痛苦的根源你看透了嗎?/全能神經典話語 《神末世審判工作的話

@追蹤者 痛苦的根源你看透了嗎?
📖“ 因为他日日忧虑,他的劳苦成为愁烦,连夜间心也不安。这也是虚空。”(传2:23)
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全能神經典話語 《神末世審判工作的話語》 選段77

77 「有錢能使鬼推磨」,這是撒但的哲學,在人類當中,在任何一個社會當中,這句話都很盛行,能説成是潮流,因為這句話灌輸在每一個人的心裏,人從開始的不接受,到接觸現實生活的時候,就默認了這句話,感覺到這句話是事實,這個過程是不是撒但敗壞人的過程?也可能人對這句話體會的程度不同,但是每一個人根據自己身邊發生的還有自己身上親歷的所有的事,都對這句話有一個不同程度的解讀與認可,是不是這樣?這句話不管人經歷到多少,在人的心裏給人帶來的負面效應是什麽呢?就是這個世界的人類,可以説包括你們每一個人,在人的性情裏流露出一種東西來,把這種東西解讀為什麽呢?人崇尚金錢。這個東西在人心裏好不好拿掉?不好拿掉吧!看來撒但敗壞人敗壞得挺深哪!那撒但用這樣的潮流敗壞給人的東西在人身上都有哪些表現呢?你們是不是認為在這個世界上没有錢活不下去,没有錢日子一天也過不下去呢?人有多少錢地位就多高,人有多少錢就多尊貴,没錢的人腰板就不硬,有錢的人地位也高了,腰板也硬了,説話也可以大聲了,可以囂張地活着了。這句話、這個潮流帶給人的是什麽呢?好多人是不是為了挣錢不惜一切代價呢?好多人是不是為了得到更多的錢而失去尊嚴、失去人格呢?更有好多的人是不是為了挣錢而失去了盡本分的機會,失去了跟隨神的機會呢?這些對人來説是不是損失呢?(是。)那撒但用這樣的方式,用這一句話就把人敗壞到這個程度,撒但的用心是不是險惡啊?這招是不是很惡毒啊?就流行這麽一句話,從你一開始對這句話不以為然到你認為這句話是真理為止,你這個人的心就徹底被它奪去了,所以説你也不由自主地為着這一句話去活着。你已經被這一句話影響到了什麽程度呢?知道是真道,知道是真理,你也無力去追求了,明明知道神的話是真理,也不願付代價,不願為得真理而受苦,而是寧願犧牲自己的前途命運來與神對抗到底,不管神怎麽説,不管神怎麽作,不管你了解到的神對你的愛有多深、有多大,你還是一意孤行地為這一句話而付出。就是説,這句話已經左右了你的行為,左右了你的思想,你寧可被這一句話左右你的命運,也不願意放下這一切。人能這麽做,人能被這一句話左右,被這一句話擺布,這是不是撒但敗壞人達到果效了?這是不是撒但的哲學、撒但的敗壞性情在你心裏扎根了?你這麽做,撒但是不是達到目的了?(是。)那撒但這麽敗壞人你看見了嗎?你感覺到了嗎?(没有。)你没有看到,也没有感覺到。在這兒你看没看見撒但的邪惡?撒但敗壞人無時不在、無處不在,讓人防不勝防,讓人身不由己,在你不知不覺的情况下,讓你在没有任何意識的情况下就接受了它的思想,接受了它的觀點,也接受了從它來的邪惡的東西,而人接受完之後還不以為然,還把它抱着當寶貝一樣寶愛,任由它擺布,任由它玩弄,人就這樣被撒但敗壞得越來越深。

——《話・卷二 關于認識神・獨一無二的神自己 五》














III. Questions and Answers on the Work of Judgment in the Last Days
6. You say that God expresses the truth to judge and cleanse man in the last days. God speaks words judging mankind in both the Old and New Testaments—God’s judgment has never left man. Are you saying that these words are incapable of judging and cleansing man? What is the difference between the words of judgment expressed by God in the last days, and God’s words which judge man as recorded in the Bible?
Relevant Words of God:
At the mention of the word “judgment,” you are likely to think of the words that Jehovah spoke to all the places and the words of rebuke that Jesus spoke to the Pharisees. For all their severity, these words were not God’s judgment of man; they were but words spoken by God within different environments, that is, in different contexts. These words are unlike the words spoken by Christ as He judges man during the last days. In the last days, Christ uses a variety of truths to teach man, to expose the substance of man, and to dissect the words and deeds of man. These words comprise various truths, such as man’s duty, how man should obey God, how man should be loyal to God, how man ought to live out normal humanity, as well as the wisdom and the disposition of God, and so on. These words are all directed at the substance of man and his corrupt disposition. In particular, the words that expose how man spurns God are spoken in regard to how man is an embodiment of Satan, and an enemy force against God. In undertaking His work of judgment, God does not simply make clear the nature of man with a few words; He exposes, deals with, and prunes over the long term. These methods of exposure, dealing, and pruning cannot be substituted with ordinary words, but with the truth of which man is utterly bereft. Only methods such as these can be called judgment; only through judgment of this kind can man be subdued and thoroughly convinced into submission to God, and moreover gain true knowledge of God. What the work of judgment brings about is man’s understanding of the true face of God and the truth about his own rebelliousness. The work of judgment allows man to gain much understanding of the will of God, of the purpose of God’s work, and of the mysteries that are incomprehensible to him. It also allows man to recognize and know his corrupt essence and the roots of his corruption, as well as to discover the ugliness of man. These effects are all brought about by the work of judgment, for the essence of this work is actually the work of opening up the truth, the way, and the life of God to all those who have faith in Him. This work is the work of judgment done by God.
—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Christ Does the Work of Judgment With the Truth#christianquotes 



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III. Questions and Answers on the Work of Judgment in the Last Days
Almighty God says:
The first stage was the work of Jehovah: His work was to prepare a path for man to worship God on earth. It was the work of commencement to find a place of origin for the work on earth. At that time, Jehovah taught the Israelites to observe the Sabbath, honor their parents, and live peaceably with one another. This was because the people of that time did not understand what constituted man, nor did they understand how to live on earth. It was necessary for Him in the first stage of work to guide mankind in leading their lives. All that Jehovah spoke to them had not previously been known to mankind or been in their possession. At that time, God raised up many prophets to speak prophecies, and they all did so under the guidance of Jehovah. This was simply one item in the work of God. In the first stage, God did not become flesh, and so He instructed all tribes and nations through the prophets. When Jesus worked in His time, He did not speak as much as in the present day. This stage of the work of the word in the last days has never been done before in ages and generations past. Though Isaiah, Daniel and John spoke many prophecies, their prophecies were entirely different from the words spoken now. What they spoke were only prophecies, but the words spoken now are not. If I turned all I speak of now into prophecies, would you be able to understand? Supposing that what I spoke of was about matters after I had gone, how could you then gain understanding? The work of the word was never done in the time of Jesus or in the Age of Law. Perhaps some will say, “Did not Jehovah also speak words in the time of His work? Did Jesus not, in addition to healing sickness, casting out demons, and working signs and wonders, also speak words at that time He was working?” There are differences in how words are spoken. What was the essence of the words uttered by Jehovah? He was only guiding mankind to lead their lives on earth, which did not touch on spiritual matters in life. Why is it said that, when Jehovah spoke, it was to instruct the people of all places? The word “instruct” means to tell explicitly and command directly. He did not supply man with life; rather, He simply took man by the hand and taught man how to revere Him, without too much in the way of parables. The work Jehovah did in Israel was not to deal with or discipline man or to deliver judgment and chastisement, it was to guide him. Jehovah commanded Moses to tell His people to gather manna in the wilderness. Every morning before sunrise, they were to gather manna, just enough for them to eat that day. The manna could not be kept until the next day, as it would then become moldy. He did not lecture people or expose their natures, nor did He expose their ideas and thoughts. He did not change people but rather guided them in leading their lives. The people of that time were like children, understanding nothing and capable only of some basic mechanical movements, and so Jehovah only decreed laws to guide the multitudes.
—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. The Mystery of the Incarnation (4)
Sermon and Fellowship Excerpts for Reference:
God’s judgment of man in the last days chiefly employs multiple aspects of the truth to admonish people. Without these many aspects of the truth, they would not be words of judgment. Did the words Jehovah spoke to all the places and the Lord Jesus’ reproach of the Pharisees contain multiple aspects of the truth? Did they give man a path to practice? Did they reveal the nature essence of man? They did not, and so they were not the judgment of man; they were merely reproach and admonishment. Reproach and admonishment are direct condemnation and elimination, followed by cursing. God’s judgment and salvation of man during the Age of Kingdom is chiefly the expression of many truths. It is the use of the truth to admonish people, reveal their essence, and dissect their words and actions. These words contain many aspects of the truth. Only when there is the truth is there judgment; without the truth, there is no judgment. Thus, there is a clear difference between the words of Christ of the last days, and the words Jehovah spoke to all the places in the Age of Law, and the Lord Jesus’ reproach of the Pharisees during the Age of Grace. This difference primarily lies in Christ of the last days’ use of multiple aspects of the truth to admonish people; God did not express multiple aspects of the truth during the Age of Law or the Age of Grace. Moreover, there is also a difference in the nature of God’s work. During the Age of Law and Age of Grace, God’s admonishment and reproach of those who opposed Him was direct condemnation and cursing. God did not save them, and He took no mercy on them. God’s work of judgment during the last days is in order to save, purify, and perfect man. During the Age of Grace, the Lord Jesus did the work of redemption. He preached the way of repentance and performed some miracles and signs and wonders, and the Pharisees judged, condemned, and resisted Him. Against this background, the Lord Jesus spoke certain words of reproach and cursing toward the Pharisees, words which merely exposed the essence of the Pharisees’ actions and behavior. These words did not expose the root of their opposition to God, nor their nature essence. He did not express any relevant truths. He said nothing of how man should obey God, what the duty of man is, or how man should be faithful to God, and so on, and so those words cannot be called judgment. The Pharisees did not truly believe in God. They loathed the truth, they did not accept it at all, and they were utterly unfit to receive God’s judgment. God did not perform the work of judgment upon them, and so the Lord Jesus merely damned them—He did not save them. Some people say, “Were the words that exposed the actions and behavior of the Pharisees the truth?” These words were also the truth, and they revealed, too, God’s disposition that brooks no offense by man. But judgment is not the same as simple reproach and condemnation. In the last days, God uses multiple aspects of the truth to admonish man. Each time He expresses an aspect of the truth, certain corrupt dispositions and manifestations of man are revealed. God uses the revelation of the true face of man’s corruption and the dissection of the words and actions of man to express the truth. Only when all of the truths necessary for the salvation of man have been directly expressed, causing people to understand, experience, know, and be cleansed—only words that achieve such an effect are genuine judgment, and only these are words of judgment. Otherwise, they are not words of judgment, they are merely words uttered toward certain individuals in the context of God’s work at the time.
—Sermons and Fellowship on Entry Into Life



သင်ဝမ်းနည်းနေသောအခါတွင်၊ဘုရားသခင်ကိုခေါ်ပါ၊ဘုရားသခင်သည်သင်နှင့်အတူရှိလိမ့်မည်ကို မမေ့ပါနှင့်။
ဘုရားသခင်က-“မရေမတွက်နိုင်သော စိတ်ပျက်ဖွယ်ရာအချိန်များတွင် ဘုရားသခင်၏ နှုတ်ကပတ်တော်များသည် ကျေနပ်နှစ်သိမ့်မှုကို ယူဆောင်လာခဲ့ပြီး ငါတို့ မသိလိုက်ခင်မှာပင် ပူဆွေးသောကသည် ဝမ်းမြောက်ခြင်းအဖြစ်သို့ ပြောင်းလဲခဲ့ပြီးဖြစ်သည်။ မရေမတွက်နိုင်သော လိုအပ်ချိန်များတွင် ဘုရားသခင်သည် ကောင်းချီး မင်္ဂလာများကို ယူဆောင်လာခဲ့ပြီး ငါတို့သည် သူ၏နှုတ်ကပတ်တော်များအားဖြင့် ကြည့်ရှုစောင့်ရှောက်ခြင်း ခံခဲ့ရပြီဖြစ်သည်။ မရေမတွက်နိုင်သော နာမကျန်းချိန်များတွင် ဘုရားသခင်၏ နှုတ်ကပတ်တော်များသည် အသက်ကို ယူဆောင်လာခဲ့ပြီး ငါတို့ကို ဘေးအန္တရာယ်မှ လွတ်မြောက်စေကာ ဘေးအန္တရာယ်မှ လုံခြုံမှုအဖြစ်သို့ ပြောင်းလဲစေခဲ့ပြီးဖြစ်သည်။ သင်သည် ဤအရာများကဲ့သို့ များပြားလှသော အရာတို့ကို မသိလိုက်ဘဲနှင့် မွေ့လျော်ခဲ့ပြီးဖြစ်သည်။ ဤအရာတစ်ခုကိုမျှ သင် သတိမရသလော။ ”



(一)1. What Is the Work of Managing Mankind?
Relevant Words of God:
The work of managing mankind is divided into three stages, which means that the work of saving mankind is divided into three stages. These three stages do not include the work of creating the world, but are rather the three stages of the work of the Age of Law, the Age of Grace, and the Age of Kingdom. The work of creating the world was the work of producing the whole of mankind. It was not the work of saving mankind, and bears no relation to the work of saving mankind, for when the world was created, mankind had not been corrupted by Satan, and so there was no need to carry out the work of mankind’s salvation. The work of saving mankind only began when mankind had been corrupted by Satan, and so the work of managing mankind also only began when mankind had been corrupted. In other words, God’s management of man began as a result of the work of saving mankind, and did not arise from the work of creating the world. It was only after mankind acquired a corrupt disposition that the work of management came into existence, and so the work of managing mankind includes three parts, rather than four stages, or four ages. Only this is the correct way to refer to God’s management of mankind. When the final age comes to a close, the work of managing mankind will have come to a complete end. The conclusion of the work of management means that the work of saving all mankind will have been completely finished, and that this phase will thenceforth have concluded for mankind.🥰🥰
(to be continued) 

#christ#truth#three-step work#one god made#

痛苦的根源你看透了嗎?/全能神經典話語 《神末世審判工作的話

💕Almighty God says:
Without the work of saving all mankind, the work of managing mankind would not exist, nor would there be the three stages of work. It was precisely because of mankind’s depravity, and because mankind was in such urgent need of salvation, that Jehovah concluded the creation of the world and began the work of the Age of Law. Only then did the work of managing mankind begin, which means that only then did the work of saving mankind begin. “Managing mankind” does not mean guiding the life of mankind, newly created, on earth (which is to say, a mankind that had yet to be corrupted). Rather, it is the salvation of a mankind that has been corrupted by Satan, which is to say, it is to transform this corrupt mankind. This is the meaning of “managing mankind.” The work of saving mankind does not include the work of creating the world, and so the work of managing mankind also does not include the work of creating the world, but rather only includes three stages of work that are separate from the world’s creation. To understand the work of managing mankind, it is necessary to be aware of the history of the three stages of work—this is what everyone must be aware of in order to be saved.
—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Knowing the Three Stages of God’s Work Is the Path to Knowing God🥰🥰(end)

#christ#truth#three-step work#one god made#

痛苦的根源你看透了嗎?/全能神經典話語 《神末世審判工作的話

“在你们的追求中,个人的观念、盼望、前途太多,现在这样作工就是为了对付你们的地位之心,对付你们那些奢侈的欲望,就这些盼望、地位、观念都是撒但性情的典型代表。……你们太难放下前途命运了,别看你们现在跟随着,对这步工作有点认识,但就你们的那个地位心仍没放下,今天地位高了就好好追求,地位低了就不追求了,就这个地位之福总挂心头。为什么多数人总消极起不来呢?还不都是因为前途‘暗淡无光’吗?”--- 《话・卷一 神的显现与作工・你为什么不愿意作衬托物呢?》
“你越这样追求越没有收获,地位心越强的人越得经受更大的对付,越得经过大的熬炼,这样的人太不值钱!得经受许多对付、审判才能彻底放下,就你们现在这样的追求到最终只能是一无所获。不追求生命的人不能有变化,不渴慕真理的人得不着真理,你不注重追求个人的变化与进入,总是注重那些奢侈的欲望,辖制你爱神、亲近神的东西,这些东西能将你变化了吗?能将你带入国度之中吗?”---《话・卷一 神的显现与作工・你为什么不愿意作衬托物呢?》

痛苦的根源你看透了嗎?/全能神經典話語 《神末世審判工作的話

ယနေ့ တိုက်ရိုက်ထုတ်လွှင့်မှုသည် အလွန်အရေးကြီးပါသည်။
 သင်မသိသော လျှို့ဝှက်ဆန်းကြယ်မှုများရှိသည်- ဘုရားသခင်သည် အဘယ်ကြောင့် လူ့ဇာတိခံယူပြီး လူတို့ကို ကယ်တင်ရန် လုပ်ဆောင်သနည်း။
 ကျွန်ုပ်တို့၏ကယ်တင်ခြင်းဆိုင်ရာ ဤလျှို့ဝှက်ဆန်းကြယ်မှုအကြောင်း ကြည့်ရှုလေ့လာရန် နှိပ်ပါ။
 ဘုရားသခင်ရဲ့ နှုတ်ကပတ်တော်ရဲ့ စာပိုဒ်တစ်ပိုဒ်ကို မျှဝေပါမည်။ ဘုရားသခင်မိန့်ဆိုသည်က -"ဘုရားသခင် လူ့ဇာတိခံယူခဲ့သည်မှာ သူ့အမှု၏ ရည်မှန်းချက်သည် စာတန်၏ဝိညာဉ်၊ သို့မဟုတ် အကောင်အထည် မရှိသော အရာတစ်ခုတစ်လေမျှ မဟုတ်ဘဲ၊ ဇာတိခန္ဓာ ရှိပြီး စာတန်၏ ဖောက်ပြန်ပျက်စီးစေခြင်းခံရသော လူသား ဖြစ်သောကြောင့် ဖြစ်သည်။ ဘုရားသခင်သည် အသွေးအသားနှင့် လူသားကို သူ့အမှု၏ ရည်မှန်းချက် ဖြစ်စေလေသည်မှာ လူသား၏ ဇာတိခန္ဓာသည် ဖောက်ပြန်ပျက်စီးပြီး ဖြစ်သောကြောင့် အတိအကျ ဖြစ်သည်။ ထို့အပြင် လူသားသည် ဖောက်ပြန်ပျက်စီးခြင်းခံရသည့်အရာ ဖြစ်သောကြောင့်၊ ဘုရားသခင်သည် လူသားကို သူ၏ ကယ်တင်ခြင်းအမှု၏ အဆင့် အားလုံးတစ်လျှောက်တွင် သူ့အမှု၏ တစ်ခုတည်းသော ရည်မှန်းချက် ဖြစ်စေပြီးဖြစ်သည်။ လူသားသည် သေမျိုးဖြစ်သည်၊ အသွေးနှင့်အသား ရှိပြီး၊ ဘုရားသခင်သည် လူသားကို ကယ်တင်နိုင်သည့် တစ်ဦးတည်းသောသူ ဖြစ်သည်။ ဤနည်းဖြင့် ဘုရားသခင်သည် သူ၏အမှုက သာ၍ ကောင်းမွန်သော အကျိုးတရားများ ရရှိနိုင်ဖို့အလို့ငှာ၊ သူ၏အမှုကို လုပ်ဆောင်ရန် လူကဲ့သို့ တူညီသော ပင်ကိုအရည်အသွေးများ ပိုင်ဆိုင်သည့် လူ့ဇာတိတစ်ခုကို ခံယူရပေမည်။ "
 အကယ်၍ သင်သည် ဘုရားသခင်၏ နှုတ်ကပတ်တော်များကို ဖတ်ရှုပြီး ဘုရားသခင်၏ လူ့ဇာတိခံယူခြင်း၏ နက်နဲသောအရာများအကြောင်း ပိုမိုသိရှိလိုပါက၊ သင်သည် ဘုရားသခင်၏ နှုတ်ကပတ်တော်များကို သင်နှင့်မျှဝေရန် ကျွန်ုပ်တို့ထံ ဆက်သွယ်နိုင်သည်။


痛苦的根源你看透了嗎?/全能神經典話語 《神末世審判工作的話

“Praise has come to Zion and God’s dwelling place has appeared. The glorious holy name, extolled by all peoples, spreads. Ah, Almighty God! The Head of the universe, Christ of the last days—He is the shining Sun that has risen upon Mount Zion, which towers in majesty and grandeur over all the universe …
Almighty God! We call out to You in jubilation; we dance and sing. You are truly our Redeemer, the great King of the universe! You have made a group of overcomers and fulfilled God’s management plan. All peoples shall flow to this mountain. All peoples shall kneel before the throne! You are the one and only true God and You deserve glory and honor. All glory, praise, and authority be to the throne! The spring of life flows out from the throne, watering and feeding the multitudes of God’s people. The life changes with each day; new light and revelations follow us, constantly affording new insights about God. Amidst experiences, we arrive at complete certainty about God. His words are constantly made manifest, made manifest within those who are right. We are indeed so blessed! Meeting God face to face each day, communicating with God in all things, and giving God sovereignty over everything. Carefully do we ponder God’s word, our hearts rest quiet in God, and thus do we come before God, where we receive His light. Every day, in our lives, actions, words, thoughts, and ideas, we live within God’s word, able to discriminate at all times. God’s word guides the thread through the needle; unexpectedly, the things hidden inside us come to light, one after another. Fellowship with God brooks no delay; our thoughts and ideas are laid bare by God. At every moment we are living before the seat of Christ where we undergo judgment. Every place within our bodies remains occupied by Satan. Today, in order to recover God’s sovereignty, His temple must be cleansed. To be completely possessed by God, we must engage in a life-and-death struggle. Only when our old selves have been crucified can the resurrected life of Christ reign supreme.
Now the Holy Spirit mounts a charge into our every corner to do battle for our reclamation! So long as we are ready to deny ourselves and to be willing to cooperate with God, God will surely illuminate and purify us from within at all times, and reclaim anew that which Satan has occupied, so that we may become completed by God as quickly as possible. Do not waste time—live every moment within God’s word. Be built up with the saints, be brought into the kingdom, and enter into glory together with God.”
—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Utterances of Christ in the Beginning, Chapter 1
Do you want to welcome the Lord’s return? Do you hope to attend the feast with the Lord? You are welcome to contact us via WhatsApp or messenger, and we will help you receive the Lord soon.

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痛苦的根源你看透了嗎?/全能神經典話語 《神末世審判工作的話
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痛苦的根源你看透了嗎?/全能神經典話語 《神末世審判工作的話

痛苦的根源你看透了嗎?/全能神經典話語 《神末世審判工作的話
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揭示敵基督《第九條 盡本分只為出人頭地、滿足自己的利益與野心,從不考慮神家利益,甚至出賣神家利益,以神家利益為代價换取個人的榮譽(一)》第六集

揭示敵基督《第九條 盡本分只為出人頭地、滿足自己的利益與野心,從不考慮神家利益,甚至出賣神家利益,以神家利益為代價换取個人的榮譽(二)》中集

















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