El Hombre Solo Puede Salvarse

Apendice lll 
El Hombre Solo Puede Salvarse En Medio De La Gestión De Dios 
     Palabras Diarias De Dios Todopoderoso 
       Dios Todopoderoso 
 Cristo De Los Últimos Días Dice:                                    
 Esa es la gestión de Dios: entregar a la humanidad a Satanás —una humanidad que no sabe qué es Dios, qué es el Creador, cómo adorar a Dios o por qué es necesario someterse a Él— y permitir que Satanás lo corrompa. Entonces, paso a paso, Dios recupera al hombre de las manos de Satanás, hasta que el hombre adora plenamente a Dios y rechaza a Satanás. Esta es la gestión de Dios. Puede sonar a cuento mítico y parecer desconcertante. Las personas sienten que esto es un cuento mítico porque no tienen ni idea de cuánto le ha ocurrido al hombre a lo largo de los últimos milenios y, mucho menos, cuántas historias han ocurrido en el cosmos y en el firmamento. Además, se debe a que no pueden apreciar el mundo más asombroso y atemorizante que existe más allá del mundo material, pero que sus ojos mortales les impiden ver. Esto le parece incomprensible al hombre porque no entiende la importancia de la salvación de la humanidad por parte de Dios o la importancia de Su obra de gestión, ni tampoco cómo Dios desea que sea la humanidad en última instancia. 
¿Desea que la humanidad no sea corrompida en absoluto por Satanás, como lo fueron Adán y Eva
 El propósito de la gestión de Dios es ganar a un grupo de personas que adoren a Dios y se sometan a Él. Aunque estas personas han sido corrompidas por Satanás, ya no lo ven como su padre; reconocen el repugnante rostro de Satanás y lo rechazan, y vienen delante de Dios para aceptar Su juicio y Su castigo. Llegan a saber lo que es feo y cómo contrasta con aquello que es santo, y reconocen la grandeza de Dios y la maldad de Satanás. Una humanidad como esta no trabajará más para Satanás ni lo adorará ni lo consagrará. Es porque se trata de un grupo de personas que han sido ganadas por Dios de verdad. Esta es la importancia de la obra de Dios de gestionar a la humanidad. Durante esta obra de gestión de este tiempo, la humanidad es el objeto tanto de la corrupción de Satanás como de la salvación de Dios, y el hombre es el producto por el que pelean Dios y Satanás. Al mismo tiempo que Dios lleva a cabo Su obra, recupera poco a poco al hombre de las manos de Satanás y, así, el hombre se acerca cada vez más a Dios…
       Dios Todopoderoso 
 Cristo De Los Últimos Días Dice:                                     
 Y después vino la Era del Reino, que es una etapa más práctica de la obra y, sin embargo, es también la más difícil de aceptar para el hombre. Esto se debe a que, cuanto más se acerca el hombre a Dios, más se acerca a él Su vara, y Su rostro se revela con mayor claridad al hombre. Después de la redención de la humanidad, el hombre regresa oficialmente a la familia de Dios. El hombre pensó que este era el momento de disfrutar; sin embargo, es objeto de un ataque frontal total por parte de Dios, de tal magnitud que nadie pudo haberlo previsto jamás. Resulta que es un bautismo que el pueblo de Dios tiene que “disfrutar”. Con ese trato, las personas no tienen más opción que detenerse y pensar para sí: “yo soy el cordero, perdido durante muchos años, por el cual Dios pagó mucho para volverlo a comprar; entonces, 
               ¿por qué me trata Él así
¿Es esta la forma en la que Dios se ríe de mí y me pone en evidencia…”. 
        Dios Todopoderoso 
 Cristo De Los Últimos Días Dice:                                    
 Con el paso de los años, el hombre se ha curtido y ha experimentado la dureza del refinamiento y el castigo. Aunque el hombre ha perdido la “gloria” y el “romance” de tiempos pasados, sin saberlo, ha llegado a entender los principios de la conducta humana y a apreciar los años de devoción de Dios para salvar a la humanidad. El hombre comienza lentamente a aborrecer su propia barbarie. Empieza a odiar lo salvaje que es, todas las malinterpretaciones y exigencias irracionales que ha hecho de Dios. El reloj no puede volver atrás en el tiempo. Los acontecimientos del pasado se convierten en los pesarosos recuerdos del hombre, y las palabras y el amor de Dios pasan a ser la fuerza impulsora de la nueva vida del hombre. Las heridas de este se curan día tras día, su fortaleza vuelve y se pone en pie y mira el rostro del Todopoderoso… solo para descubrir que Él siempre ha estado a mi lado, y que Su sonrisa y Su hermoso rostro siguen siendo muy conmovedores. Su corazón se sigue preocupando por la humanidad que Él creó, y Sus manos siguen siendo tan cálidas y poderosas como lo fueron en el principio. Es como si el hombre regresara al jardín del Edén pero, esta vez, ya no escucha las tentaciones de la serpiente ni se aleja del rostro de Jehová. El hombre se arrodilla ante Dios, contempla Su rostro sonriente y ofrece su sacrificio más valioso: 
                      ¡Mi Señor, mi Dios
 El amor y la compasión de Dios impregnan cada detalle de Su obra de gestión, e independientemente de si las personas son o no capaces de entender las buenas intenciones de Dios, Él sigue llevando a cabo sin descanso la obra que se propuso cumplir. Sin importar cuánto entienden las personas sobre la gestión de Dios, todos pueden apreciar los beneficios y la ayuda que ha traído dicha obra al hombre. Quizás hoy no hayas sentido nada del amor o la vida suministrada por Dios, pero mientras no lo abandones ni renuncies a tu determinación de buscar la verdad, vendrá un día en el que la sonrisa de Dios se te revelará. Porque la meta de la obra de gestión de Dios consiste en recuperar a las personas que se encuentran bajo el campo de acción de Satanás, y no abandonar a las que han sido corrompidas por este y se oponen a Dios.
 De “La aparición y obra de Dios”

El Hombre Solo Puede Salvarse

El Hombre Solo Puede Salvarse
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El Hombre Solo Puede Salvarse

全能神經典話語 《神末世審判工作的話語》 選段96-98
96 我的作為何其多,多過海灘上的沙粒,我的智慧何其高,勝過所有的「所羅門的子孫」,但人僅僅信我是一個小小的醫生,信我是一個無名的、教人的老師!多少人信我,只是為了讓我給其治病;多少人信我,只是為了讓我憑着我的能力將其身上的污鬼趕走;又有多少人信我僅僅是為了得着我的平安、喜樂;多少人信我僅僅是為了向我索取更多的物質財富;多少人信我僅是為了安然地度過此生,求得來世别來無恙;多少人信我是為了躲避地獄之苦,獲得天堂之福;多少人信我僅是為了暫時的安逸,并不求來世得着什麽。當我將憤怒賜給人的時候,將人原有的喜樂、平安奪走時,人就都疑惑了;當我將地獄之苦賜給人而將天堂之福奪回之時,人就惱羞成怒了;當人讓我治病時,我却并不搭理人,而且對人感覺厭憎,人就離我遠去,尋找污醫邪術之道;當我將人向我索取的都奪走之時,人都不見踪影了。所以,我説人信我是因我的恩典太多,人信我是因信我的好處太多。

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・論到「信」,你怎麽認識》

97 你盼望信神没有一點難處,没有一點患難,没有一點痛苦,你總追求這些不值錢的東西,把生命却看得一文錢不值,而把個人的奢侈想法放在真理前面,你這人太没價值!你像猪那樣生活,你跟猪狗之類有什麽區别?不追求真理而喜愛肉體的人,不都是畜生嗎?没靈的死人不都是行尸走肉嗎?在你們中間説了多少話?在你們中間作的工作還少嗎?在你們中間供應你們的有多少?那你為什麽没得着呢?你還有何怨言呢?你没得着還不是因為你太寶愛肉體嗎?還不是因為你的想法太奢侈嗎?還不都是因為你太愚蠢了嗎?你得不着這福氣還能怪神没拯救你嗎?你就追求信神以後能得着平安,孩子没有病,丈夫有個好工作,兒子找個好對象,姑娘嫁個好人家,你的牛馬能够好好給你耕地,一年風調雨順,你就追求這些。你只追求生活安逸,别讓你家出事,颳風别颳在你身上,沙子别打在你臉上,洪水别淹着你家的莊稼,凡是灾都别涉及你,活在「神的懷抱」裏,生活在安樂窩裏面。就你這樣的孬種,一味追求肉體,你説你還有没有心、有没有靈?你不屬于畜生嗎?將真道白白地賜給你,你不追求,你還是不是一個信神的?真正的人生賜給你,你不追求,那你不是猪狗之類嗎?猪不追求人生,不追求潔净,不懂得什麽叫人生,天天吃飽喝足就睡大覺,真道賜給你你却没得着,兩手空空,這種猪一樣的生活,你還願意繼續下去嗎?這樣的人活着有何意義?生活卑鄙、下賤,活在污穢、淫亂之中,没有一點追求的目標,你的一生不是最下賤的一生嗎?還有何臉面去見神?這樣經歷下去,還不是一無所獲嗎?真道是賜給你了,到最終你能不能得着就在于你個人的追求了。

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・彼得的經歷——對刑罰、審判的認識》

98 在人的生命經歷當中,人常常這樣想:我為神撇家捨業,神給了我什麽?我得數算一下,檢查檢查,在這段時間我得着什麽祝福没有?我這段時間花費不小,跑了很多路也受了很多苦,神對我這段時間的表現有没有什麽應許啊?神是不是紀念我的善行了呢?我的結局到底是什麽呢?能不能得着福呢?……每一個人心裏都時時地、常常地這麽盤算,帶着存心,帶着野心,也帶着交易向神索取。就是説人的心在不斷地試探神,不斷地算計神,也不斷地與神「據理力争」自己的結局,向神討要口供,看看神到底能不能給人想要的東西。在人那兒,在追求神的同時却并没有把神當神待,始終是在跟神搞着交易,不斷地向神索取,甚至步步緊逼,得寸進尺。在人與神搞交易的同時,又與神争辯,甚至有些人臨到試煉或者臨到環境,常常軟弱,消極怠工,對神滿了埋怨。從人開始信神人就把神當成了聚寶盆、萬用箱,而人把自己當成了神最大的債主,從神手裏索要祝福、應許是人與生俱來的權利與職責,而神保守人、看顧人、供應人是神應盡的責任,這是每個信神之人對于「信神」這兩個字最基本的領會,也是每個信神之人對「信神」概念的最深刻的理解。從人的本性實質到人主觀上的追求,没有一樣東西是與「敬畏神」有關的,人信神的目的根本不可能與「敬拜神」扯上關係,就是説,人從來就不打算也不懂得信神要敬畏神、要敬拜神。就人這樣的情形來説,人的實質是顯而易見的,這個實質是什麽呢?那就是人心地惡毒、陰險詭詐、不喜愛公平公義、不喜歡正面事物,而且卑鄙貪婪;人的心對神極其封閉,根本就不交給神,神從來看不見人的真心,也得不到人的敬拜。神無論花多大代價、作多少工作、給人多少供應,人都視而不見、無動于衷,人的心始終不交給神,就想自己管着,自己説了算,言外之意就是人不想走「敬畏神,遠離惡事」的道,不想順服神的主宰安排,也不想把神當神來敬拜。這是現在人的情形。

——《話・卷二 關于認識神・神的作工、神的性情與神自己 二》

El Hombre Solo Puede Salvarse











El Hombre Solo Puede Salvarse

El Hombre Solo Puede Salvarse

♦ 情形
“总之,无论你的追求方向、目标是什么,对放下地位这事你要求自己能达到的程度是怎样的,只要地位在你心里占据一定的位置,能控制、影响到你的人生、你的追求目标,那你的性情变化就会大打折扣,最终神所给你的定义当然也就另当别论了。另外,你对这方面的追求如果是这样的话,那到最终会影响你做一个合格的受造之物,当然也会影响你达到合格地尽本分。为什么这么说呢?就是人追求地位这是神最厌憎的事,一个人在任何人心中的地位,在神那儿看都是不应该存在的,这就不是神命定好要给你的,你总要争、总要夺,总要宝爱它,总要霸占据为己有,这是不是带点与神对抗的性质?地位不是神命定给人的,神供应给人生命、真理、道路,让人最终成为的是一个合格的受造之物,是一个小小的受造之物,而不是一个有地位、有名望让万人景仰的人。所以无论从哪个角度上说,追求地位这都是一条死路,无论你有怎样合理的理由去追求地位,这条路途仍然是错的,不是神称许的。你无论下怎样的功夫,付多大代价,你要得地位神是不会给你的,神不给你你就争不来,你硬要争那结果只有一个,就是死,这是死路一条,明白了吧!”  (摘自《基督的座谈纪要·做带领工人选择道路太关键了(十一))

El Hombre Solo Puede Salvarse

‼️💯What Does “No One Knows the Day or Hour” Mean?
The four blood moons have appeared, and disasters such as earthquakes, famine, and epidemics are increasingly common. The prophecies of the Lord’s return have basically been fulfilled, and some have openly testified online that He has already come. Some brothers and sisters are puzzled, as it is clearly written in the Bible: “But of that day and hour knows no man, not the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but My Father only” (Matthew 24:36). How can they know that the Lord has returned? Has He really come back? What should we do to be able to welcome Him? Let’s fellowship together on this very question.
Some brothers and sisters believe, based on this Bible verse, “But of that day and hour knows no man,” that when the Lord does return, no one will know. This is why none of them give any credence or consideration to claims from people spreading news of the Lord’s return. Is this really a correct understanding, or not? Is it in line with the Lord’s will? The Lord Jesus once prophesied, “And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom comes; go you out to meet him” (Matthew 25:6). “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20). We can see from these lines of scripture that after the Lord returns in the last days, He will knock on our door with His words, and will even have us come out and greet Him through a human cry of, “the bridegroom comes.” As there are people who call out to us the news of the Lord’s return, this shows that when He has come, He will certainly let people know. Clearly, understanding “But of that day and hour knows no man” as no one learning of the Lord’s coming after it occurs is completely erroneous.
So how exactly should we interpret this passage of scripture? We can link these verses together: “Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near: So likewise you, when you shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Truly I say to you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away. But of that day and hour knows no man, not the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but My Father only” (Matthew 24:32–36). “Therefore be you also ready: for in such an hour as you think not the Son of man comes” (Matthew 24:44). And Revelation 3:3 says, “If therefore you shall not watch, I will come on you as a thief, and you shall not know what hour I will come on you.” These passages use omens of the Lord’s return to tell us. They mention that “the Son of man comes” and “as a thief.” The “Son of man” indeed refers to God incarnate; the spiritual body cannot be called the Son of man. Only someone like the Lord Jesus—God’s Spirit clothed in flesh, that has come among humans to do very practical work, that possesses normal humanity—can be called the Son of man. “As a thief” means coming stealthily and in secret. From this it is evident that the Lord’s return involves descending secretly in the flesh as the Son of man. Given that He descends in secret, we will not perceive Him easily, because the day and the hour God appears as flesh incarnate is unknown to all. That is, “But of that day and hour knows no man,” means that no one knows the exact time of the Lord’s return. However, after He has come to speak and do work, there will definitely be some people who know of it, and this is when we should wake up. When we hear people spreading the gospel of the Lord’s return, we should seek and investigate; only then can we welcome the Lord and sup with Him. However, right now, not only are we not awake, but we don’t go to seek or investigate when we hear others spread the news of the Lord’s return. As such, have we not misunderstood the Lord’s will? Let us read a couple more passages of God’s words, and we will gain an understanding of these passages of scripture.
Almighty God has said: “At the break of dawn, unbeknownst to the multitudes of humanity, God came to earth and began His life in the flesh. People were unaware of the coming of this moment. Maybe they were all fast asleep; maybe many who were watchfully awake were waiting, and maybe many were praying silently to God in heaven. Yet among all these many people, not a single one knew that God had already arrived on earth” (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Work and Entry (4)). “At the beginning, when Jesus had yet to officially perform His ministry, like the disciples that followed Him, sometimes He also attended meetings, and sang hymns, gave praise, and read the Old Testament in the temple. After He was baptized and arose, the Spirit officially descended upon Him and began to work, revealing His identity and the ministry that He was to undertake. Prior to this, no one knew His identity, and apart from Mary, not even John knew. Jesus was 29 when He was baptized. After His baptism was completed, the heavens were opened, and a voice said: ‘This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.’ Once Jesus had been baptized, the Holy Spirit began to bear testimony to Him in this way. Before being baptized at the age of 29, He had lived the life of a normal person, eating when He was supposed to eat, sleeping and dressing normally, and nothing about Him was different from others, though of course, this was only to the fleshly eyes of man. … The Bible does not record what He did before He was baptized because He did not do this work before He was baptized. He was merely an ordinary man and represented an ordinary man; before Jesus began to perform His ministry, He was no different from normal people, and others could see no difference in Him. It was only after He reached 29 that Jesus knew He had come to complete a stage of God’s work; before, He Himself did not know this, for the work done by God was not supernatural” (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Concerning Appellations and Identity).
We can see from Almighty God’s words that no one knows when God descends to earth as flesh incarnate; not even the Son of man knows. Only God’s Spirit knows this. However, when God begins to do His work, the Holy Spirit bears testimony to the work of God incarnate, and then uses God’s followers to spread the gospel; people then gradually learn of it. It is just as in the beginning, Jehovah God used a prophet to predict the Messiah’s coming, but as to when or where the Messiah would arrive, only Jehovah God knew. When the Lord Jesus returned in the flesh to work, even He Himself did not know at first that He was the Messiah, that He had come to do the work of redemption. He lived a normal life like an ordinary human. Other people did not know that the Lord Jesus was Christ, the incarnate God Himself, either. After the Lord Jesus was baptized, the Holy Spirit began to bear witness to Him and the Lord Jesus began expressing the way for human repentance, displaying God’s signs and wonders, and healing the sick and casting out demons. Some people gradually came to recognize that the Lord Jesus was the Messiah. Those who first accepted the Lord Jesus’ work of redemption, such as Peter and John, then began to travel all over, spreading the Lord’s gospel. The Lord’s salvation thus became known to more and more people, And this has been passed down through the ages to today. Now there are believers in every part of the world.
The Lord Jesus also gave these predictions for the last days: “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will show you things to come” (John 16:12–13). “He that rejects Me, and receives not My words, has one that judges him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day” (John 12:48). And the Bible records: “Sanctify them through Your truth: Your word is truth” (John 17:17). “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God” (1 Peter 4:17). When the Lord returns, He expresses truths that more numerous and lofty than those of the Age of Grace, in accordance with our stature. He judges and cleanses us with His words so that we may break free of the bonds of sin and thus be purified and transformed. So, when the Lord returns in the last days to appear and do work, there are certainly some who hear God’s voice and accept His work, and then travel to the four corners to spread the good news of the Lord’s return. This is the same as when we first gained faith in the Lord; we only accepted it after hearing others spread the gospel of the Lord Jesus. As is written in the Bible, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ” (Romans 10:17).
Therefore, when we hear the news of the Lord’s return, we absolutely must not blindly reject it; we should seek with an open mind. When we hear the voice of God, by accepting and submitting we will be welcoming the Lord. Almighty God says, “Since we are searching for the footprints of God, it behooves us to search for God’s will, for the words of God, for His utterances—because wherever there are new words spoken by God, the voice of God is there, and wherever there are the footsteps of God, God’s deeds are there. Wherever there is the expression of God, there God appears, and wherever God appears, there the truth, the way, and the life exist. In seeking God’s footprints, you have ignored the words ‘God is the truth, the way, and the life.’ And so, many people, even when they receive the truth, do not believe that they have found God’s footprints, and still less do they acknowledge the appearance of God. What a grave mistake!” (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. The Appearance of God Has Ushered in a New Age).
Throughout the entire world, there is only The Church of Almighty God openly testifying that the Lord has returned—that is, that Christ of the last days, Almighty God, has expressed many truths and has done the work of judging and cleansing people. The vast majority of Almighty God’s utterances are recorded in the book The Word Appears in the Flesh. God’s words have elucidated every aspect of the truth. They speak very plainly on the mysteries of God’s incarnations, the inside truths of the Bible, the purpose of God’s six thousand year management plan for mankind, the differences between His work and the work of man, as well as how God judges and cleanses people, how people should know God, how God determines the outcome and destination for every human, and so on. These truths are all related to God’s own work; they are all mysteries that clearly point out the path to salvation for us. We should engage in seeking to see whether this is indeed the Holy Spirit saying to the churches, and whether it is indeed God of the last days doing His work of judgment starting with His house. This is how we can verify whether or not Almighty God is indeed the Lord Jesus returned. I believe that as long as we have an aspiration to seek, God will lead us to welcome the Lord’s return! This is because, as the Lord Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:3).
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El Hombre Solo Puede Salvarse
Lời Đức Chúa Trời hằng ngày: Lối vào sự sống | Trích đoạn 530

El Hombre Solo Puede Salvarse

At any time, In any situation, In any difficulty, As long as we sincerely pray, God will be there to help us.
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In life, unexpected difficulties often arise, leaving us unsure of how to handle them. But remember, our God is all-powerful. No matter when or where difficulties occur, no matter how significant they are, as long as we pray sincerely, we can receive God’s help to overcome them.
God says, “When someone encounters an especially thorny difficulty, when they have no one to turn to, and when they feel particularly helpless, they put their only hope in God. What are their prayers like? What is their state of mind? Are they sincere? Is there any adulteration at that time? It is only when you trust God as though He were the last straw that you clutch onto, hoping that He will help you, that your heart is sincere. Though you may not have said much, your heart has already stirred. That is, you give your sincere heart to God, and God listens. When God listens, He sees your difficulties, and He will enlighten you, guide you, and help you.”
If you desire to learn more truths about prayer and relying on God, please don’t hesitate to click the WhatsApp link to join our group. Let’s learn God’s words together.

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#givethankstojesus #thankyougodforthisday #praisegod #godsgraceisenough #christianlifefellowship #relyongod #trustinghim #faithinspired

El Hombre Solo Puede Salvarse

ကယ်တင်ရှင်ယေရှုကို ကြိုဆိုလိုသူများသာ အာမင် ဟု ဖြေကြားလိမ့်မည် ။
 နှစ်သစ်ရောက်လာပြီ၊ 2024 ​ရောက်လာတဲ့အခါ ကယ်တင်ရှင်ယေရှုကို ကြိုဆိုဖို့ မျှော်လင့်ပါသလား။  သင်ဆန္ဒရှိလျှင် ကျွန်ုပ်တို့ထံ ဆက်သွယ်ရန် မက်ဆေ့ခ်ျချန်ထားခဲ့ပါ၊ ကျွန်ုပ်တို့သည် ဘုရားသခင်၏နှုတ်ကပတ်တော်များကို အတူတကွလေ့လာနိုင်ပြီး နည်းလမ်းကိုရှာဖွေနိုင်သည်၊ သို့မှသာ သင်သည် သင်၏အံ့သြဖွယ်ဆန္ဒများကို ဖြည့်ဆည်းပေးနိုင်မည်ဖြစ်သည်။
 ဘုရားသခင်ရဲ့ နှုတ်ကပတ်တော်ရဲ့ စာပိုဒ်တစ်ပိုဒ်ကို မျှဝေပါမည်။ ဘုရားသခင်မိန့်ဆိုသည်က -“ငါတို့သည် ဘုရားသခင်၏ ခြေရာများကို ရှာဖွေနေကြသည့်အတွက်၊ ဘုရားသခင်၏အလို၊ ဘုရားသခင်၏ နှုတ်ကပတ်တော်များနှင့် သူ၏မိန့်မြွက်ချက်များကို ငါတို့ရှာဖွေအပ်သည်၊ အဘယ်ကြောင့်ဆိုသော် ဘုရားသခင် မိန့်ကြားသည့် အသစ်သော နှုတ်ကပတ်တော်များရှိသော မည်သည့် နေရာ၌မဆို ဘုရားသခင်၏ အသံရှိပြီး၊ ဘုရားသခင်၏ ခြေလှမ်းများ ရှိသော မည်သည့်နေရာ၌မဆိုလည်း ဘုရားသခင်၏ လုပ်ဆောင်မှုများ ရှိသောကြောင့်ဖြစ်သည်။ ဘုရားသခင်၏ ဖော်ပြချက်ရှိသော နေရာတိုင်း၌ ဘုရားသခင်ပေါ်ထွန်းပြီး၊ ဘုရားသခင်ပေါ်ထွန်းသော နေရာတိုင်း၌ လမ်းခရီး၊ သမ္မာတရားနှင့် အသက်တို့ တည်ရှိသည်” "ငါတို့သည် ဘုရားသခင်၏ ခြေရာများကို ရှာဖွေနေကြသည့်အတွက်၊ ဘုရားသခင်၏အလို၊ ဘုရားသခင်၏ နှုတ်ကပတ်တော်များနှင့် သူ၏မိန့်မြွက်ချက်များကို ငါတို့ရှာဖွေအပ်သည်၊ အဘယ်ကြောင့်ဆိုသော် ဘုရားသခင် မိန့်ကြားသည့် အသစ်သော နှုတ်ကပတ်တော်များရှိသော မည်သည့် နေရာ၌မဆို ဘုရားသခင်၏ အသံရှိပြီး၊ ဘုရားသခင်၏ ခြေလှမ်းများ ရှိသော မည်သည့်နေရာ၌မဆိုလည်း ဘုရားသခင်၏ လုပ်ဆောင်မှုများ ရှိသောကြောင့်ဖြစ်သည်။......ထို့ကြောင့် ဘုရားသခင်၏ အလိုကို ငါတို့ ရှာဖွေကြပါစို့။ ဘုရားသခင်၏ ပေါ်ထွန်းခြင်းကို သူ၏မိန့်မြွက်ခြင်းများထဲတွင် ရှာဖွေကြပါစို့။ ထို့ပြင် သူ၏ခြေလှမ်းများကို အမီလိုက်ကြပါစို့။ ဘုရားသခင်သည် လမ်းခရီးဖြစ်သည်၊ သမ္မာတရားလည်း ဖြစ်သည်၊ အသက်လည်း ဖြစ်သည်။ သူ၏နှုတ်ကပတ်တော်များနှင့် သူ၏ပေါ်ထွန်းခြင်းတို့သည် တစ်ပြိုင်တည်း တည်ရှိကြသည်၊ သူ၏ စိတ်သဘောထားနှင့် ခြေရာများသည်လည်း လူသားများအဖို့ အစဉ် လမ်းဖွင့်ပေးထားသည်။ ချစ်သော ညီအစ်ကို မောင်နှမတို့၊ ဤနှုတ်ကပတ်တော်များထဲ၌ ဘုရားသခင်၏ ပေါ်ထွန်းခြင်းကို သင်တို့မြင်နိုင်ကာ ခေတ်သစ်တစ်ခေတ်ထဲသို့ သင်တို့ရှေ့တိုးလျက် လှမ်းသွားသည်နှင့် ဘုရားသခင်၏ ခြေလှမ်းများ နောက်သို့ စတင်လျှောက်လှမ်းပြီး ဘုရားသခင်၏ ပေါ်ထွန်းခြင်းကို စောင့်မျှော်နေကြသူများအတွက် ဘုရားသခင် ပြင်ဆင်ပေးထားသည့် လှပသော ကောင်းကင်သစ်နှင့် မြေကြီးသစ်ဆီသို့ ဝင်ရောက်ကြ လိမ့်မည်ဟု ငါမျှော်လင့်သည်။"


El Hombre Solo Puede Salvarse
🔴ခရစ်ယာန်များအားလုံး၊ အတူတကွဝတ်ပြုကိုးကွယ်ခြင်းသို့ဖိတ်ခေါ်အပ်ပါသည် | Myanmar Gospel Song (ေကာင္းေသာ...

El Hombre Solo Puede Salvarse

💕Almighty God says:
After having carried out His six thousand years of work through the present day, God has already revealed many of His acts, the primary purpose of which has been to defeat Satan and bring salvation to all of humanity. He is using this opportunity to allow everything in heaven, everything upon the earth, everything within the seas, and every last object of God’s creation on earth to see His almightiness and to witness all of His acts. He is seizing the opportunity provided by His defeat of Satan to reveal all of His deeds to humans, and to enable them to praise Him and exalt His wisdom in defeating Satan. Everything on earth, in heaven, and within the seas brings God glory, praises His almightiness, praises every one of His deeds, and shouts His holy name. This is proof of His defeat of Satan; it is proof of His vanquishing of Satan. More importantly, it is proof of His salvation of humanity. The whole of God’s creation brings Him glory, praises Him for defeating His enemy and returning victoriously, and extols Him as the great victorious King. His purpose is not merely to defeat Satan, which is why His work has continued for six thousand years. He uses Satan’s defeat to save humanity; He uses Satan’s defeat to reveal all His acts and all of His glory. He will obtain glory, and all the multitude of angels will see all His glory. The messengers in heaven, the humans upon earth, and all objects of creation upon earth will see the glory of the Creator. This is the work that He does. His creation in heaven and on earth will all witness His glory, and He will return triumphantly after utterly defeating Satan, and allow humanity to praise Him, thus achieving a double victory in His work. In the end, all of humanity will be conquered by Him, and He will wipe out anyone who resists or rebels; in other words, He will wipe out all those who belong to Satan.
—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. You Should Know How the Whole of Humanity Has Developed to the Present Day
Dear brothers and sisters, if you like to study more of God’s words, please click on the link below:

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The Word of God | "What It Means to Pursue the Truth (4)" (Part One)

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El Hombre Solo Puede Salvarse

El Hombre Solo Puede Salvarse

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진리 추구에 관하여 <어떻게 진리를 추구해야 하는가(11)> (제3부)

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El Hombre Solo Puede Salvarse


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