📚*・:✝️ Bible Verse of the Day ✝️:・*📚
God’s word is a lamp to my feet
Adam and Eve were deceived to eat the forbidden fruit because they disobeyed God’s words. From then on, sin entered into man’s heart and into the world. Just as the Bible says, “The whole world lies in wickedness” (1Jn 5: 19). We all know that it is an evil age. It is hard to tell whether it is right or wrong when something happens around us. Satan uses different people, matters, and things to hoodwink and tempt us at any time and makes us become ever more deeply ensnared in sin and further and further from God. And we will be destroyed with it.

If we want to overcome Satan’s kinds of temptations, we must hold to God’s words and let His words be our life. Because only God’s words are the truth and the reality of all positive things with authority and power, His words can make us discern all manner of heresies and falsehoods from Satan. Follow God’s words and we will not go astray or be tricked by Satan. Just one passage says, “During the work of His abiding provision and support of man, God tells the entirety of His will and requirements to man, and shows His deeds, disposition, and what He has and is to man. The objective is to equip man with stature, and to allow man to gain various truths from God while following Him—truths that are the weapons given to man by God with which to fight Satan. Thus equipped, man must face God’s tests. God has many means and avenues for testing man, but every one of them requires the ‘cooperation’ of God’s enemy: Satan. … It may be said that whether or not man can be saved depends on whether he can overcome and defeat Satan, and whether or not he can gain freedom depends on whether he is able to lift up, on his own, the weapons given to him by God to overcome Satan’s bondage, making Satan completely abandon hope and leave him alone. If Satan abandons hope and relinquishes someone, this means that Satan will never again try to take this person from God, will never again accuse and interfere with this person, will never again wantonly torture or attack them; only someone such as this will truly have been gained by God.”

    創作者 人間過客 的頭像


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