Hermanas y hermanos,
debido a que en cada era Dios ha tomado un nombre diferente por el contenido de Su obra, sabemos que cada nombre tiene un significado especial con la obra que Dios está haciendo.
Hoy en día estamos en la era del Reino y Dios ha adoptado un nuevo nombre y es DIOS TODOPODEROSO.
Si queremos que nuestras oraciones lleguen a la presencia de Dios , debemos llamarlo por Su nombre actual. Ésto es muy importante para todo aquel que se siente elegido por Él y que forma parte de éste grupo.
Debemos orar en Su nombre actual, DIOS TODOPODEROSO, para que nuestras oraciones sean escuchadas por Él, así avanzamos con Dios al mismo paso que Él avanza Su obra, y obedecemos su mandato.
Gracias a Dios Todopoderoso, Cristo de los Últimos Días por Su obra de Juicio y Castigo para la purificación de la humanidad.
🌐🌐Sekarang di seluruh dunia, hanya Gereja Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa yang telah secara terbuka bersaksi kepada seluruh dunia dan umat manusia di Internet bahwa Tuhan telah kembali dalam daging, dan Anak Manusia telah datang, dan dia adalah Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa yang berinkarnasi. Kebenaran yang diungkapkan oleh Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa dipublikasikan secara online untuk dicari dan diselidiki oleh orang-orang. Banyak orang di semua negara dan semua lapisan masyarakat yang benar-benar percaya kepada Tuhan telah membaca firman yang diungkapkan oleh Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa dan jelas bahwa firman Tuhan ini memiliki otoritas dan kekuasaan Tuhan. Itu semua adalah kebenaran dan misteri yang dapat menyucikan dan menyelamatkan orang. Ini tidak bisa dikatan oleh manusia biasa. Orang2 mengenali suara Tuhan dari firman yang diungkapkan oleh ingkarnasi Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa, dan mereka mengikuti pekerjaan Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa di akhir zaman.🍇🍇
👏👏 Kita percaya kepada Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa karena perkataan kebenaran yg belum pernah didengar dan pekerjaan penghakiman-Nya. Firman Tuhan memiliki otoritas dan inilah suara Tuhan. Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa telah membuka gulungan kitab dan memberi jalan penyucian kepada kita. Kita yakin bahwa dia adalah Tuhan Yesus yang berinkarnasi.Itu adalah kedatangan kembali Tuhan Yesus Amin puji shukur kpd Tuhan yg Mahakuasa.🥰🙏.
216 神來在地上把工作作在人中間,親自向人顯現,親自讓人看見,這是小事嗎?不是簡單的事!不是像人想象的,神來了讓人看看,讓人明白神就是實際的神,神不渺茫、不空洞,神能高大也能卑微,是這麽簡單的事嗎?正因為撒但敗壞的是人的肉體,而神要拯救的也是人,所以,他務必得穿上肉身來與撒但争戰,穿上肉身來親自牧養人,這樣作才有利于工作。兩次道成肉身就這兩個肉身而言都是為了打敗撒但而有的,也都是為了能更好地拯救人而有的,因為與撒但争戰的對象只能是神,無論是神的靈,還是神道成的肉身。總之,與撒但争戰的對象不能是天使,更不能是經撒但敗壞的人,天使無能為力,而人更是無從插手。所以,要作人的生命,要親臨人間來拯救人,務必得神親自道成肉身,即穿上肉身帶着他原有的身份、帶着他該作的工作來在人中間親自拯救人。否則,若是神的靈作工或人作工,這場争戰永遠不會達到果效,而且永遠不會結束。當神道成肉身來在人中間與撒但親自交戰的時候,人才有了被拯救的機會,而且撒但也自愧蒙羞,再無機可乘,無計可施。道成肉身的神所作的工作都是神的靈不能達到的,更是屬血氣的人所不能代替的,因為他作的工作都是為了人的生命,都是來改變人的敗壞性情的。若人來「參加」這場争戰,只能是丢盔卸甲,狼狽不堪,根本不能將人的敗壞性情改變,既不能將人從十字架上救下來,也不能將悖逆的全人類都征服,只能作點不出原則的舊工作或作一些不關乎打敗撒但的工作,這又是何苦呢?不能得着人更不能作將撒但打敗的工作這又有何意義呢?所以説,與撒但争戰只有神自己作,人根本達不到,人的本分就是順服、跟隨,因人根本作不了開天闢地的工作,更作不了與撒但争戰的工作,只有在神自己的帶領之下來滿足造物的主,以此打敗撒但,這是人唯一能做到的。所以,每次新的争戰開始,也就是新時代的工作開始都是神自己親自作,以此來帶領整個時代,為整個人類開闢更新的出路。每一次更换新的時代都是與撒但争戰的新的開端,由此人類也就進入一個更新更美好的境地,進入了一個神自己親自帶領的新的時代。
——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・恢復人的正常生活將人帶入美好的歸宿之中》
Vũ đạo hội thánh Cơ Đốc | Cuộc sống mới ở vương quốc
“Open your eyes and look, and you can see My great power everywhere! You can be certain of Me everywhere. The cosmos and the firmament are spreading My great power. The words I have spoken have come true in the warming of the weather, in climate change, in abnormalities within people, in the disorder of social dynamics, and in the deceit within people’s hearts. The sun whitens and the moon reddens; it all is out of balance. Do you really still not see these things?"
“God’s great power is revealed herein. Without a doubt, He is the one true God—the Almighty—whom people have pursued for many years! Who can bring things into being just by uttering words? Only our Almighty God. As soon as He speaks, the truth appears. How could you not say that He is the true God?"
📖—The Word Appears in the Flesh, Volume 1
💃🕺Oh kay saya ng buhay Iglesia🕺💃
🎼🙏Kakanta't sasayaw upang purihin Siya🙏🎼
🥰Salamat sa Makapangyarihang Diyos
🥰Sa muli Niyang paggabay at pagsasaayos
📸🥳Munting handog ng TARLAC Siblings🥳📸
✨️🤗Enjoy our second hymn dance video🤗✨️
🌸❓️🌸Question 7: I have studied the Bible for more than 20 years. I discovered that the Bible was written by more than 40 different authors during different times, but the content of what they wrote had no errors whatsoever. This shows that God is the true author of the Bible and that the Bible comes from the Holy Spirit.
🌿🕊🌿Answer: The Bible was written by more than 40 authors and that there were no errors. Are there really no errors? Let’s communicate on this issue specifically. Actually, Almighty God—Christ of the last days—has already opened up these mysteries for us. Almighty God says, “The Gospel of Matthew of the New Testament documents Jesus’ genealogy. At the start, it says that Jesus was a descendant of Abraham and of David, and the son of Joseph; next it says that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and born of a virgin—which would mean He was not the son of Joseph or the descendant of Abraham and of David. The genealogy, though, insists on associating Jesus with Joseph. Next, the genealogy begins to record the process by which Jesus was born. It says Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, that He was born of a virgin, and not the son of Joseph. Yet in the genealogy it is clearly written that Jesus was the son of Joseph, and because the genealogy is written for Jesus, it records forty-two generations. When it goes to the generation of Joseph, it hurriedly says that Joseph was the husband of Mary, words which are given in order to prove that Jesus was the descendant of Abraham. Is this not a contradiction? The genealogy clearly documents Joseph’s ancestry, it is obviously the genealogy of Joseph, but Matthew insists that it is the genealogy of Jesus. Does this not deny the fact of Jesus’ conception by the Holy Spirit? Thus, is the genealogy by Matthew not a human idea? It is ridiculous! This is how you can know that this book did not come entirely from the Holy Spirit” (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Concerning the Bible (3)). Through God’s word we understand that the genealogy by Matthew was not God’s idea. How could God have a genealogy? Matthew knew that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and yet he gave Him a genealogy saying that Jesus was the son of David and the son of Joseph. Isn’t this denying that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit. Jesus and Joseph are not related. Matthew’s words are contradictory. Clearly, this genealogy did not come from the Holy Spirit and was man’s idea. Then how do you explain John 8:58: “Jesus said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, Before Abraham was, I am”? From here we can see that the genealogy of the Lord Jesus was man’s idea. It was written by Matthew around AD 50, and was not written at the direct instruction of the Holy Spirit.
There is another passage on this in God’s word. Allow me to read it to everyone! Almighty God says, “If the Four Gospels all came from the Holy Spirit, then why is it that Matthew, Mark, Luke and John each said something different about the work of Jesus? If you do not believe this, then look at the accounts in the Bible of how Peter denied the Lord three times: They are all different, and they each have their own characteristics. … Carefully read the Four Gospels; read what they recorded about the things that Jesus did, and the words He spoke. Each account is quite simply different, and each has its own perspective. If what was written by the authors of these books all came from the Holy Spirit, then it should all be the same and consistent. Why then are there discrepancies? Is man not extremely foolish, to be unable to see this? … After Luke and Matthew had heard the words of Jesus, and seen the work of Jesus, they spoke of their own knowledge, in the manner of reminiscences detailing some of the facts of the work done by Jesus. Can you say that their knowledge was completely revealed by the Holy Spirit?” (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Concerning Appellations and Identity). Let’s look at the differences between the three times Peter denied the Lord in the Gospels. Matthew 26:75 states: “Before the cock crow, you shall deny me thrice.” But in Mark 14:72, it states: “Before the cock crow twice, you shall deny me thrice.” The content of what they recorded is the same, but there is a deviation in time. If it came from the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, there would be no deviation at all. The facts prove that these were human records and were not inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Through the word of Almighty God we see that the Four Gospels are human records and not inspired by the Holy Spirit. That’s why there are deviations. They should be perfectly accurate if they came from God. Just as Luke said: “For as much as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us, Even as they delivered them to us, which from the beginning were eyewitnesses, and ministers of the word” (Luk 1:1-2). This shows that the Four Gospels came from what the authors heard and saw. Some of it was written based on what was preached by preachers and their personal investigations. It was not given to them directly by inspiration of God. It is precisely because history books are written based on memory and the hearsay of others that there will inevitably be errors and human ideas mixed in. since the Bible is not entirely inspired by God and not all the word of God, then just who is the true author of the Bible? Let’s look at what the word of Almighty God says. “In fact, it is merely a human record. It was not personally named by Jehovah, nor did Jehovah personally guide its creation. In other words, the author of this book is not God, but men. The Holy Bible is only the respectful title given to it by man. This title was not decided by Jehovah and Jesus after They had a discussion amongst each other; it is nothing more than a human idea. For this book was not written by Jehovah, much less by Jesus. Instead, it is the accounts given by many ancient prophets, apostles, and seers, which were compiled by later generations into a book of ancient writings that, to people, seems especially holy, a book that they believe contains many unfathomable and profound mysteries that are waiting to be unlocked by future generations” (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Concerning the Bible (4)). Almighty God’s word clearly tells us that the author of the Bible is men, not God. Human records will inevitably be mixed with human ideas and errors. If Almighty God had not opened up these mysteries of the Bible to us today, we would have never understood.
—The movie script of Disclose the Mystery About the Bible#Almighty God #God #Heavenly Kingdom #Word of God #Prayer #Worship God #God Has Come #Praise #Jesus# Wise Virgins
♦ 情形
如果教会中常有恶人搅扰导致教会生活果效不好,解决这个问题最好的办法就是教会实行分类、分组聚会:喜爱真理、真心尽本分的人在一起聚会,也想追求真理但不尽本分的人在一起聚会,那些爱打岔搅扰、好说三道四、好论断定罪别人的人在一起聚会。这样,教会中的人就主要分为三部分了,也可以说是各从其类了,这样聚会就互不影响了,那些人性不好的人无论怎么胡作非为都影响不到其他人了,只能坑害他们自己。有些人性情凶恶,谁如果说话伤到他们,得罪了他们,他们就仇恨谁,就想方设法打击报复,怎么交通真理、修理对付他们都不接受,死不悔改,还能继续搅扰教会生活,这就证明他们是恶人,对这类恶人就不能再容忍了,应该按照真理原则把他们清除出教会,这才是彻底解决问题。---《话・卷四 揭示敌基督 第九条》
🌿🕊🌿From the word of God we see that no one can enter the kingdom of heaven unless it is through Christ of the last days. When God’s new work befalls us, whether we accept or reject it will decide our fate. It can be said that our attitude toward Christ of the last days is our attitude toward God. If we ultimately still resist and reject Him, then we shall lose the opportunity to be saved and lose eternal salvation. We can see from this God’s righteous disposition. Since 1991, Almighty God—Christ of the last days—has expressed several million words. It is in this book, The Word Appears in the Flesh, that God has opened up to us the greatest mystery of His 6,000-year management plan, and pointed out to us believers of God the only path to receiving salvation.
—The movie script of Disclose the Mystery About the Bible
#Almighty God #God #Heavenly Kingdom #Word of God #Prayer #Worship God #God Has Come #Praise #Jesus# Wise Virgins
☘️ Dieu dit :
Dieu comprend chaque personne, tout comme une mère comprend son enfant. Il comprend les difficultés de chacun, Il comprend les faiblesses de chacun, et Il comprend également les besoins de chacun. En outre, Il comprend les problèmes que les gens rencontreront au cours du processus d’entrée dans le changement de tempérament, le genre de faiblesses qui les affecteront, le type d’échecs qui surviendront : Il en a une parfaite compréhension. C’est ainsi que Dieu sonde au plus profond du cœur de l’homme. Tu auras beau être faible, tant que tu n’abandonneras pas le nom de Dieu, tant que tu ne quitteras pas Dieu et ne t’écarteras pas de ce chemin, alors tu auras toujours la possibilité d’atteindre le changement de tempérament. Le fait que nous ayons la possibilité d’atteindre un changement dans notre tempérament signifie que nous avons l’espoir de rester, et le fait d’avoir l’espoir de rester signifie que nous avons l’espoir du salut de Dieu.
🌈💥 Have a blessed day brothers and sisters,
🌹🌿 We are here again to continue what we have been studying and learning from the words of Almighty God. The Lord God said, I am the way, the truth, and the life.
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. Amen 🙏
🍇🌿 Read and reflect, there is much to read but we can seek the truth.
God says,
🌸🌿 “Everything in man’s life other than believing in God, pursuing the truth, and fulfilling your duty as a created being is empty and not worth remembering. Even if you have performed the greatest earth-shaking feats; even if you have gone to the moon and returned; even if you have made scientific advancements that have brought some benefit or help to mankind, it is all meaningless and will all pass away. What is the only thing that will not pass away? (God’s word.) Only God’s word, God’s testimonies, all the testimonies and works that bear witness to the Creator, and people’s good deeds will never pass away. These things will last forever, and they are so valuable. Therefore, let go of all your restrictions, complete this great endeavor, and do not allow yourself to be constrained by any person, event, or thing; sincerely expend yourself for God, and put all your energy and effort into fulfilling your duties. This is what God blesses most. give, and it is worth any kind of suffering!"
Quoted from "Only in performing the duty of a created being well is life worth living"
📜𝐒𝐚𝐛𝐢 𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐢𝐲𝐨𝐬,
“Gaano ka man kahina, hangga’t hindi mo tinatalikuran ang pangalan ng Diyos, hangga’t hindi mo iniiwan ang Diyos, at hindi ka lumilihis sa landas na ito, palagi kang magkakaroon ng pagkakataong makamit ang pagbabago ng disposisyon. Ang ibig sabihin ng pagkakaroon natin ng pagkakataon na makamit ang pagbabago ng ating disposisyon ay mayroon tayong pag-asang manatili, At ang ibig sabihin ng mayroon tayong pag-asang manatili ay mayroon tayong pag-asang maligtas ng Diyos.”
📜𝐒𝐚𝐛𝐢 𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐲𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐢𝐲𝐨𝐬;
“Dapat gising kayo at naghihintay sa lahat ng oras, at dapat kayong mas manalangin sa harapan Ko. Dapat ninyong makilala ang iba’t ibang balak at mga tusong pakana ni Satanas, makilala ang mga espiritu, makilala ang mga tao, at makayang makilatis ang lahat ng uri ng tao, pangyayari, at bagay.”
Ang Salita, Vol. I. Ang Pagpapakita at Gawain ng Diyos. Mga Pagbigkas ni Cristo sa Pasimula, Kabanata 17
"मैं कभी यहोवा के नाम से जाना जाता था। मुझे मसीहा भी कहा जाता था, और लोग कभी मुझे प्यार और सम्मान से उद्धारकर्ता यीशु भी कहते थे। किंतु आज मैं वह यहोवा या यीशु नहीं हूँ, जिसे लोग बीते समयों में जानते थे; मैं वह परमेश्वर हूँ जो अंत के दिनों में वापस आया है, वह परमेश्वर जो युग का समापन करेगा। मैं स्वयं परमेश्वर हूँ, जो अपने संपूर्ण स्वभाव से परिपूर्ण और अधिकार, आदर और महिमा से भरा, पृथ्वी के छोरों से उदित होता है। लोग कभी मेरे साथ संलग्न नहीं हुए हैं, उन्होंने मुझे कभी जाना नहीं है, और वे मेरे स्वभाव से हमेशा अनभिज्ञ रहे हैं। संसार की रचना के समय से लेकर आज तक एक भी मनुष्य ने मुझे नहीं देखा है। यह वही परमेश्वर है, जो अंत के दिनों के दौरान मनुष्यों पर प्रकट होता है, किंतु मनुष्यों के बीच में छिपा हुआ है। वह सामर्थ्य से भरपूर और अधिकार से लबालब भरा हुआ, दहकते हुए सूर्य और धधकती हुई आग के समान, सच्चे और वास्तविक रूप में, मनुष्यों के बीच निवास करता है। ऐसा एक भी व्यक्ति या चीज़ नहीं है, जिसका मेरे वचनों द्वारा न्याय नहीं किया जाएगा, और ऐसा एक भी व्यक्ति या चीज़ नहीं है, जिसे जलती आग के माध्यम से शुद्ध नहीं किया जाएगा। अंततः मेरे वचनों के कारण सारे राष्ट्र धन्य हो जाएँगे, और मेरे वचनों के कारण टुकड़े-टुकड़े भी कर दिए जाएँगे। इस तरह, अंत के दिनों के दौरान सभी लोग देखेंगे कि मैं ही वह उद्धारकर्ता हूँ जो वापस लौट आया है, और मैं ही वह सर्वशक्तिमान परमेश्वर हूँ जो समस्त मानवजाति को जीतता है। और सभी देखेंगे कि मैं ही एक बार मनुष्य के लिए पाप-बलि था, किंतु अंत के दिनों में मैं सूर्य की ज्वाला भी बन जाता हूँ जो सभी चीज़ों को जला देती है, और साथ ही मैं धार्मिकता का सूर्य भी बन जाता हूँ जो सभी चीज़ों को प्रकट कर देता है। अंत के दिनों में यह मेरा कार्य है। मैंने इस नाम को इसलिए अपनाया और मेरा यह स्वभाव इसलिए है, ताकि सभी लोग देख सकें कि मैं एक धार्मिक परमेश्वर हूँ, दहकता हुआ सूर्य हूँ और धधकती हुई ज्वाला हूँ, और ताकि सभी मेरी, एक सच्चे परमेश्वर की, आराधना कर सकें, और ताकि वे मेरे असली चेहरे को देख सकें : मैं केवल इस्राएलियों का परमेश्वर नहीं हूँ, और मैं केवल छुटकारा दिलाने वाला नहीं हूँ; मैं समस्त आकाश, पृथ्वी और महासागरों के सारे प्राणियों का परमेश्वर हूँ" (वचन, खंड 1, परमेश्वर का प्रकटन और कार्य)
English Christian Song | "God's Authority Truly Exists"
——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・兩次的道成肉身完全了道成肉身的意義》
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120 我在你们中间来往几个春秋,又在你们中间生活了许久,与你们共同生活在一起,你们的卑鄙行为在我的眼目前溜走了多少?你们那肺腑之言在我的耳中回响不止,你们的心志在我的祭坛上陈设了千千万,乃至不计其数,而你们的奉献、你们的花费却并无一粒,你们的真心在我的祭坛之上却并没有一点一滴。你们信我的成果在哪里?你们从我得着了不尽的恩典,看着了不尽的天上的奥秘,乃至我将天上的火焰显给你们看却并不忍心烧着你们,而你们还给我的有几多?你们甘愿给我的有多少?拿着我赐给的食物反过来又献给我,还说是你自己辛勤的汗水换来的,是将你自己的全部献给了我,岂不知你“贡献”给我的都是从我祭坛上偷盗走的?今又献给我,你不是欺骗我吗?岂不知我今天所享受的都是我祭坛上的供品,并不是你辛勤劳动换来而献给我的?你们竟敢这样地欺骗我,怎能让我饶恕你们呢?怎能让我再忍耐下去呢?我将一切都赐给了你们,全部公开,供应着你们的需求,让你们大开眼界,而你们竟这样昧着良心来欺骗我。我无私地将一切都赐给了你们,使你们虽然受苦,但却从我得着了我从天带来的一切,而你们却丝毫没有一点奉献,即使略有一丝贡献,随后便与我“算账”,你的贡献岂不都归于乌有吗?你献给我的仅是沙土中的一粒,而你向我索取的竟是黄金万两,你不是无理取闹吗?我在你们中间作工,别说得着更多的祭物,就是当得的十分之一都无影无踪,而且那些敬虔之人所献的十分之一也都被那恶者缴获了,你们岂不都是与我分散的吗?岂不都是与我敌对的吗?岂不都是捣毁我祭坛的吗?这样的人岂能在我的眼目中被看为宝贵呢?岂不是我所厌憎的猪狗吗?你们的恶行怎能被我称为宝贵呢?”
——《话・卷一 神的显现与作工・你们的人格太卑贱!》
(121)全能神说: “ 你们有许多道不明白,有许多事不认识,你们太无知了,我深知你们的身量,深知你们的缺乏,所以,尽管有许多你们领受不了的话,但我还是愿将这一切你们从未领受的真理告诉你们,因为我总担心就你们现在的身量能否为我站住见证。不是我小看你们,你们都是未经过我正式教养的牛马之类,根本看不见在你们身上的荣耀到底有多少,尽管我耗费了很多精力在你们身上作工,似乎在你们身上积极的成分几乎是杳无音讯,消极的成分屈指可数,仅为羞辱撒但作见证而已,其余几乎都是撒但的毒素,我看见你们好像是不可挽救。事到如今,我看见你们那各种表情、神态才知你们的真实身量,所以,我总为你们担心:人自己独立过生活真能比今天强或与今天相仿吗?你们不为你们的身量幼小而着急吗?你们真能像以色列的选民一样无论何时对我都忠心无二吗?你们所流露的并不是小孩离开父母一样的淘气,而是牛马离开主人鞭打而爆发的兽性,你们应知道你们的本性,也是你们所有人的软弱处,是你们的共病。所以,我今天对你们唯一的嘱托就是站住我的见证,千万不要老病复发,最要紧的就是见证,这是我作工的中心。你们当领受我的话,犹如马利亚领受耶和华梦中的启示一般,能信而顺服,这才是“贞洁”。因你们是听我话最多的人,你们是最蒙我祝福的人,我把所有宝贵的财产都给了你们,所有的一切都赐给了你们,而你们与以色列民的身价又相差好远,简直是天壤之别,但你们与他们相比,所得又甚多,他们苦盼我的出现,而你们却与我共度良辰,同享我的丰富。相对之下,你们又有何资格与我吵吵闹闹、争夺财产?你们所得的还少吗?我给你们的甚多,你们还给我的却是令人心酸的忧伤与着急和难以压制的愤懑之感,你们太令人讨厌了,但又令人同情,所以我只好忍耐着所有的恼恨向你们一次又一次地提出反抗。作工几千年,我从未向人类提出抗议,因为人类发展到今天,我只发现只有在你们中间的“骗术”是最闻名的,似乎是古代闻名的“祖先”给你们留下的宝贵的遗产,我实在恨恶这些非人类的猪狗之类。你们太没有良心了!你们的人格太低下了!你们的心太刚硬了!将我这样的说话、这样的作工拿到以色列民中间,早已得着荣耀了,而在你们中间却达不到,只是无情的埋没与人的冷眼、人的推诿,你们的感觉太麻木了,太没价值!”
——《话・卷一 神的显现与作工・论到“神”,你怎么认识》
🌿Question 8: How can we believe in the Lord and gain life if we move away from the Bible?
🌿Answer: The question you raised is very key. This is something all of us believers want to know. The Lord Jesus once said these words: “Search the scriptures; for in them you think you have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. And you will not come to me, that you might have life” (Jhn 5:39-40). In the past, we searched the Bible repeatedly, thinking that eternal life can be gained from the Bible. In reality, the Bible is only a testimony of God. if we want to gain the truth and life from our belief in God, relying on the testimony of the Bible is not enough. Almighty God says, “Christ of the last days brings life, and brings the enduring and everlasting way of truth. This truth is the path by which man gains life, and it is the only path by which man shall know God and be approved by God. If you do not seek the way of life provided by Christ of the last days, then you shall never gain the approval of Jesus, and shall never be qualified to enter the gate of the kingdom of heaven, for you are both a puppet and prisoner of history. … The steps of God’s work are vast and mighty, like surging waves and rolling thunders—yet you sit passively awaiting destruction, clinging to your folly and doing nothing. In this way, how can you be considered someone who follows the footsteps of the Lamb? How can you justify the God that you hold on to as a God who is always new and never old? And how can the words of your yellowed books carry you across into a new age? How can they lead you to seek the steps of God’s work? And how can they take you up to heaven? What you hold in your hands are letters that can provide but temporary solace, not truths that are capable of giving life. The scriptures you read can only enrich your tongue and are not words of wisdom that can help you know human life, much less the paths that can lead you to perfection. Does this discrepancy not give you cause for reflection? Does it not make you realize the mysteries contained within? Are you capable of delivering yourself to heaven to meet God on your own? Without the coming of God, can you take yourself into heaven to enjoy family happiness with God? Are you still dreaming now? I suggest, then, that you stop dreaming and look at who is working now—look to see who is now carrying out the work of saving man during the last days. If you do not, you shall never gain the truth, and shall never gain life” (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Only Christ of the Last Days Can Give Man the Way of Eternal Life). We understand from the word of Almighty God that only Christ can express truths to redeem and save mankind. Man must come to Christ to gain the truth and gain life. The Bible cannot replace God’s authority and power, nor can it represent God in giving life to man, and moreover it cannot substitute the work of the Holy Spirit. Only by accepting and obeying Christ of the last days can we gain the work of the Holy Spirit, gain the truth, and gain life. We cannot gain life unless we accept the words expressed by Christ of the last days, because the Bible is not God; it is merely a testimony of God’s work. From this, we can see that life does not originate from the Bible, but from Christ. Christ is the Lord of the Bible and the source of life.
In the past our belief in God was only based on the Bible. In our eyes, the Bible represented the Lord and represented God. The Bible had taken over the place of God in our hearts. Rather than say that we were believing in God, it might be said that we were actually believing in the Bible. Therefore, when Almighty God—Christ of the last days—performed His work, we thought that the words and deeds of Almighty God did not conform with the Bible, and thus denied and rejected it, and even further condemned and resisted it. we know that God’s disposition is righteous and unoffendable. Back then, Jewish chief priests, scribes and Pharisees had believed in God for generations, but they held on to the Old Testament and used its laws to condemn the Lord Jesus and crucified Him. Now, Almighty God has come, and we have once again used the Bible to resist the work of Almighty God. How is this different to the Pharisees resisting the Lord Jesus during the Age of Grace? We should learn from the failure of the Pharisees! The Lord Jesus once said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me” (Jhn 14:6). I didn’t understand the meaning of this verse before I accepted God’s work of the last days. But now I understand. Only Christ of the last days is the gateway to entering the kingdom of heaven. Only by accepting and obeying Christ of the last days can we be saved and enter the kingdom of heaven.
Let’s read a passage of Almighty God’s word! “Those who wish to gain life without relying on the truth spoken by Christ are the most ridiculous people on earth, and those who do not accept the way of life brought by Christ are lost in fantasy. And so I say that those who do not accept Christ of the last days shall forever be despised by God. Christ is man’s gateway to the kingdom during the last days, and there are none who can go around Him. None may be perfected by God except through Christ. You believe in God, and so you must accept His words and obey His way. You cannot only think of gaining blessings while being incapable of receiving the truth and incapable of accepting the provision of life. Christ comes during the last days so that all those who truly believe in Him may be provided with life. His work is for the sake of concluding the old age and entering the new one, and His work is the path that must be taken by all those who would enter the new age. If you are incapable of acknowledging Him, and instead condemn, blaspheme, or even persecute Him, then you are bound to burn for eternity and shall never enter the kingdom of God. For this Christ is Himself the expression of the Holy Spirit, the expression of God, the One whom God has entrusted to do His work on earth. And so I say that if you cannot accept all that is done by Christ of the last days, then you blaspheme the Holy Spirit. The retribution to be had by those who blaspheme the Holy Spirit is self-evident to all. I also tell you that if you resist Christ of the last days, if you spurn Christ of the last days, there will be no one else to bear the consequences on your behalf. Furthermore, from this day onward you will not have another chance to gain the approval of God; even if you try to redeem yourself, you will never again behold the face of God. For what you resist is not a man, what you spurn is not some puny being, but Christ. Do you know what the consequences of this will be? You will not have made a small mistake, but committed a heinous crime. And so I advise everyone not to bare your fangs before the truth, or make careless criticisms, for only the truth can bring you life, and nothing except the truth can allow you to be reborn and behold the face of God again” (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Only Christ of the Last Days Can Give Man the Way of Eternal Life). From the word of God we see that no one can enter the kingdom of heaven unless it is through Christ of the last days. When God’s new work befalls us, whether we accept or reject it will decide our fate. It can be said that our attitude toward Christ of the last days is our attitude toward God. If we ultimately still resist and reject Him, then we shall lose the opportunity to be saved and lose eternal salvation. We can see from this God’s righteous disposition. Since 1991, Almighty God—Christ of the last days—has expressed several million words. It is in this book, The Word Appears in the Flesh, that God has opened up to us the greatest mystery of His 6,000-year management plan, and pointed out to us believers of God the only path to receiving salvation.
—The movie script of Disclose the Mystery About the Bible
#Almighty God #God #Heavenly Kingdom #Word of God #Prayer #Worship God #God Has Come #Praise #Jesus# Wise Virgins
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