
Daily Words of God  Excerpt 33
In this final stage of work, results are achieved through the agency of the word. Through the word, man comes to understand many mysteries and the work that God has done through generations past; through the word, man is enlightened by the Holy Spirit; through the word, man comes to understand the mysteries never before unraveled by past generations, as well as the work of prophets and apostles of times past, and the principles by which they worked; through the word, man also comes to understand the disposition of God Himself, as well as the rebelliousness and resistance of man, and he comes to know his own essence. Through these steps of work and through all the words spoken, man comes to know the work of the Spirit, the work God’s incarnate flesh does, and even more, His entire disposition. Your knowledge of God’s work of management over six thousand years was also gained through the word. Was not the knowledge of your former notions and your success in putting them aside also attained through the word? In the previous stage, Jesus worked signs and wonders, but there are no signs and wonders in this stage. Was not your understanding of why God does not reveal signs and wonders also achieved through the word? Therefore, the words spoken in this stage surpass the work done by the apostles and prophets of generations past. Even the prophecies told by the prophets could not have achieved this result. The prophets spoke only prophecies, they spoke of what would happen in the future, but not of the work God wished to do at the time. Nor did they speak to guide mankind in their lives, or to bestow truths upon mankind, or to reveal mysteries to them, much less to bestow life. Of the words spoken in this stage, there is prophecy and truth, but mainly these words serve to bestow life upon man. The words at present are unlike the prophecies of the prophets. This is a stage of work for the life of man, to change man’s life disposition, and not for the sake of speaking prophecy. The first stage was the work of Jehovah: His work was to prepare a path for man to worship God on earth. It was the work of commencement to find a place of origin for the work on earth. At that time, Jehovah taught the Israelites to observe the Sabbath, honor their parents, and live peaceably with one another. This was because the people of that time did not understand what constituted man, nor did they understand how to live on earth. It was necessary for Him in the first stage of work to guide mankind in leading their lives. All that Jehovah spoke to them had not previously been known to mankind or been in their possession. At that time, God raised up many prophets to speak prophecies, and they all did so under the guidance of Jehovah. This was simply one item in the work of God. In the first stage, God did not become flesh, and so He instructed all tribes and nations through the prophets. When Jesus worked in His time, He did not speak as much as in the present day. This stage of the work of the word in the last days has never been done before in ages and generations past. Though Isaiah, Daniel and John spoke many prophecies, their prophecies were entirely different from the words spoken now. What they spoke were only prophecies, but the words spoken now are not. If I turned all I speak of now into prophecies, would you be able to understand? Supposing that what I spoke of was about matters after I had gone, how could you then gain understanding? The work of the word was never done in the time of Jesus or in the Age of Law. Perhaps some will say, “Did not Jehovah also speak words in the time of His work? Did Jesus not, in addition to healing sickness, casting out demons, and working signs and wonders, also speak words at that time He was working?” There are differences between the things that are said. What was the essence of the words uttered by Jehovah? He was only guiding mankind to lead their lives on earth, which did not touch on spiritual matters in life. Why is it said that, when Jehovah spoke, it was to instruct the people of all places? The word “instruct” means to tell explicitly and command directly. He did not supply man with life; rather, He simply took man by the hand and taught man how to revere Him, without too much in the way of parables. The work Jehovah did in Israel was not to deal with or discipline man or to deliver judgment and chastisement, it was to guide him. Jehovah commanded Moses to tell His people to gather manna in the wilderness. Every morning before sunrise, they were to gather manna, just enough for them to eat that day. The manna could not be kept until the next day, as it would then become moldy. He did not lecture people or expose their natures, nor did He expose their ideas and thoughts. He did not change people but rather guided them in leading their lives. The people of that time were like children, understanding nothing and capable only of some basic mechanical movements, and so Jehovah only decreed laws to guide the multitudes.
—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. The Mystery of the Incarnation (4)

Keresztény film 2024 | „Halálos tudatlanság” Kire hallgassunk az Úr visszatérésének üdvözlésében?


全能神經典話語 《神末世審判工作的話語》 選段143
143 你們想知道法利賽人抵擋耶穌的根源嗎?你們想知道法利賽人的實質嗎?他們對彌賽亞充滿幻想,而且他們只相信彌賽亞會來却不追求生命真理,所以他們到今天還在等待彌賽亞,因為他們并不認識生命的道,也不知道什麽是真理的道。你們説,他們這樣的愚頑、這樣的無知會得到神的賜福嗎?他們能見到彌賽亞嗎?他們抵擋耶穌是因為他們不認識聖靈作工的方向,是因為他們不認識耶穌口中所説的真理的道,更是因為他們并不了解彌賽亞的緣故,就因為他們并未見過彌賽亞,并未與彌賽亞相處,所以他們都犯了空守彌賽亞的名却不擇手段地抵擋彌賽亞的實質的錯誤。而這些法利賽人的實質則是頑固、狂妄、不服從真理,他們信神的原則是:無論你講的道有多高,無論你的權柄有多高,只要你不叫彌賽亞那你就不是基督。他們這樣的觀點是不是很謬妄,是不是太荒唐?我再問你們:你們對耶穌没有絲毫的了解,那麽你們是不是極容易重犯當初法利賽人的錯誤呢?你會分辨什麽是真理的道嗎?你真會保證你自己不會抵擋基督嗎?你會隨從聖靈的作工嗎?如果你不知道自己會不會抵擋基督,那我説你已是在死亡的邊緣中生活了。不認識彌賽亞的人都能做出抵擋耶穌、弃絶耶穌、毁謗耶穌的事來,不了解耶穌的人都能做出弃絶耶穌、辱駡耶穌的事來,而且更能將耶穌的再來看成是撒但的迷惑,更多的人將會給重返肉身的耶穌定罪,你們不感覺害怕嗎?你們面臨的將是褻瀆聖靈、撕毁聖靈向衆教會的説話、唾弃耶穌口中所發表的言語。你們如此的昏沉又能從耶穌得着什麽呢?你們如此執迷不悟怎麽能明白耶穌駕着白雲重返肉身的工作呢?我告訴你們,那些不領受真理却一味地等待耶穌駕着「白雲朵朵」降臨的人定規是褻瀆聖靈的人,這些人定規是滅亡的種類。你們只想得着從耶穌來的恩典,只想享受天堂的福樂境地,却從來不聽從耶穌口中的言語,從來不領受耶穌重返肉身時所發表的真理。你們拿什麽來交换耶穌駕着白雲重歸的事實呢?是你們屢次犯罪却又口頭認罪的誠心嗎?你們拿什麽來獻給駕着白雲重歸的耶穌作祭物呢?是你們高舉自己的多年作工的資本嗎?你們拿什麽來讓重歸的耶穌信任你們呢?是你們那不順服任何真理的狂妄的本性嗎?

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・當你看見耶穌靈體的時候已是神重新更换天地的時候了》

Daily Words of God  Excerpt 33

Daily Words of God  Excerpt 33














Keresztény dal – A testet öltött Isten egyszerre emberi és isteni (Kórusi himnusz)

Daily Words of God  Excerpt 33

♦ 情形



ယနေ့တွင်၊ ဘုရားသခင်၏ ကယ်တင်ခြင်းသည် သင်နှင့် သင့်မိသားစုထံသို့ ရောက်ရှိလာမည်ဖြစ်ပြီး၊ သင့်အား သင်၏ခက်ခဲသောအခြေအနေများကို ပြောင်းလဲရန် အခွင့်အရေးပေးမည်၊ ၎င်းကို သင်လက်ခံလိုပါသလား။
 အဆက်မပြတ်ကပ်ဘေးများ၊ အလုပ်အကိုင်ရှာဖွေရန်ခက်ခဲခြင်း၊ ကုန်စျေးနှုန်းများဖောင်းပွခြင်း၊ ရောဂါအနှောက်အယှက်ဖြစ်ခြင်း၊ အိမ်ထောင်ရေးကံကြမ္မာဆိုးများ ...... ဘဝတွင်အခက်အခဲပေါင်းစုံနှင့်ရင်ဆိုင်ရခြင်းကြောင့် ဘဝ၏ဝန်ထုပ်ဝန်ပိုးသည် ကြီးမားလွန်းသည်ဟု သင်ခံစားရပါသလား။  သည်းခံပါ၊ ဒီလိုနာကျင်တဲ့ဘဝကနေ လွတ်မြောက်ဖို့ သခင်ကို အမြန်ဆုံးကြိုဆိုချင်ပါသလား။  ဟုတ်ပါက၊ ကျွန်ုပ်တို့သည် ကြီးစွာသောသတင်းကို ဝေမျှလိုပါသည်၊ ကျွန်ုပ်တို့၏ ကာလရှည်ကြာစွာ စောင့်မျှော်ခဲ့သော သခင်ယေရှုသည် ပြန်လည်ရောက်ရှိနေပြီဖြစ်သည်။  ကျွန်ုပ်တို့အား အပြစ်နှင့် နာကျင်မှုမှ ကယ်တင်ရန်နှင့် ဝမ်းနည်းခြင်းနှင့် နာကျင်ခြင်းမရှိဘဲ လူသားတို့ကို အံ့သြဖွယ်ဘဝသို့ ဆောင်ကြဉ်းရန်အတွက် လူသားတို့ကို ကယ်တင်နိုင်သည့် သမ္မာတရားအားလုံးကို ဖော်ပြခဲ့သည်။  ဒါကိုမြင်ပြီးနောက်၊ သင့်မိသားစုနဲ့အတူ ဘုရားသခင်ရဲ့ ကယ်တင်ခြင်းကို လက်ခံပြီး ခက်ခဲတဲ့ဘဝကနေ ဘုရားသခင်ရဲ့ ကယ်တင်ခြင်းကို ရယူလိုပါသလား။  သို့ဆိုလျှင် ကျွန်ုပ်တို့ထံ ဆက်သွယ်ရန် "စာပို့ရန်" ခလုတ်ကို နှိပ်ပါ။
 ဘုရားသခင်ရဲ့ နှုတ်ကပတ်တော်ရဲ့ စာပိုဒ်တစ်ပိုဒ်ကို မျှဝေပါမည်။ ဘုရားသခင်မိန့်ဆိုသည်က"ယေရှုသည် လူ့လောကထဲသို့ ကြွလာခဲ့သောအချိန်တွင်၊ သူသည် ကျေးဇူးတော်ခေတ်ကို ဖွင့်လှစ်ပေးခဲ့ပြီး ပညတ်တော်ခေတ်ကို အဆုံးသတ်ခဲ့သည်။ နောက်ဆုံးသော ကာလအတွင်းတွင်၊ ဘုရားသခင်သည် နောက်တစ်ကြိမ် လူ့ဇာတိခံယူခဲ့ပြီး၊ ဤလူ့ဇာတိခံယူခြင်းဖြင့် သူသည် ကျေးဇူးတော်ခေတ်ကို အဆုံးသတ်ကာ နိုင်ငံတော်ခေတ်ကို ဖွင့်လှစ်ခဲ့သည်။ ဘုရားသခင်၏ ဒုတိယအကြိမ် လူ့ဇာတိခံယူခြင်းကို လက်ခံနိုင်သောသူ အားလုံးသည် နိုင်ငံတော်ခေတ်ထဲသို့ ဦးဆောင်ခြင်းခံရမည် ဖြစ်သည့်အပြင်၊ ဘုရားသခင်၏ လမ်းပြမှုကို ကိုယ်တိုင်ကိုယ်ကျ လက်ခံလာနိုင်လိမ့်မည်။ ယေရှုသည် လူသားအလယ်တွင် အမှုများစွာ လုပ်ဆောင်ခဲ့သော်လည်း၊ သူသည် လူသားမျိုးနွယ် အားလုံး၏ ရွေးနုတ်ခြင်းကိုသာ ပြီးစီးစေခဲ့ပြီး လူသားတို့၏ အပြစ်ဖြေရာယဇ် ဖြစ်လာခဲ့သည်။ သူသည် လူသားထံမှ သူ၏ ဖောက်ပြန်ပျက်စီးသော စိတ်သဘောထားအားလုံး ဖယ်ရှားမပေးခဲ့ပေ။ စာတန်၏စွမ်းအားမှ လူသားကို အပြည့်အဝ ကယ်တင်ခြင်းသည် ယေရှုအနေဖြင့် အပြစ်ဖြေရာယဇ် ဖြစ်လာပြီး လူသား၏ အပြစ်များကို သယ်ဆောင်ရန် လိုအပ်သည်သာမက၊ ဘုရားသခင်အနေဖြင့် လူသားထံမှ သူ၏ ဆိုးယုတ်စွာ ဖောက်ပြန်ပျက်စီးသော စိတ်သဘောထားအား လုံးဝဖယ်ရှားပေးရန် သာ၍ပင် ကြီးမားသော အမှုကို လုပ်ဆောင်ရန်လည်း လိုအပ်ပေသည်။ ထို့ကြောင့် လူသားသည် သူ၏အပြစ်များမှ ခွင့်လွှတ်ခံရပြီး ဖြစ်သဖြင့်၊ ဘုရားသခင်သည် လူသားကို ခေတ်သစ်ထဲသို့ ဦးဆောင်ရန် လူ့ဇာတိ ပြန်လည်ခံယူပြီဖြစ်ပြီး၊ ပြစ်တင်ဆုံးမခြင်းနှင့် တရားစီရင်ခြင်းအမှုကို စတင်ပြီဖြစ်သည်။ ဤအမှုသည် လူသားကို သာ၍မြင့်မားသည့် လောကတစ်ခုထဲသို့ ဆောင်ကြဉ်းပြီးဖြစ်သည်။ သူ၏အုပ်စိုးမှုအောက်တွင် ကျိုးနွံနာခံသူအားလုံးသည် သာ၍မြင့်မားသော သမ္မာတရားကို မွေ့လျော်ပြီး သာ၍ကြီးမြတ်သော ကောင်းချီးမင်္ဂလာများကို ရရှိရပေမည်။ ၎င်းတို့သည် အလင်းတွင် အမှန်တကယ် အသက်ရှင်ကြရမည် ဖြစ်ပြီး သမ္မာတရား၊ လမ်းခရီးနှင့် အသက်တို့ကို ရရှိကြရလိမ့်မည်"


"Only in Performing the Duty of a Created Being Well Is There Value in Living" (Part One)

พระวจนะของพระเจ้าประจำวัน: การจุติเป็นมนุษย์ | บทตัดตอน 116

진리 추구에 관하여 <진리 추구란 무엇인가(16)> (제2부)

ဘုရားသခင်၏ နေ့စဉ် နှုတ်ကပတ်တော်များ- အသက်အတွင်း ဝင်ရောက်မှု | ကောက်နုတ်ချက် ၅၂၅


Through the work of causing man to know God, the different ranks of man are revealed: Those who know God are qualified to receive God’s blessings and accept His promises, while those who do not know God are unqualified to receive God’s blessings and accept His promises. Those who know God are the intimates of God, and those who do not know God cannot be called the intimates of God; the intimates of God can receive any of God’s blessings, but those who are not His intimates are not worthy of any of His work. Whether it be tribulations, refinement, or judgment, all these things are for the sake of allowing man to ultimately achieve a knowledge of God, and so that man may submit to God. This is the only effect that will ultimately be achieved. Nothing of the three stages of work is hidden, and this is advantageous to man’s knowledge of God, and helps man gain a more complete and thorough knowledge of God. All this work is of benefit to man.
Dear brothers and sisters, if you like to study more of God’s words, please click on the link below:

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Keresztény bizonyságtétel | „Szabadulás a féltékenység kötelékéből”


Daily Words of God Excerpt 39
The Age of Grace began with Jesus’ name. When Jesus began to perform His ministry, the Holy Spirit began to testify to the name of Jesus, and the name of Jehovah was no longer spoken of; instead, the Holy Spirit undertook the new work principally under the name of Jesus. The testimony of those who believed in Him was borne for Jesus Christ, and the work they did was also for Jesus Christ. The conclusion of the Old Testament Age of Law meant that the work principally conducted under the name of Jehovah had come to an end. Henceforth, the name of God was no longer Jehovah; instead He was called Jesus, and from here on the Holy Spirit began the work principally under the name of Jesus. So, people who still today eat and drink the words of Jehovah, and still do everything according to the work of the Age of Law—are you not blindly conforming to rules? Are you not stuck in the past? You know now that the last days have arrived. Can it be that, when Jesus comes, He will still be called Jesus? Jehovah told the people of Israel that a Messiah would be coming, and yet when He did come, He was not called Messiah but Jesus. Jesus said that He would come again, and that He would arrive as He had departed. These were the words of Jesus, but did you see the way in which Jesus departed? Jesus left riding on a white cloud, but can it be that He will personally return among men on a white cloud? If that were so, would He not still be called Jesus? When Jesus comes again, the age will have already changed, so could He still be called Jesus? Is it that God can only be known by the name of Jesus? May He not be called by a new name in a new age? Can the image of one person and one particular name represent God in His entirety? In each age, God does new work and is called by a new name; how could He do the same work in different ages? How could He cling to the old? The name of Jesus was taken for the sake of the work of redemption, so would He still be called by the same name when He returns in the last days? Would He still be doing the work of redemption? Why is it that Jehovah and Jesus are one, yet They are called by different names in different ages? Is it not because the ages of Their work are different? Could a single name represent God in His entirety? This being so, God must be called by a different name in a different age, and He must use the name to change the age and to represent the age. For no one name can fully represent God Himself, and each name is able only to represent the temporal aspect of God’s disposition in a given age; all it needs to do is to represent His work. Therefore, God can choose whatever name befits His disposition to represent the entire age. Regardless of whether it is the age of Jehovah, or the age of Jesus, each age is represented by a name. At the end of the Age of Grace, the final age has arrived, and Jesus has already come. How could He still be called Jesus? How could He still assume the form of Jesus among men? Have you forgotten that Jesus was no more than the image of a Nazarene? Have you forgotten that Jesus was only the Redeemer of mankind? How could He take on the work of conquering and perfecting man in the last days? Jesus left riding on a white cloud—this is fact—but how could He return on a white cloud among men and still be called Jesus? If He really did arrive on a cloud, how would man fail to recognize Him? Would people all over the world not recognize Him? In that case, would Jesus alone not be God? In that case, the image of God would be the appearance of a Jew and would moreover be the same forever. Jesus said that He would arrive as He had departed, but do you know the true meaning of His words? Can it be that He told this group of you? All you know is that He will arrive as He departed, riding on a cloud, but do you know exactly how God Himself does His work? If you were truly able to see, then how are the words that Jesus spoke to be explained? He said: When the Son of man comes in the last days, He Himself will not know, the angels will not know, the messengers in heaven will not know, and all humanity will not know. Only the Father will know, that is, only the Spirit shall know. Even the Son of man Himself does not know, yet you are able to see and know? If you were capable of knowing and seeing with your own eyes, would these words not have been spoken in vain? And what did Jesus say at the time? “But of that day and hour knows no man, not the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but My Father only. But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. … Therefore be you also ready: for in such an hour as you think not the Son of man comes.” When that day comes, the Son of man Himself will not know it. The Son of man refers to the incarnate flesh of God, a normal and ordinary person. Even the Son of man Himself does not know, so how could you know? Jesus said that He would arrive as He had departed. When He arrives, even He Himself does not know, so can He inform you in advance? Are you able to see His arrival? Is that not a joke?
—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. The Vision of God’s Work (3)
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Daily Words of God  Excerpt 33

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Daily Words of God  Excerpt 33

Daily Words of God  Excerpt 33

Daily Words of God  Excerpt 33

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