정죄와 배척을 받으며 교계에서 퇴출을 당합니다. 이러한 정죄와 모함 속에서 그는 뒷걸음치기보다 오히려 더 믿음을 얻게 되며, 교계 목사들의 외식적인 실체를 더 알게 됩니다. 나아가 그리스도만이 진리, 길, 생명이시며, 오직 그리스도만이 사람을 구원하고 정결케 하고 온전케 하실 수 있음을 확신하게 됩니다. 따라서 그는 그리스도를 따르고, 증거하기로 다짐하고, 진리를 추구하고 성품의 변화를 받아 하나님의 참된 증인이 되겠다고 각오를 다집니다. 그러나 중국 정부의 입장에서는 린버언이 감옥에서 나온 뒤, 신앙을 포기하는 모습을 보이기는커녕 도리어 '동방번개'를 받아들이고, 전능하신 하나님이 재림 예수라고 증거하고 다니니 그를 잡기 위해 수배령을 내립니다. 결국, 린버언은 집을 떠나야 했고, 발길이 닿는 곳마다 전능하신 하나님의 말세 복음을 전해 줍니다. 따라서 좋은 인품과 신실한 믿음을 가진 사람들이 하나둘 하나님 앞으로 돌아오게 됩니다. 이 영화는 린버언이 복음을 전파하며 하나님을 증거한 사례를 그리고 있습니다.


기독교 영화 <소망>들림받아 천국에 들어가는 심오한 비밀을 풀다(한국어 더빙)
[복음 영화] 예수님께서 이미 구름 타고 강림하셨다 <경건의 비밀>

[동방번개] 전능하신 하나님 교회는 예수님의 재림—말세의 그리스도 '전능하신 하나님'의 중국에서의 역사로 말미암아 탄생된 것이지 사람이 세운 것이 아닙니다. 그리스도는 곧 진리, 길, 생명이십니다. 하나님의 말씀을 읽어보면 하나님께서 이미 나타나셨음을 알게 됩니다.

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☘️☘️☘️ So We Can Only Enter the Heavenly Kingdom By Such Repentance
The Lord Jesus said, "Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Matthew 4:17). I used to believe that as long as I prayed to the Lord and confessed my sins, practiced tolerance and patience according to the Lord’s words, endured suffering and born the cross, preached the gospel more, and exhibit many good behaviors, this was true repentance. But after reading the essay below, my view changes and I come to understand what true repentance is and how to repent to enter the kingdom of heaven.


Bible Study Discussion: What Is True Repentance?


By Liu Shuo

At a meeting of co-workers, Wang Wei, Ma Tao and Hu Zhi sat engaged in Bible study.

Wang Wei smiled and spoke to the group, saying, “Co-workers, let’s begin by reading a couple of verses of scripture. The Lord Jesus says, ‘Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand’ (Matthew 4:17). ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent you, and believe the gospel’ (Mark 1:15). We can see from the Lord’s words that, if we want to enter God’s kingdom, then we must confess our sins to God and repent. We’ve believed in the Lord for years, however, and although we often confess our sins to Him, we are still capable of committing sin and we live within a vicious cycle of confessing and sinning. It seems as though we still don’t understand what true repentance is, and so we are not yet free of sin. Therefore, being clear on what true repentance is is extremely important to our ability to enter into the heavenly kingdom. Today, let’s delve into this issue together.” https://reurl.cc/exdLg7

Hu Zhi then spoke contemptuously, saying, “I believe that so long as we wholeheartedly come before the Lord Jesus, pray to Him and acknowledge our sins, crying our hearts out, then that is true repentance. As long as we frequently confess and repent in this way, then we will be able to obtain the Lord’s forgiveness, and when He returns, we can then be raised up into heaven.”

Wang Wei frowned slightly and retorted, “But we’ve prayed and confessed in this way for so many years, giving a reckoning of our sins before the Lord and weeping bitter tears. But the moment we encounter something real, we still involuntarily commit sin and, moreover, we commit the exact same sins over and over. I really worry that we who often live in sin will be abandoned and weeded out by the Lord when He returns.”

Ma Tao nodded and said, “I’ve also contemplated this before. I think that frequently crying our hearts out in prayer and confessing to the Lord only demonstrates that we have the desire to confess and repent to the Lord. Whether it constitutes true repentance, however, depends on how we practice and whether or not we undergo real change. For example, when a thief gets caught stealing something, he will own up to his offense and will promise never to steal things belonging to other people again. But this doesn’t demonstrate that he really has turned over a new leaf and will never steal again. Most of the time, in order to evade taking temporary responsibility for his offense and to avoid legal punishment, he has no other choice but to admit his offense, but this doesn’t mean that he will not want to steal again in the future. If he is able to refrain from stealing under any circumstance, then this is the only thing that will prove that he truly repents. Are we not like this as well? Although we often confess our sins to the Lord and our confessional attitude appears sincere, after a while we commit sins in the same old way, and we neither abhor our sins nor disdain them in the slightest. Praying and confessing in this way is, in reality, us trying to cheat God, and we do it to evade God’s temporary discipline, and to seek the forgiveness and pardon of the Lord. And yet we make no plans to thoroughly change ourselves, so how can this be true repentance?”

Wang Wei listened earnestly to Ma Tao’s fellowship, and thought for a moment. Then he said, “Having listened to Brother Ma’s fellowship, King David suddenly springs to mind. In order to forcibly take Bathsheba for his own, David planned to have Uriah killed, and he committed adultery and murder. Jehovah God sent Nathan the prophet to speak to David, to make David aware of the sins he had committed and that he would be punished. From that time on, the sword would never depart from his house. David knew that he had violated the commandments proclaimed by God and had offended God’s disposition. After realizing his evil deeds, David became extremely remorseful and he abhorred the sins he’d committed, and he therefore sincerely prayed to God, confessed his sins and repented. When he grew old, David greatly disliked the cold, and so his attendants chose a virgin girl to warm his bed, but David did not have sexual relations with her. From the matter of David’s repentance, we can see that he possessed a God-fearing heart, and that not only did he feel true repentance and abhorrence for his sins, he also underwent real change—only this is an expression of true repentance.”

Ma Tao nodded and said, “Yes, and the testimony of the people of Nineveh’s true repentance to God is also recorded in the Bible. When the king of Nineveh heard the prophet Jonah relaying God’s words, saying ‘Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown’ (Jonah 3:4), he believed it and obeyed. He laid aside his kingly status, removed his kingly robes, and led the people of the city of Nineveh to confess and repent to God in sackcloth and ashes, just as it is recorded in the Scriptures, ‘For word came to the king of Nineveh, and he arose from his throne, and he laid his robe from him, and covered him with sackcloth, and sat in ashes. And he caused it to be proclaimed and published through Nineveh by the decree of the king and his nobles, saying, Let neither man nor beast, herd nor flock, taste any thing: let them not feed, nor drink water: But let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and cry mightily to God: yes, let them turn every one from his evil way, and from the violence that is in their hands. Who can tell if God will turn and repent, and turn away from His fierce anger, that we perish not?’ (Jonah 3:6–9).”

What Is True Repentance


Just then, Wang Wei said excitedly, “Speaking of the repentance of the people of Nineveh, I recently read a passage in a book that relates precisely to this matter. Let me read it to you.”

Wang Wei took a notebook out from his bag, flipped through until he found the page he was looking for, and then read: “After listening to God’s declaration, the king of Nineveh and his subjects performed a series of acts. What is the nature of their behavior and actions? In other words, what is the essence of the entirety of their conduct? Why did they do what they did? In God’s eyes they had sincerely repented, not only because they had earnestly entreated God and confessed their sins before Him, but also because they had abandoned their wicked conduct. They acted this way because after hearing God’s words, they were incredibly frightened and believed that He would do as He said. By fasting, wearing sackcloth and sitting in ashes, they wished to express their willingness to reform their ways and refrain from wickedness, to pray for Jehovah God to restrain His anger, to entreat Jehovah God to withdraw His decision as well as the catastrophe about to befall them. Through examining all of their behavior we can see that they already understood that their previous wicked acts were detestable to Jehovah God and that they understood the reason why He would soon destroy them. For these reasons, they all wished to utterly repent, to turn away from their evil ways and abandon the violence in their hands. In other words, once they became aware of Jehovah God’s declaration, each and every one of them felt fear in their hearts; they no longer continued their wicked conduct nor continued to commit those acts hated by Jehovah God. Additionally, they entreated Jehovah God to forgive their past sins and to not treat them according to their past actions. They were willing to never again engage in wickedness and to act according to Jehovah God’s instructions, if only they would never again infuriate Jehovah God. Their repentance was sincere and thorough. It came from the depths of their hearts and was not feigned, nor was it temporary” (“God Himself, the Unique II”). https://reurl.cc/exdLg7

Wang Wei then gave fellowship, saying, “We can see from this passage that true repentance is not just admitting to our sins and evil deeds. We must also know what God’s attitude is toward our sins, and we must also understand the essence and harm of our sins. Only in this way can true reverence and fear for God arise within us, we will feel true repentance and abhorrence from the bottom of our hearts for our sins, we will no longer walk the same old path as we have always done, and we will begin to make a change and become new people—only this is true repentance. Like the people of Nineveh, for example. They realized that their wicked deeds had aggravated God’s disposition, and they knew that, if they didn’t repent, then they would be destroyed by God. They therefore all repented to God in sackcloth and ashes, from the highest king to the lowest commoner. They began to repent thoroughly of their misdeeds and would no longer do evil or defy God. Their repentance was true, and it arose from the very bottoms of their hearts. And what about us? Although we say we often go before God to repent and confess, this is just a verbal admission, and is not abhorrence or disdain for our sins that we feel from the bottom of our hearts. When we encounter issues, we still care only about our own interests, we act under the control of our inner sinful nature, we covet the pleasures of sin and we undergo no real change. This kind of repentance is just going through the motions and is totally at odds with God’s will. God scrutinizes the innermost heart of man and man cannot cheat God. Only through true repentance can we earn God’s mercy and grace.”

What Is True Repentance


Ma Tao then said with sincerity, “Thanks be to the guidance of God that we now understand clearly what true repentance is. With sin, man cannot possibly enter into heaven. The Lord Jesus said: ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, Whoever commits sin is the servant of sin. And the servant stays not in the house for ever: but the son stays ever’ (John 8:34–35). And it also says elsewhere in the Bible: ‘Holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord’ (Hebrews 12:14). God is righteous and holy, and the kingdom of heaven permits no one still capable of committing sin to enter. No matter how well someone pays lip service to repentance, they are unable to win God’s praise. Only by casting off one’s sinful nature and being able to be absolutely obedient and devoted to God can one be qualified to enter into heaven. Although we’ve believed in the Lord for many years, yet we don’t revere God in our hearts at all and we don’t fear God. Instead, we believe that the Lord is loving and merciful and that, when we commit a sin, all we need to do is confess and repent to the Lord for our sins to be forgiven, for God to not remember our transgressions and for us to be raised into the heavenly kingdom when the Lord returns. Through our fellowship, I’ve finally realized that our faith is so muddled. We are like beggars who know only to stretch out our hands to the Lord and ask for things, and yet we don’t understand how to appreciate God’s concern and the grief He feels in His heart for us living in sin and taking no thought to repentance, and we also lack the resolve and determination to distance ourselves from sin. It looks now that, if we are unable to fear God and shun evil, then we will be unable to truly repent, and our waiting for the Lord to come to raise us up into heaven is just an idle dream. We cannot go on believing in God by relying on our own misconceptions and imaginings, for that is too dangerous! We must focus on practicing the truth and pursuing change, for only that accords with God’s will.”

Wang Wei went on, “Recently, I fellowshiped with a brother about the conditions for our entry into the heavenly kingdom. He said, ‘The Lord Jesus prophesied: “He that rejects Me, and receives not My words, has one that judges him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day” (John 12:48). “And when He is come, He will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment” (John 16:8). Although our sins are forgiven when we accept the Lord Jesus’ salvation, our sinful nature is still deeply rooted within us and we are still capable of involuntarily committing sin and defying God; until we can cast off the bonds of sin, we will not deserve to enter into heaven. When the Lord returns, He will perform the stage of work of judging and purifying man with words, and if we want to enter into God’s kingdom, then we must accept the Lord’s work of judgment when He returns in the last days, recognize our sinful nature, be able to truly abhor ourselves and forsake our flesh, practice God’s words, obey God and revere God, and cast off our corrupt dispositions. Only in this way can we be purified and attain God’s final salvation.’ I believe that his fellowship makes a lot of sense, so I’ll bring him here to give us fellowship, if that’s OK with you all?”

Ma Tao immediately said, “Great! If the Lord’s work of judgment in the last days can enable us to be purified and to achieve true repentance, then we have hope to enter into heaven. We really are so fortunate! Brother Wang, you’d better hurry up and bring that other brother here to fellowship with us.” https://reurl.cc/exdLg7

Wang Wei smiled as he said, “Fine, I’ll go find him tomorrow …”

Articles Related to Christian Reflections:

How to Repent to God to Be After His Heart: Gaining Inspiration From the Story of King David

How Do We Worship God in Spirit and in Truth?

👉👉 If you have any difficulties or questions in your faith, please contact us at any time.

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