The main character's father had been a believer for years. He consistently did his duty to share the gospel and had been able to suffer and pay a price. However, he did not pursue the truth, but instead pursued fame, gain, and status. He sowed discord among brothers and sisters, even going so far as to exclude and attack others, thus seriously disrupting church life and brothers' and sisters' life entry. Fellowship and help were offered to him many times, but he never repented. Through God's words, the main character comes to discern that her father is an evil person who is sick of the truth and hates the truth, and that he should be expelled from the church. She's held back by her emotions, however, and doesn't dare expose or report him. She seeks the truth through reading God's words and sees the nature, danger, and consequences of acting on emotion. She is freed from the bonds of her personal feelings and becomes able to practice loving what God loves and hating what God hates, and she exposes her father's evil behavior. The life of the church takes a turn for the better after his expulsion, freed from the disruption of an evil person.





Does Being Caught up Really Refer to Being Taken Into the Sky?
Based on 1 Thessalonians 4:17, “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord"" (1 Thessalonians 4:17 ), many brothers and sisters long for the Lord coming to lift us into the sky where we meet the Lord. Does this viewpoint accord with the Lord’s will? Does being caught up really refer to being taken into the sky? The Lord’s prayer says, “Our Father which are in heaven, Hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done in earth, as it is in heaven"" (Matthew 6:9-10). The Lord asked us to pray for the descending of God’s kingdom and God’s will done on earth. The Book of Revelation prophesied, “Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw. Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand”(Revelation 1:2-3), and chapter 11, verse 15 also prophesied, “And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever”. These verses mentioned “coming down from God out of heaven”, “the tabernacle of God is with men”, and “the tabernacle of God is with men”. All this proves that God will live with men on earth in the last days and that God will establish God’s kingdom on earth and the destination that God has prepared for us is on earth. However, we think that we would be taken into the air and meet the Lord when He comes back, isn’t it our notion and imagination?
God’s word says, “God will return to His original place, and each person will return to their respective place. These are the destinations in which God and humans will reside once God’s entire management is finished. God has God’s destination, and humanity has humanity’s destination. While resting, God will continue to guide all humans in their lives upon earth, and while in His light, they will worship the one true God in heaven.…When humans enter into rest, it means that they have become true objects of creation; they will worship God from upon the earth, and live normal human lives. People will no longer be disobedient to God or resist Him, and will return to the original life of Adam and Eve. These will be the respective lives and destinations of God and humans after they enter into rest. Satan’s defeat is an inevitable trend in the war between it and God. As such, God’s entering into rest after the completion of His management work and humanity’s complete salvation and entrance into rest have likewise become inevitable trends. Humanity’s place of rest is on earth, and God’s place of rest is in heaven. While humans worship God in rest, they will live upon the earth, and while God leads the rest of humanity in rest, He will lead them from heaven, not from earth. ”.
Clearly, God’s word tells us that the destination that God has prepared for us is on earth. Eventually, mankind still worships God on earth. When God created mankind, He made us with the soil on earth, and guided Adam and Eve to worship God on earth, led them to manage all thins on earth. In the age of Noah, God didn’t lift Noah’s family into the air to escape the flood but instructed him to build the ark on earth. After the flood receded, Noah’s family also lived and reproduced on earth. In the late period of the Age of Law, due to violating the laws, people would face the danger of being put to death. God didn’t lift them into the air to take sin offerings but incarnated and practically saved man from sins by being crucified. From the realities of the work of God, we can see that God has been doing the work of saving man on earth, guiding mankind to live and worship God. God never lifts those people believing Him into the air. So, our expectation of being taken into the air doesn’t accord with the realities of the work of God.
Now, the disasters become so serious. Many believers in the Lord long to be raptured before the disasters. Since being caught up doesn’t mean being taken into the air, then how will "being raptured" before the disaster be fulfilled? Please continue following my tomorrow’s post."




Христианское кино | Хроники Религиозного Преследования в Китае(7) «Кровавые слезы юности»

С момента прихода к власти в материковой части Китая в 1949 году Коммунистическая партия Китая не прекращает преследований за религиозные убеждения. Она неистово арестовывает и убивает христиан, изгоняет и подвергает издевательствам миссионеров, трудящихся в Китае, конфискует и сжигает бесчисленное количество Библий, опечатывает и разрушает здания церквей, и безуспешно пытается искоренить все домашние церкви. Этот документальный фильм — подлинная история о преследованиях, которым режим КПК подверг семью христианина из Китая по имени Линь Хаочэнь. Линь Хаочэнь по примеру своего отца стал верующим в Господа. Будучи ребенком, он видел, как к ним домой постоянно приходили сельские власти. Они угрожали его родителям и запугивали их, пытаясь заставить их прекратить верить в Бога и проповедовать Евангелие. После того, как семья Линь Хаочэня приняла Божью работу последних дней, они подверглись еще более жестоким гонениям и преследованиям. Спасаясь от ареста, мать Линь Хаочэня заболела и скончалась. Линь Хаочэнь, его отец и старший брат были вынуждены бежать из дома, вернуться в который им было уже практически невозможно. Некогда счастливая и благополучная семья была полностью разрушена и разорена преследованиями КПК…

Христианский фильм | Хроники Религиозного Преследования в Китае (1) «Кто настоящий виновник?»
Христианский фильм | Хроники Религиозного Преследования в Китае(2) «Темный час перед рассветом»
Христианский фильм | Хроники Религиозного Преследования в Китае(3)«СОКРЫТИЕ ПРАВДЫ»
Христианский фильм | Хроники Религиозного Преследования в Китае(5)«На краю пропасти»
Христианское кино | Хроники Религиозного Преследования в Китае(6) «Долгий путь изгнания»

Восточная Молния. Церковь Всемогущего Бога возникла в связи с трудом, совершаемым возвратившимся Господом Иисусом Христом эпохи Последних дней, Всемогущим Богом, в Китае. Данная церковь не учреждена никаким лицом. Христос – это истина, путь и жизнь. После прочтения Слова Божьего вы убедитесь в явлении  Бога.

Специальное заявление: это видео было создано на некоммерческой основе Церковью Всемогущего Бога. Актеры, снявшиеся в этом видео, участвовали в съемках на некоммерческой основе и не получили никакого вознаграждения. Это видео не может передаваться третьей стороне в целях извлечения выгоды, и мы надеемся, что все будут делиться этим видео и распространять его открыто. При распространении этого видео, пожалуйста, указывайте источник. Без согласия Церкви Всемогущего Бога никакая организация, общественная группа или лицо не может искажать или представлять в ложном свете содержание этого видео.

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워십 찬양 뮤직비디오/MV<말세 그리스도의 심판을 받아야 정결케 되리> (전능하신 하나님 교회 솔로 찬양)
너는 예수가 말세에 강림하신다는 것만 아는데
그렇다면 그는 어떻게 강림하시겠느냐? 
너희처럼 이제 막 속량된 죄인들은
변화와 온전케 되는 과정을 안 거쳤는데
하나님 마음에 합할 수 있겠느냐? 
지금의 너같이 고루한 사람을 
예수가 구원해 오신 것은 사실이니라
네가 죄에 속하지 않은 것은 하나님의 구원 때문이라
그렇다고 네게 죄와 더러움이 없다는 뜻은 아니니라
변화의 과정이 없이 어떻게 성결해질 수 있겠느냐?
너는 더러움으로 가득하며, 이기적이고 비열함이라
그러면서 예수의 강림에 함께하길 원하다니
그런 좋은 일이 있겠느냐?
너의 믿음에는 하나의 과정
속량됐을 뿐, 변화의 과정이 없었음이라

하나님 마음에 합하려면 그가 친히 사역하여
너를 변화시키고 정결케 하셔야 하니라
아니면 너는 속량만 될 뿐, 성결해질 수 없느니라
따라서 하나님과 함께 복을 누릴 자격이 없느니라
하나님이 사람을 경영하는 사역에서 한 걸음 뒤처졌고
변화와 온전케 되는 중요한 한 단계를 안 거쳤기 때문이라
그러므로 이제 막 속량된 너 같은 죄인은
하나님의 유업을 곧바로 이어받을 수 없음이라
두 번째 성육신은 더는 속죄 제물이 되시지 않고
죄에서 속량받은 사람들을 철저히 구원하시니라
죄 사함을 받은 사람들이 
죄에서 벗어나 완전히 정결케 되고
성품이 변화됨으로써 사탄의 흑암 권세에서 벗어나 
하나님 보좌 앞으로 돌아오게 하시니라
그래야만 사람이 완전히 성결해지니라
그래야만 사람이 완전히 성결해지니라
그래야만 사람이 완전히 성결해지니라
― ≪어린양을 따르며 새 노래 부르네≫

워십 찬양 뮤직비디오
경배와 찬양 모음
복음 성가 연속 듣기

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ترنيمة 2020 – خيار بلا ندم – ترنيمة فردية

عندما تزداد وحشية اعتقالات الشيطان للمسيحيين واضطهاده لهم،
وعندما تمتلئ المدينة برعب مشؤوم، وأهرب إلى حيث أستطيع،
وعندما تُحتجز الحرية في سجن كئيب،
وعندما يكون رفيقي الوحيد ليلًا طويلًا من الألم،
لن يتزعزع إيماني بالله،
لن أخون أبدًا ربّي وإلهي.
يا الله الحق القدير، قلبي مُلكك.
لا يستطيع السجن سوى إخضاع جسدي.
لا يستطيع منع خُطاي من اللحاق بك.
لا يستطيع منع خُطاي من اللحاق بك.
معاناة مؤلمة وطريق وعر،
لكن مع إرشاد كلامك، قلبي لا يخاف،
ومع رفقة محبتك، قلبي يفيض شبعًا،
ومع رفقة محبتك، قلبي يفيض شبعًا.

عندما يزداد  تعذيب أبالسة الشياطين المدمّرة شدَّة،
وعندما يصيبني ألم مبرِّح مرارًا وتكرارًا،
وعندما يبلغ ضعف الجسد واحتضاره ذروتهما،
في اللحظة الأخيرة، عندما توشك حياتي على أن تؤخذ منّي،
لن أستسلم أبدًا للتنين العظيم الأحمر،
لن أكون أبدًا وصمة عار على الله كيهوذا.
يا الله الحق القدير، سأكون وفيًا لك حتى الموت.
لا يستطيع الشيطان سوى أن يعذب جسدي ويَبليه.
لكن لا يمكنه أن يمس إيماني ومحبتي لك،
لكن لا يمكنه أن يمس إيماني ومحبتي لك.
تظل الحياة والموت إلى الأبد تحت سيادتك.
سأهجر كل شيء لأشهد لك.
سأموت بلا تذمُّر، لأشهد لك وأخزي الشيطان.
سأموت بلا تذمُّر، لأشهد لك وأخزي الشيطان.
يشرّفني العيش بالشهادة لك.
سأردّ محبة الله بقلب وروح؛
أنا مستعد لهجر كل شيء من أجل الشهادة لله.
طالما أحيا، فتسليم كل كياني لله
هو خيار لن أندم عليه أبدًا.
هو خيار لن أندم عليه أبدًا.
هو خيار لن أندم عليه أبدًا.

من "اتبعوا الحمل ورنموا ترنيمات جديدة"
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كلمات الله اليومية – الله والإنسان سيدخلان الراحة معًا (اقتباس 5) – إنجيل اليوم

كلمات الله اليومية – الله والإنسان سيدخلان الراحة معًا (اقتباس 6) – إنجيل اليوم
كلمة الله – الله والإنسان سيدخلان الراحة معًا(اقتباس 1) – إنجيل اليوم
إنجيل اليوم - الله والإنسان سيدخلان الراحة معًا (الجزء الأول) - صوت الروح القدس وكلمته

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#誰在見證神 #憂慮 #依靠 #交給神 #依靠神 #仰望神 #神會帶領

詩歌舞蹈《 歡聚在一起讚美神》神啊 我們永遠讚美你【印度舞】




2020 Christian Testimony Video | "Sticking to My Duty"

The main character of the film is controlled by such satanic poisons as "Distinguishing oneself and bringing honor to his ancestors" and "Man struggles upwards; water flows downwards," and she is particularly enamored of reputation and status. While involved in the filming of a choral show, she works hard in rehearsals, suffering and paying a price, all so she can be in the front row and show herself off in front of the camera. Obsessed over her position as the lineup is changed time after time, she lives within the tormenting fetters of prestige and status. Finally, through the revelation and judgment of God's words, she gains some understanding of the dangers and consequences of her own satanic disposition and her pursuit of fame, gain, and status. She begins to feel remorse and lets go of the pursuit of reputation and status. Instead, she focuses on doing her duty well with her feet planted firmly on the ground, and singing beautifully to praise and bear witness to God. By doing so, she is given a taste of the peace and joy of putting the truth into practice.

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