God’s Words Perfectly Resolve My Problem in Educating Son

By Yixin, Canada

My son’s problems emerged one after another.

When my son was 9, I found he had become addicted to playing video games and watching TV. Every day when he got home from school, he would throw his schoolbag aside, go to the living room, and begin to play games on the tablet. As soon as he started playing, he could not stop it. And if I had not called him to dinner, he would even have forgotten to eat. When I told him to do his homework, he would say that he already had his homework finished at school. One time, after he said this, I advised him, saying: “Now you have finished your homework, why not come and help sweep the floor for me? Don’t keep playing with the tablet after you came home. It’s bad for your eyes.” However, he fixed his eyes on the tablet without even raising his head, and said: “Why me? Why can’t daddy do it?” Seeing him give me the cold shoulder, I continued: “Daddy has work to do.” “Then, why don’t you do it yourself?” He pouted. Seeing him answer back repeatedly, I replied impatiently: “I’m your mother. I’m telling you to do this for your own good.” Then he said reluctantly: “Fine. I’ll go and fold up my own clothes.” Hearing these words, I flew into a temper: Every time I ask you to give me some help, you not only disobey me, but are stiff-necked, always arguing with me and answering me back. How could I allow you to go on like this! So I gave him a good talking-to. Eventually, wearing a long face, he went to do as I said, under protest. https://reurl.cc/bdvLo


In addition to being obsessed with playing games and watching TV, my son also often told lies, which was a bigger headache for me. I remember that once, the tablet was missing from the living room and I couldn’t find it anywhere. I wondered if my son had taken it to play games, for he was at home that day. With this thought, I went straight to his room. When I opened the door, I saw that he was flipping through a book unnaturally. I looked him up and down, and the sight of his somewhat strange action made me suspect that he must have been playing with the tablet before he heard me coming and hurriedly picked up a book to pretend to read it. Then I asked him: “Do you know where the tablet is?” “I have no idea. Could it be that daddy took it?” He answered as if nothing had happened. When hearing this, I pulled a face and said seriously: “If you don’t tell me the truth, I’ll check under your quilt.” Seeing that he can’t conceal it, he pouted and reluctantly took out the tablet hidden under the pillow. At this sight, I was very angry, thinking: He tells lies at such a young age, then what will he grow up to be if he continues like this? So, I bawled him out: “Why did you hide the tablet? You were playing games, weren’t you?” He answered me back: “You haven’t got the right attitude. You are being impolite.” I said sternly: “It was you who took the tablet, yet you tried to conceal it from me by pretending to be reading a book and shifted the blame on your daddy. Are you right in doing so?” With that, I threw the tablet on his bed angrily. Then I saw he look at me with discontent and defiance in his eyes, sitting on the bed in silence with a darkened face. His silent confrontation made me very sad. I thought he would be obedient and admit his mistakes if I treated him more strictly. But I didn’t expect that things would turn out like this.

When I was alone, I always thought: My child is so disobedient. He cares about nothing but playing games and watching TV, and can’t even do any light housework. If he continues like this, won’t he become a parasite? Besides, he often tells lies. When he grows up, who dares interact with him and how can he establish himself in society in the future? My husband and I have urged him, scolded him, and even beaten him, yet none of these worked. What should we do? And how can we educate him well? It’s a real headache for us.

After I prayed and pleaded before God, His words guided me.

In desperation, I prayed to God and entrusted Him with my son. One day during spiritual cultivation, I read a passage of God’s words: “When parents talk down to their child and say, ‘I’m your father (or mother)! You must do as I say!’ the child takes exception to this ‘must’; it’s definitely not an expression of normal humanity. … If both sides lived by normal humanity, and if they were able to reach possession of the truth, with both sides putting themselves in each other’s shoes, and taking into account each other’s difficulties, from the perspective of normal humanity, and both sides standing on an equal footing when they interacted, spoke to each other, and did things, would this stop the estrangement developing between them? What causes what the unbelievers call the ‘generation gap’? Isn’t it that the older generation acts high and mighty, and the younger generation doesn’t like them doing so, which produces the estrangement, and leads to the generation gap—isn’t that how it comes about? If parents don’t act high and mighty, and the children can open up to them, and treat them as intimates, could there still be the estrangement between them? In particular, parents always treat their children like slaves, or else spoil them, overindulge them, and dote on them like a kitten or a puppy, whilst holding them tight, keeping a tight rein on them, strictly controlling them—with the result that the child stops being a child, and being a parent becomes very tiring.” https://reurl.cc/bdvLo

While pondering God’s words, I started to self-reflect: In my dealings with my son, I frequently took the position of the parent and disciplined him, thinking that he ought to obey me because he was my son and my telling him to spend less time playing video games and to learn to do some housework were for his own good. When he took no notice of me, and even talked back to me, I felt he had no regard for me. So I vented my anger on him in an attempt to compel him to listen to me. When I treated him based on my arrogant disposition, not only was he unconvinced, but he often answered me back and rebelled against me. As time went on, there seemed to be some barrier between the two of us. Close as we were in distance, we were estranged at heart. Actually, my son is still a child and he is too young to differentiate between positive and negative things, so it is inevitable that he follows the evil trends and plays games. However, I not only did not help him with love and patience, but often yelled at him through my temper. I really was too unreasonable! Besides, he is now in the rebellious phrase; if I keep lecturing him, he could not possibly listen to me, no matter how correct my words are. Though I want to bring him to the right path of life, my method of educating him is wrong. All of this is actually the consequence of my acting and speaking based on my arrogant disposition. Praise God! Through pondering His words, my heart was enlightened, and I found the cause of my failing to get along with my son.

Then, I also saw God’s words say: “Just be an ordinary person: Treat your children, treat those in your own family the same as you would an ordinary brother or sister. Although you have a responsibility, a fleshly relationship, nevertheless the position and perspective you should have is the same as with friends or ordinary brothers and sisters. That is, you can’t control, you can’t restrain your children, and always try to keep in command and have complete control over them. Let them make mistakes, let them say the wrong things, let them do childish and immature things, do stupid things. No matter what happens, sit down and calmly talk with them, communicate and seek. Don’t you think this attitude is good? Isn’t it right? So, what is being let go here? (Position and pride.) It is the letting go of the position and status of a parent, the airs of a parent, and all of the responsibility one thinks they should assume, everything that one thinks they should be doing as a parent; instead, it’s enough that one does the best they can in terms of their responsibility as an ordinary brother or sister.” Through God’s words, I found the way to practice: I should no longer compel my son to act as I wish from my position as a mother; rather, I should have a proper attitude toward him, let go of the parental position and status, and put aside my own opinions. No matter what happens, I should communicate with him calmly and learn about his true thoughts. He is still too young, so I should treat his mistakes appropriately. In the meanwhile, I also should rely on God, pray to God, entrust my son’s bad habits into God’s hands, and learn to seek the truth and use the truth to resolve the problems.

Practicing God’s words gave me nice surprises.

After understanding God’s will, in the following days, when I communicated with my son, I would intentionally humble myself and speak to him patiently. Once, when I saw he had been watching TV for two hours, I wanted to ask him to rest for a while, so I said: “Son, you have been watching TV for so long. It’s time to take a break. Come and help me sweep the floor, okay?” “Do it by yourself,” said he carelessly. Seeing his attitude, I was about to get angry again, but it immediately occurred to me that I should not act based on my hot blood. Thus, I prayed to God in my heart: “God! My son has just refused to listen to me and I want to use my position to control him again. I’m so arrogant! God! May You protect me from living by my corrupt disposition. May You guide me.” After my prayer, I walked to his side and talked with him about my experience in my childhood. I also told him the reason why I asked him to do the housework: “It’s all in order to cultivate your ability to live on your own, so that you could take care of yourself in the future. Otherwise, you would grow up to be a good-for-nothing.” Unexpectedly, after hearing my words, my son seemed to understand what I meant and went to sweep the floor without a murmur.

Later, when he saw there was clean laundry in the washer, he would actively take the clothes to his room, fold them, and put them away. He also would go get the mail from the mailbox on his own initiative. I was very gratified to see these changes in him. Previously, not until I repeatedly asked him to do these things did he reluctantly do them. Now, when I had just practiced a few of God’s word, learning to let go of the position and status of a parent and communicate with my son calmly, he could actually understand me and do some housework of his own accord. Seeing the improvement in him, sometimes I would give him some encouragement and praise, and he was quite happy with it. Gradually, our relationship became much more harmonious than before. Thanks be to God! https://reurl.cc/bdvLo

Child, Come Back Home - Christian Family Movie

One day, I watched a film of the Christian Church, Child, Come Back Home. The hero, a high school student, once lost himself because of being obsessed with online gaming. But luckily, after a few setbacks, he finally saw through the true essence and danger of online gaming under the guidance of God’s words, successfully broke his online gaming addiction, and walked onto the luminous path of life. Seeing these, I was reminded of my son, who was addicted to games as well, and I decided to communicate with him so that he could detect Satan’s trickery and quit gaming. Then I prayed to God first, asking Him to lead me lest I restrict my son by speaking in the place of a mother.

After my prayer, I called my son to me and then we watched the film together. Afterward, I fellowshiped with him patiently: “My son, it pains me much to see that, after you come back from school, you bury yourself in games and even forget to eat dinner because of it. It’s not that I don’t allow you to play with the tablet. The games on the tablet are actually what Satan uses to deceive and corrupt people. Once people play these games for a long time, they don’t feel like doing anything they are supposed to or capable to do, such as eating, doing the laundry, doing the housework, and doing the homework. As you can see, due to the addiction to online gaming, the teenagers in the film who used to be obedient and get good grades start to skip school and cut classes, thus saddening their parents, and one of them even plays himself to death. In fact, it is Satan that has killed him through the games. So are the games good or bad things for people? Look how you lied and deceived me for the sake of playing games before. These games can’t change us for the better but only make us became ever worse.” Hearing my words, my son nodded and said: “Mommy, it turns out that playing games is so bad. Now I understand, and I’m willing to quit gaming in the future.”

One day, my son said to me: “Mommy, I felt like playing games again. I know doing that is bad, but I could not control myself. So I hid the tablet. In this way, I can’t see it and won’t think about playing games on it.” When I heard him say this, I was very happy in my heart. I could see that he did want to change himself, and it was just that the games were too great a temptation for people and my son was unable to completely give them up at once. Hence, I encouraged him and told him to pray to and rely on God more when he wanted to play games.

Concluding Remarks

Later, I found that gradually my son was no longer as obsessed with playing games as he had been before. He also lied less and could take the initiative to talk with us about things he had done. Seeing these changes in him, I thanked God from the bottom of my heart. Through my experience, I truly saw that only God’s words can change man. When I acted on His words, not only my arrogant disposition changed, but my son was willing to change himself as well, and the relationship between the two of us also became increasingly harmonious. No matter what befalls me in the future, I’m willing to come before God more to seek the truth, and practice based on God’s words, because only by living relying on God’s words can my path become brighter and brighter. Thank God! https://reurl.cc/bdvLo

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神話答案: 「耶穌來在人中間作了許多工作,但他只完成了救贖全人類的工作,只是作了人的贖罪祭,並未將人的敗壞性情都脫去。要將人從撒但的權勢之下完全拯救出來,不僅需要耶穌作贖罪祭來擔當人的罪,而且還得需要神作更大的工作將人被撒但敗壞的性情完全脫去。所以在人的罪得著了赦免之後,神又重返肉身帶領人進入新的時代,開始了刑罰審判的工作,這工作將人類帶入了更高的境界。凡是順服在他權下的人將享受更高的真理,得著更大的祝福,真正活在了光中,得著了真理、道路、生命。 …… ……神此次道成肉身的作工主要以刑罰、審判為主來發表他的性情,在此基礎上帶給人更多的真理,指給人更多的實行,以此達到他征服人、拯救人脫去敗壞性情的目的,這是神在國度時代所作工作的內幕。」 摘自《話在肉身顯現·寫在前面的話》 「就你們這樣一個罪人,剛被救贖回來,不經變化,不經神成全,你能合神心意嗎?就你現在的老舊人,耶穌把你拯救回來了這並不假,你不屬罪這是因著神的拯救,但並不能證明你沒罪、沒污穢,你沒經變化如何能聖潔呢?你裡面還盡是污穢,又自私又卑鄙,你還想跟耶穌一同降臨,有那麼美的事嗎?你信神少一步過程,只是被救贖,沒經變化。要合神心意非得神親自作工來變化潔淨你,否則你只被救贖不可能達到聖潔……」 摘自《話在肉身顯現·稱呼與身分的說法》 「人得著了許多恩典,就如肉體的平安、喜樂,一人信主全家蒙福,病得醫治等等這些恩典,其餘就是人的善行與人敬虔的外表,人能以此活著便是合格的信徒,這樣的信徒在死後才能進入天堂,就是得救了。但這些人生前根本不明白生命的道,只是犯罪認罪、犯罪認罪,並沒有性情變化的路,恩典時代人就是這種情形。人完全蒙拯救了嗎?沒有!所以,那步工作作完之後,還有一步審判刑罰的工作,這步就是藉著話語來潔淨人,來達到讓人有路可行,這步若再趕鬼那就沒有果效、沒有意義了,因為人的罪性不能脫去,只停止在罪得赦免這個基礎上。藉著贖罪祭人已經罪得赦免了,因為十字架的工作已經結束,神已勝過撒但,但是人的敗壞性情還在人裡面存在,人還能犯罪抵擋神,神並沒有得著人類。所以這步用話語來揭示人的敗壞性情,讓人按著合適的路去實行。這步作的工作比上步更有意義,比上步作的工作果效更大,因為現在是話語直接供應人的生命,讓人的性情能夠徹底更新,是一步更徹底的工作,所以說,末了的道成肉身完全了神道成肉身的意義,徹底完成了神拯救人的經營計劃。 ……末世的工作中話語的威力大過顯神蹟奇事的威力,話語的權柄勝過神蹟奇事的權柄。話語把人心底裡所有的敗壞性情都給揭露出來了,你自己沒法發現,話語揭示出來你就自然發現了,你不得不承認,讓你心服口服,這不都是話語的權柄嗎?這都是今天話語工作達到的果效。所以說,不是醫病趕鬼能把人從罪中完全拯救出來,也不是顯神蹟奇事能夠把人完全作成,醫病趕鬼的權柄只是給人恩典,但人的肉體還屬於撒但,人裡面還有撒但敗壞性情,就是沒得潔淨的還屬於罪,還屬於污穢,只有藉著話語得著潔淨之後人才能被神得著,成為一個聖潔的人。只把人身上的鬼趕出去了,把他救贖回來了,只是從撒但手中奪回來歸給神了,但人還沒經神的潔淨,沒經神的變化,還是敗壞的人。人裡面還存著污穢,還存著抵擋,還存著悖逆,只是經神的救贖回到了神的面前,但人對神根本不認識,還能抵擋神、背叛神。人未經救贖以前,已有許多撒但的毒素種到人裡面了,人經過撒但敗壞幾千年,裡面已經有抵擋神的本性了,所以人被救贖出來之後,只不過被贖回來了,就是用重價將人買回來了,但人裡面的毒性並沒有去掉,就這樣的污穢的人還得經過變化才有資格事奉神。藉著這一步審判刑罰的工作,使人對自己裡面污穢敗壞的實質完全認識到,而且能夠完全變化,成為被潔淨的人,這樣,人才有資格歸到神的寶座前。今天所作的這一切的工作都是為了讓人能夠得潔淨,讓人能夠有變化,藉著話語的審判刑罰,藉著熬煉,脫去敗壞得著潔淨。這步工作與其說是拯救的工作,倒不如說是潔淨的工作。實際上,這步也是征服的工作,也是第二步拯救的工作。人被神得著是藉著話語的審判刑罰達到的,藉著話語熬煉、審判、揭示,把人心裡所存的那些雜質、觀念、存心或者個人的盼望都給顯明出來了。人雖然都經過了救贖,人的罪都得著了赦免,這只能說神不記念人的過犯,不按著人的過犯來對待人,但人活在肉體之中沒有脫離罪,只能是繼續犯罪,不斷地顯露撒但的敗壞性情,這就是人所過的不斷地犯罪,也不斷地得著赦免的生活。多數人都是白天犯罪,晚上認罪,這樣,即使贖罪祭對人來說永遠有效,也不能將人從罪惡中拯救出來,這只是完成了拯救工作的一半,因人還有敗壞性情……所以說今天你們所經歷的都是藉著話語達到的果效,甚至超過耶穌當時行神蹟奇事達到的果效。你所看到的神的榮耀,你所看到的神自己的權柄,不僅是藉著釘十字架看見的,也不僅是藉著醫病趕鬼看見的,更是藉著話語的審判而看見的。讓你看見不僅顯神蹟、醫病趕鬼是神的權柄,神的能力,而且話語的審判更能代表神的權柄,更能顯明神的全能。」 摘自《話在肉身顯現·道成肉身的奧祕(四)》



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