【Welcoming the Lord's Appearance】
As for welcoming the second coming of Lord Jesus, some people believe that He will appear to the religious world and they will be able to welcome Him if they stay in a church. Some believe that they can welcome Him by upholding the Bible. Some fear being deceived by false Christs and categorically reject testimonies that the Lord has appeared and is working. Can those who cling to these notions welcome the second coming of Lord Jesus?

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The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything





The Bible says, “And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached to the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory” (1 Timothy 3:16). Brothers and sisters, God’s appearance in the flesh is a great mystery, and it is also an aspect of truth we all should seek to understand. Then what exactly is the incarnation? And what is the difference between the incarnate Christ and the prophets and apostles used by God? Why is it that God has to be incarnated to do the work of saving mankind in the last days? The following program will reveal the mystery of the incarnation to you. Please enjoy!





【Worship Song】
All of Mankind, Come to Worship God

Lightning flashes from East to West. Christ of the last days has appeared, working in China. His true light shines forth, people go in search. Oh Almighty God! Full of power and glory. His chosen ones come before His throne. God has appeared in the world to carry out His work. All of mankind, come worship and revere Him. Worship and revere Him. Oh, yeah.

Listen to His voice, see His glorious face, witness His acts. Come and worship God. The word of God conquers and cleans all. Everyone bows before Almighty God. His chosen ones come before His throne. God has appeared in the world to carry out His work. All of mankind, come worship and revere Him. Worship and revere Him. Revere Him. All His glory now. Lift Him up 'cause He's worthy. Revere Him. Always there for us. Give Him the glory now.

Witness His deeds. His might rules over all. Praise His righteousness, holiness, loveliness. No one wants to part from the word of God. God's word hard to fathom, yet brings people joy and light. His chosen ones come before His throne. God has appeared in the world to carry out His work. All of mankind, come worship and revere Him. Worship and revere. God has appeared in the world to carry out His work. All of mankind, come worship and revere Him. Worship and revere Him! Mankind, come to worship God (worship God)! Mankind, come to worship God (worship God)! Mankind, come to worship God (worship God)! Mankind, come to worship God (hallelujah)!

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs







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