⏰2023年05月07日 全能神經典話語 《見證神顯現作工的話語》 選段167-168 📖得勝的君王已坐在榮耀的寶座上,他成功了救贖,帶領衆子民在榮耀中顯現。萬有都在他的手中,他以神聖的智慧和能力,建造并堅固了錫安;他以威嚴審判這罪惡的世界,審判了萬國萬民,地、海和其中的活物,以及那些喝醉了淫亂之酒的,神必施行審判,神必向他們發怒,顯明神的威嚴,立刻審判,不再耽延,烈怒之火必燒盡他們的彌天大罪,禍患必隨時臨到,難以逃脱無處藏身,哀哭切齒自取滅亡。 那些得勝的神的愛子必留在錫安,永不從那裏出去。萬民都傾聽他的聲音,留心他的舉動,贊美的聲音永不止息。獨一真神已顯現!靈裏定真緊緊跟從,竭力奔跑不再遲疑,世界的結局已展現在我們面前,正當的教會生活和周圍的人、事、物正在加緊訓練我們,快快收回我們愛世界的心!快快收回我們那矇矓的目光!禁止我們的脚步不越過界限,禁止我們的口舌能行在神話裏面,不再為自己得失争辯。放弃吧,世俗錢財的貪戀!放弃吧,丈夫兒女之情的眷戀!放弃吧,自己的主張和成見!醒悟吧,時間太短!靈裏仰望,仰望,讓神掌權,千萬别做羅得的妻,被撇是何等可憐!何等可憐!醒悟吧! ——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・基督起初的發表・第三篇》 📖山河易改,水流有向,人的生命并非地久天長,唯有全能神是永遠復活的生命,世世代代永遠長存!萬事萬物都在他的手中,撒但就在他的脚下。 今天是神預定的揀選,把我們從撒但手裏拯救出來,他真是我們的救贖主,永遠復活的基督生命竟作在我們裏面,使我們與神生命有緣,竟能和他面對面,吃他、喝他、享受他,這是神心血代價的無私奉獻。 冬去春來,經歷風霜,遭遇了多少人生的痛苦、逼迫和患難,世人的弃絶和毁謗,政府的誣陷,神的信心、意志并不减,一心為神的旨意,一心為神的經營、計劃得以成全,生命置之度外,為了他的衆子民,他不辭辛苦,精心喂養和澆灌。無論我們怎樣愚昧,怎麽難辦,只要順服在他面前,復活的基督生命把我們的舊性改變……為了這些衆長子,他日夜操勞廢寢忘食,多少個日日夜夜,多少個酷熱嚴寒,他一心守望在錫安。 什麽世界、家庭、工作完全撇弃,心甘情願,屬世的享受與他毫無關聯……他口中的話竟會打進我們的裏面,揭穿了我們内心深處隱藏的東西,我們怎能不心服口服?從他口中説出的每一句話,都在我們身上隨時應驗,當面背後,所作所為,他無所不知,無所不曉,竟會在他面前顯露出來,不由得自己的打算和安排。 坐在他面前,靈裏有享受,舒適又坦然,總覺得裏面空虚,對神實在虧欠,這是人未曾想到、人難以做到的奇事。聖靈足以印證,全能神就是獨一真神!是鐵證如山!我們這班人實在太有福!若不是神的恩待和憐憫,我們只會沉淪,隨從撒但。唯有全能神才能拯救咱! 啊!全能神實際神!是你打開了我們的靈眼,讓我們看見靈界的奥秘。國度的前景無限,儆醒等候,日子却不會太遠。 戰火紛飛,硝烟瀰漫,天氣轉暖,氣候變遷,一場瘟疫將會蔓延,人只會死亡,難求生路。 啊!全能神實際神!你是我們的堅固台,你是我們的避難所,我們都伏在你的翅膀底下,灾害却不得挨近我,這是你神聖的保守和看顧。 我們無不引吭高歌,贊美歌唱,贊美的聲音在整個錫安回響!全能神實際神已給我們預備好了那美好的歸宿。儆醒——儆醒吧!時候為之不會太晚! ——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・基督起初的發表・第五篇》 https://reurl.cc/rLenWk
我一直说信仰是自由的,不论是哪个派别,都有它自己的教义,这个教义就是教主他的领受,他的所有所是,比如佛教,伊斯兰教等,基督教也分好多种,大的,天主教,东正教,新教,小的更是很多,中国有三自爱国会,家庭教会,全世界更多的不记其数,每个教会都有一个特点,但是都不完全。尽管各宗各派都吹嘘自己的派别多么好,多么的真,大,但是一个事实不可否认:他们都相信有神,有造物主。但是历代以来没有一个教派能把造物主能说透。这就是末后永远的福音,启示录:14:6 我又看见另有一位天使飞在空中,有永远的福音要传给住在地上的人,就是各国、各族、各方、各民。以赛亚书: 2:2 末后的日子,耶和华殿的山必坚立,超乎诸山,高举过于万岭,万民都要流归这山。…… 44:6 耶和华以色列的君,以色列的救赎主,万军之耶和华如此说:我是首先的,我是末后的,除我以外再没有真神!耶利米书, 23:20 耶和华的怒气必不转消,直到他心中所拟定的成就了。末后的日子你们要全然明白。弥迦书, 4:1 末后的日子,耶和华殿的山必坚立,超乎诸山,高举过于万岭;万民都要流归这山。启示录,2:8 你要写信给士每拿教会的使者说:‘那首先的、末后的、死过又活的说: …启示录, 22:13 我是阿拉法,我是俄梅戛;我是首先的,我是末后的;我是初,我是终。 放眼世界,除了全能神教会谁有这能力呢?我相信今天能坐在这里的都有文化的人,只要你认识字,就能看的懂,所以我不用太多的解释,很多时候我发现我的解释是多余的,因为神的大能,他的话语跨时代超越时代,每个时代都能看的懂,我只能说:感谢,赞美。我的话是那么软弱无力,因为我没有更好的语音能表达我对神敬畏。 亲爱的弟兄姊妹们,我只代表我,不论你有什么见解,问题,能分享给我,我不胜感激,谢谢。 愿神与我们同在,开启我们,在基督里合而为一。阿们! I have always said that belief is free, no matter which faction it is, it has its own doctrine, this doctrine is the leader’s acceptance, what he has and is,For example, Buddhism, Islam, etc. Christianity is also divided into many kinds, big ones, Catholicism, Orthodox Churches, Protestantism, and many small ones. China has the Three-Self Patriotic Association, house churches, and there are countless more in the world. Every church They all have a characteristic, but they are not complete.Although all paramenations have boasted their own factions, how true, big, but a fact that they can unden it: they all believe that God, Creator. But there has been a sect that a sect can make the cause of the creation. This is the end of the gospel. Then I saw another angel flying in midair, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the earth—to every nation, tribe, language and people. (Revelation 14:6)……In the last days the mountain of the LORD’s temple will be established as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills, and all nations will stream to it. (Isaiah 2:2)…“This is what the LORD says— Israel’s King and Redeemer, the LORD Almighty: I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no God. (Isaiah 44:6)……The anger of the LORD will not turn back until he fully accomplishes the purposes of his heart. In days to come you will understand it clearly. (Jeremiah 23:20)……In the last days the mountain of the LORD’s temple will be established as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills, and peoples will stream to it. (Micah 4:1)……“To the angel of the church in Smyrna write:These are the words of him who is the First and the Last, who died and came to life again. (Revelation 2:8) I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. (Revelation 2:9)……I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. (Revelation 22:13) I believe that these verses will be able to achieve, because this is the necessary achievements of the Creator, and the creative principle is not good at the end, and a country is awesome. Looking at the world, who has this ability in addition to the Almighty God of Education? I believe that there is a culture that can sit here today. As long as you know, you can understand it, so I don't have to explain too much, and I don't have to explain. Many times I found that my explanation is excessive.Because God's energy, his words are transcendence, every era can understand, I can only say: Thanks, praise God. My words are so weak, because I don't have better voice to express my respect for God. Dear brothers and sisters, I only represent me, no matter what opinion, the problem, I can share it, I am not grateful, thank you. May God be with us, open us, in Christ, is one. Amen!
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