
“法利赛人″ 的称号是怎样产生的?
“凡灵不认耶稣,就不是出于 神,这是那敌基督者的灵。你们从前听见他要来,现在已经在世上了。(约翰一书 4:3 和合本)这话就是指当时的犹太教也就是守耶和华律法的犹太人说的。
    “无知的加拉太人哪,耶稣基督钉十字架,已经活画在你们眼前,谁又迷惑了你们呢?我只要问你们这一件:你们受了圣灵,是因行律法呢?是因听信福音呢?(加拉太书 3:1-2 和合本)这话就是指当时的一个背景,即:信耶和华律法的和主耶稣基督恩典的产生了分岐,同时两个派别也在这个时期产生了,“犹太教″和“基督教″,今天国人所信仰的不是犹太教、也不是基督教,那叫什么教呢?那我们在这里就告诉今天的“宗教"界,你们所信仰的称之为“耶稣教"。


“法利赛人″ 的称号是怎样产生的?/全能神經典話語 《信神怎

全能神經典話語 《信神怎樣進入真理實際的話語》 選段509-510
509 神成全人有個規律,就是藉着你身上可取的部分開啓你,使你有實行的路,能脱離一切消極的情形,使你靈得釋放,能够更加愛神,藉着這使你脱去撒但的敗壞性情。你這個人單純敞開,肯認識自己,肯實行真理,神自然就會祝福你,在你軟弱消極的時候,神就加倍地開啓你,使你更能認識自己,更能有懊悔自己的心,更能將自己該實行的實行出來,這樣心裏才平安,才踏實。平時注重認識神、注重認識自己、注重自己的實行的人就能時常獲得神的作工,時常獲得神的引導、開啓,即使有消極情形但能馬上扭轉過來,或因着良心的作用,或因着神話的開啓。人的性情變化都是在認識自己的實在情形、認識神的性情與作工的同時而達到的。肯認識自己的人、肯敞開自己的人就能實行出真理,這樣的人是對神忠心的人,對神忠心的人或深或淺、或多或少對神都有認識,這是神的公義,也是人所得着的,是人自己的收穫。對神有認識的人就是有根基、有异象的人,這樣的人對神的肉身定得真,對神的話、對神的作工定得真,無論神如何作工、説話或别人如何攪擾都能站住自己的立場,站住神的見證。越是這樣的人越能將自己明白的真理實行出來,他總這樣實行神的話就得着了更多的對神的認識,而且能有為神永遠站住見證的心志。

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・注重實行的人才能被成全》

510 信神要想性情變化脱離了現實生活不行,你能在現實生活之中認識自己,背叛自己,實行真理,而且能在凡事上都學習做人的原則,學習做人的常識、規矩,這樣你才能逐步有變化。你只注重道理的認識,只在宗教儀式中生活,却不深入實際,不進入現實生活,那你將永遠進入不了實際,永遠不能對自己、對真理、對神有認識,你永遠是一個瞎眼無知的人。神拯救人的工作并不是讓人在短期内就能有正常人的生活,也不是為改變人的錯誤的觀念與道理,而是為了改變人的舊性情,改變人的一切舊生活,改變人的一切落後的思想與人的精神面貌。只注重教會生活并不能改變人的舊生活習俗、改變人舊的長久的生活方式,無論如何人都不能脱離現實生活。神要求人在現實生活之中活出正常人性,不僅僅是在教會生活之中活出正常人性;要求人在現實生活之中活出真理,不僅僅是在教會生活之中活出真理;要求人在現實生活之中盡自己的功用,不僅僅是在教會生活之中盡自己的功用。要進入實際就得一切面向現實生活,人信神不能進入現實生活而認識自己,不能在現實生活中活出正常人性,那將會成為失敗者。悖逆神的人都是不能進入現實生活之中的人,都是嘴上講人性而活出是鬼性的人,都是嘴上講真理活出是道理的人。不能在現實生活之中活出真理的人都是信神却被神厭弃的人。你能在現實生活之中操練自己的進入,認識自己的缺少,認識自己的悖逆、愚昧,認識自己不正常的人性,認識自己的軟弱之處,這樣的認識都結合你的實際情形,結合你的實際難處,只有這樣的認識才是實際的,才能使你真正地達到掌握自己的情形,達到性情變化。

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・談談教會生活與現實生活》





全能神話語朗誦《獨一無二的神自己 三》神的權柄(二) 第三部分1:05:31










科学其实就是对一切“未知事物的假设″ 称之为科学……如果人明白了“科学"的这一定义,人还会去崇尚′所谓″的科学吗?
1   .  语言的产生;
  “  耶和华 神用地上的尘土造人,将生气吹在他鼻孔里,他就成了有灵的活人,名叫亚当。(创世记 2:7 和合本)
2  . 叫人说话表达思想的就是灵!
     “耶和华 神用土所造成的野地各样走兽和空中各样飞鸟都带到那人面前,看他叫什么。那人怎样叫各样的活物,那就是它的名字。那人便给一切牲畜和空中飞鸟、野地走兽都起了名;(创世记 2:19-20 和合本)
3   .话语成就一切!
♬ ♬ ♬ 
     “要有光”,就有了光。…… 神说:“诸水之间要有空气,将水分为上下。” 神就造出空气,将空气以下的水、空气以上的水分开了。事就这样成了。
(创世记 1:3,6-7,9,11,14-15,20,24 和合本)
4   .神话的权柄与能力,
     “我既说必算,既算必成,谁也改变不了,这是绝对的。不管以往说过的话还是以后说的话都得一一应验,而且让所有的人都看见,这是我说话作工的原则。″  摘自《卷一》
5   .神的话和人的话
(诗篇 12:6 和合本)
(诗篇 12:2 和合本)





分享一段神的話,神説:「你在實際經歷當中有信心看見神的作為,神就向你顯現,在裏面開啓引導你,你如果没有這個信心,神就没法作。你對神失望,那你還怎麽經歷神作工呢?所以説,你有信心了,對神不疑惑了,不論神怎麽作,對神都有真實的信,在經歷中他才開啓光照你,你才能看見他的作為,這些都是藉着信心達到的,有熬煉才有信心,没有熬煉産生不了信心。信心指什麽説的?就是當人看不見、摸不着,神的作工不符合人的觀念,人達不到時,人所該具備的真實的信,人所該有的真誠的心,這就是我所説的信心。」《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・被成全的人都得經受熬煉》


“单有敌基督性情的人还不能定性就是敌基督,只有具备敌基督本性实质的人才是地道的敌基督。这两者的人性肯定是有区别的,在不同人性的支配作用之下,他们对待真理的态度也是不一样的;对待真理的态度不一样,所选择的道路也就不同;选择的道路不同,所产生出来的做事的原则与后果也就有所区别。有敌基督性情的人因为有良心作用,有理智,知廉耻,相对喜爱真理,当流露败坏性情的时候,他内心能有责备,能反省,能认识自己,也能承认自己的败坏性情、败坏流露,从而能够背叛肉体、背叛自己的败坏性情,达到实行真理顺服神。而敌基督则不然,他因为没有良心作用,也没有良心知觉,更不知廉耻,所以当流露败坏性情的时候,他不会根据神话来衡量自己所流露的是对还是错,是败坏性情还是正常人性,到底是否合乎真理,他从来不反省这些。那他是怎么表现的?他始终坚持自己流露的败坏性情与选择的道路是对的,他认为自己怎么做都是对的、怎么说也是对的,一味地持守自己。这样一来,他做了再大的错事,流露了再严重的败坏性情,他都不会认识到事情的严重性,更不会对自己流露的败坏性情有认识,当然,他也不会放下自己的欲望、背叛自己的野心、背叛自己的败坏性情而选择顺服真理、顺服神这样的道路。从这两种不同的结果来看,有敌基督性情的人有机会能达到明白真理、实行真理,能达到蒙拯救,而有敌基督实质的这类人不能达到明白真理、实行真理,也不能达到蒙拯救这样的结果,这就是两者的不同。”《话・卷四 揭示敌基督・附篇五 总结敌基督的人性品质与性情实质(二)》
“有些带领工人以往也常常流露敌基督的性情,任意妄为、独断专行,但是没有作明显的大恶,人性还不坏,通过修理对付,通过弟兄姊妹的帮助,通过被调整、撤换,消极了一段时间,终于认识到了以往流露的都是败坏性情,愿意悔改,他觉得,‘不管怎么样,还是坚持尽本分要紧。虽然我走的是敌基督道路,但也没被定性为敌基督,这是神的怜悯,还得好好信、好好追求啊,追求真理这条路没错’。他一点点地扭转了,之后有悔改,有好的表现了,尽本分能寻求真理原则,与人相处也寻求真理原则,方方面面都能往好的方向去进入,这不就变化了吗?这就从走敌基督道路转变为走实行真理、追求真理的道路了,这就有希望、有机会能达到蒙拯救。这样的人能因为他曾经有点敌基督的表现或者走敌基督道路就定性为敌基督吗?那就不能了。敌基督是死不悔改,他没有廉耻,另外性情凶恶、邪恶,还极度厌烦真理。极度厌烦真理还能实行真理,还能悔改吗?那就不可能了。极度厌烦真理,这就决定了他绝对不会悔改。”《话・卷四 揭示敌基督・第八条(一)》






Disasters Are Upon Us-God's Warnings to Us
In recent times, disasters such as earthquakes, floods, swarms of locusts, fires, epidemics, and famines have continued to spread, and the scope of this spread has grown wider and wider. Of particular note is the novel coronavirus, a pestilence that has now made its way into every country on earth with many people dying as a result. When we see such disasters occurring so frequently, we become consumed with fear and feel at a loss, and all we can do is constantly call on the Lord for protection. Could the reason God allows disasters to happen simply be because He wishes for us to call on Him and ask Him for His protection? Just what is God’s intention? How can we obtain God’s protection when disasters strike? Today, let us discuss and explore this issue together so that we can understand God’s intention and find the path to receiving His protection.
In truth, God allows disasters to befall us to serve as reminders and warnings to us. But what is He warning us about? We all know that in this world nowadays, people have become more and more evil and corrupted. All live their lives indulging in gluttony, pleasure-seeking and carnal, sensual desires. People vie with one another in pursuit of profit and are full of lies and violence. They lost their dignity and integrity, their conscience and their sense long ago, and sometimes do not even acknowledge the existence of God, and only a few thirst for the truth and long for the true light to appear. Even those who do believe in the Lord also follow the trends of the world in pursuing money, fame and fortune; they covet the pleasures of the flesh and live in sin, unable to escape. People in this world today are as evil and corrupted as those in Noah’s time. The Lord Jesus once prophesied, “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Matthew 24:37). We know from the words of the Lord Jesus that by the time of the last days when man will have become as corrupted as he was in the time of Noah, the Lord will have already returned. But people have become too corrupted, with no one actively seeking God or His appearance and work, and even when they hear someone testifying to the Lord’s return, they still do not actively seek the truth or look into it further. By allowing these disasters to occur, God is sending us warnings to awaken our apathetic hearts so that we can clearly see that the prophecy of the coming of the Lord has already been fulfilled and that the Lord returned long ago. We should seek the appearance of God without delay. If we cannot welcome the Lord before the great tribulation comes, we will only be swept away by the great tribulation and punished.
The Lord Jesus also told us long ago, “And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom comes; go you out to meet him” (Matthew 25:6). “Seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7). This means that people will be preaching and testifying when the Lord has returned. Upon hearing the words “the bridegroom comes,” people must actively seek out and investigate the Lord’s return, for only by so doing may they welcome the return of the Lord. As of now, in the whole world, only The Church of Almighty God is testifying that the Lord Jesus has returned. He has expressed the truth and carries out the work of judgment beginning with the house of God, thereby fulfilling the prophecies of the Lord Jesus: “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will show you things to come” (John 16:12–13). “He that rejects Me, and receives not My words, has one that judges him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day” (John 12:48). And 1 Peter 4:17 says, “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God.” Almighty God carries out the work of judgment and chastisement on the basis of the redemptive work of the Lord Jesus. Though we may believe in the Lord and receive forgiveness for our sins, our sinful nature is still inside us. So, what we live out are arrogance and conceit, crookedness and slyness, selfishness and base behavior, evil and greed and other satanic dispositions. We constantly sin, and rebel against and resist God, unable to cast off the bonds of sin. Therefore, when the Lord Jesus returns in the last days, He will still have to carry out the work of judging and purifying man, completely ridding mankind of our sinful nature, saving us from the influence of Satan, saving us from disasters, and bringing us into the kingdom of God. As Almighty God says, “Though Jesus did much work among man, He only completed the redemption of all mankind and became man’s sin offering; He did not rid man of all his corrupt disposition. Fully saving man from the influence of Sat@

“法利赛人″ 的称号是怎样产生的?/全能神經典話語 《信神怎

近期,地震、洪水、成群的蝗蟲、火災、疫情、飢荒等災害不斷蔓延,此蔓延的範圍也越來越廣。 特別注意的是,新型冠狀病毒,這種瘟疫現在已經進入地球上每個國家,許多人因此死亡。 當我們看到這樣的災難頻繁發生時,我們會感到恐懼的消耗,感到茫然,我們能做的就是不斷呼求主保守。 上帝允許災難發生的原因,難道只是因為祂希望我們呼求祂,向祂求祂保護嗎? 只是上帝的用意是什麼? 當災難發生時,我們如何得到神的保護? 今天,讓我們一起討論和探討這個問題,讓我們明白上帝的用意,找到得到祂保護的道路。
事實上,上帝允許災難降臨我們,作為提醒和警告。 但他在警告我們什麼? 我們都知道,現在這個世界上,人們越來越邪惡,越來越敗壞。 所有人都沉迷於貪食、尋求愉悅、肉慾、感性慾望中。 人們為追求利益,滿口謊言和暴力。 他們早就失去了尊嚴、正直、良知、理智,甚至不承認上帝的存在,只是少數渴慕真理,渴慕真光顯現。 信主的人,也追求金錢、名利,追求肉體的樂趣,活在罪中,無法逃脫。 現今這個世界的人就像挪亞時代的人一樣邪惡和腐敗。 主耶穌曾說預言:「挪亞的日子怎樣,人子降臨也要怎樣。」(馬太福音24:37) 我們從主耶穌的話中知道,到末世的時候,人必敗壞,像挪亞的時候一樣,主早已回來。 但人已經敗壞了,沒有人積極尋求上帝的顯現和工作,聽見有人見證主再來,仍不積極尋求真理,也不進一步觀察。 上帝允許這些災難發生,警告我們,叫我們喚醒我們冷漠的心,使我們清楚地看見主降臨的預言早已應驗,主早已回來。 我們應當尋求神的顯現,毫不遲延。 在大患難來臨之前,我們若不能迎接主,只會被大患難沖去,受懲罰。
主耶穌很久以前也告訴我們:「半夜有呼喊,看哪,新郎來了,你們出去迎接他。」(馬太福音 25:6) 「尋找,就尋見;叩門,就給你們開門」(馬太福音7:7) 這意味著,主回來時,人們要傳道和作證。 聽見「新郎來了」這句話,就要積極尋找調查主的再來,因為這樣做,才會迎接主的再來。 截至目前,全世界,只有全能上帝的教會在作證主耶穌回來了。 他傳明了真理,執行審判的工作,應驗主耶穌的預言:「我還有許多話要對你們說,但你們現在不能忍受。 然而,當真理的靈降臨時,他會引導你進入一切真理,因為他不說自己,凡他所聽的,就要說的,並且要指示你將來的事。」(約翰福音 16:12–13) 「棄絕我,不領受我話語的,有一個審判他:我所說的話,在末日也要照樣審判他。」(約翰福音12:48) 彼得前書 4:17 說:「時候到了,審判必須從神的家開始。」全能的神,在主耶穌救贖的工作的基礎上,執行審判和刑罰的工作。 雖然我們信主,並且為自己的罪得到赦免,但我們的罪惡本性仍在我們裡面。 所以,我們活出來的就是傲慢自大、自負、彎曲、醜陋、自私、根據的行為、邪惡、貪婪和其他撒旦的性情。 我們不斷地犯罪,叛逆、抵抗上帝,不能拋棄罪惡的束縛。 所以,主耶穌末世再來時,仍要執行審判潔淨人的工作,徹底趕走我們罪惡的本性,拯救我們脫離撒但的影響,拯救我們脫離災難,帶我們進入神的國。 正如全能的上帝所說:「耶穌雖然在人間做了多工,但他完成了全人類的救贖,成了人的贖罪祭;他沒有擺脫他一切敗壞的性情。 完全拯救男人脫離 Sat 的影響@



Since we are searching for the footprints of God, it behooves us to search for God’s will, for the words of God, for His utterances—because wherever there are new words spoken by God, the voice of God is there, and wherever there are the footsteps of God, God’s deeds are there. Wherever there is the expression of God, there God appears, and wherever God appears, there the truth, the way, and the life exist. In seeking God’s footprints, you have ignored the words “God is the truth, the way, and the life.” And so, many people, even when they receive the truth, do not believe that they have found God’s footprints, and still less do they acknowledge the appearance of God. What a grave mistake! The appearance of God cannot be reconciled with man’s notions, still less can God appear at the behest of man. God makes His own choices and His own plans when He does His work; moreover, He has His own objectives and His own methods. Whatever work He does, He has no need to discuss it with man or seek his advice, much less to notify each and every person of His work. This is the disposition of God, which should, moreover, be recognized by everyone. If you desire to witness the appearance of God, to follow God’s footsteps, then you must first walk away from your own notions. You must not demand that God do this or that, much less should you place Him within your own confines and limit Him to your own notions. Instead, you should ask how you are to seek God’s footprints, how you are to accept God’s appearance, and how you are to submit to the new work of God: This is what man should do. Since man is not the truth, and is not possessed of the truth, he should seek, accept, and obey.
—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Appendix 1: The Appearance of God Has Ushered in a New Age
—Guidelines for Spreading the Kingdom Gospel


❣️II. Questions and Answers on the Incarnation🌹🌹🌹🌹
❣️2. I have believed in the Lord for many years, and I have read the Bible a great deal. Why have I read no prophecy of the Lord becoming flesh as the Son of man and doing the work of judgment in the last days? You testify that the Lord Jesus has returned in the flesh, that He is Almighty God, and that He is performing the work of judgment of the last days. Is there any basis for this in the Bible?
Bible Verses for Reference:
🍀“For the Father judges no man, but has committed all judgment to the Son” (Jhn 5:22). 
🍀“And has given Him authority to execute judgment also, because He is the Son of man” (Jhn 5:27).
🍀“And if any man hear My words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. He that rejects Me, and receives not My words, has one that judges him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day” (Jhn 12:47-48).
💖The Lord God said:
Though Jesus did much work among man, He only completed the redemption of all mankind and became man’s sin offering; He did not rid man of all his corrupt disposition. Fully saving man from the influence of Satan not only required Jesus to become the sin offering and bear the sins of man, but it also required God to do even greater work to rid man completely of his satanically corrupted disposition. And so, now that man has been forgiven of his sins, God has returned to the flesh to lead man into the new age, and begun the work of chastisement and judgment. This work has brought man into a higher realm. All those who submit under His dominion shall enjoy higher truth and receive greater blessings. They shall truly live in the light, and they shall gain the truth, the way, and the life.
—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Preface🥰🥰



💕💕Someone said, "We believe in the Lord and have been forgiven for our sins. We have been justified by faith and can also give up spending and labor for the Lord. I believe that this way of believing in the Lord can be brought into the kingdom of heaven. Why do you say that we cannot enter the kingdom of heaven with this faith💕💕
🌹🌹Referring to the Bible: 'Anyone who calls me Lord, Lord, cannot all enter the kingdom of heaven; only those who do the will of my Father in heaven can enter. On that day, many will say to me,' Lord, Lord, did we not preach in your name, cast out demons in your name, and perform many miracles in your name? 'I told them plainly,' I have never known you, you evil doers, leave me. ' (Matthew 7:21-23) "Since he who calls you is holy, you must also be holy in all your deeds; for it is written, 'You must be holy, for I am holy.'" (1 Pet 1:15-16) "Pursue harmony with all, and pursue holiness; no one who is not holy can see the Lord." (Hebrews 12:14)🌹🌹
🌷🌷Almighty God said: Is it so easy to become a holy and righteous person before God? There are no just people in this world, but there are no just people in this world. Come to God, look at the clothes you wear, see your words and actions, every move, every thought, and even the dreams you dream every day are for yourself. Isn't this a fact‘ Justice 'is not about giving to others, loving others as oneself, not about not arguing or stealing, but about being able to take God's trust as one's responsibility and obey God's will anytime and anywhere. Making arrangements one's own duty, just like the Lord Jesus, is what God says about righteousness. Lot is considered a righteous person, because he disregarded his own gains and losses and saved the two angels sent by God. He can only say that what he did at that time can be called justice, but cannot be called a just person. Lot saw God, so he traded his two daughters for two angels. But not all of his past actions were just, so I said, "There are no just people in this world🌷🌷
☘☘As a newly redeemed sinner who has not been changed or fulfilled by God, can you fulfill God's will? You are now an old man, and Jesus has saved you back, which is true. Because of God's salvation, you are innocent, but this does not prove that you are not guilty or unclean. How can one become holy without change? You are still filthy, selfish, and despicable, and you still want to go with Jesus. Is there such a beautiful thing? The process of believing in God is one step less, and you can only be redeemed without changing. In order to conform to God's will, God must personally work to change and purify you. Otherwise, salvation alone cannot achieve holiness. So, you are not entitled to share the blessings of God, because you have fallen a step in the work of the divine operator, which is a crucial step towards change and completion. Therefore, as a newly redeemed sinner, you cannot directly inherit the foundation of God's inheritance☘☘
💐💐The clean work cleanses all the injustices of humanity, the punishment and judgment work reveals all the rebellious things in human nature, and distinguishes everything in human nature. There is a difference between those who can be saved and those who cannot be saved, and between those who can be saved and those who cannot be saved. After the work is completed, those who can be saved will be cleansed and enter a higher realm of human nature. They will enjoy a better life on the ground for the second time and will soon enter the realm of human nature. They will live with God on the Sabbath; After punishment and judgment, those who cannot be preserved will fully reveal their true selves and be destroyed like Satan, no longer allowed to survive on Earth. There won't be such people in the future of humanity. These people do not have the right to enter the final resting place, nor do they have the right to enter the Sabbath shared by God and humanity, because they are the object of punishment, the wicked, not the righteous. Excerpt from 'Word: God and Man Will Enter Rest Together🌱🌱
🍀🍀Some people will eventually say, 'I have done so much work for you, even if I am sent to heaven to eat the fruits of life, there is no merit or hardship.' 'You need to know what kind of person I want. In the kingdom, unclean people are not allowed to enter, and unclean people are not allowed to pollute the holy places. Although you have done many jobs and  for many years, in the end, you are still filthy. It's natural that you want to enter my kingdom! From creation until now, I have never opened such a convenient door for anyone to provide personal love. This is a heavenly rule, no one can break it. Excerpt from "Words: Success or failure depends on the path one takes"'🍀🍀
🌻🌻Blessed are those who can obey the Holy Spirit and actually speak. They do not care about the past or how the Holy Spirit works on people. Those who receive the latest works are the most blessed. Those who cannot keep up with today's latest job will be eliminated. God wants people who can accept the new light, who can accept and know the latest work. Why do we say we want to become chaste virgins? It is to seek the work of the Holy Spirit, to accept new things, to be able to put aside old beliefs, and to obey God's work today. The group of people who accept today's latest work is God's destiny before all ages, and they are the most blessed. From "Word: Understanding God's Latest Work and Following His footsteps"🌻🌻


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Ang Salita ng Diyos | "Ang Kahulugan ng Paghahangad sa Katotohanan 12" (Ikatlong Bahagi)

Araw-araw na mga Salita ng Diyos: Pagpasok sa Buhay | Sipi 536

Palabras diarias de Dios: El carácter de Dios, lo que Él tiene y es | Fragmento 263

Słowo Boże na każdy dzień: Przeznaczenie i wynik | Fragment 588

Lời Đức Chúa Trời hằng ngày: Biết đến Đức Chúa Trời | Trích đoạn 135

Lời Đức Chúa Trời hằng ngày: Biết đến Đức Chúa Trời | Trích đoạn 140

La Parola quotidiana di Dio: I misteri della Bibbia | Estratto 275

La Parola quotidiana di Dio: Destinazioni ed esiti | Estratto 607



“法利赛人″ 的称号是怎样产生的?/全能神經典話語 《信神怎

“法利赛人″ 的称号是怎样产生的?/全能神經典話語 《信神怎






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