

כמה אבסורדי – המפלגה הקומוניסטית הסינית מגנה אמונות דתיות כ'אמונה תפלה פיאודלית'

המפלגה הקומוניסטית הסינית סבורה שאמונות דתיות נוצרו מתוך פחדה של האנושות מכוחות על-טבעיים וסגידתה להם בתקופה שבה האנושות הייתה נחשלת ונעדרת ידע מדעי, והיא טוענת שדת היא אמונה תפלה. יתרה מכך, המפלגה מגנה ואוסרת על אמונות דתיות בשם ההתנגדות לאמונות תפלות פיאודליות. מהו הבסיס להשקפות האלה של המפלגה הקומוניסטית הסינית? בסופו של דבר, היכן טמון האבסורד בכך שהמפלגה הקומוניסטית הסינית מגנה את האמונות הדתיות ומכנה אותן 'אמונה תפלה פיאודלית"?

הברק ממזרח, כנסיית האל הכול יכול נוסדה בעקבות הופעתו ועבודתו של האל הכול יכול, הביאה השנייה של ישוע אדוננו, המשיח של אחרית הימים. החברים בכנסייה הם אלה המקבלים את עבודתו של האל הכול יכול באחרית הימים, והנכבשים וניצלים באמצעות דבריו. האל הכול יכול ייסד את הכנסייה לבדו והוא שמנהיג אותה כרועה. היא במפורש לא נוסדה על ידי אדם. המשיח הוא האמת, הדרך והחיים. צאנו של אלוהים שומעות בקולו של אלוהים. כל עוד תקראו את דברי האל הכול יכול, תבינו שאלוהים אכן הופיע.













韓國 南茜








The Best Way to Reading the Bible
Do you still worry about where to start when you read the Bible? Do you want to know the best way of reading the Bible? This article will give you the answer.

Reading the Bible is a mandatory lesson for every Christian. Then, what’s the correct way to practice? First, we need to understand the importance of God’s words in the Bible. The Lord Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). “I am the resurrection, and the life” (John 11:25). “The words that I speak to you, they are spirit, and they are life” (John 6:63). “I am the light of the world: he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” (John 8:12). God’s word is the truth, the way and the life. In the Age of Law, Jehovah God promulgated laws and the Ten Commandments, which have allowed us to know that only by living according to the words from God’s mouth and worshiping God, can people receive His blessings and guidance. In the Age of Grace, the Lord Jesus preached the way of repentance, performed the work of redemption, and expressed the truth to redeem the human race. As long as we repent and confess according to the Lord Jesus’ words, we will receive the abundant grace, blessings, peace, and happiness from Him, and enjoy His tolerance, mercy and love, and the spiritual consolation bestowed by Him. Besides, the Lord Jesus taught us to bear the cross, to be humble, patient and caring, to forgive others and love others as we love ourselves. And He also demanded that we must worship God in spirit and truth, love the Lord with all our heart, soul and mind, practice God’s words, follow God’s will, and so on. The Lord Jesus’ words are the lamp before our feet and the light unto our paths, and have led all mankind through the Age of Grace for 2000 years. God is our true shepherd. His words are the truth, carry authority and power, and represent God’s disposition. Moreover, they are able to provide the life of man, and are the light that guides our way when we are in the darkness. No one is able to express them. However, man’s words in the Bible, such as Paul’s and the other disciples’ words, are knowledge produced through the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment and illumination on the basis of them experiencing God’s work. The words they expressed are man’s interpretations, and represents all that man has and is. Some of them have some benefit to and are somewhat constructive for our life entry. But the words of enlightenment and illumination of the Holy Spirit do not represent the direct expression of God. They don’t belong to the truth and can’t serve as man’s life. Just as Paul the apostle said, “I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase” (1 Corinthians 3:6). So, when we understand the importance of God’s words, we will be certain that the best way of reading the Bible is to first choose God’s words to read. Then we should seek to understand the truth and find God’s will in His words so that we are able to accurately practice according to His demands and gain the life sustenance from Him.

Then, how should we read God’s words in a way that we’ll be able to understand the truth in them? The Bible says, “For the letter kills, but the spirit gives life” (2 Corinthians 3:6). God’s words are the truth, and every sentence of them contains God’s intentions, and meanwhile is a manifestation of the life disposition of God Himself. So when we read God’s words, we need to understand what God’s intentions in every sentence are, what issues these words have revealed, and what the manifestations of these issues are. We should also understand that, God’s words are the truth, so the problems revealed by God all exist within us, rather than targeting any specific individual. Thus, we should reflect according to these problems, to see what manifestations we exhibit that are not the practice of God’s words but is rebelling against and resisting God. Not only should we know our own deficiencies and shortcomings from God’s words, but even more know what God has and is. When we pray, seek and carefully read God’s words, we will be able to see God’s mercy and salvation for us that show between the lines. For example, many of us believers in the Lord have read the Lord Jesus’ words, “Not every one that said to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? and in your name have cast out devils? and in your name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess to them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity” (Matthew 7:21-23). But if we don’t pray to God to obtain His enlightenment and illumination, it’ll be difficult for us to understand the true meaning of these verses. Only through praying and seeking can we understand that these words of God are telling us the requirement for entering into the kingdom of heaven. That is, in our belief in God, only by practicing God’s words and following His will can we enter into the kingdom of heaven. If we only focus on laboring, sacrificing, and upholding the name of the Lord, but do not place importance on practicing God’s words and obeying God, then this is not following God’s will and we can’t enter into the kingdom of heaven. Just like those who are referred to in the verses, they preach and cast out demons in the name of the Lord, but in the end the Lord brands them as evil-doers. Only through praying and seeking can we understand the true meaning of these verses, see God’s salvation for us, and thus act in accordance with His intentions.

Thank the Lord! I hope that when reading the Bible, we brothers and sisters in the Lord can all, from God’s words, understand His will and His requirements of us, clearly see our own corruption and deficiencies, know our deviations in our practice, and then turn around in time, so that we can behave in accordance to God’s liking and soon become someone who acts in harmony with His will. Amen!




🤔🤔 Question: The Lord Really Returns Only by Descending on A Cloud?

📚📚 Answer:
According to the prophecy of the Lord Jesus in Matthew 24:30: “and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory,” many brothers and sisters believe that the Lord Jesus will descend with clouds to receive His followers into the kingdom of heaven when He returns. But in fact, apart from the verses relating to the Lord’s descending with clouds in public in the Bible, there are still those mentioning the Lord will come in secret.

Recently, I studied the Bible and found that the scriptures concerning the second coming of the Lord could be roughly divided into two categories: One kind predicts that the Lord will descend with clouds and every single eye shall witness Him; the other foretells that the Lord will come like a thief, just as it is said in Matthew 25:6: “And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom comes; go you out to meet him,” and in Revelation 3:3: “I will come on you as a thief.” From these verses we can see that there are two possible ways that the Lord shall come: One is that He’ll come as a thief and no one knows it, which means the Lord will come in secret. The other is that He’ll descend with clouds and be seen by all, which means the Lord will appear to all people publicly. According to my understanding, the Lord will probably come in secret first, and then will appear publicly after He has finished His work. It will be like when the Lord Jesus came to do His work: He was first incarnated as the Son of man and descended in secret. After completing His work, He was nailed onto the cross, after which He was resurrected and appeared to people for forty days, and then ascended to heaven.

Some brothers and sisters may say: The words “as a thief” and “midnight” here mean that nobody knows the time of the Lord’s second coming. They are not saying that the Lord will come in secret.

As to this question, I found that there’re many parts of the Bible predicting the second coming of the Lord will be “the coming of the Son of man.” Just as the Lord Jesus says in Luke 17:24-25: “For as the lightning, that lightens out of the one part under heaven, shines to the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be in his day. But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation.” This “Son of man” refers to God’s incarnation. In this verse it also mentions that “But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation.” Since He must be forsaken by this generation, it’s very possible that this means the coming of God incarnate arrives in secret. Just as when the Lord Jesus came to do His work, nobody knew that He was the coming Messiah. People all regarded Him as an ordinary person, condemning Him and rejecting Him. If the Lord directly reveals Himself to all people in public when He returns, then He’ll not suffer for it and can’t be rejected by this generation. Therefore, I think “as a thief” and “midnight” doesn’t simply mean that no one knows the exact time of the Lord’s coming. They could well be referring to how the Lord will return as the Son of man, in secret.

We cannot neglect any matter involving the second coming of the Lord. We cannot define that the Lord will come again only with clouds according to one aspect of verses. Instead, we should investigate in many aspects. This is the only way that we won’t miss the chance to welcome the Lord’s return.


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