
God says, “What is to fear God

If God Holds the Foremost Place in Your Heart, Please Write “Amen”
If you respond with Amen, you must desire to be a God-fearing person, right? If so, take a moment to read God’s words below; perhaps this is what you need most right now.
God says, “What is to fear God? And how can one shun evil?
“‘To fear God’ does not mean nameless fright and horror, nor to evade, nor to put at a distance, nor is it idolization or superstition. Rather, it is admiration, esteem, trust, understanding, caring, obedience, consecration, love, as well as unconditional and uncomplaining worship, requital, and submission. Without genuine knowledge of God, humanity will not have genuine admiration, genuine trust, genuine understanding, genuine caring or obedience, but only dread and unease, only doubt, misunderstanding, evasion, and avoidance; without genuine knowledge of God, humanity will not have genuine consecration and requital; without genuine knowledge of God, humanity will not have genuine worship and submission, only blind idolization and superstition; without genuine knowledge of God, humanity cannot possibly act in accordance with the way of God, or fear God, or shun evil. Conversely, every activity and behavior in which man engages will be filled with rebellion and defiance, with slanderous imputations and maligning judgments about Him, and with evil conduct running contrary to the truth and to the true meaning of God’s words.”
“Once humanity has genuine trust in God, they will be genuine in following Him and depending on Him; only with real trust in and dependence on God can humanity have genuine understanding and comprehension; along with real comprehension of God comes real caring for Him; only with genuine caring for God can humanity have genuine obedience; only with genuine obedience to God can humanity have genuine consecration; only with genuine consecration to God can humanity have requital that is unconditional and without complaint; only with genuine trust and dependence, genuine understanding and caring, genuine obedience, genuine consecration and requital, can humanity truly come to know God’s disposition and essence, and to know the identity of the Creator; only when they have truly come to know the Creator can humanity awaken in themselves genuine worship and submission; only when they have real worship for and submission to the Creator will humanity be able truly to put aside their evil ways, that is to say, to shun evil.
“This constitutes the whole process of ‘fearing God and shunning evil,’ and is also the content in its entirety of fearing God and shunning evil. This is the path that must be traversed in order to attain fearing God and shunning evil.”
If you are willing to read God’s words daily and become a God-fearing person soon, please don’t hesitate to click on the WhatsApp link to join our group. Let’s learn God’s words together.

God says, “What is to fear God
English Christian Hymn With Lyrics | "Suffering Fills the Days Without God"

God says, “What is to fear God

(二)God said:
The higher the requirements of man, the more God’s work is at odds with the notions of man, as a result of which the trials of man, and the standards that he is required to meet, also become higher. At the conclusion of this work, all visions will have been made complete, and that which man is required to put into practice will have reached the acme of perfection. This will also be the time when each is classed according to kind, for that which man is required to know will have been shown to man. So, when the visions reach their apogee, the work will accordingly approach its end, and man’s practice will have also reached its zenith. The practice of man is based on the work of God, and the management of God is only fully expressed thanks to the practice and cooperation of man. Man is the showpiece of God’s work, and the object of the work of all of God’s management, and also the product of God’s entire management. If God worked alone, without the cooperation of man, then there would be nothing that could serve as the crystallization of His entire work, and then there would not be the slightest significance to God’s management. Besides God’s work, only by God choosing fitting objects to express His work and prove its omnipotence and wisdom can God achieve the aim of His management, and achieve the aim of using all of this work to completely defeat Satan. Therefore, man is an indispensable part of the work of God’s management, and man is the only one that can make God’s management bear fruit and achieve its ultimate aim; apart from man, no other life form can undertake such a role. If man is to become the true crystallization of God’s management work, then the disobedience of corrupt mankind must be entirely dispelled. This requires that man be given practice suitable for different times, and that God carry out the corresponding work among man. Only in this way will there ultimately be gained a group of people who are the crystallization of God’s management work. God’s work among man cannot bear testimony to God Himself merely through the work of God alone; to be achieved, such testimony also requires living human beings that are suitable for His work.

God says, “What is to fear God
The Word of God | "What It Means to Pursue the Truth (15)" (Part Three)

God says, “What is to fear God


God says, “What is to fear God

全能神經典話語 《神末世審判工作的話語》 選段78

78 撒但敗壞人的手段主要有六種。








——《話・卷二 關于認識神・獨一無二的神自己 六》

God says, “What is to fear God











God says, “What is to fear God

God says, “What is to fear God

God says, “What is to fear God
English Christian Song | "How to Accept the Truth"

God says, “What is to fear God
揭示敵基督《第九條 盡本分只為出人頭地、滿足自己的利益與野心,從不考慮神家利益,甚至出賣神家利益,以神家利益為代價换取個人的榮譽(三)》第一集

God says, “What is to fear God

God says, “What is to fear God

God says, “What is to fear God




God says, “What is to fear God



God says, “What is to fear God



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