
“Today is no time to tarry. From now on, should you harbor some ulterior motive, then My judgment will befall you. If you leave Me for even one moment, then you will become Lot’s wife. Now the Holy Spirit’s work quickens, and those who cannot keep up with the new light are in peril. Those who do not keep watch will be forsaken; you must protect yourselves. You know that all things in the environment that surrounds you are there by My permission, all planned by Me. See clearly and satisfy My heart in the environment I have given to you. Do not fear, the Almighty God of hosts will surely be with you; He stands behind you and He is your shield. Today, people have too many notions, which forces Me to express My intentions through people whom others look down upon, to the shame of those who are conceited and self-righteous, proud, ambitious, and of high standing. So long as you show sincere consideration for My burden, I will prepare everything for you. Just follow Me!"
📖—The 📕Word Appears in the Flesh, Volume 1.


मैं उन लोगों में प्रसन्नता अनुभव करता हूँ जो दूसरों पर शक नहीं करते, और मैं उन लोगों को पसंद करता हूँ जो सच को तत्परता से स्वीकार कर लेते हैं; इन दो प्रकार के लोगों की मैं बहुत परवाह करता हूँ, क्योंकि मेरी नज़र में ये ईमानदार लोग हैं। यदि तुम धोखेबाज हो, तो तुम सभी लोगों और मामलों के प्रति सतर्क और शंकित रहोगे, और इस प्रकार मुझमें तुम्हारा विश्वास संदेह की नींव पर निर्मित होगा। मैं इस तरह के विश्वास को कभी स्वीकार नहीं कर सकता। सच्चे विश्वास के अभाव में तुम सच्चे प्यार से और भी अधिक वंचित हो। और यदि तुम परमेश्वर पर इच्छानुसार संदेह करने और उसके बारे में अनुमान लगाने के आदी हो, तो तुम यकीनन सभी लोगों में सबसे अधिक धोखेबाज हो। तुम अनुमान लगाते हो कि क्या परमेश्वर मनुष्य जैसा हो सकता है : अक्षम्य रूप से पापी, क्षुद्र चरित्र का, निष्पक्षता और विवेक से विहीन, न्याय की भावना से रहित, शातिर चालबाज़ियों में प्रवृत्त, विश्वासघाती और चालाक, बुराई और अँधेरे से प्रसन्न रहने वाला, आदि-आदि। क्या लोगों के ऐसे विचारों का कारण यह नहीं है कि उन्हें परमेश्वर का थोड़ा-सा भी ज्ञान नहीं है? ऐसा विश्वास पाप से कम नहीं है! कुछ ऐसे लोग भी हैं, जो मानते हैं कि जो लोग मुझे खुश करते हैं, वे बिल्कुल ऐसे लोग हैं जो चापलूसी और खुशामद करते हैं, और जिनमें ऐसे हुनर नहीं होंगे, वे परमेश्वर के घर में अवांछनीय होंगे और वे वहाँ अपना स्थान खो देंगे। क्या तुम लोगों ने इतने बरसों में बस यही ज्ञान हासिल किया है? क्या तुम लोगों ने यही प्राप्त किया है? और मेरे बारे में तुम लोगों का ज्ञान इन गलतफहमियों पर ही नहीं रुकता; परमेश्वर के आत्मा के खिलाफ तुम्हारी निंदा और स्वर्ग की बदनामी इससे भी बुरी बात है। इसीलिए मैं कहता हूँ कि ऐसा विश्वास तुम लोगों को केवल मुझसे दूर भटकाएगा और मेरे खिलाफ बड़े विरोध में खड़ा कर देगा।यह कि परमेश्वर लोगों से ईमानदार बनने का आग्रह करता है यह साबित करता है कि वो वास्तव में उन लोगों से घृणा करता है जो बेईमान हैं और परमेश्वर बेईमान लोगों को पसंद नहीं करताI परमेश्वर कपटी लोगों को पसंद नहीं करता है, इस तथ्य का अर्थ है कि वो उनके कार्यों, स्वभाव, और मंशाओं से नफ़रत करता है; अर्थात, परमेश्वर उनके कार्य करने के तरीके को पसंद नहीं करता। इसलिए, अगर हमें परमेश्वर को प्रसन्न करना है, तो हमें सबसे पहले अपने कार्यों और अपने मौजूदा अस्तित्व को बदलना होगा। इससे पहले, हमने लोगों के बीच रहने के लिए झूठ, दिखावे, और बेईमानी को अपनी पूँजी के रूप में और अस्तित्व संबंधी आधार, जीवन, और बुनियाद जिसके अनुसार हम आचरण करते थे, के रूप में उपयोग करते हुए इन पर पर भरोसा किया। यह कुछ ऐसा है जिससे परमेश्वर घृणा करता था। संसार के अविश्वासियों में यदि तू चालाकी या बेईमानी करना नहीं जानता तो तेरे लिए दृढ़ रहना कठिन हो सकता है। एक बेहतर जीवन पाने के लिए, तू केवल झूठ बोल पाएगा, धोखाधड़ी कर पाएगा, स्वयं को बचाने और छिपाने के लिए कपटी और धूर्त तरीकों का उपयोग करने में सक्षम होगा। परमेश्वर के घर में, ठीक इसका उल्टा होता है: तू जितना अधिक बेईमान होगा, उतना ही अधिक तू दिखावा करने और स्वयं को आकर्षक बनाने के लिए परिष्कृत हेरफेर का उपयोग करेगा, तब तू दृढ़ रहने में उतना ही असमर्थ होगा, परमेश्वर ऐसे लोगों को और अधिक खारिज करता और उनसे नफ़रत करता है। परमेश्वर ने पहले से तय किया है कि स्वर्ग के राज्य में केवल ईमानदार व्यक्ति ही भूमिका निभाएंगे। अगर तू ईमानदार नहीं है और अगर, तेरे जीवन में, तेरा व्यवहार ईमानदार बनने की दिशा में नहीं है और तू अपना वास्तविक चेहरा उजागर नहीं करता है, तब तुझे परमेश्वर के कार्य को प्राप्त करने या परमेश्वर की प्रशंसा हासिल करने का मौका कभी भी नहीं मिलेगा।


🔔⁉️🔔Question 8: 
🤔⁉️How exactly does God perform His judgment work to save and cleanse mankind in the last days?⁉️🤔
🔥💧”Currently, all those who seek and study the true way want to know how Almighty God does judgment work in the last days. Pertaining to this aspect of the truth, Almighty God has expressed ample words. Let us look at a few passages of His words:
“God’s work in the present incarnation is to express His disposition primarily through chastisement and judgment. Building on this foundation, He brings more truth to man and points out to him more ways of practice, thereby achieving His objective of conquering man and saving him from his own corrupt disposition. This is what lies behind the work of God in the Age of Kingdom” 
—(The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Preface).
🔥💧”In the last days, Christ uses a variety of truths to teach man, to expose the substance of man, and to dissect the words and deeds of man. These words comprise various truths, such as man’s duty, how man should obey God, how man should be loyal to God, how man ought to live out normal humanity, as well as the wisdom and the disposition of God, and so on. These words are all directed at the substance of man and his corrupt disposition. In particular, the words that expose how man spurns God are spoken in regard to how man is an embodiment of Satan, and an enemy force against God. In undertaking His work of judgment, God does not simply make clear the nature of man with a few words; He exposes, deals with, and prunes over the long term. These methods of exposure, dealing, and pruning cannot be substituted with ordinary words, but with the truth of which man is utterly bereft. Only methods such as these can be called judgment; only through judgment of this kind can man be subdued and thoroughly convinced into submission to God, and moreover gain true knowledge of God. What the work of judgment brings about is man’s understanding of the true face of God and the truth about his own rebelliousness. The work of judgment allows man to gain much understanding of the will of God, of the purpose of God’s work, and of the mysteries that are incomprehensible to him. It also allows man to recognize and know his corrupt essence and the roots of his corruption, as well as to discover the ugliness of man. These effects are all brought about by the work of judgment, for the essence of this work is actually the work of opening up the truth, the way, and the life of God to all those who have faith in Him. This work is the work of judgment done by God” 
—(The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Christ Does the Work of Judgment With the Truth).
💧🔥”The work done by God during this age is chiefly the provision of the words for the life of man; the exposure of man’s nature essence and corrupt disposition; and the elimination of religious notions, feudal thinking, outdated thinking, and the knowledge and culture of man. These things must all be cleansed through being exposed by God’s words. In the last days, God uses words, not signs and wonders, to make man perfect. He uses His words to expose man, to judge man, to chastise man, and to make man perfect, so that in the words of God, man comes to see the wisdom and loveliness of God, and comes to understand the disposition of God, and so that through the words of God, man beholds the deeds of God” (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Knowing God’s Work Today).
“God has many means of perfecting man. He employs all manner of environments to deal with the corrupt disposition of man, and uses various things to lay man bare; in one regard, He deals with man, in another He lays man bare, and in another He reveals man, digging out and revealing the ‘mysteries’ in the depths of man’s heart, and showing man his nature by revealing many of his states. God perfects man through many methods—through revelation, through dealing with man, through man’s refinement, and chastisement—so that man may know that God is practical” (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Only Those Who Focus on Practice Can Be Perfected).
When God works to judge and cleanse corrupt mankind in the last days, He uses many aspects of truths to judge and expose man’s satanic nature that disobeys and resists God, and show man God’s holy and righteous disposition tolerating no offense. Through the judgment of God’s word, man is able to clearly see the truth of their deep corruption by Satan, and really get to know God’s holy essence and His righteous disposition intolerant of offense, having reverence for God. They thus escape the bondage and control of sin, and achieve cleanness and God’s salvation. When we read Almighty God’s word, we can feel that God is judging and exposing us face-to-face, and can all feel that God’s word, like a double-edged sword, judges and exposes our disobedient and God-resisting satanic nature. We see clearly the truth that we’ve been deeply corrupted by Satan, that our nature is arrogant, deceitful, selfish and despicable. Although we believe in God we cannot let God be exalted, and we don’t have a heart that fears God. We often lie and deceive God, deceive other people. We believe in God but worship and follow man. Once we have status, we even show off ourselves and build ourselves up, so that people will listen to and obey us. We can even split from God and confront Him, setting up independent kingdoms. When we encounter natural or man-made disasters, we even complain about God and resist God. When God’s new work doesn’t match our notions, we will even act like the Jewish Pharisees back then, making up conclusions about God and judging Him as we please. If we expend a little, do some work or suffer a little for God, we will act all self-important and flaunt our seniority, demanding grace and blessings from God. As soon as our desires are not satisfied, we will act negative and slow down or quit our work, etc. We can see that our corruption by Satan runs too deep! We have not lived out the image of human beings at all! We are essentially the embodiment of Satan! Facing the truth of our corruption by Satan, we are all deeply ashamed and extremely remorseful, and we have appreciated that God’s holiness cannot be defiled and that His righteous disposition cannot be offended. We cannot help but fall down before God, regretting our evil ways, despising our satanic nature, and repenting to God. We are willing to accept God’s judgment and chastisement, perform our duty as created creatures, and obey everything God has orchestrated and arranged. This is the result of the judgment of God’s word on His chosen people!
We all know after experiencing God’s judgment and chastisement that God not only uses His word to judge and expose us. He also, targeting our actual situations, sets up various environments, people and things to test and reveal us, concretely prune and deal with us, discipline us. Through actually experiencing God’s judgment and chastisement, dealing and pruning, we see that our nature is too arrogant, too obstinate. If we don’t receive such judgment and chastisement, our disposition would not be able to achieve change. 
🔥💧For instance, sometimes we don’t practice the truth while fulfilling our duty. Through our arrogant nature, we do whatever we please, exalt ourselves, and build up ourselves to impress people, making our spirits dark inside and unable to sense God’s presence, and our hearts hurt and refined. At this time, God’s word will reproach us inside. Sometimes God will set up people and things to deal with and prune us, so that we will return before God to reflect and know ourselves, and unconsciously recognize our arrogant ambitions of wanting to control and possess people. When we see our own nature is that of the archangel, our hearts cannot help but tremble in fear. We feel that God’s disposition is unoffendable, and fall down before God to pray and repent to Him. At this moment, God’s words will comfort us, encourage us, and make us understand all the pain and effort of God’s salvation of mankind, so we can not be passive and weak, have confidence to pursue the truth, and seek dispositional change. After experiencing God’s actual dealing and pruning, discipline and chastening many times, our arrogant disposition achieves change, we become much more low-key in fulfilling our duty and not as insolent as before, and can take the initiative to open up and recognize our own corruption, consciously exalt God, bear witness to God, and feel that living like this puts our heart at ease and is enjoyable. God’s salvation work really is too practical! It is through actually experiencing such judgment and chastisement from God that we now have real knowledge of God’s righteous disposition, and know what kind of person God loves and what kind of person God despises, what kind of person he would save and what kind of person he would eliminate, what kind of person he would bless and what kind of person he would curse, and have also gotten to know that God indeed inspects everything and dominates all. God is right beside us, concretely guiding us, saving us, making us appreciate that the truth expressed by God is His judgment and chastisement of us corrupt mankind. It’s inspection, it’s cleansing. With fear of God in our hearts and changes to our corrupt disposition, we can seek the truth when we run into things, practice the truth, and obey God, gradually living out the likeness of a real man. The change we have been able to achieve as of today is completely the result of experiencing God’s judgment work of the last days. It is God’s immense love and salvation for us.”
—The movie script of Song of Victory
#Almighty God #God #Heavenly Kingdom #Word of God #Prayer #Worship God #God Has Come #Praise #Jesus# Wise Virgins


239 人若在末世仍然盼望救主耶穌降臨,而且還是帶着他在猶太的形像降臨,那麽整個六千年的經營計劃就停留在救贖時代,再不能向前推移,而且永遠不會有末世來到,也不會結束時代。因為「耶穌救主」只是救贖人類、拯救人類的,我取「耶穌」這個名只是為了恩典時代所有的罪人而有的,并不是為了結束整個人類而有的名。雖然耶和華、耶穌、彌賽亞都是代表我的靈,但這幾個名只是代表我的經營計劃中的不同時代,并不代表我的全部。在地之人所稱呼的我的名,并不能把我的所有性情與所是盡都説透,只是在不同的時代對我有不同的稱呼。因此在末了的時代,就是最後的一個時代來到之時,我的名仍然要改變,不叫耶和華,也不叫耶穌,更不叫彌賽亞,而是稱為大有能力的全能的神自己,以這個名來結束整個時代。我曾經叫過耶和華,也曾經被人稱為彌賽亞,人也曾經愛戴我叫我救主耶穌,今天我已不再是人以往所認識的耶和華和耶穌,而是在末世重歸的、結束時代的神,滿載着我的所有性情,而且滿有權柄、尊貴、榮耀地興起在地極的神自己。人并没有接觸過我,也不曾認識我,不曾知道我的性情,從創世到如今,無一人見過我,這就是末世向人顯現的但又隱秘在人中間的神,活靈活現住在人的中間,如烈日,又如火焰,充滿能力,滿帶着權柄,無一人一物不在我的話中被審判,在火的焚燒之下無一人一物不被潔净。最終,萬國必因着我的話而得福,也因着我的話而被砸得粉碎,讓末世所有的人都看見我是救世主的重歸,我是征服全人類的全能神,也讓人都看見我曾經作過人的贖罪祭,但在末世我又成了焚燒萬物的烈日之火,也是顯明萬物的公義的日頭,這是我末世的工作。之所以我取這名又帶有這樣的性情,就是為了讓所有的人都看見我是公義的神,是烈日,也是火焰,讓所有的人都敬拜我——獨一真神,也讓人都看見我的本來面目:并非只是以色列人的神,也并非只是救贖主,而是天上地下和滄海中的所有受造之物的神。


——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・「救主」早已駕着「白雲」重歸》


♦ 情形



Question 9: We accept God’s work of the last days, but how do we experience God’s judgment and chastisement so that we can receive the truth and life, get rid of our sinful nature, and achieve salvation to enter the kingdom of heaven?
Answer:How to experience God’s judgment and chastisement to gain the truth and life, and get rid of our sinful nature to achieve salvation and enter the kingdom of heaven, this question is very important, because this is the major issues that relate to our ending and destination.
As believers we first need to understand what believing in God means. Believing in God means to experience God’s work and His word, to understand the truth and live out the reality of truth. That’s the process of believing in God. The work of God in the last days is judging through His word. Then if we want our corrupt disposition to be cleansed and to achieve salvation, we must first put in some effort on God’s word and genuinely eat and drink the words of God, and accept God’s judgment and revelations in His word. No matter how much God’s word cuts to the heart, how harsh it is, or how much it makes us suffer, first be sure that God’s word is all the truth, and the reality of life that we should enter into. Every utterance of God’s word is to cleanse and change us, to make us shed our corrupt disposition and achieve salvation, and even more so to let us understand the truth to achieve the knowledge of God. So we must accept the judgment and chastisement, pruning and dealing of God’s word. If we want to receive the truth in God’s word, we must be able to suffer for accepting and obeying God’s word and the truth. We must seek the truth in God’s word, feel out God’s will, and reflect and know ourselves, reflect on God’s word to know our own arrogance, deception, selfishness and despicableness, how we engage in transactions with God, take advantage of God, deceive God, toy with the truth, and other satanic dispositions, as well as the various impurities in our belief in God and intentions to receive blessings. This way, we can gradually get to know the truth of our corruption and the essence of our nature. After we understand more of the truth, our knowledge of God will gradually grow deeper, and we will naturally know what kind of person God likes and dislikes, what kind of person he would save or eliminate, what kind of person he would use, and what kind of person he would bless. Once we see through these things, we will start to understand God’s disposition. These are all the results of experiencing the judgment and chastisement of God’s word. All those who seek the truth pay attention to experiencing the judgment and chastisement of God’s word, pay attention to seeking the truth in everything, and pay attention to practicing God’s word and obeying God. Such people will be able to gradually understand the truth and enter reality through experiencing God’s word, and achieve salvation and be made perfect. As for those who don’t love the truth, although they can recognize God’s appearance and work from the truth expressed by God, they think they can definitely achieve salvation as long as they abandon everything for God and fulfill their duty. In the end, they still cannot receive the truth and life after believing in God for many years. They understand only a few words, letters, and doctrines, but think they know the truth and have achieved reality. They are lying to themselves and will surely be eliminated by God. 
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#中共 #言论自由 #中日关系 #红叶新闻 #红叶视频

💥 疫苗中發現墮胎藥
日本警告比爾. 蓋茨“時日無多” 
日本福島博士等世界知名專家震驚地發現,疫苗中含有旨在減少人口的墮胎藥。 為此,他們敦促國際檢察官對始作俑者比爾. 蓋茨提起反人類罪訴訟。
#日本福岛博士 #疫苗 #比尔. 蓋茨 #反人类罪 #红叶


































    創作者 人間過客 的頭像


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